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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]


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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 15th May 2017, 12:49 pm


    After all that had happened to and around Poom past couple of days, he was not sure how to proceed. Losing a guild mate, a friend was too much for him, and the pain was not disappearing.
    How could have I let him die? Those damn demons. Had I been stronger, he would have been alive. dark thought were filling Poom's mind. Poom was thinking, but the sorrow was clouding it I took pride in, what I now know was a small fighting skill. as the pain was eating at him from the inside. I need to get stronger.

    Poom spent days with same thoughts in his mind. Thoughts about his weakness, about his friend, about his mother. When it was especially hard, he was drinking himself to blackouts.

    One morning Poom woke up with a hangover that was breaking his head, and he knew that it had gone for far too much. He remembered bits and pieces of the things that happened last night, the pain, the crying, the feeling of helplessness, but one more not so bad thing popped in his head. Maybe Master Ponk from Beanstalk Village could teaach me. and that is where Poom knew he needed to go next.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 15th May 2017, 2:25 pm

    Poom had once already gone throw the journey from the Infinity Hydra's guild hall to the Beanstalk Village, but it was still long and hard. It took him days, going through the Neutral Grounds, Hargeon and Clover Town, but he was there finally.

    Poom remembered the Beanstalk village from before. The ground was gray, the crops were withered and grown in thorns, giving off a weird glow, and there was no one in the fields working on them. It was a terrible thing to see, and quite worse to live and remember.
    Now it looked like that place never existed. The ground looked brown, healthy and rich, the crops were colorful and yieldful, there were people working in the fields. Poom almost did not recognize it.

    Entering the village Poom was greeted by some of the villagers that recognized him.
    Oh you are that mage that helped us. What brings you back here? Are you thinking about becoming a farmer like us? one of the villagers spoke in a half joke tone.
    Poom was happy to see them all joyful. No, but maybe someday. Right now I am looking for Master Ponk, I really need him. Do you know where I can find him? Poom asked humbly. The villagers pointed at a house and Poom was on his way.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 15th May 2017, 3:37 pm

    The house in which Ponk lived was like every other house in the village, tall and brown. If he didn't know, he would have never guessed that there lived one of the Fiore's most rewarded soldiers. Poom approached the front door and knocked.
    Few minutes passed and footsteps could be heard from the inside. The door opened and there stood a tall white haired man with a frown on his face.
    The frown quickly changed into a smile as Ponk saw Poom.
    Kid, it's you! How are you doing? Come, come, come. Ponk looked around the room, showing Poom to enter.
    Oh I am glad to see you again, you fixed our town, and now most of the people are happy again. What brings you here?Ponk asked, looking at the cupboards.
    Even though the answer was easy to give, Poom was not sure how to answer. He was afraid of getting rejected, but more than that he was afraid of letting down the man that stood in front of him.
    Please train me. said Poom bowing his head in shame he felt for asking.
    Ponk turned and looked at Poom with a look that showed interest, but just as he was about to speak Poom continued.
    This may be inappropriate, but  I am just a weakling. The fake fame and fortune I got went to my head, but now I know the errors of my ways. Poom was already down on his knees.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 17th May 2017, 2:40 pm

    The old knight was watching the bearded man kneeling in front of him. Not sure what to say.
    What happened kid? What made you come to me? I mean... to train you... I haven't trained anyone in a long time. And there is probably someone better to do so...

    Poom was still on his knees, determent to make Ponk train him.
    Please sir. I have no one else to ask. You are the most capable person I know. I may be a mage, but a mediocre one at best. I need to get stronger. More people mustn't die, because of my incompetence.

    Ponk wanted to get out of it, but the man in front of him did save his village once, and that made him doubt.
    Kid. I can see you are in pain. And I respect you for what you did for this village but I used to train soldiers. I don't know if you improved, os I don't know how much I can really train you, and if I train you, you are gonna hate your life. If you are ok with that I don't know what else to say, except you are sleeping on the floor.

    Poom raised his head, tears on his face. Thank you, sir. Thank you very much.

    WC: 214



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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 21st May 2017, 3:47 pm

    The new morning came and Poom was woken up by at hit to his leg.
    Your training has started. Now get out and run a circle around the village.
    shouted Ponk at Poom, who was lying on the ground.
    Poom was not sure that he was not dreaming, but another hit proved that he wasn't.
    Sorry master. I will go and run. Poom said quickly getting up and going to get his clothes.
    I said run. Ponk shouted while again hitting Poom You do not need clothes. The pants on you are enough. Poom went out with only his pants. He was missing shoes and a shirt, so all his muscles could be seen, and that was least of his worries.

