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    Shinra's magic

    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
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    Completed Shinra's magic

    Post by Faith Caliburn 6th November 2015, 4:19 pm

    Death Rider:

    Primary Magic: Death Rider
    Secondary Magic: None at the moment
    Caster or Holder: Caster


    This is a dark magic used by a long forgotten clan of exorcists called the Death Riders. This magic allows the user to take control of a legion of spirits both hostile and peaceful. The user is able to do this by using their body as gateway and a medium for the spirits so that the user can fully utilize the super natural abilities that each spirit possesses. As a result the users body is in the boarder line of the living and the dead. The users body is  constantly stuck in limbo between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead, the user is able to turn into a ghost allowing the user to phase through objects and even vanish from sight. When using this magic, even one spell or ability, the users flesh is consumed by a ghostly flame leaving only the users skeleton as it is engulfed by the ghostly flames. This magic does however puts the user in danger. The user of this magic runs the risk of being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of  of spirits the user is trying to control, as a result the user may end up being possessed. Worst case scenario the legion of spirits can cause the users body to permanently cross over to the realm of the dead, meaning that the user may die... (note the death rider form, is the picture above. It's simply a form the user goes into when ever the user is using their magic. Yes, it's a state of being......all comments aside It's primarily for aesthetic purposes.)


    - The user is able to use many spirits at his or her disposal, allowing him or her to channel a vast amount of supernatural abilities. One ability is that while the user is in his or her Death Rider form they can call upon a ghostly steed to aid them in battle. (Summoning a Death Riders steed is an ability that a higher level of Death Riders obtain. At Rank D the user does not have this ability, they gain it at rank C)

    - The user is able to command spirits to posses inanimate objects so that they can move to his or her bidding.

    - When the user is in his or her Death Rider Form they can temporarily turn into a ghost this allows them to phase through objects and even disappear.

    - While the user goes in his or her Death Rider form they are able to see the sins, regrets, and the fears a person has.

    - The ghostly flames of a Death Rider cannot be eaten by slayers, this is because the flames are of the spirit world, they do not exist in the realm of the living, however they can be seen due to the user using his or her body as a gateway and a medium to the legion of spirits. These ghostly flames are actually bellow subzero temperatures, they are so cold that anything they touch it is as if it burns...


    - This magic causes extreme mental strain, often times it causes the user to have a multiple personality disorder.

    - The user must often meditate to commune the spirits, this is to sedate the inner turmoil between his soul and the legion of spirits that are trying to take over his or her body.

    - The user is always under the threat of being possessed and losing control of his body. When the user is possessed they will no longer see the difference between enemy and ally and thus the user will go on a rampage and try to destroying anything in his or her path.

    - The user runs the risk of crossing to far into the realm of the dead, this ultimately can cause the user to die.

    Due to the constant whispering of the legion of spirits, those who are Death Riders often have a hard time making human connections and showing their true feelings. This often causes them to be secluded and alone.

    - Although the user does not lose any health when they go into their Death Rider form, every time the transform into their Death Rider form they feel an extreme amount of pain. They feel their flesh being burned as they turn into a Death Rider.

    - When under the extreme emotional pressure, the user has a higher chance of losing control and being possessed.

    - Many times people mistake the user as a demon due to their demonic appearance when they are in their Death Rider form.


    Other Half
    Description: A very long time has passed since the initial curse that caused this "condition". One of your ancestors was in the middle of a war and was desperate enough to trade off his sanity for immense power. They were able to win the war and spare their village, but were quickly executed after it was all over. The village elder had hoped that they were the last of his "kind" while burning the body, but what they didn't know was that they had given birth to a child already. This condition wasn't initially spotted, so it was kept under wraps from everyone else. When the child was old enough, the remaining parent sent them off to avoid persecution from the village's residents.
    Ability: The user is able to drown out any sense of pain and goes into a state of all out attack. Though, they still take damage, they don't feel it. This also clouds the ability to distinguish friend from foe.
    They temporarily gain 100% HP more when used,  but their true HP is damaged first.   If damage would kill them normally, they continue to use the temporary HP for the duration.  They don't need to breathe and seem to ignore massive damage to vital organs including brain, lungs, and heart.
    The all-out attacking frenzy increases damage they do by 50%.
    Once the spell ends if they took damage exceeding their normal HP, they die then rather than earlier when the damage was taken.
    This effect automatically triggers if reduced to 0% HP,  or can be activated intentionally.   They can be healed while in this effect and if healed above 0% HP they won't die.
    Usage: 6 posts. 10 post cooldown. The extra HP does not regenerate after use and if used again starts where it was before.

