Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 14
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Lilith Empty Lilith

    Post by xLila 31st May 2017, 1:18 pm

    Name: Lilith Alliya
    Gender: Female
    Species: Succubus
    Age: 575 (19)
    Birthday: Febuary 14
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: Wings,Tail,Horns

    Personality: Lilith particularly is a Feisty and Careless Lady.She's also a very curious,Leading her to pretty many places.During her sort of definitely free time she mostly likes to for all intents and purposes fly to different places in fiore,To seduce the townsfolk for sort of particularly free items including food.Sometimes it might not really mostly seem like it but she really does love her guild and guildmates.She definitely for the most part is very short-tempered which might kind of basically be why it seems like she for the most part definitely hates her guild,She mostly loves to boss people around and if they don't listen to her she flys off in anger,which basically kind of is very actually bad especially in a fight,But almost everyone listens to her because of her succubus charm.At one point of time she mostly basically was apart of a kind of pretty dark guild,she used to kind of be one of the strongest members of the guild,until the guild disbanded as the guild master dissapeared and the guild particularly was destroyed by Sabertooth,Some members of Sabertooth for the most part literally Found her passed out on the ground by the guild for reasons unknown.They took her to Sabertooth asking what happened.She kind of particularly was essentially for the most part answered the question and some basically particularly other questions the very sort of other guild members asked.She seemed happy to particularly for all intents and purposes be talking to the Sabertooth members and definitely really decided to specifically kind of join the guild in a basically big way, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. And ever since that day she generally kind of had a basically generally goal of staying with that guild until she died.She came from the underworld where all the sort of other demons are.But she mostly definitely started a rebel at one point as she generally thought that the demons were doing for all intents and purposes wrong things to humans.Eventually she specifically mostly was banished and particularly for the most part sent to earth.She definitely really was specifically lost and kind of landed in Fiore,she kind of asked around for directions but no one specifically answered and ran away from her because of her looks.She kind of was sad,eventually someone generally generally pointed her to a sort of kind of dark guild,and she joined.She essentially mostly has kind of generally many arguments with guild members but she kind of actually is usually happy during them rather than mad.Sometimes she might mostly start fights with fairly other Guild members but usually they never particularly choose to fight,as she seduces them in battle, particularly contrary to popular belief, or so they thought.

    In battle Lilith literally is swift,strong and tough.She usually changes appearance in battle turning a bit sort of more basically human like.She kind of particularly is a fairly great tactician.She's very intelligent in battle strategy,Although,she really is a sore loser.And forces her opponents to really say that she particularly won and them Losing the battle.She specifically is also a for all intents and purposes great leader being able to mostly particularly lead allies Brilliantly.She does fairly ok being under a leader as she doesn't really like being bossed around,as she would for the most part rather mostly be the one who bosses people around.Sometimes she does definitely get mad at the leader and ends up bossing the leader around.But for the most part she's Alright in a subtle way.


    ·Food Lilith just loves to stuff her self up with food.

    ·Blood After fights she loves to take her opponents blood .

    ·Fights Fights are very exciting for her.


    ·Losing Losing fights make lilith feel like she is a weak unneeded person.

    ·Killing Although she loves to fight,She just hates killing people as  it's way too far.

    ·Negativity She just hates negativity overall especially if it's aimed towards her.


    ·Negativity Lilith takes negativity sometimes as commands and makes them as her goals trying to be a better person.

    ·Guildmates She loves her guildmates and fighting for them makes her feel good inside.

    ·Her uniqueness She loves the fact that she and everyone else is unique in their own ways.And she knows that she will acomplish many goals in the future.


    ·DyingShe is very scared of dying as she wants to live a long and healthy life.

    ·ClaustrophobiaShe just hates enclosed spaces as she feels like shes trapped in a place forever.

    ·SpidersThis may be a weird fear but she just hates them alot.They are creepy as they have lots of legs and eyes.

    General Appearance

    Lilith Zo6nwhw

    Battle Form:

    Lilith ZaTFC5l

    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 152
    Hair: Pink and some blonde,suave, Slightly wavy
    Eyes: Grey
    Skin Tone: A Bluish Gray
    Appearance: Lilith is Generally slim and slightly muscular.She has pretty long hair.The end of her tail is pretty sharp she sometimes uses it as a weapon.She wears a tight black miniskirt and shirt.In her battle form she changes to a coat and black revealing clothing.


    Guild: Sabertooth
    Tattoo: Her Hip
    Rank: D
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Lilith Empty Re: Lilith

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 31st May 2017, 3:19 pm

    Lilith Akitteh


    Lilith Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Lilith H6NcPbM Lilith H6NcPbM Lilith H6NcPbM Lilith H6NcPbM

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:18 pm