Fairy Tail RP

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    Overly-detailed Bio.


    In Progress Overly-detailed Bio.

    Post by Guest 29th September 2015, 8:29 pm

    Overly-detailed Bio. 38343_s

    Izayuki Hyoujin

    Basic Information

    Full real name: Izayuki Hyoujin
    Kana Spelling: いざ雪氷神
    Pronunciation: Ee-zuh-you-kee hee-oh-jee-n
    Meaning of this name: The name 'Izayuki' is a sloppy mix of the word 'izayoi', which means a "sixteen day old moon(the day of Iza's birth, plus one of her favorite days in a lunar month", and 'yuki' which means "snow", as it was the first word that came to mind upon being named as it was indeed snowing. 'Hyoujin" literally means 'ice god', which was given at a later time.
    Who gave them this name? First name: Herself. Last name: Yukionna.
    Does your character like their name? Yes
    Why? The name is unique, can be shortened to a cute little "Iza", and has much truth and power behind it.
    Do they use their real name? Yes.
    Nicknames: Iza, Yuki, Iza-chan, Iz-chan, Yu-chan, Iza-onee-chan, Iza-sama, Iza-senpai.
    Why these nicknames? They are shortened or more intimate variations of her own name.

    Birth date: October 13th
    Sex: Female
    Gender: Female
    Physical Age: 16
    Mental age: No telling.
    How old do they look? 16
    Species: Shapeshifting Tanuki
    Ethnicity: Canine
    Sexual orientation: Aromantic Heterosexual



    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 112 lbs.

    Body build: Delicate but strong, like a dancer.
    Posture: Head high, chin up, shoulders back- proud.

    Scars: N/A
    Tattoos: Black Rose Guild Tattoo on the back of the right shoulder.
    Piercings/earrings: N/A
    Birthmarks: N/A
    Blood type: O

    Face and Head

    Eye Color: Pink
    Pupil shape: Round as a human and a tanuki, but can reduce to slits if close to transforming.
    Pupil colour: Black
    Glasses/contacts: N/A
    Eyesight: Keen

    Human Form:
    Hair length: Long, falling and ending near the lower back.
    Hair texture: Silky and straight.
    Hair style: Worn up with a red ribbon-like headband and a bun off to the left side.
    Natural fur colour: Unnatural pink
    Dyed? No

    Tanuki Form:
    Fur length: Medium-long
    Fur texture: Fluffy
    Natural fur colour: Originally a natural light brown. Now silver.


    Jewelry: N/A
    Weapon(s): Not on Person
    Gadget(s): N/A
    Remarkable objects owned: A pastel-colored scarf constantly worn, a red hair ribbon,
    Favourite object: Her Scarf



    Give a biography of…

       ·         … their childhood: WIP
       ·         … their teen years: WIP
       ·         … their young adult years: WIP
       ·         … their adult years: Not There Yet.

    Birthplace: Unnamed Forest, Shadelle
    Does your character have biological parents? Unnamed, both Japanese Raccoon Dogs
    Is your character an orphan? Yes, as her father died before she was born and her mother died as she was growing.

    How were they raised? Raised herself after her youngest moons when her mother was killed in a hunter snare.
    Did they enjoy it? Not specifically. She saw the world as just a cycle of trying to survive.

    Biological father’s name: Unnamed
    Still alive? No
    Relationship with your character: Never knew him.

    Biological mother’s name: Unnamed.
    Still alive? No
    Relationship with your character: Her mother and her were close, but her mother was killed in a snare early on.

    Sibling(s): Had a few, all unnamed.
    Information about them: She did not know them, as they died before even weaned.
    Still alive? No
    Relationship with your character: They are distant, almost forgotten memories.
    Any significance in your character’s life? She was aware of their presence in her earliest weeks of being alive, but noticed their warmth dwindling bit by bit as the cold winter nights of hibernation went on.

    Other family members: N/A
    Relationship with your character: N/A
    Have these people had any significance in your character’s life? N/A

    Pets: Seika
    Still alive? Yes
    Any significance in your character’s life? While Iza does not see Seika specifically as a pet, she accepts her as a companion and little sister or cousin figure to a degree.

    Friends: Elyx Reiaki, Jin Okura, Magna Victus, Wolfe Raijin, Azalea Antiope, Ignite, Seika, Kaya, Aegis, Kite Wilhelm, Aoi
    Information about them: Izayuki's teammates and closer friends, more or less. Some she knows better than others.
    Are they still friends? Yes

    Enemies: Yukionna/Skadi,
    Information about them: Her mentor, the goddess that trained her in Glacier God Slayer magic.

    Other significant people: Rei Miyako, Kakuma Blackflower, Ariel and Allie, Lexa Grimoire
    Why? Guildmates, more or less, thus friends.

