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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss


    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 3rd August 2015, 2:45 pm

    i'm man but so much more
    shadow assasin
    these shadows, they guide me
    Night time. Oh, how pleasant it was when the night fell, the sun hid behind the mountains and the city was succumbed in darkness. The night creatures came out and praised the moon, for leading the night back, for banishing the scorching sun, she was their saviour.

    Walking out of her house, slamming the door behind her, Elizabeth Silvershield took out a small package from her bag, walking away from her humble house, her electric blue eyes focused on the little cardboard box in her hands. Cigarettes. Had she really fallen so low as to try to even start smoking. She had heard that it helped a person find relief from stress, escape from it, in a sense, but, still, could it help a person like Elizabeth? Could it help someone that was running away from insanity, to forget about it? She had to try. It would soon turn into a bad habit; if she got used to it, but she had to try. Everything to take away her attention from the stupid thoughts about destruction and murder was welcome. Calmly walking through the dark, silent streets of Era, Elizabeth slid the cardboard box back inside her bag, her eyes looking around the scene. It was in the middle of the week, and midnight was nearing, so the streets, unlike in any weekend, were completely desert; for people had to wake early and go to work. Those that had a certain time in which they were supposed to show up at work were unlucky; Elizabeth, on the other hand, was incredibly lucky. Even perhaps insanely lucky. She could show up whenever she wanted, and only had to make sure to be in the Rune Knights headquarters if there was an emergency.

    Which was why she could permit herself the luxury of going out, past midnight, in the middle of the week. Without worrying for bosses yelling at her, without worrying if she'd wake up in time for work. She'd anyways end up sleeping in; so why not waste the night wisely? It was a perfect plan; spend the night in a rather fancy bar/discotheque, go back home late, or rather early, and sleep in, something she'd do anyways. She missed having fun; it was a lot since she last had went out to dedicate time to having fun. Perhaps she could not do it anymore? Before she was used to spending every night out, on parties. But that was before; when she wasn't a giant, hostile ice block, that would not let anyone near her, much less speak to her. That was her defensive mechanism against strangers, that had as an objective to avoid having people near her, and protect them from her. She was a walking bomb with a timer: and when she'd snap was unclear, hence why she tried keeping people away from her at all cost. She wanted to protect people from the beast she hid within her, and that required her staying away from people.

    But, she too missed fun. She missed the music, she missed the men, she missed everything. She had it clear, that, as a Master of Shadows, she could not permit herself to dedicate her priceless time on such mundane things as going to parties, or flirting even, but she still missed it. She wanted to try and have a taste of her previous life, remember what it was in those careless days, in which the only thing that haunted her, were the memories of the past. Not the demons of the future, only the memories of a past she wanted to erase. Was it possible, though? To forget a past as complex and dark as hers? The shadows kept whispering to her her sins, telling her how all suffering would end if she gave in to the shadows, if she let herself fall in the hands of insanity at last, and meet the same fate as Zed, her master. It was not that painful, anyways, right? He died an old man, he lived a life he loved. A lot of destruction was involved in that life, but he was happy, at least, right...?

    Shaking her head, she sighed. She needed a drink. Without doubt. Although she had promised to stop thinking about her problems, they kept going back to her. They kept haunting her mercilessly, taking her attention away from the plans she had for the night. Pitiful. Turning on her heels, her red dress slightly shaking as she did that, she headed towards the nearest fancy bar she knew, her electric blue eyes adopting the usual look of "Don't near me if you love your life.", an air of supperiority and hatred around her, as she walked. Poor whoever decided to near her. Although she looked like an innocent, Eighteen years old, that wore a skin tight dress that accentuated her curves too well, that could do no harm, Elizabeth was ready to slit someone's throat in a second if something she did not approve of was done to her. Hopefully all would notice that. And not near her.

    It was a shame that she did not know what fate had planned for her. Apparently, leaving her alone for one night was too much.

    The music of the bar filled her ears, invading her from every corner. The latest hits were blasting on the gigantic speakers in the bar, people sitting together, chatting, discussing the song, or things that had recently happened in their lives. The typical bar, only that it looked better, and thus, the prices were higher. It was not like their drinks were bad. The price was worth, considering the environment, and the quality. Some humans simply knew how to make things right. Heading towards the bar, the sound of her heels clashing against the ground beneath her muffled by the loud music. Without hesitating, the red head sat on one of the higher chairs, her bag neatly placed on her legs as she did that, eyes focused on the bottles of drinks before her. What did she want? Something strong, in order to get drunk and forget her issues? Or something softer, in order to distract herself, or just, have a drink as she considered things. What was better? Eh. Give me a glass of your finest whiskey.

    Her voice and tone were hostile, as per usual; her eyes with the same icy stare in them, making anyone who dared look at her in the eye reconsider their choice. She had promised herself to have fun: and yet she had ended like before. For all she knew, she could have came in the armor, if she knew she'd have no progress, no change. How annoying. The barman, poor man, turned on his heels, quickly pouring the liquid asked for from Elizabeth in a glass with ice, handed it to her with shaky hands, muttering a There you go, ma'am. She had scared him, ha. How cowardly humanity had turned. The only truely brave were those who risked their lives in the battlefield for their country. And those here? The townsfolk were simple humans that got scared by the slightest show of hostility from anyone else. How pitiful.

    Bringing the glass to her lips, the red-head glanced to the empty seat on her left, praying that no chatterbox, nobody that would even try to talk to her, would come and occupy it. She hoped nobody would near her. She wanted to be alone, with her whiskey, with her thoughts, she wanted to forget. It was a true shame that fate did not have planned to let her biggest desire at the moment to come true.

    @decayuss || 1279 words || Hooray for 0:44 senseless threads. xD


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 3rd August 2015, 4:52 pm

    Words: 1245
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Darkness. To him, it was a veil, or a barrier. A barrier that shielded him from the outside world, causing his actions to go unnoticed. The reasons for this were very simple: it was the dark clothes that he wore. The clothes that covered up his flesh underneath had also served as a secondary, unintentional purpose for him to vanish in the darkness. The jet black cloth against him blended with the night, and were it not for his eyes he would have been completely invisible. He was not invisible because one thing had pierced this veil of darkness: light. Light that came from his inhuman eyes, eyes as red as blood that trickled from a wound. For these eyes glowed within the darkness, lighting the path in front of the wanderer, and although this wanderer could dim this brightness at will, it was his preference to keep it on. The amount of time he had been traveling was almost unbeknownst to him, at least for this particular day. He had been traveling in solitude for weeks, but had lost track of the time that had passed since the light of dawn, but he estimated very roughly that it was about midnight. Midnight was the only explanation to the desertion among the streets of Rose Garden.

