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    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR)


    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) Empty Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR)

    Post by Guest 16th October 2016, 12:25 pm

    Clip clop clip clop...

    The sounds of the clopping from her high heels can be heard as she walks towards the guild entrance. She was nervous, but this was her new life. She has begun to find herself on land, underwater was so boring and she started to get very excited. She has practised her walking for a long time and even though her legs are still a bit wobbly from walking, she has become stronger in her legs thanks to dancing and practising sword fighting with dancing.

    Finally, the mermaid princess stopped and tucked her human hair behind her ear, she already fell in love with everything about the Rose Garden and the guild itself. She couldn't wait to meet everyone in this guild. It was going to be so much fun... even if her speaking skills wasn't up to par with everyone else. She was sure she can manage it here since she was positive that nobody was going to take her back to the water kingdom.

    Walking into the guild entrance, she bit her lower lip before placing all of her hair to the side, god, she loved playing with her human hair, she hasn't got fancy hair when she was a mermaid. She could get used to this.
    Irina Naginata
    Irina Naginata

    Assassin Queen

    Assassin Queen

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 713
    Cosmic Coins : 1
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    Experience : 6,968.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Purifiers Flame
    Second Skill: Resonance (WIP)
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    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) Empty Re: Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR)

    Post by Irina Naginata 16th October 2016, 12:53 pm

    The guild hall was rather calm on the inside, guests were chatting among themselves while some of the guilds members were pouring over the job board. The guild seemed almost peaceful until the loud noise of splintering wood echoed throughout the building followed by shouting. "I SAID I WANTED TEN HAMBURGERS NOT ONE YOU IDIOT!" In the center of the room a poor young lad was stuck hanging off one of the ceiling fans by his shirt, bellow him a massive hole while presumably lead to the basement. The entire building stared for a moment as a red haired woman jumped up out of the hole and looked around. The building suddenly burst out of the lads misfortune for angering one of the guilds aces while she was in the middle of studying something. "Yo Magna, are you around I want more burgers." She called out as if she was expecting a reply which none came.

    Irina's gaze fell on the door while someone stood peering in while playing with her hair. "Hmm, I haven't seen you around before. Say where are you from?" She questioned as she zipped over to look the woman in the eye with a curious look. She started to dance around the arrival with curiosity until she came to inspect her sword. "You have a nice sword there, interesting interesting." Irina mumbled as she pulled out a pen and paper and jotted notes only for the paper to burn up as soon as she finished. "So what brings you around here?" She asked with an attempted friendly smile, though it was clear she didn't understand the basics of emotion except for when it came to anger.


    Irina and Nova Battle Theme:

    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) Empty Re: Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR)

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 18th October 2016, 1:28 pm

    The wind user had just gotten off her shift a few hours ago, and she was not in the guild hall right away when the new comer entered. Instead? She walked in just as Irina was throwing her fit over not being given the right number of hamburger's by the staff. That never happened when the wind user was on shift, it was sad to see it ever happened, this place had a reputation to uphold! The wizard sighed as she watched the lad hanging from the ceiling fan, a drop deadly beneath him. Was her guild-mate going to do nothing about that? "Feather." she triggered one of the items tucked behind her ear, tossing it, expanding to six foot long and three feet wide beneath the hung male, rising until he was safely off the ceiling fan, descending to put him back on solid wooden ground.

          "Damn woman, you can't just go breaking stuff for hamburgers~" the Ace Of Hearts spoke to her fellow ace, but she had a plate of ten hamburger's for the frightened kitchen staff, so Jiyu assumed herself pretty safe, since she was scolding while offering food. "Here." she set the hamburger's down on a nearby table, walking over to join the other two, thick and wavy waist long hair moving behind her, tail wagging. "I'm Jiyu. Would you like a table, or is it something else that you need?" the wind user held her hands behind her back, smiling up best as she could, however she was kind of ticked by the height of the two woman surrounding her, since the wind mage was incredibly short. She wasn't even on duty and she was offering to seat someone, it sucked, all she ever seemed to do was work in the cafe or go on mission's!


