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    The Unprecedented Florist

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

    Posts : 1584
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    Age : 22

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    The Unprecedented Florist Empty The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by Lester Drynedi 20th October 2017, 9:26 pm

    The Unprecedented Florist

    Primary Magic: The Unprecedented Florist
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you trained for goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster

    Description: The unprecedented florist is a magic similar to Flower or Plant magic. It allows someone to control the finer aspects of a plant and utilize the natural features a plant will have. It can be used for a broad range of fighting styles, from support roles to healing and travel assistance to a frontal assault and back to assassination situations the unprecedented florist truly flourishes when the mages extends their imagination.  
    Lester uses the magic as a backup support role, normally he will start off with tracking the enemies down and marking how many there are. Then he will immobilize enemies so his teammates have an easier time. Here he will start healing his allies, when his allies are getting tired or the tide is turning against them he will use his lineage Vengeful Treant, and depending on how the battle goes he will either heal his allies or help Vengeful Treant by immobilizing enemies. In the event of a retreat he will use petal storm for a large group of enemies or pollination dust for less enemies. if a teammate is about to die or he himself is about to die he will use spiteful climbers but is always hesitant to use it.

    ~Inner Artist: Creative a broad range of spells are included in the florist part.
    ~Safety first: Focuses on support spells, if you're still alive and conscious then you can still win!
    ~Uncommon: It is an uncommon magic, not many mages would have knowledge of it and won't be informed.

    ~Sleeping warrior: Offensive powers don't get strong until A or B rank.
    ~Inner Artist’s block: If they aren’t feeling creative or have little knowledge in how a spell can be used then it can be hard to know when and how to fight with this magic.
    ~Wilting Poesy: The magic started from a florist turned magician, as such it focuses on flowers and other plants. Most plants are weak against fire and need light. Damage from fire and darkness increases by 10%
    ~Uncommon: it is an uncommon magic, therefore most people won’t know much about it. To practice and learn the user would have to be an independent worker and be good at researching.

    Vengeful Treant:

    Unique Abilities:

    Type's : Support, passive
    Elements:  Nature, Plant
    Duration: Passive
    Cool-Down: Passive
    Damage: N/A
    Description:  The caster slowly begins to take on the physical characteristics of a plant as they grow in strength, due to this they intake power from the sun and can produce fresh clean oxygen, due to this their mind is clear and he has faster processing speed. The act of photosynthesis has strengthened their healing speed overall and when they’re in the sun the caster will gain a 25% movement speed increase due to having higher oxygen levels.
    Effect:  5% hp regeneration second post, 25% boosted movement speed when in the sun

    Forest' Gratitude
    Types : Defensive, Utility
    Elements: Nature, Plant
    Duration: Until defense is broken
    Cool-Down: 1 post
    Damage: N/A
    Description: From within their body the plant-like matter within them will protect them, from their body a layer of bark and leaves will rise to the skin and protect the caster, it can take 1 rank worth of its damage and move across the body to protect them until the the damage defence is exceeded and it recedes back into the skin.
    Due to assimilation with plants and becoming more natural he can pass on unused energy to plants and increase the growth speed of seeds and plants, the plants cannot be used to defend or attack directly. Although they can be used to change the terrain to his advantage, eg growing long grass or aging plants until death to clear an area.
    Effect: Blocks 1 rank worth of user rank of damage, and can grow other plants in the area.

    Root system
    Type : Passive
    Elements: Nature, Plant
    Duration: Passive
    Cool-Down:  Passive
    Damage: N/A
    Description: Due to the natural plant growth within the user of this magic will be able to absorb sun overtime,the energy manifests within a small seed next to his heart. Over time as the mage ranks up little roots will take over the makes central nervous system and will slowly convert them into a more plant like form. With the seed that grows from photosynthesis the mage who uses this magic will also get a total mp increase every rank they ascend.
    Effect: Upon rank up the total MP of the user will be increased
    C rank: 10 mp increase
    B rank: 20  mp increase
    A rank: 20  mp increase
    S rank: 40 mp increase
    SS rank: 40 mp increase

    Alliance Bloom
    Types : Defense, Buff
    Elements: Nature, Plant
    Duration: Until defence ability is used, or three posts
    Cool-Down: 2 posts for the target
    Damage: N/A
    Description: When a teammate or ally is affected by a spell of the caster a bud is left on them between the shoulders, the flower will bloom into a small violet rose. The rose will grant the ally with 5mp per post it is active, the rose will also block 1 rank of caster damage. Before an attack lands another small flower will bloom and act as a shield. The effects end after 3 posts or the defensive ability is used.
    ~Defensive block 1 rank caster damage,
    ~Target gets 5mp per post
    ~Does not stack.
    ~2 post cooldown for each target

    Pollination Dust:

    Petal storm:

    Spiteful Climbers:

    Soothing Nectar:

    Floral Union:

    Blossoms Regen:

    Life Vine:

    Ranking Signature Spell:

    D Rank Signature Spell:

    Notes & future ideas:

    private message me for plots

    Template (c) Izayuki

    Last edited by Lester Drynedi on 14th December 2017, 4:14 pm; edited 18 times in total
    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
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    The Unprecedented Florist Empty Re: The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 21st October 2017, 6:01 pm

    So you already know me slightly, Den Mother Kitty in the discord chat, so let's just getting to playing flower's versus zombies and getting you all good to go. Edit's in this color.