    Memories of a previous encounter within this city briefly rushed his mind: the time where he intervened against a jealous ex boyfriend, brawling with him until one of them couldn't go on anymore. Obviously the victor was himself. Surprisingly enough those memories were not too distant when it came to the time they had occurred, but so much had happened to him since then. Brushing aside the meaningless memories, the time of today was his mind's focus once more. Midnight seemed logical as the streets of Rose Garden, contrary to their typical state, were empty. This city was known for its activities and liveliness both during the day and night, but mid night on a weekday seemed to be a logical explanation for its desertion. Deserted save for Deniel...and perhaps one other individual. Deniel himself had been wearing his jet black clothing, consisting of a steel-grey shirt with a design of skulls atop, a black short sleeved jacket, along with cropped jeans. A black fingerless glove concealed most of his left hand, and dark combat boots concealed most skin that would be revealed beneath his knees.

    The reason for his wandering was unknown even to him. He had no explanation for it. Recently an event that he had brought upon himself happened in his life, causing his mental condition to spiral much more into depression and self-pity. Given the amount of jewels he had on him it was not an impossible dream for him to simply settle down in one area and live a life filled with luxury, virtue, happiness, and even a nice girl to keep him company. A life such as that had no sense of "fun" to put simply. His definition of fun was quite twisted in some ways, but in many others it was the same as anyone else's. If not the quiet life, he could easily join any other Guild, both Legal and Dark, and ascend their way through the ranks just as he did with Eclipse Soul, but not even that was satisfactory enough for him. Despite leaving the guild, Eclipse Soul left an irreplaceable part in his non-existent heart that no other guild could live up to. Without any options left, he took to wandering and getting drunk. Alcohol was not something he had ever considered drinking until his days of wandering not too long ago. And now, here was in Rose Garden.

    His clothing perfectly hid itself in the darkness, but someone who was not hidden, especially from his eyesight, was a stranger. A woman, and one whose body had figuratively gleamed with beauty. The reason for her presence outside at such a time was unknown to Deniel, but there was something about her that peaked a tiny bit of his curiosity. During the brief moments his eyes laid themselves upon her he bore witness to a certain look that she had into her eyes. A look that although he could faintly see, he had recognized. With his curiosity activated, he followed the woman. She was going to a bar, so it mattered not, he planned to go inside of one anyway. Very shortly after she had entered, so did he. And for a bar...he was more or less impressed. Previously all he could hear was the silence in the night, but now the sound of music boomed through his ears and vibrated on his body, giving his stomach a churning feeling of excitement and thrill. There were people all around him, contrary to the deserted streets outside, and each of them seemed to be enjoying themselves. And for a bar, the marble flooring beneath his feet that gave a faint reflection of the young man made it appear to be much more like a fancy restaurant rather than a bar.

    Careful not to get distracted too much in awe of his new surroundings, he eyed the woman that he had followed inside. He saw how her tight dress hugged her curves tightly, and it was particularly pleasing to the eye, especially from behind. Swiftly shaking those thoughts away, he followed her over to the stools, but did not seat himself just yet. He witnessed her interaction with the bartender from behind. She was young, beautiful, and very curvaceous, but her attitude and tone spoke another story to a person such as Deniel. If he were more experienced in the arts of studying behavior in people through words and actions, he could probably tell an entire life story behind it all. However, he was not educated in such areas, so the only thing that came to his mind was that this woman had a troubled past, and was in need of assistance even if she denied it. As she brought the drink to her lips, he at last made his way over to the chair right to her left, placing himself right down on it casually. His posture was very informal and casual, with both heels of his boots on the ring that surrounded the stool towards the bottom, his back bent heavily forward, and his chin rested in the palms of both of his hands.

    He shot the woman a glance from the corner of his eyes, his red eyes that would spell evil were it not for the look on his face. It was casual, just like his posture, and very lazy, with his eyes half opened and a dumb smirk on his face. He gave a glance to the bartender she struck fear into, and hoped to lighten up his mood a bit, "Strawberry sundae..." he said briefly, almost sounding as if he were sighing at the end. The bartender just gave a shrug in response...obviously they didn't have any. "Well, that's a shame." Not traversing further on the subject, he gave a glance at the red haired woman once more, this time turning more of his face to look straight at her, making it obvious that she caught his attention. "Now that's a look you shoot your enemy...something bothering you?" Almost as if he expected her to completely disregard his question, which he in fact did, he swiftly moved on to something else, "What's your name, Beautiful?"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
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    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 4th August 2015, 6:54 am

    i'm man but so much more
    shadow assasin
    these shadows, they guide me
    Poor Elizabeth, her hopes were crushed within a second.

    A black haired male sat next to her, causing Elizabeth to glance at him, look at him from the corner of her eye. Shaking her head, the scarlet haired woman proceeded to take back the glass of whiskey to her lips, with the intention to ignore the male who sat next to her for the rest of the night; or until either of them left the bar. She had no reasons to speak with strangers; she did not socialize, and as attracted she could feel towards a male, she had left behind the idea of flirting long ago. The male next to her was definetly not bad at all; if she was still the same as before, she would have asked him out. But she was not the same as before. She was an entirely new person. An insane girl, who dedicated her life in avoiding humanity.

    She had sincerely hoped he'd ignore her too. That he'd try to find something to drink, instead of the sundae, and would let her be. But she was wrong. Oh, so wrong. His first comment, was referring to her look. If we go by that logic, then the entire world is my enemy. She hissed, pushing her scarlet locked behind her ear. Nobody dared to comment on the look in her eyes. Nobody. And those who did, regretted it seconds later. Bringing the glass of whiskey to her lips once more, she turned to him, curious as to why she had spoken to her, despite noticing the murderous look that always reigned in her electric blue eyes. The look of hostility is my default one, so to say.

    He then questioned her name. Why did he want to know? At this point, after having her answer the question about her look, most would have just taken a few steps away from her, and would have maintained that distance, which usually consisted of 10-20km, for the rest of their life. But he, he kept talking to her. He even asked her name. He was brave. Atonishingly brave. For a few seconds, she considered turning around, and walking away, ignoring the man and keeping her distance with other human beings intact. But curiosity got the better of her. Was he really, as stupid, or as brave to speak to her further? How far would he go? My name? She hesitated for a moment, placing the glass back on the table, blue eyes focused on the barman, who was attending the other clients with precision and incredible speed. Even she, with all her shadow clones, was bound to fail if she was given this task. In battle, she could be supreme, but in this, she'd fail. Some people simply had talent for one thing, and lacked precision in another. It was as it was. Elizabeth. Elizabeth Ginevra Silvershield. That's my name. She muttered, without looking at the male. He had caught her attention; not only with his looks, but also with his bravery, or stupidness. And once someone caught her attention, he'd have to bear with her until the very end, in which she usually ended up losing her interest in that person.

    I must admit, you're really brave. Not many dare to speak to me. Elizabeth proceeded, her voice remaining icy cold, hostile. The fact that he had peaked her interest did not mean that he would get different treatment. And who are you, if I may ask? It's only fair now if I get to know your name, since you know mine. Am I wrong?

    @Decayuss || 602 words || Nope, no more 1k word posts. I hope. xD


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 4th August 2015, 10:06 am

    Words: 866
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    A pessimistic part of him had suspected his question would go ignored and she would simply tend to her drink, or get up and walk away, perhaps never to see him again. However an alternate had occurred, where not only did she answer him, but also immediately after he asked the question. Perhaps he had caught the interest of the redhead. Her tone was not much different than what she had used on the bartender, with a bit of a hiss mixed into it, but it was obvious at this point that the raven haired young man wasn't afraid in the slightest. And her answer was most certainly peculiar, but in the areas where Deniel was familiar, it was no stranger to him. The entire world was her enemy...he had heard that logic before by someone who wasn't necessarily a stranger. In response to her answer, all he did was give a wider smirk, one that he didn't aim in her direction in fear of her noticing and taking his response the wrong way; because in addition to his wider smirk he attempted to halt laughter from escaping his lips. Her answer wasn't necessarily funny to him, and certainly not anyone else, he merely found it amusing. It was like staring into the face of his younger self. A younger, more beautiful version of himself.

    She certainly took a while to answer the second question regarding her name, and at some point or another he just assumed that she would refuse to tell him because of "trust issues" or "earning respect", or any other typical response that came from an individual like her. A person who shut themselves away from the world. Just as he was also about to give up on her, she repeated his question. She was hesitant given her response, but Deniel was a very patient man so he waited. He still didn't turn his entire body to her direction, but instead kept his chin rested in both of his palms, and his ruby eyes staring at her from the very corner. He predicted she would only give him the first name, and that he would have to earn access to her last one, but instead he was given the full dose, metaphorically speaking. Elizabeth Ginevra Silvershield. Certainly not a name that he had ever heard before, but not one he would easily forget. He noticed that instead of looking at him and speaking her name very coldly as she had done thus far, she couldn't even bear to look at him, and instead muttered her name. He almost couldn't hear it over the loud music that was still booming.

    She commented on his "bravery" with his ability to speak with her, but he didn't necessarily see it as bravery. He didn't know what it was but...he would figure that out later. With her cold voice returning to him, she asked for his name, and even questioned him on whether it was fair for him to give it to her, as if she suspected the would refuse to do so. He would have given his name to her whether she asked for it or not. At last turning his entire body to face her, using the rotating cushion on the stool, he took his chin out of his palms and rested the both of them on his thighs. Now he was facing her, and both of his blood red eyes stared straight into her icy blue ones. With eyes such as his one would expect him to be just as cold as her, and they wouldn't be wrong, but this particular situation was different. "My name is Deniel. Deniel Decayuss Thorman!" His first name was probably something she had never heard before. Instead of a name, it was simply the word "Denial" but spelled differently. He said it with pride, despite how unusual his name may be.

    Before he continued on, he gave a wave at the bartender, who practically dashed back down to where Deniel and Elizabeth had been sitting. "You got any strawberry liquor? I don't care what. Beer, whiskey, vodka, sake...I'll take it!" The friendly nature and relaxed manor of Deniel had caused the bartender to somewhat ignore the cold woman sitting right beside him. A smirk was cracked across his face as he pulled out a red, unopened bottle, which he removed its cap while also placing down a glass for Deniel at swift speed. And in a moment a single ice cube was placed inside while red alcoholic liquid was also poured in. Deniel nodded a thanks to him, and he was off to deal with other customers. He gave a brief sip from the drink, tasting it and grading it. He smacked his lips shorty after swallowing the liquid, and both of his eyes stared up at the ceiling to think for a moment. "Not bad..."

    As if he had been ignoring Elizabeth the whole time, his gaze returned to her as he placed his drink beside him on the bar table. "So earlier you said that the world was your enemy...what do you mean by that? Those are the words of someone in a Dark Guild."
    Notes: Awesome! This many words was an accident.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

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    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 5th August 2015, 1:18 pm

    WORD COUNT: 627
    TAG: @Decayuss
    Deniel Decayuss Thornman. It was an unusual name, to say at least. Elizabeth had to admit, that it was the first time in her life in which she heard of someone whose name was, in awfully many ways, similar to "Denial". She had heard peculiar names in Pergrande; she was lucky, she had a rather normal name; like everyone in her family, except her mother, who, to be honest, had an excuse for it; she was from Desierto, so the name Sheba was rather normal name, by their standards. Regardless; Deniel was, by any means, a peculiar, perhaps unique name. But it was not ugly, not at all. At least he appeared proud of his name; he said it with such pride that Elizabeth could not think anything else. While she, she muttered her name, almost with shame, not willing people to recognise her. Those who knew her name could easily relate her with "Troublesome person" or "Assassin", without even knowing her. Without having seen her once. Knowing her name and history was enough.

    His choice of drink made her smirk. She had never tasted any strawberry alcohol, but, well, she judged those that chose it. In a not particularly nice way. Oh well. Everyone had his own taste. Who knew. Perhaps his alcoholic drink was stronger than her? Who knew. Who knew. He seemed friendly and outgoing; or at least enough to make the bartender forget about the blue eyed stone-hearted woman that sat next to him, and that had scared him off at ease earlier. He was, in short, perhaps a bit too friendly for her. Although she had been like him, or appeared like him, before. Now, she could not even start a conversation without scaring someone off or hissing. Like a snake.

    It seemed to be that it was the first time the man tasted the strawberry alcohol he had given. Rising an eyebrow, Elizabeth shook her head slightly, smirking. He had never tasted anything like it, or so it seemed, and yet he demanded to be given such thing so enthusiastically? Deniel must have been a hundred percent sure that the alcohol would be worth the money. She admired that, truly. If someone told her to buy something she had never tasted, she'd think it twice before even taking out her money to buy it. But he? He didn't think it twice. Respectable.

    Hah. She grinned, taking the glass to her lips, the liquid in it dissapearing at last. The bartender glanced at it, then at the redhead. He was obviously willing to ask her if she wanted it re-filled... But was not brave enough. Poor man. Feel free to fill it again, sir. Same as before. The barman swiftly took her glass from in front of her, turning on his heels to take the same bottle of whiskey as before, before pouring the exquisite liquid into her glass and sliding it back to her, without even muttering a word. How curious. Have I fallen as low as to be compared with the type of people I despise most? No, I am not a dark mage. In fact; I hunt them down. That's a part of my job, to say. She said, her voice clear, a bored tone added to the coldness. This conversation was interesting, it was amusing. But she'd never show that. She'd rather just keep experimenting, see until what point she can reach, when he will finally figure out that she may be a psychopath, when he'll get scared of her at last. I'd rather keep everyone as my enemy, instead of my friend. People will get hurt if they remain with me. I'd rather have people avoid me, than befriend me. I sound so depressed... How petty.

    - - i think i love you better now


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 5th August 2015, 2:09 pm

    Words: 578
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Reaching his hand over his chest, he brought the glass back up to his lips so he may sip the red alcoholic liquid once more. His confidence in its taste was in the fact that strawberries were a part of his regular diet. Whether in the form of an ice cream sundae, a drink composed of its juice, a pie, strawberries alone, and now strawberry liquid. Not even he knew the origins of his hunger for such a fruit, but he did not mind. They were too sweet to resist, like many things. He sipped his drink as she seemed to pity herself, but also reveal her faction...a Rune Knight. There was no other person who "hunts" those that associate themselves with Dark Guilds. It wasn't a Legal Mage's priority, which meant the only thing she was, was a bounty hunter...or a Rune Knight. And he assumed it would be a Rune Knight, but did not express it. When she continued her explanation, that's when she caught Deniel's biggest interest. Ironic...she had been attempting to rid herself of him, but now he wasn't going to let her go until he was satisfied. He placed his drink back down when she was finished, and stared intently into her eyes.

