Fairy Tail RP

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    Iles? Ilame? Isomething!


    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! Empty Iles? Ilame? Isomething!

    Post by Cr1tikal 21st July 2016, 12:50 am

    "How was I supposed to know ALL magic was removed? Other than me being kicked out!" The woman was not happy, not at all. Upon entering the neutral grounds she had ended up giving a decently large crowd a nice show, with nothing hidden from the eye, because her magical clothing she had had around her had been nulled by the anti-magic that radiated from the area. Now she had to wear clothing, and it wasn't comfortable at all! To make matters worse from the grumbling nine tailed fox her new guild member, Scarlet, was still in a laughing fit from the ordeal.



    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! MQNhOUw

    Vilgan uv Sudrans
    Vilgan uv Sudrans

    Lineage : Commander's Aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! Empty Re: Iles? Ilame? Isomething!

    Post by Vilgan uv Sudrans 21st July 2016, 10:04 am

    The golden haired girl chuckled as her companion on this romp managed to not read the fine print, magic was disabled to an extent, of course, if one's clothing was magical it would disappear, but that's what Scarlet found so amusing about Aiyana, all those little things. The kids who were at the check stand had to have their eyes covered, several boys and a couple girls looked on the verge of a nose bleed, and Aiyana was quite upset. More amusingly she was upset because she had to now wear clothes like the rest of society, if she didn't like to wear clothing then she should just join a nudist colony, wait, no scratch that, she might actually join one, and then if she did they would need a guild master and only Mao could possibly fill that position...

    On second thought maybe she should join the nudist colony!

    "Hey now, it's all good, those clothes are cute, and now you won't have to worry about causing... any more children... oh man those parents were so pissed."

    Another giggle fit struck her as she remembered the faces of those who had been affected as they approached the line. Incredibly amusing to no end, she was glad she decided to sign up with this band of adventurers this time around.

    Total WC: 220/500
    Post WC: 220


    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! CGC3kkZ
    ~Character Profile~
    ~Character Magic~
    [url=~Character Bank~[/url]

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! Empty Re: Iles? Ilame? Isomething!

    Post by Cr1tikal 21st July 2016, 9:47 pm

    "I did NOT mean for it to HAPPEN! Why does everyone think I did it on purpose! I may act the harlot once in a while, but I'm not one to go and do illegal activities out in the open!" The woman was directing the words at the one still laughing, still teasing her about what had gone on. At least the clothing she had been given was cute, Scarlet was correct on that part.

    "Whatever, let's go get our ILac's and start playing some of that Digimon Go. I heard it's pretty fun and rewards you for being outside and travelling. JUST the thing for mages that are actively doing jobs!"

    [112 words, 215/500 total]


    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! MQNhOUw

    Vilgan uv Sudrans
    Vilgan uv Sudrans

    Lineage : Commander's Aura
    Position : None
    Posts : 10
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 37.5

    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! Empty Re: Iles? Ilame? Isomething!

    Post by Vilgan uv Sudrans 22nd July 2016, 12:02 am

    "But weren't you the one to say it isn't illegal if they enjoy it... or was that just a hyperbole. Either way, I'm confused as to why we didn't just order it from magiczon, then again the adventure is half of the fun, and it was even an adventure for all the little kids involved!"

    As the line began to move Scarlet started to ponder, what was this thing anyway, was it some kind of writing pad that one jotted down notes in, it felt like she was so behind the times, or maybe she was just incredibly lazy and didn't bother to pay attention to much behind the scenes. It was probably that since many things fluttered by her interest in one way or another even past relationships. Perhaps the worst part of it was that she didn't even consider that this device may become useless to her or an addiction until it reached her hands. Turning it on and fiddling with the touch pads she figured out what this device was all about, wasting time. Scarlet could totally, one hundred percent, without a doubt in her mind get behind the idea of wasting time with this thing, and she even got to play fun games with it? Safety be damned she would jump across the street if it meant completing a part of the game, which she almost did, but she didn't wish to leave Aiyana behind, since Aiyana was the main reason she could take this trip in the first place, aka she mooched off of her by pretending to be poor. Such is the life of one who radiants with passion. Perhaps she would repay Aiyana someday, that is if she didn't just so happen to forget about it like all the other times in the past with many faces long since discarded.

    Total WC: 527/500
    Post WC: 307


    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! CGC3kkZ
    ~Character Profile~
    ~Character Magic~
    [url=~Character Bank~[/url]

    Posts : 1756
    Cosmic Coins : 8
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: FrostFire Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Cosmic Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! Empty Re: Iles? Ilame? Isomething!

    Post by Cr1tikal 22nd July 2016, 12:46 pm

    "Hey now, that doesn't include every singe thing I do! That's only for certain people at the right times! Anyways, we didn't order it cause it would have taken two to three weeks to get it, and i did not want to wait that long when we could just go there ourselves."

    It would not be long before the line finally allowed them into the shop, Aiyana buying one for both of them as her newest member seemed to be currently jewel-less. The item was slightly bigger than her hand bit had a clear screen that was easy to see. Being powered by a lacrima there was no doubt it would stay on for a long time, and could be powered by funneling magic into it if it actually ever needed to charge. Fingers deftly figured out how everything worked before she managed to find the app she wanted; Digimon Go!

    "Well, once this installs I should have no reason to ever be bored on a job again! Let's get going and see about getting you a passport while we're at it. We'll head over to the proper place, and maybe play this game while I wait in line with you."

    Eyes would be focused on her ILac as she said the words, fingers tapping on the keyboard displayed on the screen as she typed in her registration information now that the app had happily finished installation. The woman wondered if it would just be the originals of the series, or maybe they would use them all and leave then with hundreds upon hundreds to befriend and use! It would be a challenge to keep an eye on her surroundings for a while as she slowly got used to the game, but that mattered little to her right now. She had found something fun and amusing and she wasn't going to let anything stop her from enjoying something.

    [318 this post, 533/500]


    Iles? Ilame? Isomething! MQNhOUw

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:17 am