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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

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    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Nao 27th February 2017, 12:53 pm


    Back to the Ruins.

    The green eyes from one single clone looked around the vista. Or it would be such a pleasant view had the destruction of the machines ran rampant through the ancient ruins. Taking pleasure in destroying the already crumbling landscape that housed many important digs in ancient Fiore? It was kind of sad to see what many Naos had explored throughout the lifetime of the lab through the last millennia or so. In fact it was almost heart-breaking if he actually had the feeling of nostalgia from it. Instead Nao was just mad.

    It wasn’t just him doing this by himself, nor was he with his guild or team. The strange sense of independence from either commitment felt very strange. Without Ana constantly barking commands or saving his dumb butt, Taliya from constantly being all over him, or Almyra’s hugs, and Ashe’s spoopy powers? It was definitely both liberating and terrifying at the same time for him.

    Nao would check to make sure he had his armour and items in place, and enough supplies not just for him, but for all his clone brethren just in case they got hungry. And it was so very likely that they would get hungry during all the fighting they were probably going to do.

    ”Not sure where the machines are, but the path of destruction would probably lead us there… Nao murmured to himself, waiting on his teammate to arrive all the while trying to make sense of where the destruction was going. It seemed to be going from where his team lead a mission to fight against a hunter looking for some kind of vault, and towards the more structured buildings instead of the caves below.

    ”I don’t think they’re here for treasure then,” Nao stood then, scratching his chin as he looked around. ”Wait I was suppose to meet someone before I try and deduce what was going on right? Errr… where was I supposed to meet up with them?’

    His skin on his chin was scraped even more by the knuckles on his hand as he tried to think about where it was he was supposed to meet his partner. It was odd that he wasn’t entirely sure where he was actually supposed to go, but he had been finding that without his clones he was struggling to come up with better plans.

    ”Okay lets see… we need to head towards the ruins for investigation. Maybe I’ll see her along the way?” His red cloak fluttered in the wind as he hugged himself. It had gotten a bit windier as the day passed through. ”Okay maybe some brisk walking would be the best idea.”

    Nao would begin to pick up the pace, his little boots covered in dirt and the bottom of his leg guards were starting to feel like they were starting to get caked in dirt and grass stains and what not. For ruins they were surely far away from the rest of civilisation.

    ”Hello? Is anyone out there? I’m looking for me teammate and definitely not wanting to fight mechanical enemies that come through portals!” Nao would call out to the void, looking for his partner in all the emptiness around him. Smart move, Nao. Really.

    OOC: I decided not to introduce our 2 little escorts just yet. Didn't want to meet them without you. Nao is wondering around the grassy areas outside of the Ancient Ruins. He has no clue on what he is actually doing..



    Profile Magic Bank

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Guest 27th February 2017, 2:23 pm

    Shine down, Spark up
    Ahh, the ancient ruins. Summer remembers arriving not too long ago with her pet known as Priscilla, it was for an exam that Elyx made the femme fatale undertake, it was a simple exam, but it was one that required 2 days to find! She doesn’t know how she found a moonstone in that time, but after finding such a thing, Elyx made her the ace of moonstone. It was clear that it couldn’t of made Summer any happier than she was at that outcome. Even if she met Jian’s mistress there, a woman she would prefer to not meet again for a long time, maybe even never. Never would be nice.

    Walking deeper into the ancient ruins really had the girl in a pickle, and so it made her look around ever so discreetly, all the while, Priscilla was watching the girl idly, Summer has been in a bit of a panicky state ever since a man captured her and forced her to watch Magnolia get destroyed, she even watched as Summer was insulted by a man known as Brad Clad. It was pretty upsetting what Summer had to go through, but it was too late now. The most Priscilla can do is keep the fireworks expert’s spirits as high as possible and allow her to stay positive. Luckily that day is arriving for Summer to achieve her full positivity, but it wasn’t going to be for some time yet.

    Today, Summer was on a mission that she had undertaken thanks to the members of the rune knights, she was even going to have a partner on this mission, which was going to be great! Missions are much more fun when with buddies and not just on your own, although she will admit, she makes friends with anyone quite easily, and there has only been a few people she has not been able to make friends with. Not that it mattered, she had a job to do!

    “Summer, I am quite worried, there seems to be so much destruction going on, much different atmosphere compared to what it used to be when we got the moonstone for your guild master.”

    “Unfortunately…” The fireworks expert sighed softly. “We can help make it all better again, though, right??”

    “Summer, you make it sound like everything is so easy… but then again, you make spewing fireworks easy as cake.”

    “I make explosions easy, let's admit it.” Summer grinned as she reminded herself that as a firework mage, she was well and truly a dangerous type of mage, considering most of her magic focused on nothing but burns. She just hopes that no fire was around, the last thing she wanted to do was explode.

    Suddenly, Summer heard a voice outside the ruins and this made the female very confused… oh well, her presence sensing wasn’t the most accurate thing in the world! She ran out of the ruins and spotted a man at the entrance. He looked… pretty darn clueless, to say the least.

    It was time.

