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    Take no survivors. [Solo,Mission]

    Opium Serket
    Opium Serket

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arachnid Allure
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    Take no survivors. [Solo,Mission] Empty Take no survivors. [Solo,Mission]

    Post by Opium Serket 16th December 2012, 2:09 am

    For awhile now Opium had been completely out of her character. Distancing herself from the people of her guild, canceling her missions, even going as far as dropping her position as the dark emissary. Her actions were unexcusable and it was only a surprise to her that she was not booted out of the guild. She couldn't understand it much herself and it bothered her greatly. Her activity in the guild dropped like a stone in water. It was almost like she didn't even belong there anymore, a figment of what could have been something great. Something had to change things could not stay as they were. Her lack of activity was coming to a halt and it started now. Even if it killed her she would not go back to that pathetic phase. It was going to be hard work but what in the world was ever easy?

    It was almost the break of dawn. The sun was already taking over the sky and it hadn't even began its climb just yet. Rays of golden Orange broke through the cracks and spaces between the leaves and trees. The sky was becoming brighter and the world began to awake with light and a radiance of color. It was turning out to be a nice day besides the nightly chill that carried on into the early morn to awake those who were just getting up. But for one person none of this mattered. All through the night the forest or the " Spooky Forest " as it was known to most was being set up into one big trap. The maker of this trap? Kukuku let's just say she is one who won't let her prey get away so easily..

    "Any moment now."

    Opium Serket
    Opium Serket

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arachnid Allure
    Second Skill:
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    Take no survivors. [Solo,Mission] Empty Re: Take no survivors. [Solo,Mission]

    Post by Opium Serket 16th December 2012, 2:52 am

    This mission was a simple search and destroy. The fact she was on her own would make carrying the goods back quite troublesome. Opium looked down from a branch quite high from the ground. She was well covered by the thick dense trees but she was still able to see the dirt path clearly from where she sat. The Forest was a perfect source of spiders, a creature who frequently aided her in her missions and was well better company than a human.For the past ten hours she had been collecting information on her target all while setting up a ambush that would quickly take out all of the people there. The missions allowed for survivors... Opium didn't.

    The sun was already well up into the sky when sounds of something moving and people talking filled the otherwise silent forest. Opium smirked as she sat up on the tree branch, she felt them miles away before she actually heard them. The forest trail was lined with the sticky webbing that she produced and all these people did was set off an alarm. The vibrations of the caravan that was coming into Opium's veiw alreated her. There was only one so not much fun could be had. But the possibilities were endless, so many ways to execute what three people? A weak little merchant and some feeble guards? This would be far to easy even for someone as useless as Opium.

    Looking down at the caravan she watched as the group came to a halt right under her. The Milky net traps had effectively stopped the caravan in its tracks. Opium had put down more than one onto the ground so that it would stack, so instead of slowing down the wooden four wheeler it stopped it in its tracks. Opium didn't waste any time in getting to work it was time to finish this.
    Opium Serket
    Opium Serket

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Wrath of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Arachnid Allure
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Take no survivors. [Solo,Mission] Empty Re: Take no survivors. [Solo,Mission]

    Post by Opium Serket 16th December 2012, 3:13 am

    Her eye lowered iand standing on the branch she jumped off. Her legs stood straight as she picked up speed falling through the leaves. Her target for landing? Guard number one's head. Guard number one seemed too laidback to be taking his job seriously, he must have thought this would be a easy pay. Too bad for him Opium also thought this was a easy pay. An attempt to crush his head under her boots would undoubtedly kill him if it connected. And then she would worry about the other two. Guard number two seemed more alert and was evening holding a sword. The Merchant was a frail looking old woman who didn't seem shake at all at Opium's presence. If she didn't connect with her attempt at killing the first guard she would follow up with a roundhouse kick with such force it would probably break the mans neck. But there was no reason for her to miss such a target who was good landing material.

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm