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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open]


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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Ahote 19th August 2015, 10:49 am

    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Rin-Matsuoka-free-35305736-500-200

    Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump...

    "Ha... ha... ha..."

    Beads of sweat ran down his pale skin. His breath thieved by his legs in motion. His heart pounding against his chest, and his blood boiling.  The sun's rays glared down at him, piercing his former cool temperature. His hands balled to fists and thrusted in front of his chest with every step. Keiji had been training all day. Jogging in the burning sunlight for what seemed like an eternity.

    "Mmph... ha... ha... last... lap!" Keiji mustered up what little breath he had left to spare some words to assurance to himself. One hundred laps around town was his goal. He only reached seventy-three. All day he'd practice and practice, but he could never reach one hundred. As the red head passed by buildings and pedestrians aimlessly. He could hear the wind pass by his ears. The conversations of others faded into silence. Everything had darkened. It was just him, and his rhythmic breathing.

    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] 2n1998z

    He eventually came to a stop, out of breath and snapped back to reality. Glancing down, he gazed at his sweaty palms, realizing how long they've been clenched. Keiji sighed, frowning afterwards. "Dammit." He smacked his lips and shot a glimpse over at the clearing nearby. A sudden calmness consumed him. He only stared for a small amount of time before sticking his hands into his pockets and continued to walk down the road in his jogging suit.

    "I only made it to seventy-four... I'll do thirty more! Whenever I get something to drink..."

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Tsavek 19th August 2015, 1:31 pm

    Tsavek let out a light, gravelly sigh as he poked aimlessly at his lukewarm, jellied excuse for dinner. He didn't seem at all interested in actually putting any of this slop into his body, and if he were even a hair more uptight he likely would have slammed his plate down on the vendor's cart and walked away. He was quite used to being subjected to these less than desirable meals on a regular basis, and he didn't care anymore; as long as he ate at least one thing a day he'd be alright. He refocused his attention on a thick, chain bound tome that had until now been holding up his chin. Moving lazily and with very little conviction, he jammed a tiny iron key directly in between the pages, the book abruptly snapping open in response.

    Eyes glazed over with sheer, unfettered boredom, Tsavek casually flipped through the massive volume, though he didn't actually pay enough attention to gain any insight from its passages. No, this was the culmination of a bout of stalling that had by now stretched over several hours. He wanted nothing less than to be crammed into a sweat drenched tavern populated by nothing but ill-behaved cretins reeking of ale. His tail hung loosely out of the hole in his seat, occasionally jolting in reaction to the wind or giving a melancholy swish. A sizable, strikingly white python draped over his shoulders, coiling snugly around the man's neck. All in all, this seemed a rather normal evening for this bizarre, tailed specimen. He briefly looks up as the jogger nears his table, giving a stiff, curt wave before continuing to simultaeneously jab at his food and page through the hefty grimoire.

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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 19th August 2015, 3:42 pm

    Bellaria had been asked by a guildmate to participate in a charity function, so who was she to deny it? In her opinion, any bit of help was helping to vanquish evil. So, when it turned out the event was a bakesale, she was absolutely delighted! Now, she just had to figure out a good place to set up. A bag of pieces to the stand she'd be working was being dragged behind her at a slow pace.

    Various disheartening lurching and crashing noises were heard whenever she passed a bump on the steet. Onlookers glanced at her momentarily before continuing their everyday lives. Some were about to offer their help, but she thanked them but politely denied. She wouldn't dare inconvenience anybody else, although, she'd accept help if it was necessary, but this situation was clearly not needing it.

    There was an area at the end of the market just by a main road that looked perfect. The sun was shining directly on that spot through the trees as though it was destined by the gods. Maybe it was, because nobody else had taken that spot, for some reason unknown to her.

    The cord made a zipping noise as the mouth to the bag opened and the parts of the stand were dumped down on the dirt. Sadly, there weren't any instructions, but it had been explained to her how she'd have to put it together. Bellaria took notes, and drew diagrams to prepare for this problem, but they had been blown away by an uncannily suspicious gust of wind directed her way.

    She started by picking out a piece and looking for any others that fit. By using this tedious method, she was able to construct a wooden stand that looked stable, although she was unsure of its structural soundness. So she sat on and jumped on it a few times to make sure it was safe for any potential customers.

    When she was completely satisfied, she took hold of her gem and said the words, "Nova Bellaria, Entfess!"

    Her transformation was quite elegant, but like usual it started by her levitating. Wisps of cotton candy formed thicker clouds that swirled around her to form a candy wrapper shell in which her clothing was changed. She was thankful for the modesty provided, as it would've been quite awkward if it was only the cotton candy that shielded her. A few seconds later, the shell broke apart into a few dozen candies that scattered across the floor, which she picked up using a bucket she had learn to bring everywhere after a few transformations which allowed for easy cleanup.

    A few people saw her transformation and their curiosity lead them towards her stand. Thankfully, the sign had already been painted on with the help of an artistic guildmate that said she took any requests for instant confection and the price wouldn't be expensive.

    One lady holding her children's hands approached her. She smiled and asked politely, "Do you have any cotton candy? I thought there'd be some because I thought this was a carnival type o f thing. If so, can you get me two of the smallest sizes please?"

    Bellaria smiled at the parent and her children before holding a cone out and whirling her hand around as a swirl of cotton candy appeared on the cone, following her hand motions. Maybe she had gone a bit overboard so she shrunk it down a bit before handing it to the woman, who's children were wide-eyed and amazed. She finished up the last one and gotten her cheap  payment.

    "Thanks for your business!" Bellaria said, while waving goodbye to the family.

    She was looking forward to raising money for a cause.


    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP
    T'Lem Rupee
    T'Lem Rupee

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by T'Lem Rupee 19th August 2015, 3:59 pm

    The android had decided to come to Magnolia, in the understanding that there were a lot of jobs that took place within this region of Fiore. More jobs meant more jewels, and in turn experience which she could accumulate to improve herself. The jewels would then go towards paying for any upgrades she required, assuming she could find anyone that understood her technology, which sadly there had been none thus far.

    Oh the problems of being a prototype and your creators were presumed deceased. As she approached what appeared to be a communal area within the city, which was illogically named a town, the android tilted her head at a varying group of sights. There was a mage who was clearly exhausted and in need of hydration, yet another mage, with a large white reptillian wrapped around his shoulders, deigned not to aid his organic comrade. And there was another mage operating a vending stall... that looked about ready to come apart at any moment.

    Priority's designated, she approached the sweaty male. "Excuse me, you appear to be requiring hydration, at minimum seven hundred and fifty centi-litres worth by this units calculation." said T'Lem before pointing towards the stall with the female mage. "It would be within a seventy four point three percent probability rate that this vendor would have the hydration substance your body is requiring." she said, making her way to the girl now, assuming the sweaty human would be following.

    "Hello, does your stall include refreshments that are not of a high sugar content?" the android inquired of the girl who appeared to be dressed in what could only be described as a sailor suit of sorts. "Also, would you mind if this unit undertook a repair of your construction? There are several structural instabilities present that could incur damage to your wares, self and potential customers." asked T'Lem.


    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Oxuhdm7

    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] 2369869-7384275770-origi

    Character info:

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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Maerko 19th August 2015, 4:45 pm

    Even the uproar of ballyhoo of the massive city of Magnoila Town did not compare to the 'pain and suffering' he had just went through. Staring from his slender, silky abdomen up to his cheeks he was probably covered in a disgusting amount of kiss marks. Even a few Hickeys on his neck he'd hope magic could do away with. Each smooch left around surfeit of lipstick marks, and they were HUGE lips to say the least. He had the look of needing an adult plastered on his face as he, as he walked even faster. Though, it did not seem to go without purpose as a golden, dazzling key with a pink animal at the head of the key was clenched so tightly in his head.

    Though, Markets tended to not be his happy-place. The eleemosynary treats had defiantly caught his eye. Oh, how ironic this place was given the key he had just gotten. A chuckle escaped his lip, only to cover his weakness with a quick tug of his scarf.

    A small jingle at his waist, almost mocking the knell with the amount he had on his hip as he took a big step. A serious, plastered look from ashen onyx eyes as he held up two fingers at Bellaria wordlessly.


    Jobs(3/3): Dearly Departed(W/ Venir and Lumina) | Entertain the Patients(W/ Keiji) | Red Sand Bandits [W/ Cirven]
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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Ahote 19th August 2015, 6:00 pm


    The zipper on his jacket was chased down by his fingertip. "It's too hot today..."He sighed before stretching his soar muscles. But then the presence of another intruded his 'privacy'. Keiji noticed a rather shady young man sitting alone with a... disturbing meal sitting on a plate in front of him. This particular young man had waved to him. Keiji only stared, still out of breath. Shortly after his observations, he raised his sweaty palms, trying to stiffly wave back before being approached by a... weird looking girl.