    Getting herself ready, she somersaulted to the man and prowled upon his personal space with a big grin on her face. “Ni hao!” Summer shouted in a very energetic greeting. “I’m Summer! We’re gonna be partners for the day, aren’t we??” The female grinned as she placed her hands on her hips. It was clear that the female was going to be very intrusive, and maybe even a little showy.

    ||HP:330||MP: 100%||

    ||Tag: @||Words: 575||Notes: 575/8000, gonna warn you, my character is a show-off and an attention seeker, so I do apologise if you like an underdog xD||

    25% Damage Increase.
    Zodiac Auras - 30m sensing presences unless they are undead/cyborgs/robots.
    Zodiac Calm Affinity - Everyone within 25m of Summer feels much calmer and is less susceptible to attack her.
    Zodiac’s Call - Damage cut by a quarter.
    Performers Resistance - 25% increased resistance to spells (Caps up to users rank)

    ||[color=#42f483] - Summer||[color=#930d0d] - Laysha||[color=#daa520] - Stella||[color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla||
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
    Position : None
    Posts : 444
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
    Third Skill:

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Nao 1st March 2017, 2:48 pm


    Back to the Ruins.

    Outside the caves and rocks of the ruins the clone wondered. His eyes darted around the vista as he continued to call out for help and not realising that this was a sure found way of encountering enemies or predators to the scene. Not that Nao really minded because he would just pop a few summons, see what he pulled (whether it was few stars or a rare 5 star), and sacrifice the weaker ones. Or was that a gacha system? Maybe he would see what the Machine God felt about that idea…

    The pirate guild member would keep walking through and calling out to the void before his eyes caught the glimpse of something approaching very quickly into his personal bubble. She was loud, energetic and very fast like a firework (HAH) shooting towards the sky. Only this time it was shooting toward Nao and he reacted as if he was reacting to a firework coming at him.

    He jumped out the way and fell to the floor.

    ”Gah!” Nao let out a loud sound as he felt his heart fly into the air while the rest of his body moved with gravity towards the ground. ”Y-you’re quite the energetic one for someone who took up a job involving killer machines you know? But yes yes! I’m Nao.” He got up to stand in front of the girl with her hands on her hips. Long and flowing dark hair, and just a little bit shorter than the average height of one of hs clones. Yeah she fit the description that he had to try and piece together.

    ”I have NO clue on what these things look like, and I’m not even certain of any way we can actually defeat them. I mean they destroy buildings for fun. These are some serious beings. Do you know much else about them?” Nao shuddered as he looked at the woman in front of him, and realised he should have probably said more about himself so they could formulate a plan.

    It was only then that the two were approached by a rather tall and stylised man, and his shorter, shyer partner who was hiding slightly behind her much larger and brutish counterpart. They most likely heard the loud approach of Summer and the girlish scream Nao gave when he hit the roof in fright and then the floor due to gravity. He didn’t seem to be impressed with the help the Rune Knights had sent them.

    ”Soooo you’re the group that was sent to help take on the little problem threatening the world?” he asked, brandishing his wooden bokken. It didn’t really look like much of a weapon… because it wasn’t really much of a weapon. It looked frail, beaten and was suffering with rot from the change of weather and mould.

    ”No matter! If this is what the world has in this time then it’ll be enough!” He swung his weapon around, before the tip of the blade hit the ground. Somehow it managed to plunge into the bumpy terrain below them. ”I am Frey, and this is my darling and wonderful wife Bell. We know what the creature are after. But firstly we must know your intentions. Yes! Your intentions of why you are you here must be checked first!”

    His wife, Bell, just rolled her eyes before shaking her head. She seemed a little bit more calm and controlled over the situation. And as Frey looked at her he realised that maybe he had gone a little too far with the whole trust situation. Maybe just a little.

    ”N-no matter! We don’t have time for that!” he shook his head, pulling out his weapon from the ground and pointing towards the ruins. ”The Machine Knights are going over this way to give their lives and service to one of the largest of their kind: Ein Heim!” Bell shuddered at the knight’s name.

    ”H-hunny don’t say its name! You know how I feel about it!” Bell insisted that the being was not to be mentioned after the last time they fought it.

    Nao on the other hand was trying to make sense of this. Some kind of machine knight, and one that was so scary that the name wasn’t meant to be mentioned? What had he got himself into?

    ”O-okay then. This seems like a little bit much for my little head,” Nao muttered to himself, scratching his head before turning to Summer. ”I’m not sure how much sense I can make about any of this. The ruins seem fine to me… I guess they haven’t arrived yet?” His eyes looked around towards the distance, and he still couldn’t really make out any bad guys.


    OOC: These are the FC's I'm using for the couple. Sort of a mismatched pair really. ^^



    Profile Magic Bank

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Guest 1st March 2017, 6:41 pm

    Shine down, Spark up
    Of course, the moment the fireworks expert made her timely appearance, the only natural thing that the brunette done was throw himself to the side, but did so fabulously. Summer was quite surprised  by the dramatisation of the whole jumping out the way thing, Summer personally doesn’t do that kind of stuff, mainly because it is on a rare occasion that she would even do such a thing. She was more the type to dodge everything by performing flips and tumbles, being the gymnast that she was. She was very much a contortionist that can bend her body to her will, this makes it great for when she wants to dodge attacks and spells that could potentially be fatal to her or her mentality.

