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    Allen [REMAKE]


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Completed Allen [REMAKE]

    Post by Shakil 28th July 2016, 7:43 pm

    Name: Allen S. (Creation of Doctor Stein)
    Alternate Name: Iskander Ansemn K. (Child of Khalan)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Birthday: November 1st
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Special Characteristics:

    • "0001"
      Allen is one of the many creations of Dr.Stein, who's whereabouts are unknown to him and many others. To display his ownership, Allen was branded with the four characters "0001"on the left side of his upper chest.

    • Mental State
      For the majority of Allen's life, he has been seen to lack essential interpretation of human emotions. Essentially being an artificial human and being raised away from society, Allen learns through observation and hands-on activities. But with careful maturing over the most recent small period of his life, he has a general understanding of man's basic emotions and is currently working to build on his own.

    • Fundamental Conditions
      One of the many conditions Allen was given, or perhaps it was a mistake, was that he has a craving and tolerance to the blood of people and living beings. Preferably not animal blood.

    There are many things to describe Allen. For the first chapter of his life, he spent in a contained, secluded laboratory run by Doctor Stein, both his Father, Creator, and enemy. For a wide period of years, he had gone about his life reluctantly performing experimental activities with Doctor Stein, his earliest memories, as he remembers them, consisting of cruel treatment and practical brainwash. In his eyes, at least. Very rarely would he ever get to go outside and was never exposed to society, stunting his developmental cycle and causing to him to have the mind as simple and weak of an older child. He is still learning things, and to some degree, intelligent, but there is more to him then fangs and numbers.

    Allen is particularly combative and stubborn when it comes to things he thinks he knows about. Whether it be people, places, or things as simple as food. Although he isn't a very (or actively) a verbally questioning person, he does often attempt for things to go his way. But because of this fine trait, he is seen as determined and bound to persevere.

    Ever since he was believed to be born, Allen has always been curious. Of all things, really. In his early days, he has pondered about the exploration of the outside. Gradually going out of his way to explore it as close as he could and when he was able. Even when escaping the laboratory and being adopted by his original Foster Mother, Khalan (Allen was originally an Iron Dragon Slayer, first generation, and had been raised by the current Iron Dragon, Khalan, until she disappeared), even in nature, he was curious of what else the world has to offer. This trait particularly builds on his open mindedness, allowing him to take chances and build character along the way.

    self dependent;
    In his mind, he considers himself independent, when it is clear that even he is unaware of how heavily reliant to others to help him. He is easily confused, clumsy, and deemed to be hopeless without the help of others. But even so, he tries his best to do this on his own and to live up to the the self-proclaimed independency he says he has. No, he is not selfish, and is actually very considerate.

    socially awkward;
    Even after time away from society to recharge himself, Allen remains fearful of crowds and people, along with being shy and nervous in general. His first impression of people is based on impulse, but he generally flocks away from people altogether.

    By this, it means that Allen is seen as obedient (when in truth, he chooses to cooperate rather than obey) and pressed to please others or meet their expectations, which essentially drives himself to do better, for the sake of others rather than himself.

    In any relationship, Allen is as loyal as a dog (Ironically, he attains very dog-like behaviors. Such as crouching on all fours or sniffing things, or staying close to the ground) and would go above and beyond to those who he believes deserves it. He is easy to please and quite loyal to his decisions as well. Even so, he is also deemed as protective, possessive, and overly caring.

    Allen works well under a commanding persona as long as he has a good relationship with that person, if not, there’s little chance he will obey or cooperate, causing him to be reckless and risky. This gives him little potential in government factions such as the Rune Knights, Garou Knights, and other law enforcements.


    • Sweets- Believe it or not, he likes sweets. It's hard to think that this rather masculine, prideful guy does, but, well.. he does. He doesn't know how much he likes it himself but others can surely see how much he likes sweets.

    • Human Blood- He likes consuming human blood more than sweets! Human blood has various tastes that appeal to Allen in more ways then one! Though, he does not often take the liberty to do it because 'he wants to'.

    • His Family- He adores his friends and family... self-explanatory.


    • Dr.Stein- He has mixed feelings. He loves him and is naturally drawn to him for he is the one whom created him. But also despises him for having no good intentions.

    • Dogs- Despite having almost-dog-like personality traits, he dislikes dogs in general. Some dogs are exception. He tries to avoid them so much, you can even say he's afraid.

    • Solitude- Being crammed into particular places for the majority of his early life, he dislikes both silence and being alone for an extensive amount of time.


    • His Own Strength- Because of his strong determination to become independent and completely self reliant, he often looks to his own strength for motivation to better himself. He believes that he is not strong enough to destroy and defeat the ones he cares about, he cannot protect them. A constant fuel to the flame that burns him to do better.

    • The Open Environment- A more uncommon source of ambition, the exploration of the open world has always been a dream of his, and although he can consider it come true, there is still places he hasn't been to. People he hasn't met. Or things he hasn't tried. This reminds him that there is more to the world then what he sees.

    • His Relationships- Platonic, Romantic, Professional, all of these types of relationships is what he considers to be the foundation of his very self. He believes that without the connections he has and what he is willing to make drives him to be the best person he can be, both good and bad. As foolish or naive as it seems, it is the ultimate source of his happiness and fuel to move on from the good, the bad, and the ugly.


    • Death- Allen doesn't fear a lot of things, but as common as it is, Allen does fear death.

    • Returning to Stein- As unlikely as it may be, due tot traumatic experiences with his Father at a young age, he refuses and abhors the idea of returning to the lab for further experimentation.

    • Complete Solitude- On an more extreme level, the thought of several periods of time going by with no interaction from friends or family is horrifying to him.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6’3”
    Weight: 183 lbs
    Hair: A fluorescent red, with a wild, uncontrolled style.
    Eyes: Golden
    Skin Tone: Fair & Light Olive
    Appearance:  Apart from his golden eyes and wild red hair, he mostly wears black clothes with some fur on his left side. On his lower body is what appears to be some type of semi robe with a brown belt latched onto it. He has one reddish brown glvoe on his left hand, and a little bracelet on his right.


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: N/A
    Rank: D


    Completed Re: Allen [REMAKE]

    Post by Guest 28th July 2016, 8:00 pm

    Allen [REMAKE] AESz729

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am