    The smirk on his face was no longer there, or at least as much as it used to be. His eyes still remained half-open, but their gaze pierced straight into her's, as if he were trying to say something...or he was being creepy and trying to seduce her. He thought about her response for a while, he closely analyzed her words that echoed in his brain. She stayed away from people out of fear that she would hurt them. "You remind me of someone I used to know..." for the first time it appeared as though he was serious. His voice had finally matched his appearance, sounding like a cold whisper of a snake or perhaps a powerful being. Despite the loud music booming, the whisper could easily be heard by Elizabeth, as if it crawled into her ears. This seriousness did not last long, however, as his next words seemed to be back to a humorous side. "You don't have fun often, do you?" His question sounded more like he was declaring that she didn't have fun, more so than he was inquiring if she did. "Look around you," he briefly said, and twirled his finger in a circle. All around them people did seem like they were having fun. Groups of male drinking friends were laughing and joking about their hard days of work, or perhaps about their wives. The bartender, no longer dealing with Elizabeth, appeared to be having fun doing his own job. And, everyone else seemed to be laughing and smiling.

    "People around are having fun. Why can't you do the same? The point of friends is to not only be there for each other, but also to have fun. And look at yourself. You've got a friendly face, beautiful eyes, curves like no other, and perhaps a very friendly smile. So what keeps someone like you from befriending people? Hurting them?" He closed his eyes shut for a brief moment and sighed. When he opened them, he had the serious look in it once more, but not the same kind of whisper. His voice next time he spoke was sharp, strict, and brief.
    "I once was afraid of hurting people that got too close as well, but you can control it. If you don't, the darkness and cold nature you carry around will eventually be your end, with the stench of regret on your last dying breath."
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 6th August 2015, 1:28 pm

    WORD COUNT: 674
    TAG: @Decayuss

    A smile appeared on Elizabeth's lips. He was right; his words did not lack reason nor coherence, but she knew and stood her point. She was, after all, who knew best. She realised what she could do, she was conscious of her fate, and what would happen if she fell to insanity. Which she would. The first one to fall in such case, would be those that were close to her. She was not to be taken in the wrong sense; she adored fun. Or used to. Before her lineage had been unlocked, she was always out, with friends, or with her lovers. She was always out, with people she liked. But once she received her powers, once her mind began getting corrupted, she changed. She realised she could no longer be around people and expect nothing to happen. She was bound to hurt people. So she would rather keep the most away from her in order to lessen the casualties of war.

    His serious voice had surprised her. A lot. She had not expected him to get all serious, but he had. His words intrigued her. He had known someone that was like her? Someone that feared hurting those around him, or her, too? She had stupidly assumed that only she felt this insanely ridiculous fear of hurting others that remained too near. His serious tone did not last long, though. As soon as he stopped talking, it seemed to dissapear; for the next thing he said, it was no longer with the eerie, serious tone had faded, his old one reappearing. With a sigh, she absorbed everything he said, listening closely and carefully planning her next words. He was a logical man, his words did not lack reason, and thus, it would be harder for her to stand her point. Fun... She muttered, taking a small sip from her whiskey. She should not get drunk. At least, not tonight. I used to be different. Very different. She said softly, her eyes focused on the drinks before her for a few seconds, before she turned to Deniel, her electric blue eyes turning their focus to him. You see, my magic corrupts my mind. Every time I use a spell, the only thing I can feel is an insane thirst for blood, a will to kill and get rid of my enemies in the most painful way possible. It offers great power, in exchange of going insane, and meeting the fate of its first bearer. Well, progressively losing your sanity. The sole thoughts that go through your mind while using any spell just makes you slowly go insane. Elizabeth explained, her tone, still much, much softer than before, acquired a rather bored, serious tone to it as she explained how her magic and mind worked. Why was she even doing this? Explaining herself to a stranger? Before I acquired these powers, I was a very friendly person. A flirt, even. I loved spending time with other people, mostly handsome men. Don't get me wrong, I simply adored having fun. I spent ninety percent of the time out with people. But... Having in mind what I am and what I will do, I'd rather stay away from people, and avoid hurting them in the future. She looked down, bringing the glass back to her lips. Thank you for the compliments, though. It has been a lot since someone has told me things like this... A small smile drew on her face for a few as she glanced at Deniel. He was, quite, the curious person.

    However; soon enough, his voice went serious, sharp, strict, making the smile fade from her lips. He was like her. According to what he said; he was like her. He too had been afraid of hurting people, yet now he acted like this. He had managed to control it. Yet, how many people had he hurt, until he had managed it? Deniel, the darkness is a part of me. I'm the descendant of the Master of Shadows for a reason.
    - - i think i love you better now


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 6th August 2015, 2:06 pm

    Words: 727
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    A very interesting woman, she was. Very interesting, indeed. Although her story was quite typical, losing control as a result of Magic, something he could very easily relate to, her honesty also held it up. And he felt a large sense of pity for her. A woman with her beauty and elegance was forced to live with Magic that corrupted and clouded her mind, forcing her to go insane. Pitiful, indeed. He brought his drink to his own lips once more, finishing it off. He finished his drink faster than she did hers, mainly because he wasn't familiar in the ways of alcohol drinking, which the safer route was to drink it slowly. One of his reasons was his inhuman body, which assisted him in his reckless nature since punishments were less hefty. Drinking, for example, took a far less toll on him than any normal human would. While her explanation about why was sufficient, her Magic being the nature that was difficult to control. However, hew as going to touch that matter later. He planned to show her that no matter the Magic, control was still entirely possible. He retained control of his...there was no doubt in his mind that it was possible for her.

    But her comment on having fun. It seemed very illogical to him; her Magic and casting spells it what caused her to lose control of her mind, body, and actions, but what stopped her from having fun? Was her Magic necessary to have fun? He would soon direct these questions straight at her, as soon as she finished. And then there was her lineage...the descendant of a Master of Shadows. While he had never heard of such a thing, the mere mention of its name was enough for Deniel to figure out why she had trouble controlling it. He brushed all of that aside, and returned the smirk on his face and his light tone. "So what?" He began, shrugging at her with his smirk growing quite a bit, "You don't need your Magic or powers to have fun. Do you use Magic when you go out to have fun? Do you need to use Magic to have fun? Sometimes you can but...it's not required. Look at these humans around us. They appear to be having fun, no Magic needed. I can understand not wanting to get close to people while you are in combat, but that's no reason to spend a much more personal and friendly life with them." Despite how silly he sounded and looked, especially with his facial expressions, there was a hard truth in what he said, and he surely meant it.

    As if fate were on his side once again, the music playing around them suddenly changed. It became much more upbeat, instrumental, and had a certain sense of feel that would pulse through a person's body and give them the urge to do...something. Most people around Elizabeth and Deniel, as if they had been here before, seemed to predict this happening. The men and woman alike all put down their drinks and stood up from their stools and tables, holding each other by the hand. The large area more so in the center of the large and elegant bar was a dance floor, in fact. That was one of the reason for its marble tiles. The men and women weren't necessarily dressed formally, but it was enough for each of them to show that they cared. Some of them were married couples, or just couples in general, while others were guys making moves on females that they had been eyeing, or had known for a long time. Nearly everyone stuck to their partner, and due to the pace and nature of the music, didn't necessarily slow dance, although they did stand in front of each other, but rather moved together with swift movements of the arms and legs. One way to describe it, very simply, could be swing music.

    Deniel saw this as an advantage for him to prove his point. His smirk on his face quickly turned into a smile. Whether Elizabeth had finished her drink or not didn't matter to him. He abruptly stood up from his stool, standing right in front of her, holding out his right hand. "Shall we dance? You're not gonna' go bloodthirsty and insane by dancing, are you?"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 6th August 2015, 3:14 pm

    WORDS: 0743
    TAG: @Decayuss
    Perhaps... I am the wrong one here?

    Never has Elizabeth hesitated in her own beliefs. Never. So strongly has she always believed in her ideas, that it took a mental mastermind to convince her that she was wrong; and that there were other ideas who perhaps made more sense, other beliefs that were right. But yet; here she was, hesitating about if her attitude so far had been correct. Closing herself in a shell and cutting off all the ties she had, stopping herself from all the activities she did before, was that correct at all? She sure could snap at any moment, but, could she, if she was not using her magic? The shadows' whisper ceased when she was not using her magic, the dark thoughts faded in the background. Perhaps... Perhaps she was wrong. Just plainly wrong. Running her long, pale fingers through her soft, red locks, the redhead sighed and stared at Deniel as he spoke. She was a rather logical person, and had sat for hours, closed in her house, before she took a decision to isolate herself from the world. A decision thought with hours, and hours, had been bashed within a few seconds, by a series of arguments that simply destroyed hers. Arguments that, also, came from a person similar to her. Someone who had closed himself in a shell, fearing that he could hurt those that were precious to him, and yet had managed to overcome his weakness. And nobody had been hurt... Right?

    If Deniel could do it, so could she. She would not fall to insanity as easily, she would not meet Zed's fate without putting up a good fight beforehand. She hated admitting that other people were right. Pride was, without doubt, quite irritating, but it was a part of who she was. She was a prideful person. Someone who denied help, who never admitted others were right and she was wrong. Simply put: a horrid person. But yet, Deniel was right. His arguments were perfectly fine and legit; more than some of hers. The fact that he had went through this, and was still there, perfectly sane, spoke for itself too. If she were to start a serious discussion with him, right there and then, she'd be the losing side. I... She remained quiet for a moment, playing with the glass of whiskey, looking for the correct words to say. You're right... I guess. Your arguments have beaten mine to the ground, so to say... Nicely done. Not a lot of people would have dared to go this far. A small smile spread on her lips, a chuckle threatening to escape due to how he had finished off his drink in a single sip. Did he think that she drank alcohol slowly for fun?That guy was fun, without doubt. She seriously doubted, though, that he had ever really seen alcohol in his life, judging by how he finished an alcoholic drink, that he tasted for the first time, mind you, in no time. That; or he had insane alcohol resistance. Lucky.

    The change in music did not go by unperceived by Elizabeth. The redhead looked up as the music playing in the background suddenly changed to a much more upbeat, instrumental melody would sound through the luxurious bar. People from left and right began rising from their seats, asking others out on a dance, the marble floor thought for this soon getting filled with teenagers and couples dancing to the music, facing their companion. In no time, the dance floor had been flooded by the large number of couples and others, dancing and laughing, enjoying their time alongside their loved ones or friends. Her attention focused on the crowd on the dance floor, Elizabeth, although she always pretended to be alert, did not even notice as Deniel stood up and positioned himself right in front of her, holding out his right hand. It was when she heard his voice that she turned to him, his question intriguing her, and yet, amusing her. With a small laugh, she placed her little hand in his, rising from her seat. Oi, shut up. I told you too much, didn't I? For the first time in a while, her eyes did not have the same cold, hatredful stare as always. They looked normal, innocent, eyes that nobody would suspect they belonged to an assassin. Oh well. I guess one dance with a handsome guy can't hurt...
    - - i think i love you better now


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 6th August 2015, 6:52 pm

    Words: 753
    "Let's rock!"
    "Heh." He felt her tiny hand enter his, and he enclosed his fingers around it. The smoothness of her soft skin was something that he definitely felt, but did not distract him. In fact he was much more focused on something else: in reality he could not dance. He merely intended to impress her--or perhaps make a joke--but now it was time for him to step up. He retained his who he really was so far, and now was not the time for him to let go of it. With a single, but silent gulp he escorted her over to the dance floor, making one last comment: "The name's Deniel, not 'handsome guy'." A brief chuckle escaped his lips, in his attempt to humor her, but also lighten the mood for them further. The two had just escaped a conversation about losing control, powerful and dark Magic, and serious looks. For Deniel, it was time to attempt to have some fun. He prolonged the escort with Elizabeth for a reason that he would keep to himself: observation. His inability to dance would hinder the two of them--perhaps bringing embarrassment upon himself--so he needed to learn how and fast. Luckily for him years of training in combat had developed his observational skills and reflexes to unnatural levels. Or to put simply: by watching people around him he would learn how to dance just in time.

    He saw the movements of their feet, the swift movements were temporarily slowed down for him so that he may study their executions. It was similar to slow dancing, but much more fast paced and energetic. Something he also noticed was neither male or female had kept their arms linked at all times. For the most part they did, but there were occasional occurrences where either one or two arms were no longer connected. He also noted that much of it was movement of the feet in a strict pattern and rhythm matching to the music. He, himself had not experienced slow dancing, or this...swing dancing, but he was about to. Finding a comfortable spot for him and Elizabeth, he mimicked the action of holding on to both of her hands, and then hesitated for a moment. He studied the movements...but did not know where to start. Shit, what do I do!? What do I doooooo!? Fate being on his side once more, gave him something that intrigued him out of the corner of his eye. He saw a couple dancing, and suddenly the woman practically pressed her body against his, before the male extended his arm like a whip, sending the woman right out away from him, with only their arms keeping each other together before she came right back in front of him. That's it! Placing his left hand on her waist Deniel pulled Elizabeth in closer to him for only a brief moment before letting go, and extending his hand just as he saw the other two did.

