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    Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social)


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    Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social) Empty Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social)

    Post by Meletzo 7th November 2016, 12:06 pm

    Maya stood outside the gates of the Lamia Scale Guild, fidgeting nervously despite her best efforts to stop. The trip to Hargeon had been long and difficult from her hometown. Having never stepped foot outside of Magnolia, it had been quite the adventure. By the time she stepped into Hargeon, she had been ready to pass out. But her job wasn't done; she still had to do what she came here for.

    Maya had heard rumors of the guild, Lamia Scale, that specialized in dealing with monsters and other unnatural things. While Maya wouldn't consider herself a monster by any stretch, what had happened to her was very much unnatural. Hopefully, the members of the guild could give her some insight into what she had become. Plus, she had been considering a career as a wizard now that she had this strange power; perhaps Lamia Scale might make a nice permanent home for her.

    Maya's hands were shaking as she pulled her hood up over her hair. It had been so long since the girl had interacted with anybody other than doctors; she was incredibly nervous. But this was a necessary step to growth. She took a deep breath and stepped inside the guild's entrance. "Is anybody here?" She called out nervously, unable to hide a slight tremble in her voice.
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
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    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social) Empty Re: Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 7th November 2016, 11:56 pm

    A loud eep echoed through the bathroom, bouncing off the tiled walls before a loud thud would break up the first sound being made. Groaning and mumbling from the pain of smacking her whole body against the porcelain tub seemed to only really make things feel much more annoying then they had actually been. After such a long time to be truthful to herself, she hadn't really taken a normal shower like humans had been accustomed to doing for hundreds of years, doing it herself felt really odd, but cleansing. It's not to say she hadn't in some way, but the way humans had done it made it much more relaxing and the after feeling of washing ones body clean with soap. Since she was a child, she had to say that they were a lot more lovely scented and soothing to the skin as well.

    The sound of the doors to her guild hall creaked open enough in one place to which alerted the bunny ears atop her head. In almost an instant, she seemed both giddy and afraid of who it could be that was coming in. Turning off the water, she would quickly grab a towel and dry off as much of her body as she could before wrapping it around herself without so much as a second thought and headed to the door. It was her duty as a leader to try and be present when people came and left.... Or at least that's the standard she set herself to. However, as she got to the steps, the sound of a females voice that was unfamiliar to her made her try to skid to a stop. However, with her feet still being partially wet themselves... She had ended up on the bad side of a great disaster.

    Her feet would slide on the ground until she could no longer slide anymore. Her body would speed off and down the steps tumbling down with a hurdling speed until she crashed into the ground at the bottom. "H-Heere... Uhhhhh" A prolonged groan would be met with her struggling to pull herself out with a small white wind circling around her, then shooting up, healing the crashing wounds.Her body would glow and pop on a sparkling white Cheongsam dress with a red trim along every edge and design to it. Her long blonde hair would be braided and tied back into a normal ponytail with a red ribbon and finally a sigh, a carrot popping out into her hand and taking a bite out of it. "Eeehhh.. What's up, doc?"



    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social) Empty Re: Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social)

    Post by Meletzo 8th November 2016, 12:23 am

    Maya started as her inquiry was met with a distant squeak, followed by a thud. Had she interrupted some important experiment? In the moments of silence that followed, she couldn't help but wonder whether or not she had made a mistake coming here; perhaps there had been something important happening that she had just now drastically messed up? Maybe things would have been better if she hadn't come at all-

    Her thoughts were pushed away as Maya suddenly bore witness to the strangest thing to ever grace her sight. A young looking girl burst into view on the upper level, wearing nothing but a towel that was doing, well, not enough to cover her at the speeds she was going. She seemed to try to skid to a stop when she reached the top of the steps, but she failed in a most spectacular fashion, careening off of the top of the steps and flying towards the ground level. She crashed into the ground a few paces from Maya, leaving the hooded girl speechless. Maya placed her hands over her mouth both in shock and to conceal the fact that she was about to burst out laughing from the absurdity of what just happened. "Are- Are you alright?" She asked the girl in a voice that was part concerned, part terrified, and part trying desperately not to laugh.

    As she approached, though, she froze again as she noticed another major feature that she had completely missed at first. Bunny ears...? As Maya was trying to make sense of everything, the bunny girl chose this moment to spring back up. Maya was dumbfounded as the magic began to work, watching as the girl healed her wounds and summoned herself a rather nice-looking dress (not to mention the carrot) out of what seemed to be thin air. "What...What just happened?" Maya said, desperately trying to find words for what she had just seen. The only things that came to mind were questions. "Are you a member of Lamia Scale? What's the story behind the bunny ears? What's your name?" And then, several moments later, "Can you help me with my problem?"
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social) Empty Re: Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 8th November 2016, 1:43 pm

    A faint groaning left the bunnies lips in the last moment or two before she had actually healed up herself. Maybe the heal itself was slightly over the top, but it was quick and easy to work with so it didn't really matter to her that she did so. Either way, she bounced up like... Well a rabbit would and readied herself in front of the guest at her doors. Of course, like she knew she would end up being asked, Gisen just rubbed her still wet head with her free hand and chuckled. "Yeah yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Much obliged about you asking though." She would look at the girl, whom of which seemed like she was trying to hold back laughing, but to be fair she probably woulda done the same damn thing if she saw it happen. Just shrugging off her stumble, sht bit into her carrot and began to chew it.

