Fairy Tail RP

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    Of Panthers and Raccoon Dogs


    Star Of Panthers and Raccoon Dogs

    Post by Guest 3rd February 2016, 7:43 pm

    Job Title:
    Of Panthers and Raccoon Dogs
    (Private Job/Plot/Story for Marschal Leigh and Izayuki Hyoujin to find and meet their father, Inteus.)


    Player Requirements:
    At least 2 C rank mages or 1 B rank Mage. Maximum of five people. Be the Black Rose mages, Izayuki Hyoujin and Marschal Leigh.

    Job Requirements:
    35 posts. At least 350 words per post.

    Job Location:
    Galuna Island

    Job Description:
    A request from the villages of Galuna Island!
    "Greetings, Mages of Black Rose. We have a not-so-unique request of sorts, and require a couple of Bounty Hunters to fulfill it. There has been a mysterious monster lurking on our island. He is feline in nature, and very strong and scary! He kills without mercy and hunts our villagers like prey, picking us off one by one. Our greatest warriors have failed; we have nobody else to turn to! Please kill or capture this terrible monster!"

    White Fairy Tern x50 ♦ This flock of birds is angry that you are on their island and so close to their nests! Each bird deals less than half of D rank damage, but all together they can be quite overwhelming; not to mention they are fast and hard to get away from! Take them out with a large spell or run before they peck out your eyes!

    Normal & Strong:
    Monster Adders x2 ♦ Who knew that island serpents could grow to a monstrous thirty feet long? Their venom slows their victims down by 30% for 3 posts. The razor-blade on their tails deal B rank damage! They take 10 B rank hits each to take down. If Strong is rolled, 4 snakes appear.

    Inteus ♦ A fierce panther yokai who appears to be a man at first, but has a monstrous feline takeover! He must appear and be dealt with before the job can end. He deals A rank damage and can shapeshift at will.
    Human Appearance ♦ Partial Takeover Form ♦ Full Takeover/Panther Yokai Form

    20k Jewel. Double EXP.
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    Star Re: Of Panthers and Raccoon Dogs

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 6th February 2016, 8:07 pm

    Approved, job has been added to the "Character Jobs" section

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 1:37 pm