    Like a whip he forced Elizabeth temporarily away from him, twirling her body ninety degrees at the same time before he ceased his movement with their arms outstretched and hands still holding on to each other. It was...satisfying to say the least. Mimicking the second part of the movement swiftly, he brought her swiftly back in by doing the opposite, and held on to her other hand once more. He retained distance between them this time however so that both of their feet had room to move--and perhaps she could have more room to move in those heels--as he noticed that much of it was movement to the rhythm. Although not experienced with it, it was fortunate for Deniel that his parents had done such forms of dancing in their youth and early in their marriage, and although it was thousands of years before he was born, he felt a natural instinct carry into him. With slight movements of the arms, and with his eyes focused on Elizabeth, he began to move his legs that had been tucked in to his combat boots. He made his best attempt to move to the rhythm of the playing music in the background, and his display--considering his experience--could be considered quite natural and an excellent display. He just hope Elizabeth could keep up, and she could have fun doing this. So far he was, in some ways, and that's what brought not a smile...but a smirk on his face. For him, smirking was his form of smiling from time to time.
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
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    Thunder Knight

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 7th August 2015, 2:36 pm

    WORDS: 0898
    TAG: @Decayuss
     Elizabeth was no expert in dancing. Oh, no. She was far, very far from being an expert. Her strength was in the battlefield; she could dance, with weapons. Not literally, of course, but her style, the techniques she used in battle, and the moves she performed simply made it look as if she was  performing some complex dance, which, while atonishing the enemies with its beauty and complexity, also slit their necks. A surprise bonus, to say. But actual dancing? That was going to be hard. And embarrassing. Oh well. At least he was, in many ways, still a stranger; and the chance of them meeting after this night again was not big... Right? Was she correct? Perhaps. And perhaps not. Only time would show that.

    With a small smile, the redhead followed Deniel to the dance floor as his fingers closed around her small hand, leading her alongside him. It was pleasant to have some sort of closeness with another human being once again, Elizabeth had to admit. The months she had spent isolated in her little shell, she had avoided any type of contact with other human beings, be it physical or anything else, so she had forgotten how amusing it could be. But now she realised how much she had missed physical contact with other humans. But that was definitely not her only thought at the moment. Her mind, usually swarmed with thoughts of murder and blood, now was occupied by a rather trivial question: How the hell was she supposed to dance. What's more; how was she supposed to dance on heels. That was hard. Like hell.

    Oh, I'll fail so bad. How the heck am I supposed to do this...? Her confusion and worry did not show on her face, thankfully. Her expression remained blank, with only a small, almost unnoticeable smile on her lips as Deniel held both of her hands when they finally found a place for them to dance comfortably, without having to worry weather they'd hit with the nearby dancing couples or not. Using the moment Deniel dedicated to hesitating, Elizabeth quickly glanced around her, her eyes scanning the dancing females around her, analyzing every movement their feet did, every twist and turn, they way they held hands with their partners, their bodies pressing against that of their loved ones. It was curious, how they moved with such elegance on heels, and never fell, they looked marvelous. But none of them would possibly manage to lead a battle like she could, not many could wear a black, not insanely light armor and still twist and turn like she could. Different people had different talents; hers was related to battle, and theirs, to dancing.

    Snapping her out of her thoughts, causing her to look back at him, Deniel placed a hand on the waist of the redhead, her attention focusing on him once again. He knew to dance? He seemed sure of what he was doing... Or was he not? She could not know. She had no other choice than trusting him, however. Seconds after he placed his hand on her small waist, the dark-haired male pulled Elizabeth towards him in a quick movement, her small body pressing against his for a second, before, with a quick, elegant movement, he sent her away, always holding her hand, like she had noticed a few others had done, twirling her in the meanwhile. She was insanely lucky. She was performing things she had never even known about before this very night, on heels, and yet she had not fallen. Perhaps years of training balance had finally given their fruits.

    And to think she had always considered balance useless. She had been proven wrong once more. Twice she had been proven wrong in one night. Oh, what more expected her this incredible night? Would her beliefs about something else be crashed too? Like it mattered anyways. When one was proven wrong, it was not always bad. Balance had helped her so much, and yet she used to believe it was a useless loss of time. Never again would she be sure of something before checking it.

    With a swift movement, opposite to the one executed before, Deniel brought Elizabeth back to him, his hand always holding hers, like in the other couples. They never let their hands go. Curious... Did it mean something? Perhaps it did, or maybe it did not. Elizabeth couldn't care less; her mind had to remain concentrated on the issue at hand; Dancing. Some distance was kept between the duo as they kept dancing, Elizabeth trying her best to mimic the movements of the other girls, hoping that Deniel did not notice how bad she was at this. Oh god, she was horrid. She managed to mimic the movements of the other women correctly, but still, it was simply not the same, one could easily notice that she was not the best in this, and it was perhaps one of her first times dancing. She regretted never attending a social meeting in Pergrande and dedicating her life to slicing the throats of abominations coming from Sin to invade her country.

    Although, as she thought of it, the latter would be of more use than dancing. So she, perhaps, had dedicated herself to the correct thing. I had forgotten how fun this can be... Thank you. I guess.

    - - i think i love you better now


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 7th August 2015, 7:12 pm

    Words: 595
    "Let's rock!"
    So far so good, I guess... His nerves were still going a little bit out of control, and butterflies in his stomach were also dormant. At the very least Elizabeth had thanked him, but he hadn't found anything too spectacular out of the experience just yet. He was just...moving his lower parts with both of his hands on Elizabeth's, and occasionally moving his arms with hers. An awkward experience to him, to say the least. "You're welcome..." he briefly said, so quiet that perhaps she would not be able to hear him over the sound of the music. He was quickly regretting this. Even though she said that it was "fun", ending her statement with 'I guess' had told him otherwise. This wasn't good. Things hadn't been going the way he intended, and perhaps very soon he would lose her...but why did he care so much? She was merely a stranger, and a very cold one at that. She didn't appear to want his company when he initially greeted her, so why did he persist so much? And why did he have such a dumb idea, anyway?

    Perhaps some other time in his life he would have never been able to answer that question, but now, he knew it like none other. While he and Elizabeth had been moving quite awkwardly, Deniel had still looked around him to have anything to do--luckily for the two of them no one had their attention focused on them anyway--and found his answer. He noticed that not everything had to be such still movements with their feet. There was plenty of freedom to be had with swing dancing. The men and women were letting go of their hands sometimes to slide underneath eahc other, quite an excellent feet, the men not only twirled their female partners but also lifted them up into the air by their hips. There were even more insane movements like their arms linking from the back, and using each other as sort of pedestals to hop over each other in a fancy way. Overall...he was learning something. And he was determined to make this more exciting for both Elizabeth, and himself. "Just trust me on this, Elizabeth. And...just do as I say." He observed the movements of both genders alike, and was now willing to try a few, much more thrilling and perhaps dangerous moves with her.

    He let go of her left hand and performed the same thing that he did before, launching her out away from him while also twirling her, but once she reached the end he added a bit of a twist to it. Literally. "Twirl!" He practically commanded her, and lifted their connected arms right over their head. Assisting her in the action, he began to swiftly turn her body around, hopefully with her keeping her balance on her heels and obeying him. He did this several times with their hands still locked and connected. After around four or five rotations, he brought Elizabeth right back to him, immediately placing both hands on her waist. He felt how slender her waist was compared to her hips...an awesome figure, but did not focus on that. Immediately he lifted her right off of the ground with minimal effort, and briefly spun himself around with her lifted up to create a brief moment of excitement. He placed her down after only two rotations, and held on to her hands once more. Although very brief, he still found the moment quite exciting and was....more or less thrilled. He was enjoying swing dancing so far.
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 8th August 2015, 1:43 pm

    WORDS: 0552
    TAG: @Decayuss
    Trust me.