    After just minutes of running, Poom realised that he never thought how big the village was and if he would even be able to run around it. He knew there were many fields, but how many he was not sure. Last time he was here they have not moved far from the centre as the dark mage was close, but this time he was already past that point and was getting more and more far away.
    I can do this. I must do this. Poom was saying to himself.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 22nd May 2017, 9:41 am

    Poom was running shirtless and shoeless. With every minute that passes he could feel the sun's rays bathing his skin. With every step, he could feel the crunch of the earth beneath his feet. His skin was red, his feet were sore, and his stomach was rumbling. He was running for hours when he noticed that he was near the end of his run, so he sped up.
    Coming to the house, Ponk was waiting for him.
    It took you 4 hours. While some people may say that that is good, I am not some people. You need to improve. You will run again tomorrow. Now come inside and eat.
    On the table, there stood baked vegetables, like potatoes corn and broccoli. There were some pieces of meat, but they were all on the same plate, so Poom was sure those were not for him.
    Ponk sat at the table taking the plate with meat with him and pointing at the chair beside him.
    Sit. Eat. You will need your strength if you want to survive my training, but don't touch the meat the meat is mine. Ponk was smiling as he was telling this to Poom. The meal made Poom surprisingly full, even though he did not eat any meat. After that was done Ponk and Poom went into the garden.

    WC: 222



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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 22nd May 2017, 10:44 am

    Ponk was carrying a bunch of weapons to the garden, and Poom was following him.
    So... We will now practice using swords. I gave you a sword last time, I hope you did not lose it.
    Poom just stood there this time with shoes and shirt on, while holding his sword.
    Say something. I will not kill you if you say something.
    Poom opened his mouth to answer, but he could see that Ponk was drawing out one of the swords and that he was about to attack him. Poom raised his sword, trying to guard against the attack. As the weapon was going towards Poom, he realised that what Ponk was holding was not a sword, but a thick wooden stick, and was slightly relieved.
    As the wood and metal crashed, Ponk swirled and hit Poom making him drop his sword.
    Grip. Your grip sucks. Grip it like a man. Don't let it get away from you. If you let it get away... Ponk smashed Poom in the ribs while speaking ... you will get hurt. Poom was panting, gasping for air.
    Now get up and attack me.
    Poom was concentrating, and trying to find some weakness Ponk could have, but even though Ponk stood almost all open, Poom knew that that was only an illusion. He attacked, and Ponk blocked, and counter-attacked. This exchange lasted for hours and was most of the training Ponk and Poom did that day.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 24th May 2017, 4:16 pm

    After such a day, Poom slept like a baby that night. He dreamt about the day he just had, about running and fighting, about Ponk's fighting stance and trying to copy every move he made.

    When the morning came, Poom had woken up before Ponk and was had already out of the house. Poom was again running, but this time it was purely for himself. He could feel the sun on his skin and the ground on his feet.
    I can do this. Pain builds character. It is only a little sun and ground, it is not like this is your first time on it. Poom was speaking to himself.
    The people around the village were looking at him, some with a frown, some with a smile, but still, Poom tried to ignore all of them.
    The more he ran the less his skin felt the heat of the sun, and his feet the roughness of the earth. He was getting more and more confident in his decision to train with Ponk.

    Soon Poom was approaching the house, and Ponk was waiting for him.
    Did you cheat? If you have not this is a huge improvement. I need to keep you here for longer, maybe you attract some new people, for me to train.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 25th May 2017, 2:15 pm

    Poom was looking at Ponk with a slight surprise.
    I did not cheat. Why would you think I cheated?
    Kid yesterday it took you four hours, but today... Ponk paused giving himself time to make a smirk ..today you ran it in only an hour and a half. I don't know how it is possible unless you cheated. To which you say you did not.
    Ponk was still wearing his smirk.
    For your improvement, you can now eat. Come inside. Sheila made fried bread.
    Entering the house Poom saw a gray haired woman, fixing the table and bringing fried bread. Instinctively Poom bowed his head in respect to the woman.
    Oh, you must be Poom. Nice to meet you I am Sheila, Ponk's wife. The one he never mentions. Sheila said with a witty smile on her face.
    Poom was uncomfortable by that comment, but he tried not to show, as he really did not know that Ponk had a wife.
    Come sit. You will need food if you want to survive this fool's slave driving. Sheila continued But he will make you into a fine fighter with it, that much is true.
    After the meal that was made Poom full, so much that he thought he might not need food for the rest of the day.

    WC: 217

    Last edited by cimbaman on 1st June 2017, 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 1st June 2017, 1:49 pm

    The meal was over, Poom was stuffed and he was ready to continue his training.

    Yesterday we wasted time. I thought you were better at sword fighting. That is why I gave you that sword last time. Maybe it was a mistake. You are not really a sword fighter, but I will give you one more chance. So grab the sword and try to keep your grip on it.

    Poom was grasping his sword with both hands, hoping that Ponk wouldn't  be able to hit it out his hands. Holding it like that made Poom even more unhandy with the sword.
    Ponk again took his stick, like he would a sword, and attacked Poom. Thought the two-handed grasp did make Poom keep the sword in his hands, he was much worse at fighting, being unable to defend again any of Ponk attacks.
    Kid, the sword is not for you. We need to find you a weapon that suits you.
    Ponk looked at all the weapons he had and choose a thick long stick.
    Try this. Staff maybe for you, maybe it will suit your style.
    Poom took the staff and moved it from hand to hand. It felt more balanced than a sword.