    Hobbies: Memorizing and Studying Maps, Learning Piano, Practical Jokes/Pranking, Being Social in General.
    Are they member of any teams? Kvasir
    Other memberships: N/A
    Other things they do in their spare time: Socializing, Doing Jobs, Pestering Elyx


    Current Guild: Black Rose
    Describe their place of living: A single room with a bed, a few chairs, a table, and a vanity, all wooden. A smaller bathroom with a shower is connected. It is a room in the guildhall that is being rented, and is hit or miss if she actually bothers to stay there.
    What do they think of other Guilds? Black Rose is the best, but other guilds still exist and hold people who are worth getting to know- new friends. Guild tensions and alliances mean little to her.
    Where did they live in the past, besides their initial home? Forest in Shadelle, Small Village Outside Fiore, Yukionna's Ice Palace and Domain,
    How many times did they move? 4

    Are they married? No
    Spouse(s)/Love interest(s): N/A

    Love life: Nonexistent
    How easily do they fall in love? Almost impossible.
    How many lovers have they had? N/A
    What personality are they looking for? If they were looking- one that is understanding, tolerating, fun, loyal, and loving.

    Turn-ons: Tanukis, ability to feel emotion, ideals, and love.
    Turn-offs: Humans, any other species, flirting.

    Children: none
    Are they illegitimate? N/A
    Information about them: N/A
    Still alive? N/A
    Any significance in your character’s life? N/A

    Death date: not set
    Death place: not set
    Death circumstances: not set
    Was it the absolute end? Or was there something after that? something after if it ever happens


    Personality and Skills

    Summary of personality: (Needs to be revised) Izayuki is extroverted, bubbly, and funloving and a silly air and playful demeanor, all on the outside. Though she may seem childish at times and upon first impression, she does exert maturity and knows when to take a situation seriously or not. She is very optimistic and enjoys a good hearty laugh, joke, chitchat, and personal interaction in general. To others, she often seems overly-cheery and very positive in her honest words. This young mage is also very practical and observant. Despite what she may seem, she is good at living in the present and focusing on the realities over dreams and fiction. She has sharp senses and can pick up on cues in her surroundings, physical and social. However, Iza tends to not use her sensual functions to their fullest extent, making her a bit airheaded to a small degree. In general she can be quite forgetful and ditsy, or simply flares those traits simply for attention, for fun, or to purposely hide behind a small mask of sorts. She is very bold, however, and usually is not afraid to speak her mind when it comes down to it. While she can dance around things to a degree, Izayuki is honest and bold, ready to step out of her comfort zone at every time and happy to experience anything and everything.

    To throw a monkeywrench in this lovely clockwork of positives, however, comes a good array of lesser qualities that most would be ashamed to mention. For one, Izayuki is very sensitive and thus extremely vulnerable to criticism. She can be very emotional and when backed up into a corner, can explode in very dramatic ways resulted from a feeling of being crushed. She completely loathes social conflict deep inside, but sometimes dismisses that by pulling another 'mask' which typically and unfortunately only seems to add fuel to a fire. Another fatal flaw is her short attention span and the fact that she is so easily bored. Izayuki craves experiences and motion, and going too long without action or intriguing subjects sets her on risky behaviors in many regards. Along with that short span of attention goes her unfocused behavior and inability to do longterm planning. She is by no means a good organizer or administrator, though will step up to the plate and do her best. Hyoujin despises the idea of failure or losing, being fiercely competitive almost to a fault- where it can become loathing. Friendly competition is good, but going farther than that sets dangerous grounds when it comes to Iza.

    Character, charisma, and disposition do not end there, however. While it seems this teen girl is an average and balanced individual, darkness lies deeper. On the inside, a hardened and cold heart remain buried yet ready. She has no problem with killing and does have hunger for revenge. Yet despite all of this she is in denial of bloodlust, and vengeance which only make it worse for her. Izayuki fears losing her bitterness and failing to reach her desired endgame, on top of everything else. So in battle, she drives to meet the finish victoriously regardless of any negativities that play out in the aftermath. In a way, Iza is apathetic to the world around her and quite detached. This ultimately is her true nature, unseen to the rest of the world and even the eyes of those closest to her.

    In general, who or what influenced their personality to become as it is now? The people in the village where she spent a lot of her younger years, and Yukionna.
    Jung/Briggs personality: ESFP

    Strengths: Confident, Perky, Funloving
    Weaknesses: Shameless, Unpredictable, Violent

    How were they influenced in this?

    How were they influenced in this?

    Mental/emotional traumas:
    How were they influenced in this?

    Worst thing that can happen to this character: Yukionna finds her and brutally kills everyone she cares about again, with no hope or chance of them ever coming back.
    Best thing that can happen to this character: To be able to kill Yukionna and pursue and secure happiness in the world despite not being human.

    Mental state:
    Mental illness(es):
    How were they influenced in this?