    Elizabeth felt weird for an instance as those words got to her, as she heard them and understood them. Trust... A stranger? Should she really? Even if it was referred to something as trivial as dancing? He had helped her out, after all. Without expecting anything in return, he had helped her figure out that she was forbidding herself something stupidly and unnecessarily, she was just making it easier for the monster hidden within her to break from its chains and take over. While if she had fun, she did not think about her... illness so often, her mind was always busy, focused on other things and not on the demons she fled from. He pretty much had saved her. Although there was still much, much work to do in order to make her become who she was before; Elizabeth had made more progress in one night; than she had done since she achieved her magic.

    Besides, would it hurt at all? She could simply blindly trust him, for one night, and stop thinking things through like she always did. Did it matter, anyways? If she was fated to be betrayed, she'd get betrayed anyways. And, it was only a dance. Nothing else. A small, fun dance, in which, although she must have been failing quite a lot, at least she was enjoying herself more than she had done the past few months. Trust you, eh, Deniel... Alright!

    In another flashy, curious dance move, which Elizabeth, although getting quite surprised by it, had enjoyed, Deniel performed the same movement as before, letting her hands and sending her away from him, with a elegant, perfect twirl. Her feet moving in perfect harmony with the music, her heels not threatening to cause her to fall to the ground, for now, Elizabeth for once that night felt like she was doing it right. And that, was satisfying. As she reached the end, like last time, the black haired male did something that took the redhead by surprise, but, oh, at least it was a pleasant surprise. Lifting their connected arms up in the air, the black haired man commanded Elizabeth to twirl, the redhead obeying his order without hesitation, wondering if this all would turn well in the end, or if her heels'd fail her now. Oh, like it mattered. She was a rather shameless girl, so even if she fell... she wouldn't make a big deal out of it. After a series of twirls, their arms still connected and above their heads, Elizabeth was brought towards Deniel, his hands slipping on her waist as the redhead stopped with the endless, yet elegant, graceful twirls, and was brought close to him.

    A small squeal escaping her lips as she was lifted from the ground with apparently no effort, Elizabeth couldn't help but let out a short, soft laugh while Deniel spun around, with her in his hands, up in the air. This all, she found it insanely amusing. After two or so spins, the redhead was placed back on the ground, her hands still held by Deniel as he left her down once more, a smile on her lips. A true, happy smile. Well, I never thought this could be so much fun, honestly. And to think I had thought I'd regret accepting...
    - - i think i love you better now


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 8th August 2015, 2:57 pm

    Words: 620
    "Let's rock!"
    Seeing Elizabeth smile brought a certain warmth into Deniel. Her voice seemed to trail off and fade away before she had finished her sentence, but he did not mind. In fact, he had already gotten enough out of their experience through this much alone. They hadn't done much...yet he felt a distinct sense of...he couldn't describe it. He hadn't felt this much before, and although it was inexplicable, there was only one word to describe it: happiness. For the first time in quite a long time, he felt happiness inside of him, that did not involve hacking someone into pieces or the thrill of battle. All he needed for this was music and a woman, it seemed. No wonder the other males around him seemed so eager. He made no other movements to attempt to dance with Elizabeth. Instead he kept both of their hands locked together, enjoying the sensuous feel that her small but smooth hands gave him. He stood there for a moment, and usually his smirk had only covered one corner of his lips, now spread to the other. He was no longer smirking, he smiled. And with his smile brought a warm laughter from him. First in the form of a snicker that he tried to hold back, his lips eventually opened up and laughter escaped from his lips.

    Usually when he laughed it was from insanity, the thrill of battle, or perhaps he was mocking someone. Given this situation, none of those were possible. He was laughing because he found this fun, despite how ridiculous he and Elizabeth might have looked. "Thank you, Elizabeth..." he began. His voice was softer than before, with a large degree of sincerity in it, rather than his callous or humorous nature. "Thanks for giving me a chance." He let his words sink in for a moment, perhaps to have an impact on Elizabeth. She had chosen to isolate herself from strangers, and now that she had actually given one a chance, the brief time they spent together had been a rather enjoying on. Though not the intended way that it happened, overall his attempt to get her to do something fun had worked. He could have very easily left her there, perhaps to ponder her decisions before, but he wasn't finished just yet. Things were getting started, and he still had some unfinished business with her in certain aspects. "I'm gonna' need another drink..." he said merely as an excuse to get them off of the dance floor. He didn't know just how much longer he could take standing there in embarrassment, although it was quite entertaining when the two had pulled off such elegant moves.

    He held on to Elizabeth with only one hand this time, and guided her off the dance floor with him, all the way back to their stools. As if the bartender had predicted the two had come back, there were two drinks ready for them, each refilled with the same whiskey and strawberry alcohol, and a new cube of ice. Fortunate for the both of them...Well, that's nice." He briefly commented as he let go of Elizabeth's hand. He sat back down where he was initially seated, and took the drink of alcohol. And just like last time, he downed all of it in just a matter of seconds, having no regard to his own safety or soberness. Upon finishing it, he laughed once again, practically at nothing, but as if it were his way of saying that he enjoyed drinking as well. "Ahhhh...I haven't had this much fun in a while. Hahahah...hey Elizabeth, uhhh...do you...do you want to go somewhere with me really fast? Well not really fast but...you get the point."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 8th August 2015, 3:45 pm

    WORDS: 0696
    TAG: @Decayuss
    Happiness invaded Elizabeth's body, filling each and every single one of her cells with incredible joy. Oh, how she had missed the feeling of being happy, only she knew. The euphoria that filled one's body during moments as the one at hand was indescribable, and only those who had felt it, be it only once, could relate to it, and could simply describe it with a single word; amazing. Her smile not erasing from her lips, Elizabeth watched as slowly, yet progressively, what was Deniel's trademark smirk soon turned into an actual smile, the corner of his lips rising in order to make that possible, a heart-warming laughter escaping his lips moments after that, first manifesting as a simple snicker, before becoming an actual laugh. It was good that he had laughed too, that he too had smiled; because if not, Elizabeth would actually begin considering the option that she had already lost the last bit of sanity left in her.

    The softer, gentle voice of Deniel took her unprepared, but at least, it was a pleasant surprise. He was thanking her; although she should be the one thanking him, not vice versa. He had saved her, in a sense, from the darkness she had fallen to, he had cleared her mind and allowed her to see the other side, to see things from a different angle and reconsider her original decision, and yet he was thanking her. Perhaps he was truly like her, and he did not experience happiness often, much like herself? Who knew. She was glad she had given him a chance, to say at least. I should be thanking you. Giving you a chance was perhaps the best decision in my life, you know. She had kept pushing strangers away from her, she had isolated herself from humanity, but one stranger had brought her to reason and had showed her that, even those who were strangers to her, could make Elizabeth enjoy the night more than anyone else; only with a single dance, at that.

