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    Disturbed Gestoord


    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 3
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Disturbed Gestoord Empty Disturbed Gestoord

    Post by Disturbed 29th June 2016, 4:04 pm

    Name: Disturbed Gestoord
    Gender: Male
    Age: 19
    Birthday: 05/10
    Sexuality:  Bi
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    When faced with the true nature of the world and people alike, one cannot help but fall into utter despair. Such is the faith of Disturbed, one who bears the eyes to reveal a world beyond the one of many. Born with an ability that disturbed his view to an abstract, weird and often times scary vision made him an individual many deem odd. Through this ability Disturbed has always had a distrust towards others, and rarely socializes beyond what is necessary to achieve his mischievous goals.It could be said that this distrust began influencing his train of thoughts because of the fragmented youth he lived through.

    The ability of Disturbed also gave him a severe lack of interest into things like 'beauty' and conventional pleasure. It doesn't please him to see others happy, for in his vision almost all are ugly, especially those driven by their lust. What does give Disturbed the slightest sense of joy is pain, despair and overall sadness, for in his eyes people are only true to themselves and others when faced with immense pain, both physically and mentally.

    Friends, allies, comrades and family are all abstract concepts in the eyes of Disturbed. He never had any true family since they all discarded him because of the weird things he saw and often tried to describe and explain. He had no friends for in the end he never sought anything else then to hurt others. And in the same fashion he never met someone with the same mind set, let alone the same goal, so allies were out of the question as well. Though the loneliness has always given him comfort, nobody to judge him meant he was free to think as he himself pleased.

    The one thing Disturbed relies on to keep himself sane in his isolation lies in the spiritual fields. He is a firm believer that beyond the wicked world he always saw before him there must have been at least some being that stood beyond all that, a being that condemned humans and other creatures alike for their sins by birthing them in a world so unjust and unfair as the one he was living in. Therefor Disturbed sees hurting others as a divine mission. His eyes to see the truth, the wickedness of the world, was a gift to seek those out and deliver punishment, both those who do evil and those who pretend they don't.

    Disturbed has never lived with any higher authority then the being he prayed towards, so he is far from taking orders without question. None the less he would never oppose an idea or given objective that goes along with his ideology. Now having actual respect for authority is a foreign domain, for in his believes only the deity that stood before all is allowed to judge him, although in the same fashion that also means he wouldn't judge others.

    According to Disturbed combat has always been a troublesome thing. Killing someone means having mercy towards the one you are in conflict with, but avoiding doing so when in open combat is a difficult feat not always obtainable. Therefor Disturbed will always look for alternatives, for example psychological warfare or through the use of covert operations.

    Despair: Disturbed has always found that there are no true emotions aside from those that express utter despair, a state in which people can be truly honest about themselves and the world mentally.

    Pain: On the other side of the spectrum there is pain, the physical grand redeemer, something that will push people to be honest with themselves physically, something Disturbed will seek at out most costs.

    Conflict: The best method to draw out the fairest of emotions is through sheer conflict, wether it is war or a underhanded feud, all is fair games in the eyes of Disturbed.


    Lies: There is nothing Disturbed hates more then lies. Acting happy, cheery or in favor of someone else above yourself are all things just to keep appearances in his eyes, and therefore, lies.

    Royalty and the entitled: Those who deem themselves above others are keeping a facade in disturbed's eyes, for all are equal in their sins and deserve the same punishment for being so.

    The authorities: Those who govern and keep their citizens from harm and hardships are simply protecting those who deserve it from receiving their just punishment, and Disturbed cannot tolerate intervention.


    Divine Mission: Disturbed believes that the acts he commit, the pain he causes and the despair that he sows is all in name of a higher being that put them into the hell of his world. Living is the verdict, he is the punishment.

    Conflict: By destroying the illusion of peace that many try to uphold Disturbed believes he can trigger as much conflict as possible, which in turn drives him because it would aid him in his divine mission

    Theatrics: Aside from his divine mission Disturbed also genuinely enjoys the pain and misery of others, it's a face of mankind reserved only for those who dare to see the truth, a reward for all the hard work he has put into making this world the punishment it is supposed to be.


    Being constrained: If disturbed ever were to be captured or locked up he would even deem death a more viable option, for being unable to fulfill his mission is torture beyond comparison for him.

    innocence: Although never encountered, Disturbed does fear the appearance of someone innocent, someone devoid of all sin, someone he could never punish and was put onto this world unjustly. It would question his very faith.

    Losing his sight: If Disturbed ever were to lose his sight he would lose what he deems his one and only divine tool to reveal the truth of the world, and it would make exacting punishment on the sinners that much more difficult.
    General Appearance

    Height: Disturbed stands at a tall and slender 1.84 meters tall
    Weight: Disturbed weighs 70 kilograms
    Hair: Black, however Disturbed often chooses to shave himself bald.
    Eyes: White with purple magic circles in the center.
    Skin Tone: Pale white


    Guild: (Name of the guild your character is in. Make sure to check out all the possible Guilds before you join one. If you're joining the Rune Knights, make sure you specify the branch too.)
    Tattoo: (The guild or council tattoo. Where is it located and what color is it)
    Rank: (What rank is your character.)

    Disturbed Gestoord Empty Re: Disturbed Gestoord

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 7:43 pm

    Disturbed Gestoord XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:06 am