Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 4
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Reaper(WIP) Empty Reaper(WIP)

    Post by Reaper 7th February 2016, 10:21 am

    Name: Ashylana Taylor
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Birthday: June 3
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Has a tattoo on her back,left eye is red and a scar on the side of her mouth
    Personality: (What is their personality like, at least 500 words, two paragraphs; first explaining your character in detail outside of battle. The second explaining your character in battle, how they do as and under a leader.)

    • Ice cream-Likes mint chocolate chip ice cream just because she can
    • Music-Loves music.She feels as if she was born to make music,although she can't play instruments or sing to save her life.
    • Dancing-Loves dancing as much as she loves music.She can dance very well,although most of the time she'll dance very childishly.
    • Marbles-Has a weird obsession with marbles.


    • Quiet people-She doesn't understand why people like to be quiet.She will occasionally tell them 'You have a mouth and vocal cords that work!Use them for goodness' sake!'
    • Spiders-She hates how they move and their eyes and their tiny hairs.Freaks her out.
    • The color pink-She hates pink.And how it's stereotyped to most girls.


    • Seeing people hurt-If anyone close to her gets hurt and she sees,she will be instantly motivated to defeat the person/thing that hurt her friend.
    • Food-Food is always a motivation.If food is the prize of doing something,she will do it.
    • Seeing other people get  motivated-If she sees someone do something similar to what she has to do,she'll do it.


    • Puppets-She has pupaphobia-phobia of puppets.If she sees one,she will freeze and scream loudly.
    • Hurting someone-She constantly lives in fear of hurting someone emotionally.
    • Statues-She really doesn't like statues.It's the way they're constantly unmoving that scares her.

    General Appearance

    Height: 156.7cm/61.7"
    Weight: 62.0 lb (28.1 kg)
    Hair: Her hair is a very very deep black ,dip-dyed crimson red.It's long,wavy and goes down to just below her waist.
    Eyes: Her right eye is black,almost as black as her hair and her left eye is a bright orange.Her side fringe covers her left eye.
    Skin Tone: She is brown skinned
    Appearance: Ashylana is skinny and as curvy as a stick.She hasn't developed any curves or feminine features yet despite her age,making her look so much more younger than she actually is.
    Ashylana tends to wear quite short clothing,always wearing some black denim shorts,black tube top with a black plaid shirt,unbuttoned,and black combat boots.She also has black fingerless leather gloves with crimson lace around the edges.Except from a few scars,her skin is almost completely unblemished.

    Guild: Fairy Tail
    Tattoo: Black guild tattoo.Placed on the back of her neck.
    Rank: D

    Reaper(WIP) Empty Re: Reaper(WIP)

    Post by Guest 16th December 2017, 7:02 pm

    Reaper(WIP) XEibTrW

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 7:55 pm