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    To Earthland and Beyond! [Nagato Namikaze, Solo]


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Link
    Position : None
    Posts : 297
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demon Curse Seal Magic
    Second Skill: Emperor Eye
    Third Skill:

    To Earthland and Beyond! [Nagato Namikaze, Solo] Empty To Earthland and Beyond! [Nagato Namikaze, Solo]

    Post by Pein 8th September 2015, 7:13 pm

    TAG: Nagato Namikaze, Rune Knights
    NOTES:blah blah blah

    "You need a passport! What type of Rune Knight doesn't have a passport?"

    The words of Nagato's Field Marshal made him groan and sigh at what seems like the same time. He already knew getting a passport on a Saturday afternoon would come with angry people, long lines, hot weather, and a waste of a day. Where exactly did it say in the Rune Knights handbook that passports must be made and registered? Actually, peculiar as he is, Nagato went and looked it up. Section 170 to be exact. There, in big bold letters for everyone to see lied the words, "All Rune Knights must register for a passport to show citizenship!" And of course Nagato of all people skimmed through it. With a book 250 sections long, who wouldn't?

    Sighing, Nagato used his special ability to transform into a lightning bolt, and move at the speed of light. It more so even looked like teleporting, since the human eye could not keep track with the insane speed of the lightning. Arriving at the front of the Passport Building in about 2 seconds as he was hungry along the way, Nagato entered.

    Immediately he was met with the 7 mile line of sweaty dads with their families preparing for their annual vacation for 4 days when the children had school off. Some of them even had their tacky and cheap Hawaiian shirts on. It made Nagato's eyes sore as he looked the array of tropical attire. Sighing, he went over to the sign in station.

    Here, he was immediately met with the spat of a worker who could not wait to get off after working a 9-5. She was rude, like all the workers here, and seemed to hate the customers too. She had a slight odor leaking from her body and a phony look to her.

    "Sign this and this. Then stand in line and wait to be registered. Should take around 20 minutes."

    "The standing in line part?" He asked, almost relieved at the time for waiting.

    "No genius. The filling out the forms part." He stared blankly at the worker with the attitude that could make a manager hurl, and held in his anger. Grabbing the forms angrily with a little growl, he filled out the necessities every should know. Name, Birth date, yada yada yada.

    Grabbing his forms, Nagato parked himself in line behind a girl whose beauty suppressed even those in Fiore's magazine. Behind him, was a man who belched occasionally while chewing his lunch, obviously here on break. Every time the man burped, it seemed Nagato's appetite sunk deeper and deeper in his stomach, and before he knew it not only was he not hungry, but disgusted.

    After 2 hours of standing behind a goddess and a trash bag, Nagato arrived to the place where a passport would be made. It was not long before he was standing in front of a wall, as he was warned about the flash. Showing his pearly whites, he cheesed harder than he ever cheesed before, a wide grin indescribable by words.

    Exiting the building, he stared at his picture.

    "Hmmm. I might as well just upload this on Fiorebook later! I could get a lot of likes!"

    ~Job Complete. Entire word count done in one post~
    Template by Melz/mizlopez89@cyberink @adoxography and Caution2.0 Edited a small bit by Mewtwo/Pein


    To Earthland and Beyond! [Nagato Namikaze, Solo] Tumblr_nq25hzRAH11s8gfjqo1_500

    Nagato Namikaze ϟ Demon Curse Seal Magic ϟ Emperor's Eye Magic ϟ Demon Scythe

    Current Exp: 150

    Current Missions: 1 C-Rank w/ Nya ϟ 1 C-Rank w/ Group

    Current Social Threads: SPOD Intro
    ϟ Secondary Magic Training

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am