    With her clothes now completely dressing her body as well as keeping her hair up and away from soaking the back of her attire, she had been fully prepared to attend to the curious stranger here at the guild. She was rather nervous and her body stood frozen still. That much was obvious in seeing the signs of someone whom was very skeptical of strangers herself as she herself normally feared the very sound of people, let alone contact with them. The only issue with that was in how to approach them, as every person was unique, even with the same similarities. Quickly, the girl scrambled out question after question to the blonde bunny, making her face show obvious surprise before being able to take a catch of breath to reply. "Woah woah, stranger. One at a time, please." She paused and pieced the questions back into her mind for her to be able to answer. "Now then, so like, I am a member of the guild. In fact, I lead this very rambunctious carrot patch of mages. My cute little ears are a gift from my papa... Umm, how to word this~. Like, I guess you can say I'm an elemental of sorts without actually being one. It's totally hard to explain in summary." As she brought up her ears, she'd be grabbing hold of them and rubbing them gently as if to massage them.

    She started to make little cutesy noises as she rubbed her ears, as if she lost track in the enjoyment of what she was doing. With a light shaking of her head, she snapped back to reality and cleared her throat and tried to cover up her embarrassment. "Sorry about that... I got carried away. Anyways, I'm Gisen Ceostra, and as mentioned before I am guild master of Lamia Scale." Smiling softly, her arm would start to shake as she attempted to move her arm up for a handshake, however it seemed like her mental carrot block couldn't stop the overwhelming fear of contact to cease right now. Once the girl had asked her the new question, she paused instantly and gave a curious look. Looking around, she found a teal colored sofa nearby and motioned to her to sit. "Please miss, t-take a seat with me." Pausing, she'd move over and sit in a one seated lounge chair and faced the couch. "Just relax and feel free to explain. As long as you'r comfortable with it, you can like, tell me anything you need to in relation." With as much of a friendly smile as she could give, Gisen invited the girl to hang out with her for a while and relax.



    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social) Empty Re: Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social)

    Post by Meletzo 8th November 2016, 3:26 pm

    Maya listened carefully to her hostess' responses to her hurried questions, especially once she found out that the girl she was talking to was actually the Lamia Scale guildmaster. What a stroke of luck to find the exact person she had been looking for immediately upon entering the guild! Must be the old family luck kicking in again. She was quite the character, though. She looked barely a few years older than Maya did, and seemed to quite enjoy those ears of hers. Her story about the ears (or what little of it she told Maya) was fascinating, though; it seemed like something she wasn't born with, but instead had been given. Plus she said something about being an elemental and not quite human anymore. Maybe the two of them had a lot in common.

    Maya took a seat as Gisen gestured towards the couch, sighing. "Everything started about three weeks ago," Maya started, her voice trembling. She'd told this story several times, and it only seemed to get harder every time, but she needed to explain everything fully. "I got into an accident in my hometown of Magnolia, I was hit by a vehicle. Nobody else was hurt, thankfully, but I was in critical condition. They brought me to the emergency room to operate, but the doctor who operated on me had a very different idea of what to do. Instead of actually doing anything to help my body, he...Well, see for yourself."

    Maya closed her eyes, focusing. Suddenly, a myriad of spots on Maya's body began glowing in various colors. "These are Lacrimas," she explained to Gisen, opening her eyes. Notably, she didn't spare even a glance at her glowing body, as though it was disdainful to look at. "Instead of healing me, he implanted Lacrimas all over my body. Nobody knows how exactly he did it, but he bound my life force to their existence. I don't have internal organs anymore; at least, not ones that work." Tears began to flow against Maya's will, but she continued, sobbing slightly. "My hair turned from brown to this green color. I don't need to eat, drink, sleep, or even breathe anymore. I don't think I bleed anymore. I don't even know if I age." Maya broke out into full on sobbing, but kept talking. "I don't know what to do. I still look like me, but I don't feel like me. It's like I'm stuck in a stranger's body who has weird powers that I can't even begin to comprehend. It feels like it's all I can do to keep myself moving at this point, and I don't know how much longer I can go."

    At this point, Maya fully broke down, unable to continue.
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social) Empty Re: Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social)

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 10th November 2016, 11:35 am

    With a warm smile, the bunny girl remained seated and waited for the girl to seat herself and get comfortable. What with the scene she had made a moment ago, she could believe that this stranger would be a little weary on the word of her host. Never the less, she would mentally prepare herself for the amount of space she'd have placed between herself and the girl. It was both a mental and physical preparation, as trying to keep her shaking body still was almost as hard as actually speaking to another person. It was a scary thought, but she HAD to get through it, and to push herself in any and every way was the best way to do it, nor would she let it hold her back from doing her job either. A responsibility she signed up for knowing the risks would only help her in the long run. Unfortunately, she knew it still wouldn't eliminate her fear, only make it less likely to happen again.