    “Oh my, this man seems a bit jumpy!” Summer exclaimed “Could even say it was rather epic.”

    “This isn’t the time for the running commentary, young lady!”

    “Sorry, mam!” The zodiac child rolled her eyes at the scolding of the more mature fairy. Laysha was the least mature, always the flirty one, while Priscilla was the more calming one, mature and ready to teach Summer about the more classical ways of life. Summer may be on her way to being one hell of a femme fatale, but she wasn’t that far yet on the scale of being a young lady. She was more of a little madam, although she wasn’t short, she was 5’7.

    Soon, the man got himself up from the floor after his lovely kiss with it as he introduced himself as a man known as Nao. Nao, what a lovely name for someone who seemed to be clueless. It was clear that they were going to get on quite well! Or Summer hoped that they do, anyway. “Well, Nao! Whatever will come at us, I’ll explode them to pieces.” She announced. Being the fireworks expert she was, she wasn’t the type to kill kill kill, but it was a bunch machinery, and it was doing quite some damage to the local area, it needed to be stopped somehow.

    It didn’t take long for the unusual duo to be found by an even more unusual duo, one seemed very flamboyant and very much out of place, the female seemed much more calmer and mature, much like Priscilla was.

    “Summer, this couple seem like their personalities driven them together… I find that rather cute, don’t you agree?”

    “I… guess…” Summer sighed softly as she moved her hands away from her hips to cross them over her pillows ever so elegantly, trying to decipher how the hell they are together in the first place. Bloody hell, things are never so simple when it comes to the course of true love, does it?

    Turning her head to Nao as he questioned her about the robots. Summer nodded, biting her lower lip as she then had a little think herself before answering. “That means we can find it and bring upon ourselves a pre-emptive strike!” The fireworks expert declared, grinning wildly.

    ||HP:330||MP: 100%||

    ||Tag: @||Words: 503||Notes:1078/8000||

    25% Damage Increase.
    Zodiac Auras - 30m sensing presences unless they are undead/cyborgs/robots.
    Zodiac Calm Affinity - Everyone within 25m of Summer feels much calmer and is less susceptible to attack her.
    Zodiac’s Call - Damage cut by a quarter.
    Performers Resistance - 25% increased resistance to spells (Caps up to users rank)

    ||[color=#42f483] - Summer||[color=#930d0d] - Laysha||[color=#daa520] - Stella||[color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla||
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP

    Last edited by Salrynn on 7th March 2017, 6:44 am; edited 1 time in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Posts : 444
    Guild : Black Sails
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
    Third Skill:

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Nao 6th March 2017, 2:07 pm

    Rolling for enemies. ^^


    Profile Magic Bank

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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by NPC 6th March 2017, 2:07 pm

    The member 'Nao' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) WeakMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
    Position : None
    Posts : 444
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
    Third Skill:

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Nao 6th March 2017, 3:46 pm


    Back to the Ruins.

    ”A pre-emptive strike huh?” Nao asked, tilting his head in thought. If they got to the opponent first before anyone else did then maybe it could work… but wouldn’t the rest of the knights just follow? ”I think that could work! How about you tw-“

    ”What’s wrong with his name? He’s only the most powerful Machine Knight in the entire universe. And we need to let these two know about how he needs to be defeated to save this world.” Sort of ignoring the conversation and plan that Nao and Summer were making Frey looked down. His sword dangled from his hand to match his defeated look. Summer and Nao would probably be able to tell that there was something troubling him.

    ”Hunny you don’t have to let them know… I’ll tell them.” Bell sighed as she pushed part of her hair behind her head. ”We almost took down this Machine Knight by ourselves a long time ago… Almost.” She felt her eyes start watering a little bit but the brave cleric would keep it in. ”There were three of us then but we lost our friend on the way to fight the machine knight. We were beaten back but not before mortally wounding him. And he sought refuge right here within the ruins.” A small tear dripped onto her short staff, before she looked up teary eyed.

    ”We must go and defeat Ein Helm once and for all! For this will put an end to the menace that we couldn’t defeat. And we can finally avenge our friend who gave his life protecting us in the name of this world.”

    Nao stood there quietly in thought, before realising there were four of them. They had more than enough people here than they did last time! He wasn’t sure how the rest of them really fought, but they had the numbers advantage.

    ” Luckily there are four of us this time. I think should prove that we should have some advantage here,” Nao suggested, pointing at all four of them as if he was recounting… just to make sure he was right. ”But what if I helped tip the odds just a little bit more?”

    The clone would pull up his finger and thumb, before giving a half successful whistle attempt, to which one of his Nao brethren (companion Nao) would appear next to him. They would high five each other, before grinning towards the group.

    ”W-what? How did you make a copy of yourself? Can you teach me how to?” Frey would ask, dashing around the clone and taking a look at every single detail. And it was every. Single. Detail. Bell could only put her hand to her head and sigh at her husband who would ogle every fibre of this clone. He wanted to make his own so he could have twice the power.

