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    Call of Demonic Support

    Mika Zonde
    Mika Zonde

    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Posts : 55
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Call of Demonic Support Empty Call of Demonic Support

    Post by Mika Zonde 26th June 2016, 10:40 pm

    Primary Magic: Call of Demonic Support (Name is subject to change if I come up with a better one)
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description:  While most demonic forms of magic would be for dealing the most damage, this one supports the user rather differently. It uses forms of demonic energy to boost her own powers and or her allies’ powers.  Ranging from healing to damage blocking to even debuffs to the enemy, Mika will have one somewhere in her magical library.

    On the field her magic consists of fast casting and usage heals and debuffs, able to stack multiple spells that allow her to quickly and effectively take an opponent down. Opponent to close? Blind. Need cover? Pop the shield. Her fighting style will be very, very dependent on what the enemy does.
    #1. Strengths are that Mika will never run out of tricks up her sleeves. When the opponent thinks he has an advantage, Mika will pop out a different spell and stop him in his tracks.
    #2. When in team combat, Mika can help by supporting her team with HP or assorted buffs.
    #1. Sadly, while almost all of her magic is support or defensive..if she runs out of guns or items to fight with, she is left in a bad situation.
    #2. Under constant attack Mika cannot get enough debuffs out to weaken all her enemies.
    #3. She can easily run out of mana without some alternate way to restore it.

    Unique Abilities:

    Bloody Mess:

    Blood Rage:

    Vampiric Restoration:

    D Rank

    Demon's Cover:

    Leech Shot:


    Tired Eyes:

    Last edited by Mika Zonde on 27th June 2016, 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Call of Demonic Support Empty Re: Call of Demonic Support

    Post by Guest 27th June 2016, 11:46 am

    LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS TO DEFEAT THE MAGIC. . . Thought I was going to say Huns, didn't you? Anyway, anything in this color is a requested edited.
    Mika Zonde wrote:Primary Magic: Call of Demonic Support (Name is subject to change if I come up with a better one)
    Secondary Magic: N/A
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description:  While most demonic forms of magic would be for dealing the most damage, this one supports the user rather differently. It uses forms of demonic energy to boost her own powers and or her allies’ powers.  Ranging from healing to damage blocking to even debuffs to the enemy, Mika will have one somewhere in her magical library.

    On the field her magic consists of fast casting and usage heals and debuffs, able to stack multiple spells that allow her to quickly and effectively take an opponent down. Opponent to close? Blind. Need cover? Pop the shield. Her fighting style will be very, very dependent on what the enemy does.
    #1. Strengths are that Mika will never run out of tricks up her sleeves. When the opponent thinks he has an advantage, Mika will pop out a different spell and stop him in his tracks.
    #2. When in team combat, Mika can help by supporting her team with HP or assorted buffs.
    #1. Sadly, while almost all of her magic is support or defensive..if she runs out of guns or items to fight with, she is left in a bad situation.
    #2. Under constant attack Mika cannot get enough debuffs out to weaken all her enemies.
    #3. She can easily run out of mana without some alternate way to restore it.

    Unique Abilities:

    Bloody Mess:

    Blood Rage:

    Vampiric Restoration:

    D Rank

    Demon's Cover:

    Leech Shot:


    Tired Eyes:

    Call of Demonic Support Empty Re: Call of Demonic Support

    Post by Guest 27th June 2016, 2:41 pm

    Edits discussed on Skype.

    Call of Demonic Support AESz729

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 7:55 pm