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    Its Barking Again! || Hayaii Solo


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 81.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood Augmentation
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    Its Barking Again! || Hayaii Solo Empty Its Barking Again! || Hayaii Solo

    Post by Stacesune 28th August 2016, 12:24 pm

    The job was a horrible one, but he took it hoping that he may be able to just sneak the dog out of town without harming it. Staring at the paper, it quite literally said "Kill" the dog. Well, that was... Not really something he enjoyed doing... But with Fairy Tail being dark, the number of jobs more his taste had all went out the window, and he had to pray and hope he could cheese past the actual requirements of the job. Not that it's going to be easy to convince the client he killed the dog, when he lives next door to the target. A long and very annoyed sigh left Sune, sliding the ad back into his pocket as he neared the location. Glaring at the house for a few, and then looking around to see if anyone was around or paying much attention to him. Thankfully, not... After his last visit, he would hate to deal with another headache, literally. It was nothing then for him to use the Client's yard as a means to sneak over to the target's, choosing to do this in the middle of the day when most people would be busy shopping or at work. However, when he leapt into the target's yard that was NOT a dog he was facing!

    Whatever it was, it was a mass of ugly and breath so rank the distance between the two couldn't mask it. A giant horrible thing of teeth and flesh, with a collar reading "Bon-Bon." Suddenly his idea of moving the dog was met with the challenge of even being able to li-.. ANNNNDDD it was charging. Hayaii's eyes went wide as it began to snarl and charge at him, like a hungry beast from the wild. "Shi-.." Was all he could utter before moving to dodge out of the way, "Damn mutt!" was what was said before he turned, slamming his fist into the thing hoping it would be enough to calm him down... But not to his hopes. His fist made contact, but the thing was so large and sturdy he'd be surprised if he even managed to bruise the thing. Pondering this was NOT the smart idea, as it turned and it's immense size knocked Hayaii back quite a was, barely able to cough out from the impact of the ground before he was met with those snarling eyes staring at him again.

    As it's charge began again, he moved to his knees, rolling out of the way as the creature stampeded past him, swearing to himself. "Alright you ugly brute. Lets do this." Punching his fists together, his legs becoming enveloped with wind. If he was going to fight this thing, he would have to move much faster while he came up with a plan. His fists did nothing to the thing, and he couldn't make too much of a scene so Typhoon Breaker wasn't an option... Tide Breather took too long to charge up... This was going to be hell. As the beast geared up for another charge, he slammed his fists together once more, Pulling them away as his wrists were now coated in scales, and his fingertips became claws. Waiting for the next charge, where he dove to the side with the increased speed, "Hyyaaaa! Tree Cutters!" Releasing his Takeover, as serrated blades of wind would crash into the beast's backside. Watching the beast, he could see this time it was hurt, but not nearly enough. Damn, one of his favorite spells and it didn't even do much.

    It turned again, and it was going to be a few before he could use that spell again. Growling out, as he met the beast head-on, launching himself forward as the winds around his legs shot him outward, crashing into the beast head-on... And immediately regretting it as he landed on the ground, holding his head as the beast backed off only for a moment. The distance between them wasn't enough for him to dodge... So much for taking this job slowly. As it reared close, he breathed in, "Tide Breather!" Spitting out a violent stream of water which crashed into the beast, slowing and stopping it as it reeled in pain, before falling back from it's attack. It was hurt, which means slowly but surely he was getting the beast down.

    He moved back to his feat, as it began it's next assault. Hayaii's legs spun with wind once more, dodging past it again, breathing heavily as he eyed the thing. He was already exhausting himself, and the fight had barely began. He wasn't being smart... It was a large beast, capable of only charging at him and attacking... Why was he doing things like an idiot? He didn't need to go into melee against this thing. He smiles to himself, tossing out Tree Cutters once more as Bon-Bon charged him, doing enough at the thing's face to move out of the way and keep distance. Storm Chaser was draining him a bit, but not enough that he couldn't stay back and rest for a few. Smirking at the beast. It was tearing, slowly.

    He just had to keep this up, rest in between the beast's charges and strike when it attacks. But this time the beast was pausing, it was waiting. Smarter than it looks, hmm... Well he could wait all he wants, grinning as he breathes in deep. Wait, it was expecting the attack! Mid spell, Bon-Bon began to charge him, as he was about to use Tide Breather again. He leapt high in the air, his Storm Chaser propelling him high as he let Tide Breather slam against the beast's face... Realizing only when he was on the decent that he needed that for slowing his fall. Throwing out the Tree Cutters to strike at Bon-Bon's backside as he slammed into the ground with tremendous impact.

    Bon-bon looked pretty hurt, but Hayaii was groaning in pure pain at this point. The impact from falling always hurt well beyond what it needed to, and now he had the beast rushing him once again. He couldn't move in time to dodge, and he didn't have time to get Tree Cutters up again. Screw it, better put the fear of god in the mutt now, He opened his mouth, a huge torrent of wind swirling infront of his mouth before it released like a huge screwdriver, slamming into the hound and ripping into it before propelling it back a distance. It was hurt, nothing could take that attack close range and not be. It was reeling around, trying to recover, giving Hayaii ample time to roll to his feet. Cracking his neck a bit, and trying to ignore the pain. He just needed another couple good hits to keep the mutt down.

    He pounded his fists together once more, his legs swirling with wind again as he grinned. Rushing at the beast, taking the offensive this time as it began to charge back. However, he curved from the forward assault, moving to the side before they would colide, and slamming the Tree Cutters into the creature's side once more. Waiting for it to begin to turn around, and then grinning wide. Before it could even charge, that painful jet of water rushed out and slammed into it once again, enough force that it made the beast give, falling to the earth from it's many wounds.

    Breathing heavily, Sune held his wounds as he moved back to the neighbor's yard, knocking on his back door loudly until he opens it. Tossing the flyer at the Client, and speaking. "The damn mutt is dead. Next time, make sure you actually LIST what it is. If thats a dog, then I'm a priss!" The payment was barely going to make up for how much this cost him in medical downtime...


    Its Barking Again! || Hayaii Solo Gangrel
    Braz WolfmunThe Blood Hound
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    Blood Augmentation
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      Current date/time is 6th June 2024, 6:20 pm