    ”A-ah sorry I don’t think it would be possible, just like I wouldn’t be able to mimic Summer’s magic, or yours.” Not entirely the case. He was able to clone spells just fine.

    A large spider-like creature was heading towards the ruins alone. Probably a scout looking for its master to alert the rest of the group that there was their master to give them all their energy.

    ”Looks like they’re here” Nao’s companion commented, whistling at the size of that thing. ”They’re definitely not built to scale huh? So what are we going to do about it?” Nao wondered for a moment what his clone was wondering. How were they going to beat it.

    ”Hey Summer?” Nao asked the woman in front of him. ”You said you’d explode them to pieces… what did you mean by that?” In the mean time Frey was running in with his wooden sword at the spider-like robot. Bell was behind ready to heal him back up after getting pretty beaten up by these things.

    ”A-ah crap they’re already off without us!” Hopefully he and Summer could reach them before anything bad happened to any of the group.


    OOC: First enemy is a weak enemy. Looks like it'll be fairly simple to beat.



    Profile Magic Bank

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Guest 7th March 2017, 6:47 am

    Shine down, Spark up
    Nao seemed to have followed Summer’s idea about a pre-emptive strike with a welcome, even tried to get the other two involved the in dubious planning that the two strangers were trying to set up on the spot. It seemed rather useless however, the other male seemed to be too focused on talking about defeating them machine to ‘save the world’, oooh lordy, this man just reminded Summer of herself when she was all hyped up, which is 75% of the time, she has calmed down quite a bit, but nobody can take out their true personality out of themselves, Summer’s personality was edgy, but whacky at the same time, she always brought positivity to the scale, she was still the type to demand for attention all the time, but she didn’t let that phase her one bit. Her personality has only collided with two people so far, and she would like to keep it that way for plenty of reasons.

    “Yes, please do Bell, it might be much easier on mine and Nao’s end of things.” Summer stated as she tilted her head, she just wanted to get the explanation done and dusted so the four of them could get back to the plan of action. Of course, it sounded a bit… arrogant of her, but it might have woke Frey up to smell the coffee. But, Summer’s feelings quickly changed from arrogance to sorrow, hearing about their friend most certainly pained her, it reminded her of how almost everyone at the village she resided in died before she was forced to run off, which was upsetting in itself. “Hell yeah! Let’s go kick some mechanic butt!”

    While Nao was doing this strange thing involving his hand, Summer attempted to walk up to the other female in order to place her hand on her shoulder out of comfort, and to tell her that everything will be okay no matter what happens. This attempt was short lived however, Nao’s calling had summoned another… Nao?? Summer was sure that it was now going to get very confusing with two Nao’s around, but Summer can’t complain, she would do that too if she could. Nao was right though when Bell stated that she wanted to be taught such a thing, it wasn’t possible to mimic an entire magic.

    Soon, all the commotion stopped, it seemed something was heading the way of the quintet, and it seemed that Priscilla was only the more worried about it. It looked like a spider, luckily Summer was able to handle such things. It didn’t seem they had much time either, Summer was merely listening to what Nao had to say before Frey ran off like nobody’s business. Oh god, it needs to be dealt with now. “I can show you what I mean right now!” The fireworks expert grinned as the winds caused an uproar around her as she suddenly began floating, the black haired female winked at the Nao’s. “Stay right there, I am much quicker when I float, I promise. Just make sure that you can catch up and keep on the lookout since I cannot carry the both of you!”

    With this in mind, Summer commanded that Priscilla would stay with Nao to keep on on the lookout with the both of them and then she dashed off. “Thank god I am blessed by the Chinese Zodiac…” Summer grinned as she floated straight past Frey and Bell, who were at a much slower pace than the fireworks expert. Suddenly, the hands of the fireworks expert started to flash up considerably, the sparks were in different colours, even more so when Summer started to shoot fireworks at the mechanical spider, causing the machinery to explode in a mere few shots. Summer then waved her hands all over the place to indicate that she managed to make the spider well and truly explode. She was glad it wasn’t a person.

    “I DID IT!!!!” The fireworks expert exclaimed, unsure if anyone could hear her or not.

    ||HP:330||MP: 100%||

    ||Tag: @||Words: 670||Notes: 1748/8000||

    25% Damage Increase.
    Zodiac Auras - 30m sensing presences unless they are undead/cyborgs/robots.
    Zodiac Calm Affinity - Everyone within 25m of Summer feels much calmer and is less susceptible to attack her.
    Zodiac’s Call - Damage cut by a quarter.
    Performers Resistance - 25% increased resistance to spells (Caps up to users rank)

    Float of the Zodiac - Thanks to the great dragon himself of the zodiac, Summer is able to float 5m off the floor for one post and she won’t be able to float again for 4 posts. With this, Summer is able to utilise her spells and melee attacks but cannot perform her gymnastic moves whatsoever to dodge, which is ALWAYS a downside as she relies on her gymnastic moves a lot. While floating, Summer’s speed increases by 25% and drops back to normal when she stops floating.

    the spell:

    ||[color=#42f483] - Summer||[color=#930d0d] - Laysha||[color=#daa520] - Stella||[color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla||
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 1623
    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 1,855