    Unique Abilities:

    Death Tokens: Every time a spell is activated (this includes both the opponent, pets, and the users spells) the user gains one Death Token. A Death Token is created by the left over magic power after a spell is used, it looks like a golden coin with a skull engraved on both sides. The user can only see how many Death Tokens he or she has. Death Tokens are used for various purposes, sacrificing a certain amount of Death Tokens allows the user to activate buffs, heals, paying costs and various other requirements for abilities and spells.(The amount of Death Tokens that need to be sacrificed varies with each spell and ability.)

    Death Riders Sight:  The user is able to see spirits around them, they are also able to target one person per post and see the sins that they have committed, their regrets, and most of all their greatest fears. If the target is a higher rank then the user must pay a certain amount of Death Tokens to see the targets, sins, regrets, and fears. (Refer to the chart bellow, not this ability can be used against npcs without paying a cost)

    Death Riders Sights cost:

    Death Riders Command: While The user is in his or her Death Rider form, they are able to look into the eyes of an npc and command a spirit to posses the body. When an npc is possessed the user has full command of the possessed npc. The Npc's body is then engulfed by the same ghostly flames leaving nothing but a fiery skeleton like appearance. The Npc is controlled for three posts and they are able to use their spell how ever all their spells are also engulfed by the same ghostly flames. This ability has NO EFFECT on pets or companions. This ability cannot posses Boss ranked npc's. This ability CAN ONLY be activated if the user has one or more death tokens. The user MUST pay the Death Token cost in order to posses a targeted npc. The user can on possess UP TOO three npcs. The npcs are possessed for three posts and at the end of the three posts the npc will die. The user can only take control of npcs if the user is doing a mission equal or lower than the users rank, this ability HAS NO EFFECT on npcs if the job is of a higher rank. This ability can also effect regular non npcs that are found in social threads or jobs that don't use the monster dice. (Refer to the chart bellow to see how many death tokens it takes to posses a certain npc. The npc's are the monsters spawned by the monster dice during missions.)

    Death Riders Command Cost:

    Name: Death Strider 
    Rank: D
    Type: Defensive
    Duration: Instant to 1 whole post
    Cooldown: Two posts
    Description: The user is able to momentarily able to turn into a ghost. The user then enters the spirit realm and vanishes leaving only a puff of ash and small flames. The user can phase through solid and liquid objects. While this spell is active the user cannot be seen.

    - They do not take any damage when the user uses this spell

    - The user can phase through solid, and liquid objects

    - The user cannot be seen by his or her opponents


    - The user cannot deal any damage what so ever while this spell is active.

    - The user's allies cannot see the user while this spell is active.

    - If the user travels more than 5 meters while this spell is active, the spell automatically ends. If the user stays still then the spell can last the whole post it is activated. The user may sacrifice 1 Death Token the user may increase the spells distance by 1 meter or increase the spells duration by one additional post.

    - If the users opponent is faster than the user, they can still hit the user before the user activates this spell. 

    - If the users opponent is a higher rank they can sense the users magical power, though they cannot see the user they can still sense the general direction of the user. 

    Name: Spirit Barrier
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive
    Duration: Instant to one whole post
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: The user simply snaps his or her fingers and a horde of malefic spirits will swirl around creating spherical barrier about 5 meters in width all around from top to bottom and side to side. The spirits swirl around so fast that the particles around them grind together creating a grinding like motion. The barrier is able to damage opponents and send attacks back flying back.  (The barrier can deflect a max of 2 D Rank attacks, or 1 C Rank)

    - The barrier can deflect any D rank spells and any status afflictions they my have.

