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    FAR FROM HOME ♥ private, Kite

    Lorem Ipsum
    Lorem Ipsum

    Posts : 103
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    Private FAR FROM HOME ♥ private, Kite

    Post by Lorem Ipsum 1st December 2016, 5:44 pm

    Kaya Bryndís ♥ Golden Phoenix ♥ D Rank

    Kaya had been running all day, careful to avoid the police and the other members of the town's security who were all undoubtedly after her. Even more reinforcements had been called to track and chase down the 'vampire who was evading arrest'. And to think that all she wanted to do that day was to get her passport, then go back to Silver Moon Inn and sleep until the late evening. The sunshine continued to make her extremely sleepy, slowing down her movements as she ran in the well-lit, sunny streets of Rose Garden. She dared not run back to the Inn, but kept trying to run, hide, and repeat. Would they ever give up?

    Eventually evening had fallen, and while the elusive vampire had managed to evade the police so far, they were likely on full alert tonight, waiting for any signs of the nocturnal being to show herself. Under the dark sky, she was no longer as sleepy, simply exhausted then from all of the running. Walking down a street, the white-haired vampire suddenly could heard the quick heavy footsteps of the boots of the Rose Garden police. So, here they were again.

    Quickly looking around, bright crimson eyes tried to scan for a place to hide. Instantly, the young vampire noticed an open window on the first floor of an inn. Knowing she had to take her chances, Kaya leaped through the open window and briskly shut the curtains behind. Hopefully the police would know better than to barge in through it. At the very least, she could still hear them outside, and thus judge if they wanted to enter the inn or not, which would be her cue to leave. Standing next to the window, not allowing a shadow to cast through the curtains, Kaya listened quietly and patiently, not even bothering to realize that the room was indeed occupied...


    Rain Slayer Magic
    FAR FROM HOME ♥ private, Kite F0b5270017e6cda0c412740e9cc4e39bc9361a38_hq
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Private Re: FAR FROM HOME ♥ private, Kite

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 8th December 2016, 7:40 pm

    Kite Wilhelm
    Flames that were meant to protect now destroy.

    Rose garden, a place that Kite had not had the pleasure of visiting during his many travels in Fiore. Back when he had first joined Sabertooth he had the option to go to Rose Garden to obtain his passport but due to convenience ended up going to Hargeon instead. The Demon slayer was on his way home from an incident on Snowfall island and unlike his method of transportation to get there, being teleportation which he dislikes greatly he decided to take the long road back to the guild. Kite took a boat across the cloudy sea and arrived at Rose Garden just as the sun was setting and while he could have easily continued to reach his guild but decided it would be a much better idea to find lodging for the night and relax for a change. As quick as he could Kite found an Inn of descent quality and set himself up for the night. ”I’d like to take a room please.“ the clerk looked Kite over and gave a pretentious smirk and crossed his arms “I doubt a rift raft such as yourself could afford our cheapest room.” Kite’s expression didn’t change from the response he was given by the clerk, he merely looked at his clothes and smirked. ”Oh no.. why do you say that?“ he would ask as if he were someone who couldn’t afford to stay the night and much poorer than he actually was. “Run along street rat. We don’t want to scare off paying customers do we?” Kite turned on his heels and began to exit but stopped ”Rat… huh. Say, before I go can I must ask. Have you ever had a guild master stay at your inn?“ he asked the clerk who actually considered his question which surprised Kite, “ No, I can’t say we have.” Kite turned and showed his Sabertooth emblem on his arm. ”Good. Hi I’m Kite Wilhelm Guild Master of Sabertooth.“ the clerk’s jaw would then drop and a noise devoid of words would whistle through the air, ”So am I still rift raft or should I spread word of this rude and poor service you have displayed.“

    After the clerk practically ran through his desk to properly greet the Sabertooth guild master he was given the best available room, it was on the first floor but there were worst things that could happen. Kite had requested a hot bath and it was being prepped for Kite who just entered his room but not before leaving the clerk with a piece of advice. ”You only have one chance to make a good first impression.“ and then he went about his business. Kite stripped off his coat and hung it on the back of a chair as well as his shirt now that he was in the privacy of his room. He made it a habit to not be shirtless in front of people, he was rather embarrassed of the number of scars and burns that didn’t heal from his hellish training with Asmodeous in his younger days. However the sound of a thump caused his eyes to widen as his gaze fell upon a visitor in his room. Before him was a female younger than himself with white hair, enhanced red eyes due to her hair color with an olive colored complexion. Kite without hesitating covered his chest where the worst of his scars were located ”Who the hell are you?“ he would ask the girl but before he could get an answer there was a knock at the door. “Mr.Wilhelm there are policemen who would like to speak with you can you open up.

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    FAR FROM HOME ♥ private, Kite Gvf4gD8

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:17 pm