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    First Skill: Water
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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Julius Seas 9th March 2017, 6:34 am

    Julius Seas

    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess ~ Graveyard:

    Meanwhile a couple of miles of the ancient ruins there was an old run down graveyard, the ground and plants were just as dead like the bodies buried beneath the ground. The grave stones were also pretty damaged by the cruel thing called time, the text engraved in the stones were fading away and some graveyard stones even were badly damaged. While the graveyard seemed to be abandoned even by god himself, there was still a funeral being held. In the middle of the graveyard there was an old dead tree and at it's base there was an grave stone saying: "Here lies Julius Seas" and in front of there was an casket laying with on top of it some rosemary flowers, because rosemary is an demon repel Squable thought it would help him on his way to the next life. In front of the casket there was an priest holding a book and Squable was resting on top of the dead tree watching over the casket in the hopes Julius might pass over safely. The priest opened the book and started to read an rite. Today, we've all come here to honor the death of this poor young soul... The priest continued the rite while Squable was still resting on top of the dead tree, surprisingly not watching over the casket, yet he rather was keeping an eye out over the graveyard as if he was expecting something to happen any moment.

    And then it appeared, out of the ground a couple of meters away from the funeral an skeleton climbed out of the ground holding what it looks like an spear, but that skeleton wasn't the only one to appear. Every where skeletons appeared, some where holding spears, some where holding swords and some where holding a spiked bat of some sorts. The priest was now surrounded by the undead, yet he remained seemingly calm for someone who had now ways of defending himself. One of the skeletons walked in closer and held it's spear in position, ready to attack. Oi! Behind you! Squabel yelled and the priest dodged the attack but his robes got stuck in the spear and his clothes were torn apart. Hmpf, seems there is no reason to hide it anymore...

    Bayonetta ~ Fly me to the moon:

    While any other person would be completely naked when their clothes would be torn of, the priest seemed to be wearing a pirate garb underneath it, finishing it with an blue pirate coat. Oi Julius-kun! Catch! Squable said as he threw towards the priest an pirate hat. Ah thank you Squable! Julius always feels so naked when he doesn't have his pirate hat. It appeared the man that dressed as pirate was Julius. Oi! You better not fell asleep in that thing ya hear Julius? Julius said as he gave an kick to the casket. Yes, yes I know, but this lid is stuck... Damn it! Guess I have to break this... And this thing already was very expansive! An old and heavy voice said that came from the casket. After a couple of hits the lid of the casket flew off and in it there was another man standing in pirate garb yet he was wearing an red pirate coat. Julius doesn't believe a thing that, that lid got stuck. You were probably sleeping in it weren't you, captain Daphnes? Julius said with a shrug. No I wasn't, and there is no time to argue. Here take this! The old captain threw an pair of guns towards Julius, which Julius quickly used on thee skeletons who went down in one hit from a bullet. Julius continued on shooting the skeletons until they were empty. How dare you to throw these... Toys, towards Julius? Julius said as he dropped the empty guns like bricks on the floor. Don't worry about quality, cause I got quantity! Captain Daphnes said as he threw another pair towards Julius. Apparently the whole casket was filled with guns. He quickly catched the guns and started to shoot more skeletons, they all had no chance to attack since Julius took them out in just one hit from a bullet. As soon the other guns were empty Julius dropped them as well. Guns! Julius yelled, on which captain Daphnes threw another pair, this would continue until the casket was completely empty. Sorry Julius, those were the last pair. Julius rolled his eyes. Guess Julius has to be more creative since Julius isn't going to waste magical energy on these toddlers. Julius grabbed one of the weapons some of the fallen skeletons left behind and started using them, but they didn't hold out long because of the weapons age. After a lot of broken weapons it seemed like all the skeletons were done for.

    The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess ~ Graveyard:

    Ugh, you should give Julius more of the treasure for even touching those toys... Julius said with an growl in his voice as he looked towards captain Daphnes who was scratching the back of his head. Now where is that treasure? Julius said glaring towards Captain Daphnes, though he broke out in a sweat.Ummm... Uhhhh... I swear there should be a treasure appearing after defeating those skeletons. But the treasure never appeared. Oh... It seems like there never was an treasure in this grave yard... HAHAHAHAHA captain Daphnes said as he broke out in laughter, though Julius wasn't amused at all. Whether there was any treasure or not, you're still going to pay, got it? Or else there is hell to pay! Julius said in a low and dark voice and he could hear captain Daphnes gulp.

    Mario Party 9 ~ Toad road:

    Just 1,000 jewels?! For all that effort Julius put in on helping him! Julius said angrily on their way to Hargeon town. Julius worn that hideous priest outfit and Julius even touched those cheap guns and all Julius gets is an slave wage! Julius said as he kicked a small rock. Try to stay calm Julius, maybe we'll find some treasure along the way! I mean we're near the ancient ruins! I bet there is enough treasure there to find! Squable said trying to remain positive. Julius just shrugged and continued his way. Julius never went to the ancient ruins, so a bit of detour to insect them wouldn't hurt. You're right Squable let's go! Julius said as he turned around and made his way to the ancient ruins.