    - The user can sacrifice 2 Death Tokens to strengthen the barrier so that it can also deflect spells one rank higher.

    - The barrier deals D rank damage if it is touched. (The user is not effected by this damage)

    - The barrier can be summoned around the user or within 3 meters of the user


    - Spells of a higher rank can easily get through the barrier.

    - The barrier vanishes if the user moves

    - If an ally touches the barrier they too will also be damaged.

    - In an ally is with in the barrier they will take damage instead of being protected.

    - The spirits constantly yell out blood curdling screams while the barrier is activated. This makes the spell very risky to be used during a stealth mission because the user can attract unwanted attention to him or herself.

    Name: Death Riders Touch
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: The user then commands a hostile spirit to posses an object, or weapon. The object is then engulfed by the same Ghostly Flame when the user is in his or Death Rider form. The possessed object is able to deal and guard against D damage. The user can also command the spirit to move the object or weapon around as he or she pleases just as long as the object is with 5 meters of the user.


    - The chosen item or weapon will be able to deal D rank spell damage. The chosen item or weapon will be able to guard against D rank spells.

    - The chosen item and weapon can be moved around and controlled by the user as he or she pleases  just as long as the item or weapon is within 5 meters.

    - The user can sacrifice 1 death token to command the spirits to possess another item or weapon.


    - Any spells higher then D rank can easily break the chosen weapons.

    - The user MUST touch the targeted object in order to activate this ability.

    - Allies cannot wield the chosen weapons, if they touch the weapons they will be dealt D rank Damage.

    - The Death Token ability of this spell can only be activated at the same turn this spell is activated. The user may only command up to three items or weapons.

    - The item or weapon will still have all of its weaknesses. (note if the user uses this spell on a weapon, that weapons durability will stay the same. If the user uses this spell on a rock or a random object found in the thread, it'll have the durability of a weak weapon.)

    Name: Death Riders Fist
    Rank:  D
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: 1 post
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: The user calls upon a horde of hostile spirits to engulf his or her fists in a ghostly. When the users fists makes contact the flames will burst out causing a explosion the size of a volley ball. The flames and explosions will disturb the balance between a persons soul and body, thus causing minor damage to a persons body and soul. This spell deals D rank spell damage.


    - The explosion caused by this spell will send back an opponent flying 3 meters away.

    - The user may sacrifice 2 Death Tokens to deal an additional D Rank damage.

    - This spell can shatter any D rank Barriers or Defensive spells so that any damage of this spell will go through. Any D rank defensive spells shattered by this spell is rendered useless and is immediately put into cool down.


    -  After a single punch the ghostly fire will go away and the users fists will return to normal. Meaning if the user misses the spell was basically wasted.

    - This spell is close range so the user must be close his or her in order for this spell to hit.

    - This spell has no defensive capabilities, it cannot block or deflect any attacks.

    - After using this spell the user is momentarily open to an attack, if the user does not use a spell or to defend or evade the user will undoubtedly take damage of the next attack of the opponent.

    - This spell can only Destroy D rank Defensive spells, this spell completely nullified by any defensive spells of a higher rank.

    Last edited by Gemini on 20th November 2015, 2:06 am; edited 2 times in total
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Completed Re: Shinra's magic

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 19th November 2015, 5:37 am

    I guess I'll be your first grader! My comments are in this color

    Gemini wrote:
    Death Rider:

    Primary Magic: Death Rider
    Secondary Magic: None at the moment
    Caster or Holder: Caster


    This is a dark magic used by a long forgotten clan of exorcists called the Death Riders. This magic allows the user to take control of a legion of spirits both hostile and peaceful. The user is able to do this by using their body as gateway and a medium for the spirits so that the user can fully utilize the super natural abilities that each spirit possesses. As a result the users body is in the boarder line of the living and the dead. The users body is  constantly stuck in limbo between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead, the user is able to turn into a ghost allowing the user to phase through objects and even vanish from sight. When using this magic, even one spell or ability, the users flesh is consumed by a ghostly flame leaving only the users skeleton as it is engulfed by the ghostly flames. This magic does however puts the user in danger. The user of this magic runs the risk of being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of  of spirits the user is trying to control, as a result the user may end up being possessed. Worst case scenario the legion of spirits can cause the users body to permanently cross over to the realm of the dead, meaning that the user may die...  


