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    Lord Midas


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 4
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Mentor : Ωmega
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    Lord Midas Empty Lord Midas

    Post by Midas 24th January 2013, 9:27 am

    Name: Lord Midas.
    Gender: Male.
    Age: Unknown.
    Birthday: He was born January 5th.
    Sexuality: Straightsexual.
    Special Characteristics: Nothing much, aside from having a silvery hair, and purplish eyes, pale skin, that which is mistaken for being an albino when Midas is just naturally pale.

    Personality: Midas sees himself upon a very strange light to things as he happens to be a very scholarly person that measures the pursuit of his life solely for information upon his head. He is a born sociopath with a desensitized prospect of feelings, which does not mean he lacks it, merely finds himself struggling to find empathy. He is highly incapable of relating to another person on an emotional level, but quite capable on an intellectual level. Not to say that he lacks emotions or a feeling of sympathy, which he does, as Midas is in fact committing evils quite casually in the pursuit of building up a future world for orphans to grow up in, despising those that hold justice and yet causing the most damage. It was a result of an early childhood betrayal where he was backstabbed by a knight of justice, literally, and figuratively, only to be filled with loathing as the knight's reasoning for backstabbing him was not even realized, placing his ambitions on lofty goals that found no merits based on hear-say reasoning. Mind you, Midas was not angry because of the fact he was backstabbed, he was angry because that backstab was WASTEFUL, and amounted to nothing in the name of true justice, only petty stupidity of helping out people in the short term instead of the longer term, like the economic prosperity of the state.

    It was only in that instance does he realize in fact the best way for one to prosper, was to in fact invite chaos so that prosperity may follow, opportunities are created, and stagnation is wiped out. Only the most merited may advance within society, and only the strongest thrive on chaos. The weak are the leaders, those that rule from above, always relying on their underlings, never having amounted to anything to their lives. They are the ones he truly has a huge vendetta against, whereas that knight? He watched as he was claimed by fate itself for his stupid shallow and ill-described ideals which did not even plan ahead besides spontaneous action, not realizing fruit of much he has achieved besides turmoil, and further and even worse off conflicts.

    Which now resulted in a very broad mindset that possesses Midas as to do whatever necessary to do whatever IS necessary in his long winding agenda of intellectual compounding to achieve true peace. The inevitability that people will always have power is realized, that to which always there must be a change of systems in order to facilitate the prosperity of everyone as a whole. Though he also realizes not everyone can prosper, as there will always be the poor, but seeks to bridging the gap between rich and poor at least to facilitate a middle class, seeing the rich as parasites, and the poor as nothing more than deadbeats doing no works at all, or even putting earnest efforts into attaining a higher grade in life. Nonetheless, the way Midas measures himself is an anomaly to everyone but himself, as he finds his modus operandi open to proceed however it goes without limiting itself to the conventions of a pattern, which is to say IS his pattern. The freedom to act in a skeptic's light, doubt is always in his head, and understandably even the effects demonstrated are still doubts in his head, not to say he'd allow it to go to his head and treat it as something as it were not, merely measure himself healthily in a way as to realize the true contents and effects of it upon his genius deliberation.

    Aye, a man unhampered by looser morals that many people follow, he would act in any way he believes are best. For whatever semi-selfish traits he carries himself, as he does not do it out of ego but rather merely to find a purpose in life besides scholarly studies, he merely picked it on virtue of prosperity being the hardest thing anyone can do without having to fail at it, or succeed merely by circumstances not their own. His high intellect often considered genius allows him to grasp things far faster than the normal peon, and can act upon it too.

    In battle, Midas happens to act in a very skeptic manner, as in he is constantly on the alert, so to say, always as if peeled for battle, and suspicious of movements. Acting within the scopes of achieving victory in battle, or merely sometimes as Schadenfreude possesses him, to screw around. As a leader, he'd give orders based on the strengths of his followers, so to achieve the highest yield results within the shortest time possible.
    • Carnal Recreation: The few vices of his life that actually kindle empathy within him to a degree he can partake in most hedonistically, given he finds himself oftenwise laboriously acting for little material rewards in questions as to motivate him. Which is why he finds himself often partaking in this most hedonistic of activities constantly, and with little trouble at all.
    • Soylens Viridians: Favorite food, ingredient? That's his little secret that it is.
    • Orphans: They are like his own children, except he doesn't actually own them, or really anything, aside from holding an interest of one day boasting an orphanage. Anyways, he likes them, they are so malleable.

    • Abstract Justice: Idiots who seek to partake in the pursuit of justice in order to satiate their vain need to verify their existence in a Freudian light, for they lack any applicable and even real manner of upholding the law aside from short term goals, as opposed to real, cemented long term ones for an entire nation.
    • Conservatives: Their lack of broad minded appreciation for innovative methods have often been the downfall of nations, as well as the fact they partake in practices stagnant and not often in any way contrived in any sense but to assure a monopoly of one clique within that society. A very counter-productive thing which leads nations to ruins.
    • The Weak: Mind you, the physically weak are not those that he hates, and neither the intellectually weak, but rather the morally weak at heart. Those that are depraved loons whom act without a concern for anyone but themselves as to advance themselves within a very limited scope of ambition, which is not even ambition, but vanity.

