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    Merlin's Plot Proposal: Thesis to a New Series of Plots in FTRP boards

    Merlin Ambrosius
    Merlin Ambrosius

    Magic Application Approved!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Merlin's Plot Proposal: Thesis to a New Series of Plots in FTRP boards Empty Merlin's Plot Proposal: Thesis to a New Series of Plots in FTRP boards

    Post by Merlin Ambrosius 26th March 2016, 3:45 am

    Merlin's Plot Proposal: Thesis to a New Series of Plots in FTRP boards Bokw8BLFzdJ7_o7kZhjgt_jlk0c2oytOelJzztmCqSiUO5m7TAuVvQSqzHGJPAkKzRON=s662-fcrop64=1,00003386ffffa2c2


    "Greetings and welcome to CLASS TIME with your host, Merlin Ambrosisus! Today I shall discuss about the mechanics of my plot proposal!"

    All the NPCs I generate are mostly Magi who strive more in intelligence rather than magical potential (Although there are some who falls having strong points on two fields). In my plot proposal the term "Magecraft" is introduced, along with the Laplace Demon's Theory and the Inversion Impulse.

    What is Magecraft? What makes Magecraft different from one's use of magic? Well first, allow me to define Magecraft itself!


    Magecraft is an artificial reenactment of a mystery, a miracle.

    It is the ability to reproduce what can be scientifically realized regardless of time and funds. Magecraft doesn't fall under the category that can easily be achieved through natural means but rather its only something that defies the common logic.

    Take it as trying to lift a girder in midair with no material to actually hold it.

    In common logic, the only way to lift a girder in midair is to simulate two powerful magnets on it, whereas the powerful magnets would eventually allow it to float in midair.

    In terms of Magecraft, the only way to lift a girder is to completely weaken the level of gravity in its area, causing the girder to float.

    What makes this different from magic?

    Magic itself is the miracle, the ability to create miracles and a power that is almost infinite in mystery. Magic is something that can't be interpreted through scientific means rather most would say sorcery is closely attuned to phenomena itself. It cannot be completely explained or rather the very cause itself cannot be defined through simple analysis and interpretation rather defined in "theories" according to philosophers. Its a driving and unpredictable force and the very nature of magic can vary according to how it was brought up.

    Magecraft can only replicate the internal works of Magic itself, we can mimic magic, harness its energy and use to perform chores in an uncommon way, which classifies Magi as threats commonality.

    Magic in terms of the example shown earlier is pretty much like commanding the force of nature to lift the girder without completely hindering any of the physical laws in order to perform it, in the mordern world, should such feat be achieved, the ignorant would just think of it as an illusion.

    What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Magecraft, some properties Magecraft has and that Magic doesn't have?

    Advantages and Disadvantages

    • Magecraft has become a bit more common preference and usage among magi, since unlike other types of magic, it can easily be learned, the mechanics of such can be completely explained and comprehended as well as its usage. Majority would prefer Magecraft over actual magic because it can come in many application and varieties of such can be produced accordingly to one's concept of it.
    • Magical Items are a result of Magecraft,no matter what one says. There is no such thing as an item produced purely on the methods of Magic as magic cannot be bounded to create objects but can only perform a mystery, a miracle. In terms of how the Celestial Spirit keys were made, whether the one who crafted it was a pure magical entity or not, there must always be an explanation to how they were crafted and well made for humans to use and to make a contract with but this doesn't mean celestial spirit magic itself is Magecraft. While the summoning process is Magecraft itself, the being summoned is the result of Magic itself. The use of Lacrima in order to obtain Magic is considered Magecraft as well or rather the process of acquiring a speciality of magic is magecraft.
    • Magecraft can allow one to harness power into an object and can also allow such power to be released, same principle applies to living beings, the process of regenerating mana is an integral part of Magecraft. Gods or planetary entities such as Primordials, demons or angels, elementals are magic entities because their existence is a complete mystery in itself. In recent times, Modern Magi formulated ways to rival the power of the Gods through the process of generativity. According to historians most Magi during the Age of the Gods were quite powerful than the ones living today because most of them had already contracted themselves to the Gods or were blessed and cursed with those powers. The possibility of descendants inheriting this power would decrease overtime as some would procreate with others who may not hold such power or may have a different one. Even committing incest wouldn't suffice as it wanes over the course of time to the point that it can no longer be classified as magic but simply Magecraft as purity can completely be robbed despite the circumstances.
    • Continuation from the part of Generativity, the method Magi managed to develop was the creation of Magical Circuits and Magical Crests in themselves. Magic Circuits are components of a mage's body that is somewhat similar to an ogan but they aren't materialistic. Magic Circuits generate mana, some may even generate mana for a specific spell. These Magic Circuits are produced and made to generate mana and to unleash powerful spells and such. A Magic Crest is a pile of Magic circuits clumped together and is usually a result of generativity, whereas a bloodline of mages would contribute magic circuits and add them to the crest. To transfer a crest to descendant of the bloodline would require a surgical process to which there's a 50-50 percent chance the successor may die from such operation, which is the bad side of it and its expected to be painful. Through this process, the older the magic crest, the more powerful the bearer be and it is possible that one can rival the power of the Gods this way but never in a lifetime can the mages of old wield such great power as the Modern magi of today.
    • To compare the implantation of a Magic Crest and a Lacrima, both gives off special perks and abilities, including the knowledge of magic. To differentiate, a Lacrima can give one the ability to use magic automatically and is nurtured through experience and practice and can be given to almost anyone. A Magic Crest is different, it cannot be implanted to just anyone as one sees fit. It can only be implanted on  the next generation of a bloodline, the heir, the successor. Just as how a Magic Crest would be, the older it gets, the more powerful the wielder of the Crest and unlike mages that don't have magic circuits, those who have them can regenerate more mana than they could. (Of course once they are out of mana, the same conditions apply, regardless)