    Arriving at the Ancient ruins, Julius heard a loud explosion coming from the ruins. What the hell was that and more importantly, why was that explosion so colorful... As if someone shot an firework? Julius said as he looked towards an black smoke erupting from the ruins. Julius hasten himself to the origin of the black smoke only to find piece of what looked like machinery. But she also noticed a familiar face, well actually 2 but technical 3 counting the 2 Nao's that were there. He also saw 2 other people but Julius didn't knew who they were. Julius figured as much that it was you who shot those fire works, cause no one would shoot fireworks in clear day light *chuckle* Julius said towards Summer. And hello Nao and... Nao, it seems like you met Summer? Julius is glad to see you two are getting along! Now would someone care to explain what the hell happened here and why there are machine pieces laying around here?

    Words: 1185
    Word count: 1185/5040

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 100%
    Spell used:
    Posts MP regain:

    uses on pocket watch
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) X9tEBuc

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Experience : 49,325

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    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Nao 11th March 2017, 11:50 am

    Rolling since the last one had quite the explosive exit.


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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by NPC 11th March 2017, 11:50 am

    The member 'Nao' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) WeakMonster They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) WeakMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Posts : 444
    Guild : Black Sails
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
    Third Skill:

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Nao 12th March 2017, 9:28 am


    Back to the Ruins.

    In the panic that Frey and Bell were already off to fight the Machine Knights Nao didn’t realise than Summer already had formulated a plan in her mind to fend off the first attacks. She would just simply wink at the clones before suggesting they try and catch up with her. Something about the wink set their hearts to jump for a moment, before nodding and running after the floating woman.

    He would never really catch up with her due to how floating seemed so effortless, and the pitter patter of feet from the clones would not be able to match it. She even out-sped Frey and Bell, who stopped dead in their tracks to watch the mage whiz past like a rocket (HAH). She was going to get to the robot spider before everyone else would ever stand a chance. That was good because it was already starting to try and burrow into the ancient ruins.

    At that point Summer’s hands would point at the target and flash like some kind of crazy light show, before launching a fast paced rocket into the mechanical spider. The screams from both the firework and the spider as it would hit were slightly piercing. It would explode in a couple bursts of firework, turning into a large pile of mechanical parts.

    Frey and Bell cheered at the woman, dancing and clapping at the powers she had been granted by whatever divine blessing or familial lineage. Nao and his clone, Nao would instead just stand there with their eyes wide open. The shock of how much damage and destruction she caused to that one spider with a small barrage of attacks was amazing.

    ”W-whoa Summer! That was incredible!” Nao called out, before looking at his clone with a grin. The clone in turn was looking at him with a grin as well before they both looked up to the rocketwoman at the same time. ”You gotta do more of that!”

    They would run towards the carnage, sprinting past the pair they were meant to look after, and up to the robot who was well and truly dead. The wires shorting, and the gears no longer moving at all. He would smile a gleaming smile before nodding.

    ”Oh this will be a piece of cake! Bell you said these were going to be difficult to fight. But this is nothing!”

    “These are just some of the subservient servants of who we’re actually going after. We will probably encounter a large amount of th-“

    She was cut short by the new figure approaching them. She and Frey turned to look, and drawing their weapons in case they were foe. Luckily it was an ally to help them on their mission. Julius in fact was a member of the guild Nao was in, and seemed to recognise Summer and her very noticeable magic prowess.

    ”Ah! Julius! You’re just in time,” Nao called out, pointing to the robots. ”Basic gist is that these robots are trying to give their power to an even greater one who was mortally wounded by these two: Frey and Bell.” He pointed over to the two of them, with Bell shyly waving and Frey snorting and putting his wooden sword to the floor.

    It seemed their greeting was going to be cut short as two more spiders started to make their way towards them. He would think for a moment, before looking as his clone brother and realsing what he could do.

    ”I suppose if we are showing what our spells can do then I could do this!” Two more Naos would appear, totalling four of them. ”There we go! We have better odds for sure!”

    One of the Naos would squint at the spiders running at them, before turning to everyone with some kind of suggestion.

    “Their weakness is their legs. They can’t shoot only run and pounce. Get the legs and we have these ones down.” It seemed Naos seemed to work better when there were more of them.

    ”Alright I can take one out with this!” Nao would fire a blast of dark matter from each of his hands, leaving a trail of black in the sky where they cut through the air. It would hit one of the spiders legs cleanly off, causing it to staged and instead would limp towards them.

    ”Huh… anyone else got any ideas?” A shrug who come from him as if he had given up trying this time.


    Spells used:
    Summon Nao: Passively this Nao grants all allies 30% more magic strength.
    Summon Nao: Passively this Nao finds weakness in targets, making them take 25% more damage.
    Mass Strike: Hold back signature spells that does 50% damage to a target. Can use twice per turn.

    OOC: More weak enemies x.x;



    Profile Magic Bank

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Guest 13th March 2017, 6:45 am

    Shine down, Spark up
    Summer felt pretty cool about dashing off on her own and making the robot explode, literally. It can be difficult to control the power of fireworks, but once you have control over such a thing, then it can promote the most destructive results that only the user could think of. Of course, Summer tries her best to not be so destructive. There were some incidents when it couldn’t be helped of course, but Summer always tried her best to minimize it as much as possible, which was the only thing she could do in all reality.