    "Listen, lady- !" He tried to dismiss himself, but she kept rambling on with all these "big words". What is she, a robot? He raised a brow questionably, chuckling afterwards, sneaking away from her while she wasn't looking.

    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Rin-Matsuoka-free-35305716-245-260

    "Hey, you... what is that?" He pointed out the goo in front of him. "Did you call me over?" He panted, wiping sweat from his forehead with the back of his right arm's wrist. The uncomfortable sensation of damp flesh tearing apart his comfort. He could've sworn that it was a beckon in the form of a wave!

    "Huh? No way. Were you telling me to save you from that... goo in front of you?!" He cringed. His glanced back at the weird lady who was supposedly ordering something in front of a stand of some sort... it sure did stand out. He sighed. I could leave. But if she's ordering something for me, I should take what has been offered... At the thought of this, he glanced back at the shady man and the small table in front of him. "Sorry, I'm waiting for someone. I'm sitting here."

    He pulled out a spare chair and sat down, putting down his elbow onto the table, his palm out and open so he could rest his jaw on it.

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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Tsavek 19th August 2015, 6:26 pm

    Tsavek's eyes widened dramatically as the red-haired jogger sat at his table with so little warning, not having expected him to actually approach. He shivered a bit, tail twitching to and fro as the man took his seat. He let out a shaky cough, raising his head off of the table and slamming his book shut with a reverberating -smack-, once more shoving the key between the pages and giving a tiny sigh of relief as the thick iron chains materialized once more. He remained silent, occasionally sneaking glances up at the obviously exhausted stranger as he stowed his tome back in a large, stained leather satchel at his side. But then, he realized...damn. With the book gone, he could no longer ignore the man, and he eventually gave a defeated, drawn-out exhale as he finally met his gaze.

    "...No, I didn't call you here to deal with the garbage on my plate. It's just custard, or...uh. I guess it's custard, anyway." The tailed wizard crossed his legs with a huff, attempting to remain as distant and collected as possible, though in actuality he was immensely nervous. His feet were at war with one another, incessantly twisting around each other and kicking side to side. After a long, intensely awkward silence, Tsavek offered the jogger a weak, halfhearted smile. "Ah...hey there. I guess since you're here, I'd better introduce myself. My name's Tsavek Elgis, I'm an as of now freelance wizard. Always on the lookout for work of course, but I suppose you wouldn't quite understand that. I mean, you look really nic-..." He froze, cursing his big mouth. He met the man not five minutes ago and was already complimenting him? How pathetic. "...Your clothes look quite nicely made, that is. You must have a very lucrative business."

    Tsavek wished at this point he had a mirror so he could glare daggers at himself for his foolishness. He absentmindedly patted his python, who had been asleep for at least an hour by this point. His fuzzy, drooping tail continued its nervous flicking, eventually coiling around a leg of his chair.

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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 19th August 2015, 8:16 pm

    It was a bit troubling, since the customer should be treated like royalty, how could she deny the girl of a non sugary beverage? Since her magic's foundation was pretty much sugar, what could she do? This was something she could've prepared for, so it was her fault.

    Bellaria frowned, and said, "Sorry, but I can only make sugary stuff, although i'm sure you can find it at one of the stands I hope you find what you're looking for."

    She disliked making people upest and not providing, so she'd help her a bit.

    "I'll show you a really cool place with drinks." She paused, wondering what do do with the stand. Since basically the only thing she had was an apparently rickety stand because she made the items with magic and stored the profit on her, she realized she could just hang up a closed sign. Although now she was having second thoughts, who would raise money now? Certainly the sick children needed the money more, but she couldn't turn Way someone asking for help.

    She made her decision by hanging up a closed sign and reaching for the other girl's hand.

    "What's your name?"



    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP
    T'Lem Rupee
    T'Lem Rupee

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by T'Lem Rupee 20th August 2015, 1:08 am

    T'Lem tilted her head as the vendor said they could only make sugary stuff, and then offered to help her find her a suitable beverage at the cost of shutting her own stall. "Apologies. Seems I need to run a diagnostic on my probability subroutines..." she said, inspecting the stand before getting to work. "There is no need for you to close your stall on this unit's account. Your construction was almost complete, but requires some adjustments." the android stated, as she adjusted the legs of the stand, using her own body to support the weight of the stand as she got to work fixing it.

