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    Niko Ivory-Rose


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 9
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Niko Ivory-Rose  Empty Niko Ivory-Rose

    Post by HiroNex 26th June 2017, 8:32 pm

    Niko Ivory-Rose  140616_render_ruby_roses_by_mizumikid_da6b6el
    Name: Niko Ivory-Rose

    Gender: Female

    Age: 16

    Birthday: Nov. 16th

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Niko Ivory-Rose, but as most people like to call her, Ivory, is probably the most crazy and random person you will ever meet. She has an insane go to uber happy attitude that never ceases to live up to peoples expectations. She always has a grin on her face, not easily shaken, as she pretty much laughs off everything, as in, every little thing. Pain, anger, insults, rage, fear, she will always find a way to make the best out of a bad situation, making people easily annoyed at the fact that she doesn't seem to have any real personality flaws. She's generous, hard working, kind, and stubborn. She doesn't take no for an answer, as people who know of her know that once she sets his mind to something, she won't stop until the goal that is in front of her has been reached. She has a mindset completely focused on trust and hope, to a point that it borders on the pathological. She's been shown to even put her trust in the most random of people, put hers, and other lives, in their hands, just because she says she's following her gut. Some call her an idiot, others insane, but her gut has never been wrong, and she trusts it to his fullest extent. Even ignoring all forms of logic just to fill in that hope. She's a very communicative person, finding it quite easy to make friends, make bonds, and gain trust. She breaks out extremely bad puns and jokes to break the ice, and the corniness of them actually makes people laugh, or at least, most people. She's easy to get along with, as it's actually kind of hard to find her placing you as an enemy. But to those who have somehow been able to break her trust, take advantage of her, and break the kindness she holds for them, they gain no mercy. It's not easy to catch this side of her, since it's almost impossible to actually get on her bad side. But for those who have seen her like this, they say it isn't a pretty thing. Her normally nice and fun demeanor is replaced with an ice cold stare, and an irritated grin. Her puns and jokes are gone, to fill the void, are straight snarls and icy glares. She isn't afraid to get physical against someone who is unlucky enough to have gotten on her bad side, but other than that, she's a pretty calm, cool, and straight forward gal.

    In battle, she normally holds back. Being pretty calm and pacifistic in nature, she doesn't want to hurt the person she's fighting too badly, so she holds back unconsciously. In battle, she likes to make smart remarks, crack jokes, and do things that outright should not be done in battle. Such as, asking her opponent how their day has been, complimenting them about how they look, drinking tea, it varies. She doesn't really take most fights seriously, and more of sees them as small way to get little bursts of anger out. But for those who have gained her respect, and who she dare not hold back against, they get her full power. Which is . . . scary, to say the least. Ivory's full power is a whirlwind of fast melee attacks, powerful punches and kicks, merciless barrages and combos, and the list just keeps going. In this state you find her in a boost of pure blood-lust, a murder hungry power crazed demon in search for, well, more power. She doesn't pull punches, she doesn't stop attacks, hell, she would go as far as to use deadly attacks as long as she knows you won't die, or at least will be put on the brink of death. Due to the nature of her insane movements when she's going all out, she's been practically banned to do so, unless against someone of which the governing official she is under allows for such demonic behavior. In secret, she actually has D.I.D., or, Dissociate Identity Disorder, once called Multiple Identity disorder. She actually likes to nickname this little horrific side of herself, "Ivy".

    - Bad Puns and Jokes: Yes, specifically Bad Puns. Wordplay, jokes, and practically anything that would make a person cringe extremely hard. She finds these things good ways to make friends, and a good way to break the ice.
    - Fighting: Despite her rather calm and pacifistic nature, she loves to fight. She loves the adrenaline, the rush through her body, the feeling of meeting someone stronger than her, it's one of the things that she says "gives her life".
    - Ice Cream: She loves this cold frozen treat, so silky, so sweet, it's tastes amazing on her taste buds.

    - Liars: Most of the time, she's pretty chill, she'll even let most white lies slide. But she can't stand liars, she finds them as people who can't be trusted.
    - Killers: Despite her actually almost murderous persona Ivy, he actually hates killers, or at least those who kill for no good reason.
    - New Technology: She can't get it. She can't learn how to use it. Even though she is young herself, she finds the old generations tools much better and much more efficient.

    - Friends: One of the things that elevates her most, and motivates her, are the many bonds that she's created over time. Her love, her hate, it's all driven to her bonds.
    - Blood-lust: Another hidden thing that drives her, is his horrific lust for blood. It's hidden, but is definitely there.
    - Honor: More of a smaller thing, but she's still honorable, she can't have people defiling her or her friends can she?

    - Himself: Though she seems pretty nonchalant about the other side of her, she herself is actually afraid of it. What if she hurts her friends? What if she scares off her friends? What if she can't make friends because of Ivy?
    - Cats: Yes, she has a phobia of cats. It's . . . weird, and makes no sense, but what makes it worse, is that she can not stand Exceeds. Talking cats? Scary!
    - Being Alone: She has a phobia of being alone, being by herself, having no one around her, and being rejected. Which is shown why she tries so hard to make friends.

    General Appearance
    Niko Ivory-Rose  355_ZnorTo

    Height: 5'9"

    Weight: 178 ib

    Hair: Black (Red Highlights)

    Eyes: Both of her eyes are a shadowed grey.

    Skin Tone: Fair

    Appearance: Niko Ivory-Rose has a strong build, always standing up straight, and never slouching. Despite her looking short and weak, she's actually quite physically fit, being at the top of her game. She's been nicknamed "Little Red Riding Hood", due to the use of her wearing a red hood, and black clothes.


    Guild: Fairy Tail

    Tattoo: Right Shoulder, Red.

    Rank: D-Class

    Demonically Bound

    Demonically Bound

    Developer/GFX Artist- Demon VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior of Steel
    Position : None
    Posts : 1093
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 206,450

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Requiem
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Niko Ivory-Rose  Empty Re: Niko Ivory-Rose

    Post by Hania 27th June 2017, 4:49 pm

    Hello Hiro, my name is Tamashi and I'll be grading your character. Any requests I make will be in this wonderful shade purple. If you have any worries, concerns or questions feel free to send me a private message.

    With all being said lets begin...


    Once the requested things are altered, please bump or send me a message.


    Niko Ivory-Rose  59875_s

    True sins are the ones that you cannot atone for.
    Golden Lacrima: Valid until December 8th 2019

    Niko Ivory-Rose  Empty Re: Niko Ivory-Rose

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 9:30 pm

    Niko Ivory-Rose  XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 4th June 2024, 4:41 am