    WC: 203



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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 2nd June 2017, 2:33 am

    Can we try it? Poom asked curiously.
    Ponk took a fighting stance with his stick and attacked Poom. The length of the staff gave Poom time to defend from Ponk's attack.
    Ponk attacked again, but Poom repealed it and continued to do his own attack.
    Poom swirled the staff around his neck and blocked one more Ponk's attack, the old man was surprised. Ponk tried some different attacks, he attacked from the bottom, from the top, left, right, but none of the attacks connected.
    Ponk attacked again, but this time Poom's skills with the staff were lacking and he got hit multiple time. Ponk took another fighting stance and again attacked Poom.
    Trying to defend it, Poom could feel the tiredness, and his actions became sluggish. But he planted the back of staff to the ground and with the front hit Ponk to the ribs.
    Staff is your weapon. You are naturally talented with it.  I will teach you the technics I know with it. But I don't know much as it was never my type of weapon. Give me some time I will try and remember, but if nothing else we could ask Burt for advice he was once a very skilled with a spear and you could use some of those moves.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 5th June 2017, 1:03 pm

    As Ponk left Poom started playing with the staff.
    He was not sure how he did all those moves before when fighting and was now trying to remember.
    How did I do it? It went around the neck over the... No, it was under... Was it over or under? he talked while playing alone with the stick.
    He grasped it with both hands and using as a long sword started slashing the air. He played some more changing the styles he saw master Ponk use. Slashing the air, hitting the ground, stabbing furiously. After all that he got used to holding the stick as his weapon.
    There were footsteps behind Poom and he turned hoping that it was master Ponk with the staff master.
    Master Ponk. Did you find master Burt? Poom bowed in front Poom and after that bowing to the old man standing next to him.
    See. He seems like he knows what he is doing. But he does not. So I need you to help me, help him learn how to fight. Ponk said to the man next to him.
    I can see. You train his body I will train his fighting. the man replied And yes kid I am Burt, and I will be your staff trainer.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 5th June 2017, 2:20 pm

    Poom smiled as he was grasping the stick with both hands, and bowing again said to the old staff trainer. It will be my honor to be your pupil.
    Burt walked around Poom looking at the young man giving him unusual eyes.
    Can you show me what you know? I mean Ponk says you never held a staff before, but that is not true as you showed some knowledge with it just a minute ago. So show me how much you really know.
    Poom looked at Burt not knowing what to answer.
    Sir, I really have never before held a staff. I used a sword before but was never really good with it.
    Burt had a smile on his face and grasped his own staff and suddenly attacked Poom.
    Seeing a stick fly towards his face Poom started to raise his guard, but the sticks direction changed and he was hit in the leg.
    It is not just that you don't know how to use a stick properly, you are slow. the staff master said moving his head in disappointment. I can only teach you the stick, but you will need speed to use it effectively. That is a thing you need to train yourself.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 5th June 2017, 3:12 pm

    Rest of the day was spent practising staff styles with master Burt, and even though Poom liked it he was still unhappy with his lack of speed.
    Grab with both hands and raise the staff over your head. Slam it to the ground, like you did before I came. It is called WATERFALL. Come on, do it so I can see you. said Burt, while showing the move slowly.
    Poom repeated adding strength and speed to it, and the puff of ground dust raised.
    Just so you have it as a reference this is what this move does.
    The master jumped into the air and raised the staff to the starting position for the WATERFALL.
    Poom could hear a hit to the ground, but could not see anything even with his eyes. It looked like the stick and Burt's arms teleported. There was no dust smoke rising, but the ground under the tip of the staff was broken.
    The staff is a powerful weapon learn to use it, and gain more speed. This higher the speed the more times you can hit your opponent. after that Burt showed Poom other techniques also.
    Poom learned EAGLE WINGS, the move that hits the target left and right at the almost same time, DOZEN SNAKES, where you stab the target so fast it feels like snakes bit it, and many others.




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    Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo] Empty Re: Trained by an old knight[Job/Solo]

    Post by cimbaman 5th June 2017, 5:41 pm

    As the day for Poom to leave came closer, he did his exercise every day.
    He was getting faster with each passing day, being able to finish his morning run in little over an hour.
    Kid, I am really proud of how much you have grown. said Ponk trying to hide tears forming in his eyes.
    Thank you, sir. I wouldn't have made it if it were not for you. Poom answered, bowing to master Ponk.
    Ponk returned Poom's smile and threw a black dual blade spear towards Poom.
    Let's see how much you improved.
    Poom caught the spear and got prepared for the attacks that followed.
    Ponk took his two stick swords and the final fight between master and the student began.
    Ponk dashed towards Poom, holding both sticks firmly.
    Poom had seen Ponk train with swords and was sure that he could counter most of his attacks, but also that Ponk knew all attacks in his spear style.The first few attacks needed some getting used to, but soon the fight looked like a dance.
    It looked like there was no clear winner and they are evenly matched.
    You are letting me win aren't you. Poom said as they stalked around each other.
    I was, but I don't think we will need to test you anymore. You have improved much. It is time for you leave, but if you want to train more don't be a stranger and come.
    With those words, master and a student said their goodbyes.




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