    Are they street smart or book smart? Street Smart
    What contributed to their intelligence?
    Strong intellectual qualities:
    Weak intellectual qualities:

    Everyday habits:
    Personal rituals:

    Self-control: Good self control and not easy to anger in most cases, but there are some certain things that set her off.
    General Temperament: Moderate-tempered.
    What angers them? People immaturely and rudely pointing out her flaws, comments on her poor handwriting, anything that goes against her morals or ideals.
    Self-esteem: Confident and Shameless, though inwardly doubting, untrusting, detached.
    Optimist/pessimist: Optimist

    Drives and Motivations:
    Good Characteristics:
    Character Flaws and Quirks:
    Pet peeves:

    When do they feel at ease? When surrounded by close friends in a secure and happy environment.
    When don’t they feel at ease? When friends are in dangerous situations.
    What embarrasses them? When people see her handwriting, losing a battle, messing up in battle
    What depresses them? Loss of anything- people, battle, etc. That, and tense situations.
    What makes them laugh? Anything really, at random. She loves to laugh.
    What makes them cry? Rejection, loss of someone precious, memories of her darker past

    Secrets: The fact that she is a tanuki/nonhuman, killed many innocents in the past, destroyed many villages,
    Darkest Secret: A mix of the above: That's she is a monster, basically.
    Does anyone else know their secret? If yes, how did that person find out? Azalea Antiope is currently the only living person who knows.
    How would they react if this secret were to be known? They would shut down, awaiting rejection, and fall into further detachment and apathy.

    Mother language: Common Animal Communication + English
    Accent: Standard, with a bit of slang thrown in.
    Dialects spoken:
    Other languages known: Japanese, Spanish
    Voice: Like Laura Bailey when voicing Maka Albarn. Young, slightly childish, with a hidden maturity.
    Volume of voice: Ranging from soft to loud and boisterous.
    Other special things about the voice: has a surprisingly wide pitch range,

    Social skill: Very good. While she may not pick up on most social cues, Iza is very social, extroverted, perky, and cheerful.
    Outlook on life: Optimistic, knowing that life has meaning and knowing that everyone should have a chance to strive for happiness. At the same time due to her past, she is much more bitter and sour.
    Outlook in general: Hopeful
    Activity: Outgoing
    Adventurousness: Strong
    Predictability: Poor
    Responsibility: Medium
    Tidiness: Medium
    Cleanliness: Medium
    Generosity: High
    Manners: Poor
    Bravery: Strong
    Loyalty: Medium
    Passive or aggressive: Aggressive

    Physical fighting skills: Good at combos, strategizing,
    Physical fighting style: Mixes long, medium, and close range, but prefers close and medium. Expert at playing her cards and fitting a jack of all trades.
    Weapon(s) they’re skilled with: Nodachi/Longsword, Lash/Whip

    Alternate form(s): Human, pink jay, dragon, ice Phoenix, tiger, cat, wolf, fox
    How did they get this/these form(s)? Iza is a tanuki with yokai shapeshifting powers.
    Do they prefer this/one of these form(s) to their primary form? Iza is seen mostly in her human form.
    Can they control forms? Yes, very well.

    Theme song: A Lethargic coup d'état by Gumi/Last Note for lyrics.
    Personal quote: N/A

    Likes: Red Velvet Cake, Geography, Singing, Games, Dares, Mischief, Sweets, Music, Exploring, Social Activities, being active in general.
    Why? it clashes with her ideals
    How were they influenced in this?  the ideals give her something to hold on to

    What is their favourite…

       ·         Colour: pink
       ·         Food/dish: icecubes
       ·         Dessert: red velvet cake
       ·         Drink: water
       ·         Alcoholic beverage: dislikes
       ·         Taste: sweet or cold
       ·         Smell: cold and sweet
       ·         Season: spring
       ·         Place: Anywhere new and pretty
       ·         Holiday: Christmas
       ·         Plant: Sakura
       ·         Book: Any book with elaborate maps
       ·         Literary genre: Geography or fantasy
       ·         Music genre: Classic or pop

    Do they have a particular reason for liking the above? some of it is just quirky, others is just fun stuff, some of them have back stories.

    What is their least favourite…

       ·         Colour: neon orange
       ·         Food/dish: kiwi, broccoli, and watermelon
       ·         Dessert: who doesn't like dessert?
       ·         Drink: any alcoholic beverage.
       ·         Taste: bitter
       ·         Smell: blood
       ·         Season: fall
       ·         Place: hot deserts
       ·         Holiday: Valentine's Day
       ·         Plant: rosebush
       ·         Book: any book with too many little words
       ·         Literary genre: horror
       ·         Music genre: screaming or heavy metal

    Past goals: Get stronger, pursue an ideal of happiness
    Why? When she discovered human emotions, she also experienced the desire to chase after and find happiness in something.
    Were they accomplished? Almost, until her human family village was destroyed.

    Current goals:
    How are they going? not very well

    Dream rank: Who needs ranks?
    Why? As a tanuki, she sees all intelligent life as equal. Prestige and power mean little to nothing.

    Related to the Character

    When was this character created? August 7th, 2015
    Did you make the design? Personality-wise, yes
    Do you roleplay with this character? Yes
    Do you draw the character? No
    Has this character appeared in any stories? If so, which? None yet

      Current date/time is 11th June 2024, 6:28 pm