Fairy Tail RP

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    The Birds


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    The Birds Empty The Birds

    Post by Admin 11th January 2016, 7:58 am

    Job Name: The Birds
    Job Rank: B
    Job Requirements: 1 B rank Mage, (Or 2 C rank magi) A max group of 2 wizards total. At least 1 person in the party must've successfully completed "The Cattle"(This job may only be done 1 time by a character) Must roll 2 monster dices per roll. Must roll at least 3 sets of monsters. 30 posts 300 words per post.
    Type of job: Series
    Job Location: Motor City
    Job Description: "THE BIRDS ARE COMING! WE ARE DOOMED THE BIRDS ARE ATTACKING!" Recently the high volume of Motor city has caused a very strange change in the birds that dwell in the region around the city. They have all grown to incredible sizes, and have become very violent. The noise of the motor city has attracted them to the city and they have begun to attack everyone and anyone who is on the streets. As such the officials of the city have asked for help from anyone, and everyone who is able to rid them of their bird problem.
    Weak: Carrion Crows x 10 These are your standard looking crows but they have bronze beaks and talons. They are viscous and attack anyone they happen up. In groups they will divide and attack as one. They will go for the eyes, and head first, but if they can't reach you they will peck at your body trying to bring you down. These birds take 1 hit of B rank damage to kill per bird.

    Normal: Odin's Ravens x5 These Ravens are as large as eagles with steel beaks and talons that can pierce into wood with ease. Their wings are sharp and capable of cutting into skin and wood. They attack in a group and will divide if there are multiple targets. They go for the throat and face, and if one is being attacked by the crows it will cause them to scatter. These great birds take 2 hits of B rank damage per bird to kill.

    Strong: Zeus' Eagles x2: These great eagles are the size of condors and have beaks made of bronze/titanium alloy. Their wings gleam with golden feathers and are razor sharp. These birds are also capable of emitting a high pitched screech that deals B rank damage to any unprotected ears, but still deals C rank even if the ears are protected. These great avians attack with a ferocity unseen, and are incapable of feeling fear so they will never stop attacking. It takes 3 hits of B rank damage to bring these birds down.

    Boss:Stymphalian Birds x 4 These great birds look like condors, but they are as large as a Pteranadon (Pteradactyl) Their beaks and talons are made of a black metal stronger than any metal humans have access to. Their wings seem to be made of this same stuff. They are fast and will dive bomb their opponents when they first arrive. They will not back off until they have been killed. Their cries will automatically summon more of Odin's ravens to attack you, and they will each cry out once every 2 posts. It takes 5 hits of B rank damage to bring these behemoths down.

    Reward:This job pays 25k in jewels, and gives you 1 primary magic slot at your highest rank available (Unless already maxed out.)Completing this quest will allow you Access to "The Apples"

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm