Fairy Tail RP

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    Lineage : Chaos Eye
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    Posts : 69
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    Experience : 150

    Kayla,Croft Empty Kayla,Croft

    Post by Cake 10th November 2015, 9:16 pm

    Name: Kayla Croft
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14
    Birthday: June 22nd 6/22
    Sexuality: undetermined
    Special Characteristics: nothing special c:

    Personality: Kayla Croft is a rude disrespectful rebellious teenager, she's mildly hotheaded and quite simple minded. Although she does strive with her confidence she's not afraid too say whats on her mind although it could have a negative outcome since she's rude she'll say something without thinking about consequences, and usually leaves a bad impression this is one of the reasons why she typically doesn't make friends and ends up hating everybody. Kayla also is easily angered if she hears you talking smack she wouldn't be afraid of going right up too you to confront you, she hates people who says things that cant back them up. Kayla can also be considered to be a rose, but every rose has its thorns doesn't it? Another thorn of Kayla is that she can be very and I mean very stubborn. She doesn't like admitting defeat, especially when theres a life on the line or shes fighting for something with important value. She also has strong beliefs and has a difficult time on changing her mind on something.

    Inside of battle, she enjoys herself. In a situation where her challengers are weaker then her she simply just makes fun of the entire thing and takes her time as she pummels them, her hot headed nature helps her with her battle skills in some ways since her anger can force her too keep continuing. However in a battle where her opponents are completely overpowering she will become intimidated and her ego will shatter entirely.

    Outside of battle she's more laid back, shes lazy and you can often find Kayla in a cafe pigging out on treats or at a library where she's either reading or napping. She doesn't like too socialize too much, and when she usually goes out it's for herself. She spends alot of her time in the town as well just looking around too see whats going on and how is everybody is doing.

    Kayla also typically gets along better with guys then girls, she despises girls simply because she feels insecure about how she looks. She doesn't stand out too much, she doesn't have any curves and she doesn't dress to girly either in fact she dresses much  like a tom boy. Although she can be sour and horrible too others she's not all that bad, once you become friends with her she's a loud mouth, obnoxious, psycho thats fun to hang around you just need to get over her bad snobby habits because she makes a damn good friend if you can get over them.

    She wouldn't do so hot as a leader, since she typically at times cracks under pressure. Although she considers herself to be stronger then alot of people she's mainly the weaker link since she didn't have as much training or experience as others. She has a hard time making decisions as well since she's hot headed she doesn't like if someone she works with chooses a different decision with her it makes her quite furious.


    •Fights: She considers herself too be strong and better then most people so she loves challenging herself by picking fights with weaklings as well for the thrill of it

    •Rainy weather: Kayla adores rain, she loves the smell of it and the sound it also brings back good memories from her childhood.

    •Books: Sometimes Kayla just loves sitting down at a cafe while she drinks some tea or coffee and simply reading a good book.


    •Rich people: Kayla didn't grow up in a wealthy family she went without meals for days and hasn't gotten over the feeling of what it feels like to have nothing and is sick when wealthy people treat the poor differently only because they don't have as much money.

    •Bugs: This is also one of Kaylas fears, she always hated bugs typically spiders she just doesn't like having them around period.

    •Soda: She hates soda, she doesn't enjoy the taste of it and would never drink it.


    • Taking care of her family, despite everything her family comes first. Kayla only has a mother and is currently sick in bed and is trying to gather enough money for her treatment, she wouldn't want anything else but to have her mother living in a house with a actual roof.

    • Money, Kayla didn't have money when she was younger and gaining it now would make everything better for her family.

    •Power, Kaylas father had left her and her mother with practically nothing she would love to find him and destroy him for what he has done.


    •Bugs: She hates small things that you can eat while your trying to get some sleep

    •Father: For the little time that Kayla has known her father it was the worst time in her life, he abused Kayla and she will never forgive him for that.

    •Water: She has a deep fear of the sea, she cant stand the thought of being in it and she doesn't know how to swim either.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'2"
    Weight: 123lbs
    Hair: Dark brown, it's not the healthiest looking hair and she keeps it in a pony tail. Her bangs are snaggy looking and usually always wears a hat.
    Eyes: Brown
    Skin Tone: Slightly tan

    Appearance: Kaylas slightly buff, and generally wears a worn out hat thats always on her head and covering her messy brown hair. She usually wears a sweater and some plain denim jeans with sneakers since she isn't too girly. She also loves chewing on pink bubble gum.


    Guild: Black rose
    Tattoo: Blue around her right shoulder
    Rank: D rank

    Last edited by Cake on 10th November 2015, 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Kayla,Croft Empty Re: Kayla,Croft

    Post by Decayuss 10th November 2015, 9:40 pm



    Kayla,Croft Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

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    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Kayla,Croft Empty Re: Kayla,Croft

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th November 2015, 11:25 pm

    unlocked at user's request:

    Lineage : Chaos Eye
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    Posts : 69
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    Experience : 150

    Kayla,Croft Empty Re: Kayla,Croft

    Post by Cake 10th November 2015, 11:29 pm

    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
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    Kayla,Croft Empty Re: Kayla,Croft

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th November 2015, 11:30 pm

    Kayla,Croft MqXl8kK

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