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    ¡Para bailar La Bamba! || Ladies' Night Out

    Karin Sørensen
    Karin Sørensen

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Player 
    Lineage : Zeus's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 251
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Valkyrja
    Second Skill: TBA
    Third Skill:

    ¡Para bailar La Bamba! || Ladies' Night Out Empty ¡Para bailar La Bamba! || Ladies' Night Out

    Post by Karin Sørensen 29th March 2016, 8:16 pm

    There was something Kistiñe had wanted to do for a while, and that was have a night for the ladies to go out, have fun, and not have dudes around to ruin the fun. There was a bit of irony in that reasoning if someone knew the Latina long enough to know her current circumstances, but it didn't matter too much since most really didn't care. She sat in the common area of the guild hall, waiting for everyone else to get their butts downstairs so they could go and have a night on the town. Although it was something that could be considered a special occasion, the Hispanic woman was dressed in relatively casual clothing: grey jeans and tennis shoes, a white tank top, and a jacket with a fleece hood. Her thick black hair, now down to her shoulders, was allowed to hang loose and fall where it may...although there was this one annoying strand that kept falling in front of her face; she made a mental note to buy some bobby pins later on, be it tonight or later in the week...

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Marksman's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 201
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None (as of yet)
    Experience : 212.50

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Make Magic
    Second Skill:
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    ¡Para bailar La Bamba! || Ladies' Night Out Empty Re: ¡Para bailar La Bamba! || Ladies' Night Out

    Post by Corliss 30th March 2016, 7:53 am

    in someone else's happiness

    Brushing her hair, Corliss debated as to whether she should put on makeup or not. It was a girls’ night, according to a way-too-excited Kistiñe, which probably meant that the Black Rose girls were gonna go somewhere and wreck the place, likely while under the influence of alcohol. Corliss was a little too young for this kind of thing, but when Kistiñe asked/insisted that she come along, Corliss couldn't refuse the wishes of her adoptive sister. The question was, who all was going?The white-blonde hadn't met many of her female guildmates, so going out with them would be a great way of getting to know them, albeit a little too much knowledge. She had decided on a black skirt and peach-colored tank top, exposing the red guild tattoo on her left shoulder blade, hopefully going for the right blend of innocent and fun to keep her looking like the more normal girl of the group, and eventually decided on not wearing any makeup. Braiding her hair, Corliss flew down the stairs to meet Kistiñe.



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    ¡Para bailar La Bamba! || Ladies' Night Out TEmrTHZ

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    ¡Para bailar La Bamba! || Ladies' Night Out Empty Re: ¡Para bailar La Bamba! || Ladies' Night Out

    Post by Guest 11th April 2016, 4:14 pm

    of a culture that I create

    A girls night out. It was something she couldn't say she had ever experienced before, or even came close to experiencing. Having grown up with a single brother and her grandfather Astrid had never really been around girls before let alone spent an entire night with them. The thought of so many woman is once place was unnerving. What were they supposed to even do? Where would they go? The young violinist had many questions that she didn't have any answers to.
    Yet, oddly enough, despite the fact of having so little knowledge on the matter, she found herself really wanting to go. To at least try it out. It would be a good way to get to know her guild mates.
    Well, her girl guild mates. Now that she thought about it, the only members she knew of were guys. Lucius, Kaisto, Elyx.
    The only woman she could come close to was Izayuki. Although she had only really heard of the name. It wasn't like she really 'knew knew' her.
    It had taken quite a bit of convincing herself, trying to calm her nerves at the thought of meeting new people. Though in the end, she knew these were her guild mates. It's not like they would reject her.
    Well... She at least hoped they wouldn't. Who knew what these woman were like. Even if Astrid tried to hold everyone in a good light, she knew sometimes, you couldn't always do that.

    "U-Um, excuse me...?"
    Sheepishly approaching the two female mages, the silver haired musician stood before the two of them, a hand reaching behind her long, tied up hair to fiddle with the black machines inserted into her ear instinctively to try and calm her sudden nerves she could feel swelling up inside her chest.
    Blue eyes switching back and forth between them they finally settled upon Kistine, blinking once.
    "Is this... Where we're meeting for the night out... Uh... Thing?"
    What was it called again?
    "... Ladies night... Out?"
    That was is, right?
    Or did she already mess up?
    Letting out a nervous giggle she dropped both of her hands down to the middle of her powder blue, frilly dress, tugging at the middle of it with her fingers.
    Though she had thought about wearing a braid, she had turned it down after Lucius had offered. She might have taught him how to when they were kids, but honestly he wasn't the best at it. The way he did his own were always loose, practically falling out of the band. And she wanted to look the best she could for this night.
    So instead, she had tied her own hair up in a high ponytail, compete with a few defeated grumbles from her brother.
    Along with it, she chose the dress, a pair of white slip on shoes, and her normal black hairband.
    No makeup for her, however, as she didn't own any, nor knew how to up it on.

    She just hoped what she chose was okay.

    TAG , Notes , other cool stuff
    credit to nat of adoxography.

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:33 pm