    - The user is able to use many spirits at his or her disposal, allowing him or her to channel a vast amount of supernatural abilities. One ability is that while the user is in his or her Death Rider form they can call upon a ghostly steed to aid them in battle. (Summoning a Death Riders steed is an ability that a higher level of Death Riders obtain. At Rank D the user does not have this ability, they gain it at rank C)

    - The user is able to command spirits to posses inanimate objects so that they can move to his or her bidding.

    - When the user is in his or her Death Rider Form they can temporarily turn into a ghost this allows them to phase through objects and even disappear.

    - While the user goes in his or her Death Rider form they are able to see the sins, regrets, and the fears a person has.

    - The ghostly flames of a Death Rider cannot be eaten by slayers, this is because the flames are of the spirit world, they do not exist in the realm of the living, however they can be seen due to the user using his or her body as a gateway and a medium to the legion of spirits. These ghostly flames are actually bellow subzero temperatures, they are so cold that anything they touch it is as if it burns...


    - This magic causes extreme mental strain, often times it causes the user to have a multiple personality disorder.

    - The user must often meditate to commune the spirits, this is to sedate the inner turmoil between his soul and the legion of spirits that are trying to take over his or her body.

    - The user is always under the threat of being possessed and losing control of his body. When the user is possessed they will no longer see the difference between enemy and ally and thus the user will go on a rampage and try to destroying anything in his or her path.

    - The user runs the risk of crossing to far into the realm of the dead, this ultimately can cause the user to die.

    Due to the constant whispering of the legion of spirits, those who are Death Riders often have a hard time making human connections and showing their true feelings. This often causes them to be secluded and alone.

    - Although the user does not lose any health when they go into their Death Rider form, every time the transform into their Death Rider form they feel an extreme amount of pain. They feel their flesh being burned as they turn into a Death Rider.

    - When under the extreme emotional pressure, the user has a higher chance of losing control and being possessed.

    - Many times people mistake the user as a demon due to their demonic appearance when they are in their Death Rider form.


    Other Half
    Description: A very long time has passed since the initial curse that caused this "condition". One of your ancestors was in the middle of a war and was desperate enough to trade off his sanity for immense power. They were able to win the war and spare their village, but were quickly executed after it was all over. The village elder had hoped that they were the last of his "kind" while burning the body, but what they didn't know was that they had given birth to a child already. This condition wasn't initially spotted, so it was kept under wraps from everyone else. When the child was old enough, the remaining parent sent them off to avoid persecution from the village's residents.
    Ability: The user is able to drown out any sense of pain and goes into a state of all out attack. Though, they still take damage, they don't feel it. This also clouds the ability to distinguish friend from foe.
    They temporarily gain 100% HP more when used,  but their true HP is damaged first.   If damage would kill them normally, they continue to use the temporary HP for the duration.  They don't need to breathe and seem to ignore massive damage to vital organs including brain, lungs, and heart.
    The all-out attacking frenzy increases damage they do by 50%.
    Once the spell ends if they took damage exceeding their normal HP, they die then rather than earlier when the damage was taken.
    This effect automatically triggers if reduced to 0% HP,  or can be activated intentionally.   They can be healed while in this effect and if healed above 0% HP they won't die.
    Usage: 6 posts. 10 post cooldown. The extra HP does not regenerate after use and if used again starts where it was before.

    Unique Abilities:

    Death Tokens: Every time a spell is activated (this includes both the opponent, pets, and the users spells) the user gains one Death Token. A Death Token is created by the left over magic power after a spell is used, it looks like a golden coin with a skull engraved on both sides. The user can only see how many Death Tokens he or she has. Death Tokens are used for various purposes, sacrificing a certain amount of Death Tokens allows the user to activate buffs, heals, paying costs and various other requirements for abilities and spells.(The amount of Death Tokens that need to be sacrificed varies with each spell and ability.)

    Death Riders Sight:  The user is able to see spirits around them, they are also able to target one person per post and see the sins that they have committed, their regrets, and most of all their greatest fears. If the target is a higher rank then the user must pay a certain amount of Death Tokens to see the targets, sins, regrets, and fears. (Refer to the chart bellow, not this ability can be used against npcs without paying a cost)
    If you use this in PvP, be sure to have permission from the other player to do so. I understand the ability (and love it), but some people get really angry when people look at their applications without permission to get a leg up on them, and may react in a very negative manner. Also, you can remove the "six and seven classes higher" costs. Max player rank is H Rank which is 5 ranks above you, and you won't encounter X Rank NPC's until you hit 100Y jobs. (Just lettin' you know; so there's no changes needed to be made here)
    Death Riders Sights cost:

    Death Riders Command: While The user is in his or her Death Rider form, they are able to look into the eyes of an npc and command a spirit to posses the body. When an npc is possessed the user has full command of the possessed npc. The Npc's body is then engulfed by the same ghostly flames leaving nothing but a fiery skeleton like appearance. The Npc is controlled for three posts and they are able to use their spell how ever all their spells are also engulfed by the same ghostly flames. This ability has NO EFFECT on pets or companions. This ability cannot posses Boss ranked npc's. This ability CAN ONLY be activated if the user has one or more death tokens. The user MUST pay the Death Token cost in order to posses a targeted npc. The user can on possess UP TOO three npcs. The npcs are possessed for three posts and at the end of the three posts the npc will die. The user can only take control of npcs if the user is doing a mission equal or lower than the users rank, this ability HAS NO EFFECT on npcs if the job is of a higher rank. This ability can also effect regular non npcs that are found in social threads or jobs that don't use the monster dice. (Refer to the chart bellow to see how many death tokens it takes to posses a certain npc. The npc's are the monsters spawned by the monster dice during missions.)

    Death Riders Command Cost:

    Name: Death Strider 
    Rank: D
    Type: Defensive
    Duration: Instant to 1 whole post
    Cooldown: Two posts
    Description: The user is able to momentarily able to turn into a ghost. The user then enters the spirit realm and vanishes leaving only a puff of ash and small flames. The user can phase through solid and liquid objects. While this spell is active the user cannot be seen.

    - They do not take any damage when the user uses this spell

    - The user can phase through solid, and liquid objects

    - The user cannot be seen by his or her opponents


    - The user cannot deal any damage what so ever while this spell is active.

    - The user's allies cannot see the user while this spell is active.

    - If the user travels more than 5 meters while this spell is active, the spell automatically ends. If the user stays still then the spell can last the whole post it is activated. The user may sacrifice 1 Death Token the user may increase the spells distance by 1 meter or increase the spells duration by one additional post.

    - If the users opponent is faster than the user, they can still hit the user before the user activates this spell. 

    - If the users opponent is a higher rank they can sense the users magical power, though they cannot see the user they can still sense the general direction of the user. 

    Name: Spirit Barrier
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive
    Duration: Instant to one whole post
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: The user simply snaps his or her fingers and a horde of malefic spirits will swirl around creating spherical barrier about 5 meters in width all around from top to bottom and side to side. The spirits swirl around so fast that the particles around them grind together creating a grinding like motion. The barrier is able to damage opponents and send attacks back flying back.
    I'd like you to specify that the barrier can deflect a max of 2 D Rank attacks, or 1 C Rank attacks please. 


    - The barrier can deflect any D rank spells and any status afflictions they my have.

    - The user can sacrifice 2 Death Tokens to strengthen the barrier so that it can also deflect spells one rank higher.

    - The barrier deals D rank damage if it is touched. (The user is not effected by this damage)

    - The barrier can be summoned around the user or within 3 meters of the user


    - Spells of a higher rank can easily get through the barrier.

    - The barrier vanishes if the user moves

    - If an ally touches the barrier they too will also be damaged.