    Of course, overriding the robots system to pieces came out with quite a few compliments, Frey and Bell cheered at her explosive superiority while Nao stated at the whole firework show was quite incredible. Summer couldn’t help but show off a big grin that resembled a little childs. She couldn’t help but even scratch the back of her head the moment one of the Nao’s (she couldn’t even tell which Nao was which anymore) mentioned that she had to do more of that fancy stuff. “Oh, believe me, there is so much more where that came from.” Summer noted, still keeping her gigantic grin. “I am a fireworks user, so I utilize in a bit of burns and explosions, but I am sure that's fine!”

    “Summer, you are keeping yourself up rather well, do not lose guard, we are still in the middle of the mission.”

    “Ah, right. But the enemy is defeated, Priscilla!”

    “Yes, but what if the robots are invisible, you will not be able to sense them because the zodiac cannot.” Priscilla was right in her state of thinking, Summer can sense people who were birthed normally as they would be the ones who are marked by one of the Chinese Zodiac animals. Summer wasn’t exactly bothered by this predicament, but it would cause some major issues since the female cannot sense robots nor can she sense the undead, she can merely sense people that were pretty much alive. What makes it worse is that people would stay hidden regardless, she cannot unearth stealthy ways. Funnily enough, she started to feel a presence come to the female closer and closer, then she heard a familiar voice ring in her eardrums. Summer was re-confirmed of her suspicions as to who it was when Nao spoke out.

    “Julius!” Summer shouted as she jumped on top of him (Literally) and hugged him, landing them two onto the floor, she hoped Julius was going to be okay afterwards, but she hasn’t seen Julius in some time and so she was happy to see him. “Julius! I didn’t expect to see you here!” The female exclaimed.

    “Summer!” The flower fairy exclaimed as she pointed at two more spiders making their grand entrance. Of course, Summer only got more confused as she stood up, two more of those clones arrived and they all started to speak to each other… this was weird, this took speaking to yourself to a whole new level. “That’s insane…” The fireworks expert whispered as the four Nao’s then got themselves to work.

    “Okay!” The female shouted as she decided to take into consideration what Nao said and ran over to the spiders. She was going to show off more of what she can do, there was two choices she could do, use the spell that could make everyone feel all positive! Or she could just one shot them down to bye bye land. She opted for the latter and stood near them.

    “Get back, everyone!” The fireworks expert called out as she threw up a firework into the air before sending it straight down. The fireworks turned into sparks that just fell down around the fireworks expert. The sparks rained down on top of the enemies and even though they didn’t explode… they did indeed melt as if they were ice cubes exposed to a heatwave. The smell was horrible though, kind of like a hoover that caught something horrible in the vacuum area or something.

    “Oh man!” Summer shouted as she covered her nose. “That smells horrible!”

    ||HP:330||MP: 100%||

    ||Tag: @||Words: 686||Notes: 2434/5040||

    25% Damage Increase.
    Zodiac Auras - 30m sensing presences unless they are undead/cyborgs/robots.
    Zodiac Calm Affinity - Everyone within 25m of Summer feels much calmer and is less susceptible to attack her.
    Zodiac’s Call - Damage cut by a quarter.
    Performers Resistance - Spell resistance by 25%

    ||[color=#42f483] - Summer||[color=#930d0d] - Laysha||[color=#daa520] - Stella||[color=#fcb8b8] Priscilla||
    Made by Salrynn from FTRP
    Julius Seas
    Julius Seas

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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Julius Seas 16th March 2017, 1:02 pm

    Julius Seas

    Phoenix Wright Spirit of Justice ~ Forensic Scientist (2016):

    It seems like the two unfamiliar faces were really on their guard since they grabbed their weapons and pointed them towards Julius. Come now let's not jump to conclusions Hansel and Gretel... Julius is an friend of Nao and Summer here so you better put those things back! Julius said with an smirk on his face. Anyhow Julius thinks introductions are necessary, the name Is Julius Seas! Just like Nao, Julius is a member of the Black Sails guild. And this here is Julius' pet Squable! Julius said as he pointed towards the parrot on his shoulder. Oi, how are you doing? Squable said with an salute towards the duo. Now if you two are kind enough to give Julius your names then Julius can stop you calling Hansel and Gretel! But before they had the chance on introducing themselves Nao explained to Julius what was happening and casually introduced the two unfamiliar faces called Frey and Bell. So if Julius gets this right robots from another world came here and are basically rampaging here in the ancient ruins... Interesting... Julius though that captain Anastasia was messing with mechs and accidentally destroyed the ancient ruins... But taking an better look at this place it seems like someone has already done that job... Julius sat down at an crumbled wall. What do you think Julius should we help them out? I know that you must be tired after that whole ordeal in the graveyard... Julius didn't had an long time to think about that. Of course we're going to help out! Julius could never let down an guild member nor an friend, and besides if Nao were to tell captain Anastasia Julius simply walked away she'd would be pretty angry. Julius stood up and grabbed a piece of bubble gum and started chewing on it. As long there is music, Julius will keep on dancing! Julius said with an smile and thumbs up towards Nao.

