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    The Ballad Of A Warrior

    Shea Duskhelm
    Shea Duskhelm

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 126
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Grand Aria
    Second Skill: Advent of the Dragoon
    Third Skill:

    The Ballad Of A Warrior Empty The Ballad Of A Warrior

    Post by Shea Duskhelm 2nd October 2017, 7:52 pm


    Shea is Half-elf, born to a male human mage of Fiore and an elf woman of Seven. While it was a relatively happy union the two split ways shortly after their daughter’s unexpected birth. Shea’s father had a bad case of wanderlust and her mother worked hard in the Seven court so neither had time or the ability to take care of a baby. This was the reason that not only Shea only saw her parents once every year or two, but was also raised by her human uncle and his half-elf wife. The couple was part of a traveling caravan and had 4 other children so young Shea had many things to do and lots of cousins to play with. The couple was affectionate, and even though the girl referred to them as Uncle Vesta and Aunt Lillika, the songtress thought of them as surrogate parents.

    Being raised in a traveling caravan made it so Shea saw many parts of Earthland and learned much of its history and lore. She was a smart girl and absorbed new teachings like a sponge, though it wasn’t her passion. No, learning from the melodic people around her Shea loved to sing more than anything else. She also loved the moon, and sang to it every night she could see its light. But being in a traveling caravan meant she also learned naughty habits and morals as well. But at the same time she also learned how to fight and defend herself, which was more needed as she only became more beautiful with age.

    Shea and her cousin got into a lot of trouble as young adults, but everyone in the caravan still considered them family anyways. After a visit Shea’s mother found out how much of a beautiful voice her daughter had and convinced the 16-year-old to sing opera at a Seven ball. The half-elf became an instant hit and from then on whenever the caravan hit a city or larger town Shea would sing. She became more and more popular as time went on and even sang for nobles and royalty at times. Shea liked singing well enough to put up with all of this.

    But as much as she loved her surrogate family and tolerated her job the half-elf had a whimsical and freedom loving personality; she was beginning to feel oppressed within this space and wanted to leave. The opportunity for this came one night as Shea sang to the moon as usual. But unlike every other night the goddess of the moon, Luna, came to her and bestowed a gift: the power to thwart darkness in the night. Spurred by this gift Shea decided to travel the world destroying anything dark and evil that came across her path. Or so she said, in reality the whimsical woman just wanted to taste freedom and travel as she likes. Through her travels she has seen much of the world, good and bad, and has matured as a woman greatly. Skip five years or so and Shea finally decided to settle down a bit and joined the Fiorean guild Black Sails.

    RP Sample:
    Usually, Shea’s excuse for heading out to odd places at completely random times was for some company delivery or a mage job. Technically this was a mage job, but the songstress only found out about that after the fact. And what fact is that you might ask? The fact that the servant of Luna, goddess of the moon and nemeses of evil, who is Shea herself had sensed what she had sought to destroy; a lurking darkness and magical corruption.

    While the singing mage is technically part of a more… a moral gray group of individuals, her duty to her goddess comes first and even if they were to mess with the forces of darkness the woman would show no mercy. ‘Good thing that hasn’t happened yet~!’ Shea thinks to herself in a whimsical manner, surveying the area around her. The trail of corrupting had led her to here, the Phoenix Mountains. Not exactly an interesting place, though there were legends of this being the place Phoenix's go to rebirth themselves.

    The trail Shea had followed was first a feeling, then people in need. The hunters who have gathered in this area for a generation had recently fled, claiming that the vegetation eating animals had gone crazy and were hunting other animals and eating their flesh. Then those animals that have been killed were rising only to do the same. She had gone to the local Rune Knights and found that there was an actual job posting to investigate these strange occurrences. Shea took the job on a supposed cheerful whim, but in reality, she was frowning on the inside. Necromancy, huh? Dealing with death while attempting to return life, one of the worse dark magic’s to dabble in, to her opinion. Shea had dealt with necromancy before, which was why she was so confident going on this job alone, even if she merely a support mage. A few of her spells targeted the undead and dark in particular, making her a tad overconfident along with her goddesses blessing. But things usually work out well in the end for her, one way or another, so she felt little reason to worry.

    But enough of that, it was time for investigation. It was night time, hard to see and overall seen as a disadvantage to most. But to the songstress, it was anything but a disadvantage. Under the moonlight, she was stronger and could put extra strength into beating anything that comes her way. So despite the shadow of night, Shea perched herself on the edge of a cliff overlooking the roadside, silhouette outlining itself against the moonlight as she attempted to see and sense what was up ahead, one hand clenched around her loyal lance, the other resting sassily on her hip. What she did sense wasn't all that good. "Looks like I have my work cut out for me." Shea muses to her invisible companion, who just lets out her usual ghostly giggle in response.

    Face Claim:

    Judith from Tales of Vesperia (video game)


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