    Within a few seconds the stand was completely fixed. "There we go." she said with a nod before recalling that her name had been asked for. "I am the Technological Lacrima Magus Replacement Unit Prototype... but everybody just calls me T'Lem Rupee for short." informed T'Lem, wondering why the girl was trying to take her hand. She then saw the human who was trying to get the girls attention. "And it would appear that you have a customer waiting for your services." she said, indicating the mage holding up two fingers at her.

    She then noticed the lack of another person beside her and looked around before spotting him with some form of goop... her eyes widened as she sprinted over and took the plate away from the sweaty human.

    "Stop!" she said, keeping it at arms length from them. "This is not fit for human consumption. My sensors indicate at least three different types of viral infections swimming in this mass, including salmonella bacteria along with tapeworm larvae." declared the android before she approached the nearest trash can and deposited the goop into it.


    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Oxuhdm7

    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] 2369869-7384275770-origi

    Character info:

    Lineage : Keeper of War
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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Maerko 20th August 2015, 1:39 am

    Found himself ignored by the Cotton Candy Girl. Thus, he made a small annoyed click against his tongue in response. Her attention seemed rather placed onto the strange blonde beside him. His hands eased up and dropped to his side. Scarf remaining pulled over his face as he stared over at the girl that seemed to point attention to him. An annoyed, eerie look in his eyes. Crowds gave him hives any ways, and he was not particularity in a mood to talk. The traumatizing event had left a godawful taste in his mouth. But, that was from the onslaught of old lady kisses.

    His head made paced shakes at the gynoids words. "She's ... Closed." the boy murmurs. A gentle tone of voice, and along with his look it was difficult to discern just what gender he was at first. The gold key soon flicked into his other hand as the Celestial Wizard began to loop the keyhole onto the ring. With several twists, and churns he'd spin it around until significantly became a part of the ring. Jingle, Jingle.


    Jobs(3/3): Dearly Departed(W/ Venir and Lumina) | Entertain the Patients(W/ Keiji) | Red Sand Bandits [W/ Cirven]
    ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ | Profile | Magic  | Fiora First National (Bank/Arsenal ) |░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂


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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Ahote 20th August 2015, 10:54 am

    "Keiji Kato. And remember the name, I'm gonna be the strongest of them all ya'know." He introduced himself. But his attention was soon thieved by the 'Custard' again.

    Custard? No way.

    He quietly thought to himself. He didn't want to say it out loud, he would've said it in the most insincere tone. How could he be truthful? It looked like some sort of experiment gone wrong.

    "Uh, well, looks... t-tasty." A bead of sweat ran down his forehead nervously. He gulped down the lies he carried of the goo on the plate. "Maybe it was a bad decision to sit here" he'd think. But at the same instant he thought that, the rather 'formal' lady had returned with a a message unexpected.

    He was thrown back against his chair, tipping the front legs off the ground lightly from the sheer impact of her demands. "Sensors? Infections? H-hold on a minute!" He instantly shot a glance over at Tsavek. His body froze for a moment before he finally jumped up from his chair. "You shouldn't e-eat that infected goo, ya know! Listen to miss... uh..." His attention was again stolen by the blonde next to the table. And it had appeared that she was being led by yet another lady who left a customer unattended.

    Now, normally, a guy like that who doesn't stand out at all wouldn't steal any notice form Keiji. However, that particular young man had this... grimace aura. Keiji shivered.

    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Tumblr_n0bcucS6d61sl3fwmo3_r1_250

    [fade]It's almost as if I can feel that dark aura... consume me! He thought. But after thinking about what all just happened within the last few minutes, Keiji could help but smile... that smile bursting into a chuckle.

    Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a well folded towel to wipe the dripping sweat off of his face, neck, and maroon mane. He cracked a smile.