    • Thrill: Admittedly, he has nothing in life worth pursuing at least on a very deep level aside from what he can feel tangibly, as he is a man of more knowledge than emotions, measuring himself by logic. Still, he finds himself pursuing his goals on a whim. It is thrilling, and he feels at least it is something he can accomplish for the Hell of it.
    • The Unknown: Deep down inside, he really doesn't know what he is or who he is, his life is far too shallow in his eyes despite what he has come to do, and even perform. He does something out of a feeling inside his own fuzzy heart because it is something that tells him is the right thing to do. Even though he is not a person that slates his entire motivation on something from the guts, unmeasured and without mention, he still feels that he should pursue it. Aye, feelings, something semi-alien to him.
    • Experience: His experience with a man who lacked true idea of what to do with the very abstract notion of justice has come to disgust him so much out of his own stupidity, and the worthless sacrifice, that Midas would rather act out of this contempt if anything and seek to overcome the stupidity this man has shown Midas.

    • Unfinished Business: He fears it most of all over everything, for what path he pursues to be marred by the cold embrace of death. The ultimate anathema to his progress brought forth by the warmth of life, for if he lacks the accomplishment in this world, despite the atrocities he'd willingly do for the betterment of the world, that he would die so early, would leave everything he has done for naught. The ultimate defeat, the worst thing to ever happen to him, he fears for the world if he actually dies, not for himself.
    • Legacy: Conversely, were he to finish what he did, only that when he died, the world descends into an evil most repugnant, and worse than what he has achieved, Midas would be also distraught to see all he has done ALSO was for naught, comparatively speaking if he was alive. His goal is very simple, to leave a functional world capable of exercising out the excessive societal tumors from its base and to prosper always, with a way to advance and progress. To become something opposite of that with what he has in mind is the worst thing to happen, in itself, also equates to defeat and a failure. A possibility he will not accept.
    • Whales: Believe it or not, he dreads the coming of whales due to a freak childhood accident related to them, where down to this day, he often looks up to the skies unconsciously, and checks the corner of his eyes as a result of their presence. ESPECIALLY at night, where they are most likely to dwell, falling from the skies. At least that was his experience with them, having been very baffled if not shocked if anything when they had appeared.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6' 0" feet.
    Weight: 180 lbs.
    Hair: Silver, slicked back.
    Eyes: Blue.
    Skin Tone: Pale.
    Appearance: Standing athletically built, with a well exercised body possessing muscles as a fruit of his labor, Midas is a man whose existential appearance would be perhaps summed up as comely and pleasing to the eyes of the opposite sex. His face is well within the broad grasp of adulthood, lacking any sabotaging wrinkles all the like, whilst possessing a pallor of somewhat coarse skin typical of Caucasians, with some patches of roughness here and there from his skin. He has muscles, not the kind where he is disproportionately thin, with only the tone of his skin highlighting muscles, nay, he actually has muscles which are well suited to his build of athleticism. Black hair possesses his eyebrows, and he has silvery hair possessing his scalp, whereas saucer-like eyes boast blue irises with a sniveling contemptible gaze that is often the norm, with the smug smirk often on his face as if a sense of superiority settles into the features of Midas's face.

    He wears an auxiliary cap, which is too small for his head, so its worn there for not really much reasons other than the fact it helps keeps his hair somewhat pressed down. Also a black button up blouse underneath his double breasted blue jacket, a pair of white pants with red outlines to the side, and jackboots that reach up just right below his knees. Has a load of pockets on his clothing, even on his leopard briefs, which is actually made out of real leopard. Everything houses a compartment to keep something in, aside from his natural form. It's just his emphasis on utilitarian values.


    Guild: Savage Skulls.
    Tattoo: A black tattoo with purple outlines is located on his shoulder.
    Rank: D (if possible, I'd like C)

    Last edited by Midas on 24th January 2013, 10:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Administrator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Veteran Level 3- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 1869
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    Age : 31
    Experience : 200

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    Lord Midas Empty Re: Lord Midas

    Post by NightDrivenEn7 24th January 2013, 3:20 pm

    Likes/dislikes/motivations/fears into list form please. And sorry you can't start at C rank...It is not that hard to get to C from D anyway you will be fine.

    Next, please add how your character is in battle, as a leader while on a mission and or under one.


    "True Strength shall be shown, and the corruption of magic shall be broken."

    Current EXP: 150

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    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 4
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ωmega
    Experience : 0

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    Lord Midas Empty Re: Lord Midas

    Post by Midas 24th January 2013, 10:27 pm

    Listed, added, done and done.

    Lord Midas Empty Re: Lord Midas

    Post by Guest 25th January 2013, 5:56 am


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