    The Laplace Demon Theory

    During the early periods whereas Magic was to become a common sight among the populace, scientists and researchers developed a new kind of method that allowed them to predict future events without the aid of the Oracles. They followed the principles of Laplace’s demon to which then, it is actually possible to predict the future by means of possessing a highly developed and advanced cognitive process.  The name of the group that follows this principle was known to be called Atlas.

    Majority of the members of Atlas are usually alchemists or rather holder type magus, it is rare to find a caster type mage within the group. All members of Atlas were to learn and apply the principles of the Laplace Theory through their magic (An advance and deeper understand of cause and effects, source and repercussions and anticipation). More or less Holder type Magus would have it as a secondary magic or ability other than their primary.

    This was known as Memory Partition.

    Memory Partition is a specialty to which only the members of Atlas know of. it is the ability to partition their thoughts to form multiple independent thought processes. While normal people can only have a single "room" in their brain and focus on one thought, partitioning adds partitions to the one room to create multiple rooms. The prerequisite for the superior alchemists of Atlas is at least three rooms, while five is on the level of a genius. The more partitions one has, the smarter the mage and the more powerful and superior their tactics are. It is different than having multiple independent machines in their heads because, while there are multiple processes, they work toward one goal. They manage different problem sets, but work together to generate one overall solution. While machines can calculate on the same level, nothing else compares when used for problem solving. The limit of an average member is one thought into multiple rooms, but superior alchemists can perform first−order tetration of their thought into rooms. The rooms are synergistic, so four partitions allows for 256 thought processes. As they work towards one goal, it does not allow for 256 separate calculations.

    Mixed Bloods

    Throughout mythology, stories of humans breeding with Gods and monsters exist. These stories may serve to empower a ruler or perhaps cause terror as part of a moral story. Whether it would be from love or for unpleasant motives, the offspring is born from their union. These are people that have received the essence of Inhumanity through their bizarre heritage, they are commonly known as Mixed Bloods. And many of these people will sooner or later tap into its hidden power under certain circumstances. It is possible to never ever try to attempt unlocking the psychological limiters in place, but with the uncertainty of life, it is also deemed impossible at the same time.

    When one taps into their Inhuman heritage, they can never turn back. You can never go back to normal. People who have stepped into this realm can only hope they won't be able to experience anymore "triggers"that will cause them to lose more and more of their human side. Some maybe lucky enough that their lineage is too weak for any further advancement. The luckiest ones will have blood that have been diluted enough that they will never have fo experience this in the first place.

    The "Inversion Impulse" is a term describing the Inhuman side of the Mixed Bloods. It is a state where humans can tap into their monstrous heritage hidden deep inside of their genetics. This also describes how this heritage threatens to take over a Mixed Blood's humanity. In every word, humans are weak individually to begin with. As a consequence, their Inhuman side will start to gain control over their mind, body, and soul. The end result is a new creation of a full-blooded monster. It's always nearly a given that an Inhuman is generally weaker than a full-blooded Inhuman.

    Besides those born as one, you have some that are made into one. These may be people that have somehow made a part of a monster into themselves. This can be as simple as consuming their flesh, drinking blood, or even attaching their arm in place of a lost one. Through doing so, they are making themselves vulnerable for the "invader" to enter their body. Even cutting off the newly attached limb may not be possible to stop this advance. As such, it would be fool-hardy to commit to this practice without considering the consequences.
    Mixed Bloods are categorized into these separate classes below.

    • Oni-Kind: An inhuman species under the category of the Transcendent Kind. Known for being "demons", the Oni-Kind seem to be a fiery species related to flame and heat along with brute force. In today's times, the Oni-Kind are extinct. But they have some descendents through humans that may have only a bit of their blood. Mixed Bloods of the Oni-Kind generally do not have happy and long lives as they tend to risk insanity that is dangerous to themselves and to others around them.
    • Demi-Humans: A general term of mystical creatures with human characteristics. Each possess their own unique abilities related to their own legends and lore. Their weaknesses are also stated in such sources. Giants, fairies, and dwarves are under this category. Even werewolves and succubi/incubi seem to be included. That is to say they are living creatures that have "mystery", unlike the mystical spirits of old.


    [16:54:16]Dubhlainn : What does the name Hikaru mean?
    [16:54:27]Eclipse Valerie : Hikari means light o-o
    [16:55:04]Eclipse Valerie : I think Hikaru is like the male form of it? maybe..
    [16:55:34]Dubhlainn : So does that mean Hikaru is a transgender?
    [16:56:04]Eclipse Valerie : uhm o-o
    [16:56:08]Joan Blackheart : Lmao.
    [16:56:53] Merlin Ambrosius : 10 out of 10 would still bang.

    Merlin's Plot Proposal: Thesis to a New Series of Plots in FTRP boards Merry_10

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm