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    The Philosopher's Stone (Fairy Tail Only)


    Lineage : Admin
    Posts : 958
    Guild : Staff
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 100
    Mentor : Seijin
    Experience : 100,000,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Admin Magic
    Second Skill: Mod Magic
    Third Skill: Dev Magic

    The Philosopher's Stone (Fairy Tail Only) Empty The Philosopher's Stone (Fairy Tail Only)

    Post by Admin 1st November 2015, 1:50 pm

    Job Title: The Philosopher's Stone
    Rank: B
    Player Requirements: Must be a member of Fairy Tail. May only complete this Job once. May bring a partner with you, but they must be a guildmate.
    Job Requirements: Must Roll 4 Monster Dice. Thread must be 35 posts. 300 Words per post. The Boss shall appear after 20 posts.
    Job Location: Bellum (Crystal Cliff Town)

    Job Description: The nation of Bellum, a nation where Magic Rules and if you are not a HUMAN wizard, you are treated like less than; or made a servant of some kind. The nation hasn't made any real moves, as they are very picky about who they let into and out of their nation. The magic of the land itself repairs any damage to broken buildings or objects; so there is no need for infrastructure or billing concerns for the nation.

    Suspicious activity however, has drawn attention to the nation. One of the Archmages; the leaders of Bellum--has had a suspicion that one of their Magi has been abducting non wizards, and mundanes from across the globe in order to test his new Magic Serum on them. A potion that can bless someone who wasn't born a Wizard with Magic.

    Your Guildmaster has sent you to assist the Archmage of Crystal Cliff Town to make sure that this is just a rumor and nothing more.

    This potion would be excellent for Bellum's plans as a whole, except for the fact the potion doesn't work and that odd screams have been heard from this Magi's house; before they draw silent. Apparently, a rumour has leaked out that those who are forced to drink the potion go insane within 10 minutes of having Magic; as their mind is destroyed utterly by the overload of Magic in their bodies. Becoming nothing more than zombied thralls, who are kept locked up in the Magi's house or disposed of.

    The Archmage tells you that he the wizard in question, Master Rock--is in possession of the Philosopher's Stone. One of the national treasures of Bellum; an item; a red crystal said to allow you to manipulate the force of Life and Soul. An item to powerful to be wielded by any single man or woman. It is rumoured that even Gods and Demon Lords struggled to control the power of this mythical stone.

    Find it in Rock's Lab; and return it to the Archmage of Crystal Cliff Town.

    Weak: Lab Guard Magi x5 - Wizards who use Lightning Magic and Water Magic. They have been hired by the Magi in question to patrol his house day and night in different shifts. They aren't the toughest Bellum has to offer; but they have been using their Lightning and Water magicks since they were young, and are very practiced at them. Takes 2 hits of C-Ranked damage each. Or 1 hit of B-Ranked damage to down each one.

    Normal: Failed Experiment x10 - A regular human who drank the Magic Serum in order to try and gain magic. He has lost his free will and ability to think rationally; barely even being able to speak. They wield uncontrollable bursts of Wave Magic, that can distort or destroy B-Ranked spells if hit directly. They also have a pretty nasty knockback effect. Although they literally have no skill with their Magic; and will aim it wildly without really paying attention to their opponent. Takes 4 hits of C-Ranked damage or 2 hits of B-Ranked damage to down them.

    Strong: Psychotic Failed Experiment x3 - This regular human who drank the Magic Serum, drank a double dose; in hopes of becoming a more powerful mage than most. It worked to an extent; at the full cost of his sanity and soul. This enemies rage and madness knows no limits; as he rambles on and on about the power he's acquired, yelling and screaming nothing in general. He wields all four elements, Fire, Water, Air, and Earth; although he has no control of these elements and likely will destroy the entire manor; and spill into Crystal Cliff Town if you're not careful. Takes 6 hits of C-Ranked damage or 4 hits of B-Ranked damage to take down these crazed zombies of Magic.

    Boss: Master Rock - A Magi from Bellum who specializes in Alchemy, and altering the properties of the body and soul. He is a master of Spirit Magic, and will summon B-Ranked Ghosts and Wraiths to combat you. He is also very skilled with Earth Magic, as his name portrays clearly. He uses this Magic on an A-Ranked scale, and using anything of less scale against him will be very difficult. He is the one who created the Magic Serum; and although it has failed, he refuses to admit it. He will call off his minions and fight you personally when he does appear. Takes 12 hits of C-Ranked damage, or 6 hits of B-Ranked damage to defeat this Master Magi of the Earth and Soul. When you defeat him, you find the Philosopher's Stone as it tumbles out of his jacket and onto the floor when he is defeated.

    Reward: Double XP (Equivalent of two B-Ranked Jobs completed), You have befriended one of the Archmages of Bellum for returning the Philosopher's Stone, and 8,000j

    Made by Heero-chama
    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
    Position : None
    Posts : 1077
    Guild : Laughing Coffin?
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    The Philosopher's Stone (Fairy Tail Only) Empty Re: The Philosopher's Stone (Fairy Tail Only)

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 3rd February 2016, 2:32 pm

    Remove the Double exp modifire this jobs is not nearly hard enough to warrant it


    The Philosopher's Stone (Fairy Tail Only) KF68skC

      Current date/time is 9th June 2024, 10:47 pm