    Leonine wrote:Magic

    Primary Magic: The Unprecedented Florist
    Secondary Magic: (Must be filled in later. Magic you trained for goes here)
    Caster or Holder: Caster

    Description: The unprecedented florist is a magic similar to Flower or Plant magic. It allows someone to control the finer aspects of a plant and utilize the natural features a plant will have. It can be used for a broad range of fighting styles, from support roles to healing and travel assistance to a frontal assault and back to assassination situations the unprecedented florist truly flourishes when the mages extends their imagination.  
    Lester uses the magic as a backup support role, normally he will start off with tracking the enemies down and marking how many there are. Then he will immobilize enemies so his teammates have an easier time. Here he will start healing his allies, when his allies are getting tired or the tide is turning against them he will summon Forget Me Not, and depending on how the battle goes he will either heal his allies or help FMN by immobilizing enemies. In the event of a retreat he will use petal storm for a large group of enemies or pollination dust for less enemies. if a teammate is about to die or he himself is about to die he will use spiteful climbers but is always hesitant to use it.


    • Inner Artist: Creative a broad range of spells are included in the florist part.
    • Safety first: Focuses on support spells, if you're still alive and conscious then you can still win!
    • Uncommon: It is an uncommon magic, not many mages would have knowledge of it and won't be informed.


    • Sleeping warrior: Offensive powers don't get strong until A or B rank.
      Inner Artist’s block: If they aren’t feeling creative or have little knowledge in how a spell can be used then it can be hard to know when and how to fight with this magic.
    • Wilting Poesy: The magic started from a florist turned magician, as such it focuses on flowers and other plants. Most plants are weak against fire and need light. Damage from fire and darkness increases by 10%
    • Uncommon: it is an uncommon magic, therefore most people won’t know much about it. To practice and learn the user would have to be an independent worker and be good at researching.

    Necromancer's Passion:

    Unique Abilities:

    Abilities: When the sun is shining Lester regenerates 5% of his Hp on every other post. As a byproduct of health regeneration when injured and Photosynthesis is active he has a boosted movement speed of 25%, this is due to how photosynthesis in flowers expels oxygen, which allows him to intake that oxygen and move faster. However this does not work during the night and when underground. The movement speed boost is only when he has below 100% hp.

    Abilities: Through understanding the plants and high concentration Lester can sense where a person has touched a plant. It works extremely well outside where moss and grass can grow, in forests with large amounts of trees and leaves. But lacks in power indoors and where there isn't plant life. This acts as a tracking, where non plant life had touches plant life. Although he can only tell things like, feet size, the shape of the heel and sole (wearing sneakers vs heels), he can only sense the shape of what has touched plant life. Can track the person/shape within 25m and increases 10m with each rank. It can be toggled on/off Just change this to burst range for his rank, you're actually kinda nerfing yourself on this otherwise.

    Root system
    Abilities: The seasonal growth of a root system, each year that a flower takes root it grows stronger, it is stronger than the year before. The change from a wildflower to a strong flower that climbs to reach the sun is slow but strong. Root system increases the Mp of the user in a passive manner. Each rank they increase is a Mp increased.
    C rank: 10 mp increase
    B rank: 20  mp increase
    A rank: 20  mp increase
    S rank: 40 mp increase
    SS rank: 40 mp increase







    Notes & future ideas:


    The Unprecedented Florist Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    The Unprecedented Florist H6NcPbM The Unprecedented Florist H6NcPbM The Unprecedented Florist H6NcPbM The Unprecedented Florist H6NcPbM

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

    Posts : 1584
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 1
    Age : 22

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    The Unprecedented Florist Empty Re: The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by Lester Drynedi 22nd October 2017, 12:28 am

    edited. Sorry, at first my brain was a little sleepy.
    It should be fixed now.


    Jiyu Kazehime
    Jiyu Kazehime

    Posts : 1917
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Magic
    Second Skill: Demonic Takeover
    Third Skill:

    The Unprecedented Florist Empty Re: The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by Jiyu Kazehime 22nd October 2017, 5:34 pm



    The Unprecedented Florist Miku_chibi_by_kenneos-d4l2s2w

    The Unprecedented Florist H6NcPbM The Unprecedented Florist H6NcPbM The Unprecedented Florist H6NcPbM The Unprecedented Florist H6NcPbM


    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    The Unprecedented Florist Empty Re: The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by Aura 1st November 2017, 3:46 am

    Unlocked upon the user's request:


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    The Unprecedented Florist GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6

    Lester Drynedi
    Lester Drynedi

    Gentleman florist

    Gentleman florist

    Posts : 1584
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 1
    Age : 22

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    The Unprecedented Florist Empty Re: The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by Lester Drynedi 1st November 2017, 2:12 pm

    Finished bump, 

    -Changed the lineage 
    -Updated Magic description to fit with lineage
    -Removed previous lineage magic (Forget Me Not) its ironic



    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    The Unprecedented Florist Empty Re: The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by Aura 1st November 2017, 2:17 pm

    Changes Approved:

    The Unprecedented Florist BolcTS8


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    The Unprecedented Florist GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    The Unprecedented Florist Empty Re: The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by desirée 11th December 2017, 8:57 pm


    Unlocked and Moved Upon Request of the User.


    The Unprecedented Florist IY2eFxu




    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1555
    Guild : ☽ luminous rose guild mistress ☾
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 335
    Mentor : ☽ diamandis stellavera ☾
    Experience : 915,017

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    The Unprecedented Florist Empty Re: The Unprecedented Florist

    Post by desirée 15th December 2017, 4:25 pm


    The Unprecedented Florist 8SFaQD4


    The Unprecedented Florist IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:13 pm