    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) H6NcPbM Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) H6NcPbM Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) H6NcPbM Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) H6NcPbM


    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ♠ Kamaitachi ♠ Shiai Mahou ♠
    Second Skill: N/A
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    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) Empty Re: Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR)

    Post by Itazura 13th November 2016, 8:25 pm

    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) YpT0wRM
    Itazura Black Rose C-Rank Aruzati
    S o   I v e   l i e d   a n d   I v e   b e e n   t r i c k i n g   e v e r   s i n c e

    The kamaitachi wasn't bothered at all by the commotion that the ace of the guild caused within the inn, he was to busy eating. And if you knew Itazura, or Aruzati as most people know him as, you would know that he eats a lot. Probably eats the same amount that earlier said ace eats if not more, due to his high metabolism, he is almost constantly eating. Usually meat of course, he is a predatory animal after all. Finally looking up from his plate when he cleaned it up, eating a ton of food and drinking a lot. For now he was full, hopefully it was stay that way for more then an hour, but it wasn't likely. Letting out a satisfied sigh, he set the white porcelain plate on top of a stack of them that sat upon his table. A slight smile spreading across his lips, pushing himself out of the booth seat, he laid his bare feet on the ground and stood on them. Looking at the ground where it was lacking a floor, he was confused, but didn't question it and he walked around it. Walking up to the counter, ignoring anybody around him, he placed his hand on the counter and flipped over it. Not really trying to show off his agility, he was just trying to over the bar quickly. Walking to the back, he grabbed a full thing of alcohol and opened it by stabbing his claw into it and pulling out the cork. Placing the opening to his soft lips, he leaned back his head and the bottle and chugged some of it. Making it halfway through before taking a breath.
    Still holding it in his hand as he jumped up and squatted on the bar counter, the way he think is most comfortable to sit. Finally taking a full look in his surroundings, he say the two aces conversing. Along with a new comer, taking in the scent he could determine that they smelled of the sea. A fish person perhaps, though he left that thought for later, he was just interested that this newcomer was here. He saw that other were already talking to the mermaid, so he stayed silent. Watching her with hazel eyes as she stood near the entrance of the building of which they resided.

    W o r d    C o u n t:


    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) DsdPc3p



    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) Empty Re: Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR)

    Post by Guest 14th November 2016, 9:52 am

    You can breathe

    In clear blue water

    The female didn’t expect to see what she saw upon entering the guild hall. What she wanted was to enter the guild known as black rose. She didn’t expect to hear some female demanding ten hamburgers. Although it made Aerwyna giggle, she hoped that she didn’t have to deal with that girl as much as she needed to. She sounded really obnoxious and even though she knew that she probably had her reasons, she felt that she may have a few personality clashes to deal with.

    The female then spotted her as she continued to play with her short blue hair. She simply tilted her head and she bit her lower lip. She hoped that she didn’t cause too much trouble whilst being here.

    “Ah, hello.” The female greeted after the redhead asked her where she came from. She was sure she can admit that she came from underwater, just not the fact that she was an actual princess. “I came from underwater and I was hoping to have time to enjoy myself on land.” She admitted. “I have come to join the guild Black Rose, have I come to the right place??” She queried. “And thank you for the compliment about my sword. I love my sword.”

    Suddenly, she noticed another female sauntering over to her. Aerwyna gazed at her, she seemed rather small in comparison to the mermaid princess, but she was sure that she couldn’t help her height. She just hoped she wasn’t going to be intimidating.

    “Ah, I am Aerwyna. I am not asking for a table, but I am asking to join Black Rose.”

    Suddenly, her eyes gazed over to someone else, a male in fact, with blonde hair. Bowing down slightly which was directed at the male, she greeted him. She then looked to the lovely ladies once more and smiled softly. “If I am not in the right place, then I understand.”
    TAG: @user | WORDS: --- | NOTES:
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) Empty Re: Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR)

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 17th November 2016, 9:54 am

    Jiyu was rarely intimidated by the things that someone should be frightened by, very rarely did she ever feel fear when it was logical to do so. The only thing she felt when encountering those taller than her meager five feet? Was a small prick of anger that swiftly vanished as if it was sucked somewhere deep inside of her. Little did the girl know her thought was actually very accurate, all the negative emotion was being sucked away, but instead of vanishing like it seemed to do on the outside, it was stored within her body, her soul, so deep down no one could detect the overflow of wrath building up in the pit of her. Pity? If someone could have detected it, something might have prevented future event's, they might have been able to help the canine.

    "Welcome to the Guild than, I'm Jiyu, one of the Guild's Aces, where do you want your mark?" the girl spoke in her enchanting voice, offering a smile to the newest member of the guild. One of the benefits to working the floor was being able to do this sort of work for the guild while she waited tables. Accepting someone? Was incredibly fun "Maka my bag." the fox who had been laying on the bar, suddenly shot up, darted under the bar and came back over to jiyu with a brown satchel in her jaws.


    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) H6NcPbM Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) H6NcPbM Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) H6NcPbM Scalie joins the ranks. (intro, BR) H6NcPbM

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