    Though Julius then got great by an pair of arms pushing him down to the ground. The arms belonged to Summer, an wizard from Golden Phoenix he became friends with before Julius left Fairy Tail she also had an very interesting magic where she basically uses fireworks, though it certainly doesn't beats Nao's magic to summon exact copy's of himself. While Summer was still happy from seeing Julius, Julius was laying on the ground grunting from pain while her chest rested on his face. Oww... Summer can you maybe get off Julius... Summer got off from Julius, though he remained on the ground to recover from the pain. Suable perched down on Julius' chest and looked him in the eyes. You're so luckily... And you don't even like them... Squable said ending with an sigh. Well Julius certainly didn't enjoy it either so you can calm your feathers! Julius said as he stood up again and dusted of his clothes. By the way Summer... Where are Laysha and Stella? Julius doesn't see them anywhere besides that fairy that is with you right now... Julius was curious since he met her pets on their first job together, Laysha was an very flirtatious fairy and Stella was an star baby Summer adopted

    Persona 3 FES ~ Mass Destruction:

    Julius heard the sound of an fight breaking out near him, he turned around and it seemed like two spider like robots were attacking the group. Ugh, Julius hates bugs especially spiders! Nao had send out one of his clones and started attacking the robot like an team, which was quickly followed up by the colorful firework magic of Summer who melted the robots with ease but the melted robots gave of an awful smell. Ugh this smells worse then Squable's poop! Julius said as he covered his nose. My poop doesn't smell that bad! It smells bad enough to make Julius throw up!

    Phoenix Wright Spirit of Justice ~ Forensic Scientist (2016):

    Julius walked up towards Summer and the Nao's. Good work you two! Julius hopes to be of some help as well! Julius said as he gave them an thumbs up. By the way... What is our plan anyway? Are we going to defeat enemies until they stop coming or go straight to their lair?

    Words: 692
    Word count: 1.877

    Julius status
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 100%
    Spell used:
    Posts MP regain:

    uses on pocket watch (Limitations only count in PvP)
    Raid time: 5/5
    Seagull within: 3/3



    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) X9tEBuc

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
    Third Skill:

    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Nao 28th March 2017, 11:42 am

    Rolling I guess? owo


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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by NPC 28th March 2017, 11:42 am

    The member 'Nao' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) NormalMonster They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) WeakMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

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    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally) Empty Re: They came from portals? (Parousia with Sally)

    Post by Nao 28th March 2017, 12:34 pm

    Back to the Ruins.

    While the spiders were starting to head this way, Nao would begin to step back a little with his group of clones. They weren’t really too great in close combat, nor were they good in ranged combat… in fact they were pretty much just awful when it came to combat in general. The Naos used ranged weaponry to keep from being hit, but they preferred to use trickery and their group smarts when they had multiple copies of them around the area. Alone they were pretty helpless but together? They were borderline average!

    After working out that they were weak in the legs, Nao watched Summer take the stage again. She ran towards the spiders who were limping at her with their teeth mashing in hunger. She would launch a firework into the air and let it fall back to the ground and sparkle. The eyes of all the Naos widened and sparkled in reflection to how the firework was sparkling around the area. They hadn’t seen such beauty anywhere before. They didn’t even really notice that the robots were so amazed by these sparks that their faces literally melted into molten metal. This would leave them in piles of goop.

    When the show was over they all applauded her, who had begun to cover her nose and shout something out to them. They couldn’t quite hear her as the smell wafted to Julius and them. It was only when the smell hit them did they realise how awful the scent was from melted robots. It smelled like a mix of melted carbon, burned out matchsticks and as if someone had dropped a rotten egg into the mix. It was so vile one of the Naos ran off to a nearby bush and began to be violently ill.

    “Ugh that smell is AWFUL!” Frey would shout out loud as he covered his nose. His words were nasally and grunt like as he tried to get away from that smell. “These robots are badly made, and smell HORRIBLE when destroyed!” Bell on the other hand was just cringing and holding her breath as the smell began to dissipate.

    ”Ugh that was awful… Maybe melting them isn’t something we should do unless it’s out last resort,” Nao commented on the smell. He would begin trying to waft it away from his mouth. ”Plan… plan… I mean the plan is to bring this guy out here and beat him but it seems that killing these enemies is only managing to attract more of them. I’m sure there will be some more coming very soon.” Nao looked around, squinting to work out where they’ll come from.

    ”I mean it looks like they’re trying to get inside the caves of the ruins. Maybe that’s where this head knight is. Maybe we could use that as a quicker way to get through these enemies before we fight the big baddy like some kind of roleplaying game?” Was this meta? It seemed very meta. Maybe in fact this thought on meta was more meta than the words that seemed meta.

    Nao looked to Julius and Summer, before his other Naos kept a look out for anymore enemies.


    OOC: I'm super sorry for the delay! My muse dried up with me being out of the house 12 hours of the day x.x
    Also I suck at rolling, so I didn't set these enemies off. Not sure how we should go about constant weak enemies. If you want to roll more than please do so ^^


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