    - In an ally is with in the barrier they will take damage instead of being protected.

    - The spirits constantly yell out blood curdling screams while the barrier is activated. This makes the spell very risky to be used during a stealth mission because the user can attract unwanted attention to him or herself.

    Name: Death Riders Touch
    Rank:  D
    Type: Defensive
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 4 posts
    Description: The user then commands a hostile spirit to posses an object, or weapon. The object is then engulfed by the same Ghostly Flame when the user is in his or Death Rider form. The possessed object is able to deal and guard against D damage. The user can also command the spirit to move the object or weapon around as he or she pleases just as long as the object is with 5 meters of the user.
    Would you mind specifying if the damage the object deals is Magic or Weapon damage; as well as specifying the durability of the object please?

    - The chosen item or weapon will be able to deal D rank damage. The chosen item or weapon will be able to guard against D rank spells.

    - The chosen item and weapon can be moved around and controlled by the user as he or she pleases  just as long as the item or weapon is within 5 meters.

    - The user can sacrifice 1 death token to command the spirits to possess another item or weapon.


    - Any spells higher then D rank can easily break the chosen weapons.

    - The user MUST touch the targeted object in order to activate this ability.

    - Allies cannot wield the chosen weapons, if they touch the weapons they will be dealt D rank Damage.

    - The Death Token ability of this spell can only be activated at the same turn this spell is activated. The user may only command up to three items or weapons.

    - The item or weapon will still have all of its weaknesses.

    Name: Death Riders Fist
    Rank:  D
    Type: Offensive
    Duration: 1 post
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: The user calls upon a horde of hostile spirits to engulf his or her fists in a ghostly. When the users fists makes contact the flames will burst out causing a explosion the size of a volley ball. The flames and explosions will disturb the balance between a persons soul and body, thus causing minor damage to a persons body and soul. Would you mind specifying the amount of damage dealt please?


    - The explosion caused by this spell will send back an opponent flying 3 meters away. Please know that (during PvP) the distance of the knock-back effect would be halved if the opponent is 1 rank above this spell; and if the opponent is 2 ranks above this spell the knock-back effect wouldn't occur at all for them.

    - The user may sacrifice 2 Death Tokens to deal an additional D Rank damage.

    - This spell can shatter any D rank Barriers or Defensive spells so that any damage of this spell will go through. Any D rank defensive spells shattered by this spell is rendered useless and is immediately put into cool down.


    -  After a single punch the ghostly fire will go away and the users fists will return to normal. Meaning if the user misses the spell was basically wasted.

    - This spell is close range so the user must be close his or her in order for this spell to hit.

    - This spell has no defensive capabilities, it cannot block or deflect any attacks.

    - After using this spell the user is momentarily open to an attack, if the user does not use a spell or to defend or evade the user will undoubtedly take damage of the next attack of the opponent.

    - This spell can only Destroy D rank Defensive spells, this spell completely nullified by any defensive spells of a higher rank.

    Sooo... I was wondering what is "Death Rider Form"? Is it a form that gives increased power, or just a state of being where you character is able to use their magic? Or something else?
    Faith Caliburn
    Faith Caliburn

    Lineage : Other Half
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    Completed Re: Shinra's magic

    Post by Faith Caliburn 20th November 2015, 2:07 am

    bumpity bump


    Shinra's magic  1195bly
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Completed Re: Shinra's magic

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 20th November 2015, 5:38 pm

    Shinra's magic  MqXl8kK
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Slayer Lacrima
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    Completed Re: Shinra's magic

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 19th April 2016, 8:31 pm


    Topic unlocked upon request by creator.


    Shinra's magic  8ZbrsUC



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    First Skill: ☽ blooms of chrysalis: crystal rose demon slayer ☾
    Second Skill: ☽ pink dominion ☾
    Third Skill: ☽ gemstone serpentine ☾

    Completed Re: Shinra's magic

    Post by desirée 16th December 2017, 5:08 pm

    Shinra's magic  XEibTrW


    Shinra's magic  IY2eFxu

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 5:27 am