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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Tsavek 20th August 2015, 2:37 pm

    Tsavek gave Keiji the most unimpressed stare the young man had probably ever seen, eyes heavy lidded and brows raised to a barely noticeable height. He obviously couldn't care less about the 'food' jiggling endlessly on his plate, and simply crossed his arms loosely over as the bizarre woman rambled on about the toxicity of his meal. He gave her a slightly annoyed glare as she talked, then returned his gaze to Keiji as he began -his- tirade on the subject. His line of sight unmoving, the indigo haired wizard lazily grasped the edge of the plate, one brow quirking a bit. "...Does it look like I've actually eaten even a single fork's worth of this disgraceful slime? No. I have not." He then abruptly lifted the plate off of the table, viciously stabbed his fork into the top of the quivering goop, and hurled the sickening dessert backwards with tremendous speed. As the dish sailed through the air (the custard still sticking firmly to it, alarmingly enough) Tsavek crossed his arms once again, giving a bored sigh as if this were common practice for him.

    His eyes fixed on Keiji, unwavering, Tsav eventually took notice of the man's apparent discomfort with his presence. He smirked coyly, tail snaking up to the table and coiling around his glass. By now he seemed to be purposefully trying to force a reaction out of him as his tail brought the glass to his lips and tipped it back. He took a small sip, replacing the water on the table as well as replacing his tail underneath it. "Hmp...you seem a little bit on edge, my redheaded friend. Is it the serpent? No? ...Maybe the tail, yes. I get that one frequently." His smirk spread into a wide, toothy grin at this point, by now expecting Keiji's unease to have climbed even higher. He enjoyed toying with people this way, it was more often than not his only form of entertainment. As he flashed this cartoonish grin, his sharp, elongated fangs could be easily identified. "Ah, perhaps it's these, mm? Quite useful for...ah. Draining things, you know how it is."

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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Mapleseruhp 21st August 2015, 7:22 am



    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] TpeMINY

    Kenneth BramerESP
    T'Lem Rupee
    T'Lem Rupee

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
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    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by T'Lem Rupee 22nd August 2015, 5:05 pm

    T'Lem blinked as the man who originally had the slop of food began to display some interesting physical traits about himself. The android leaned in close to observe them. "Fascinating. Reptillian physical attributes enhancing the mammalian physiology." she said aloud as she analysed the fangs and tail. "Are the elongated fangs coated in a venom or neurotoxin similar to more common vipers, or are they primarily for latching onto your prey, akin to a Boa Constrictor's fangs purposes?" the android inquired before she recalled his words. "Draining? Interesting, so these are in fact not reptillian enhancements in terms of the dental work. More like the common vampire bat perhaps?" she asked of him, expecting some genuine answers.

    "Are you a Take Over mage archetype then, judging solely from your protubences you are exhibiting at this moment in time? Fascinating if this is the case at the level of control. I didn't detect any magical surges to indicate spell-craft. And if not, then are these natural enhancements inherent to your physiological make up, or are they artificially grafted?" she asked, noting that the sailor suited girl had wandered back to her stall and was dealing with customers once more.

    "In regards to the draining you mentioned earlier, do you drain blood in the same manner as the aforementioned bat, or do you go for other internal fluids? Or do you drain your targets magic from their body? If so, does that suppose a theory that there are magical particles flowing through each living thing's bloodstream and skin tissue?" T'Lem continued to inquire, tilting her head every so often as if trying to get a better look. The sweaty human's comments about weirdo's barely registered in her memory engrams as she studied this fascinating specimen.


    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Oxuhdm7

    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] 2369869-7384275770-origi

    Character info:

    Lineage : Keeper of War
    Position : None
    Posts : 98
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : None
    Experience : 100

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    A soul in motion. [Social/Open] Empty Re: A soul in motion. [Social/Open]

    Post by Maerko 23rd August 2015, 11:16 am

    Almost as if guided by a sixth sense, his optics were guided to met with the man who had stared at him. Giving the jogger an odd, eerie looking with a questionable gaze that lingered at the other. Then the sudden, slight guffaw escaping Keiji's lips could only make the boy weirded out by the jogger.

    Curious at the group of people gathering around tables now, and an strange pet serpent. A rather distasteful look as he clicked his teeth but curiously found himself getting closer to the group. Taking careful steps to linger outside of a healthy conversation range, as if he were gathering information on them. A more dying curious face when he overheard the proclamation of wizardry. All of them were so strange, it was hard not to be a little curious.  


    Jobs(3/3): Dearly Departed(W/ Venir and Lumina) | Entertain the Patients(W/ Keiji) | Red Sand Bandits [W/ Cirven]
    ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ | Profile | Magic  | Fiora First National (Bank/Arsenal ) |░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂

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