    From the moment the sigh at left the girls lips, the smile on Gisen's face had slowly slipped away into more and more of a worried, sympathetic look. She started to spin a tale of recent events, starting in a town semi fresh in the slayers mind from her own time spent in there. Yet while she was there, she could easily remember why it was she hadn't remembered seeing her anywhere around. Her head tilted as she paused after bringing up the idea of showing her something very odd. Suddenly, many spots inside the girl began to glow and illuminate through her body. Gisen's eyes widened with surprise of how cool they had been, but the second the saddened tone of voice from her guest had showed, she looked right up to see how hard she tried to avoid looking at herself. It... It was saddening to even see her do so, to be truthfully honest.

    As the girl continued, her eyes couldn't leave the teary eyed girls face. Slowly, she began to see the child of herself in this girl. Someone afraid of what's happened, unsure of whether it could have been their fault that it happened to them or if people were just.. She shook the thought from her mind as she listened more, shifting to the parts where she mentioned things that were different about herself and how she's felt since. Though their differences were very far apart, there was one thing that they both shared and that was the feeling of indifference. The girl fell into a complete emotional breakdown in the matter of a few words. The blonde bunny immediately shifted her body to the couch and moved close to the girl holding arms out ready to hug, but facing an mental war of whether or not she should do it.

    Her arms shook with the refusal to move but the will to want to. The fear of contact was more than just talking with someone, but to her, letting someone be this depressed in front of her when she could do something about it was inexcusable. Her arms would gently wrap around the girl, placing one on her head and leaning it down and against her chest, pulling the hood over her head down to begin to pet the girls head while the other held her in close. "It's a-alright." She whispered, just trying to hold her and let her feel comforted for the moment until she could calm herself down. "I k-know it's hard now, but even the biggest curse can become a wonderful gift in time. J-Just listen to my voice and calm yourself down. I won't let you get hurt or let you go anywhere without my help, alright?" She paused and would let the girl up, looking at her face to face with one of determination and confidence. "This guild and this town will help you in any way possible. N-Now I want you to feel like this is your own home, whether you want to stay here or not. Our library has everything on lacrimas and their functionalities, so tomorrow you march your rear end down there and pick out all you need. If you're in pain, come to me and I'll make you feel good again, no matter how often i need to do it, I refuse to let anyone feel unwanted or disgusted in themselves. You are a beautiful woman and you should be proud of that. Besides, that cute shade of green might attract some cute boys."

    With a wink, a smile would end her long winded speech, inhaling and quickly exhaling afterward with a giggle. "Now then, I'll need like, one thing from you, kiddo. That would be your name." With that, she would quiet down, giving the girl some time to relax herself and collect herself as well as giving any reply she could gather herself up to do.



    Lineage : Gold Rush
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    Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social) Empty Re: Can you tell me...What am I? (Open/Social)

    Post by Meletzo 10th November 2016, 9:15 pm

    Maya's breath hitched in her throat for a moment as Gisen suddenly embraced her, but soon practically melted into the mage's arms, crying into her chest. While she had explained the events that occurred to her doctors, this girl was the first person that Maya had unloaded her full feelings about the matter to. It felt good to let everything go, truthfully, but there was so much raw emotion in Maya at the moment that she couldn't help but break down. For now, she would just get it all out of her system.

    Once she had calmed down a little, she separated from Gisen and took a deep breath. She listened to what the bunny girl was saying as it slowly dawned on Maya what had just happened. That was the closest she had been to anybody who wasn't related to her in what felt like months; ever since the incident, she'd cut herself off from most human contact. The fact that it was a girl who was not only cute but also wanted to help her was certainly a plus. The happiness of that realization combined with the relief brought on by what she was saying worked together to wipe away most of the sadness she had just been feeling at the moment; while there was still some melancholy, she was starting to feel hopeful for the future for the first time since that car had struck her.

    Maya took another deep breath to steady herself after Gisen had finished talking. "Thank you for that," she began, talking slowly so as not to burst out in emotion again. "I know a total stranger suddenly bursting into tears on you must have made you uncomfortable, but I really needed that, so thank you for putting up with it. I'll graciously accept your offer and stay here for a while to use the library, if that's really alright. Stepping away from Magnolia for a while might be good for me also." I don't have to stress about meeting somebody I might know that way.

    Maya stood up, stretching a bit and wiping the last of the tears from her eyes. "My name is Maya Meletzo. I'm 16 years old. I don't know much about the world or what happened to me, but I'm willing to learn if I can." Suddenly, something odd about what the bunny girl had said struck Maya. "Also, uh, I'm gay, although I am flattered that you think I'm cute enough that boys would like me."

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