    Still holding her hand, Deniel pulled Elizabeth away from the dance floor under the excuse that he needed another drink. She needed another drink. Well, wanted. What was the difference anyways? She enjoyed dancing with Deniel, but... It was enough embarrassment for one night, without doubt. One day, she'd repeat it. When she wasn't so unskilled in dancing, and the only thing to save her being her observation skills.

    At their seats awaited a glass of whiskey and strawberry alcohol, with brand new ice in it, as if the bartender had foreseen their return, and had prepared their favorite drinks, right in their previous locations, just to make the night even better. Without hesitating, the redhead sat on her stoll, taking the glass with whiskey in her hand, watching it carefully for a second before glancing at Deniel. Ah... I should pay the bartender extra tonight, he certainly knows what I want and when I want it. That's what I call a person that understands his job. She chuckled, passing a hand through her scarlet hair before taking the glass to her lips in order to take a small sip from the cold drink, that, without any effort at all though, could warm up one's throat in the matter of seconds. Or at least, the throats of those who were inexperienced when it came to Alcohol. Unlike Elizabeth. Before she could even notice, Deniel had finished his own drink off already, which, considering that it was a drink he had never even tasted before, was rather surprising, mostly if it was strong. Elizabeth had needed a few days to adjust to whiskey, and it wasn't all that strong, either... Compared to the other things she had drank, some of which were easily comparable to drinking rocket fuel. Hmm? Elizabeth muttered, considering Deniel's offer. She could trust him, and go alongside him to see what he wanted to show her, although, considering he was a stranger, it'd be a bit risky... But it didn't matter. It was not like she couldn't defend herself anyways. Sure, why not. I'm too curious as to say no, to be honest.
    - - i think i love you better now


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 8th August 2015, 6:14 pm

    Words: 801
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    "Great! Come on, Liz!" That was the first time that he didn't call her by her actual name, Elizabeth, but instead a nickname. He gave her some time to finish her drink, but after that he practically dragged her out. He stood up, reaching to the back of his coat and pulling out several thousand jewels. It was enough to pay for himself, and Elizabeth. He didn't really mind paying for what she had ordered, it was just being friendly to her, and he had almost no use for jewels anyway. He was a homeless person, and had plenty to spare because of it. Just a couple of thousand jewels would not work. He made his way past the dance floor, which luckily had a small part on the outside that a person could enter and exit whenever they pleased, and walked outside of the bar. He held on to Elizabeth's small hand just as he did once more, and once again enjoyed the feeling of her soft and smooth skin. He kept a firm, but also gentle grip on to it as he once again guided her outside.

    When the door behind the two closed, it was almost like they had just exited a completely different world. The music from the inside was now faint, darkness consumed their surroundings, and practically the only light was from the moon high above their heads. He had no idea how long each of them were inside, but that was irrelevant to him. The night, although not freezing, did have a bit of a chill air into it, and Elizabeth was much more exposed than Deniel. A skin tight dress and heels wasn't the best to keep herself warm. Perhaps a battle trained woman such as herself was used to temperatures both hot and cold alike, but that wasn't going to stop him from once again showing an act of kindness. He let go of her hand temporarily, and slipped his arms out of the shot sleeves of his black coat that he wore at all times. He turned to Elizabeth, swinging both of his arms over her head and firmly placed each half of the coat on her shoulders. Whether or not she wanted her arms to go into the sleeves was up to her, but would more than likely not have an impact. The coat itself had short sleeves that wouldn't even reach up to her elbows, it certainly didn't for Deniel, however it would bring a sense of warmth to Elizabeth. Deniel's body heat had stuck to it like a magnet, and the fact that it was jet black also meant that it would attract more heat. Deniel himself was left in a steel grey T-shirt with sleeves just about the length that his jacket had, which more or less meant that he wore his jacket simply for style rather than warmth.

    He wasn't going to take no for an answer from Elizabeth, so as soon as he placed his jacket on her slender shoulders, he turned away and started to walk. "Follow me...it's best we get out of the city for this." Raising his arm up he also beckoned her to follow him by waving his four fingers in the direction that he walked. He could have taken her hand like any other time, but chose not to as he figured overstayed his welcome by doing it just as much as he had already done. Not to mention the two holding hands whilst she wore his coat could give someone or something the illusion that they were a couple, and it was best for the two to stray themselves away from that. The streets of Rose Garden were almost completely silent, save for the sound of Elizabeth's clicking heels, and the deep echo of Deniel's combat boots. Occasionally there would be a small stir, perhaps from something happening in a nearby building, or merely the sound of the chill wind traveling throughout the streets. Regardless it was just Deniel and Elizabeth now walking through and very soon to be out of Rose Garden, so that he may finish what he had started.

    Perhaps fear more so than curiosity had told him that it was best he explain himself before he took her much further. He was still a stranger to her, after all, and although it appeared as though she trusted him, an explanation of some sorts was in order. Glancing over at Elizabeth while he walked--hands shoved in his pockets--he gave her a smirk rather than a smile and stated: "I know we were having fun, but I need to take care of something serious with you. I need to show you that anything can be controlled...don't worry. It won't take long, and it'll be fun again. I promise."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 9th August 2015, 10:55 pm

    WORDS: 0765
    TAG: @Decayuss
    Ah, screw it.

    As Deniel told her that they should get going then, Elizabeth brought the glass to her lips, finishing whatever was left of her drink in a single sip, the expected burning feeling invading her throat as soon she finished her drink, like she had expected. It was obvious that, if she drank it too fast, it'd burn her. But it didn't matter. Her excitment, her curiosity, it grew with every seconds, alongside her desire to finally see what Deniel had in store for her, what he wanted to show her. Would it further help her with her complicated situation? Would it be fun? She felt the burning desire to know, to find out, and couldn't wait more. Leaving her glass back on the counter, the redhead reached to her purse in order to take out the money and pay, not even noticing that Deniel had already done so, that he had already proceeded to pay both his drink; and her own. It was a few seconds after that that she noticed, right when she was about to take out her own money and pay, and, to be fair, she had been fairly surprised that he even bothered to pay for her. Not many did this.

    Her small hand was, once more, held by his, as the duo made their way through the crowd and towards the exit that would lead them out of the fancy local, and to wherever Deniel had in mind to take her. As the two made their way out of the bar, and into the cold night, the outside world seemed like an entirely different dimension, in many aspects differing from the warm, loud, populated bar. Outside, just like at midnight, it was colder, despite the fact that it was summer, the streets deserted and succumbed into absolute silence. Whoever left the bar, seeing the two different locations, would obviously feel like the outside was an entirely different world, due to its silence, due to the fact that there was nobody on the streets.

    The chilly air caused the scarlet haired girl to shiver slightly, realizing how stupid of her it had been to leave her house with a simple skin-tight dress on. She had not thought things through, as every single time, it seemed. In battle; she went through every strategy, how every movement could possibly change the outcome of the battle, but in trivial things, such as dressing properly for the weather? She was a complete disaster in that matter. Though, the pleasant surprise came as Deniel left her hand, only to swing both of his arms above her seconds later, letting the jet black coat he had been wearing the entire time fall on her small shoulders, and protect her from the cold. The warmth invading her body, Elizabeth looked at Deniel, quickly slipping her hands inside the sleeves of the jacket, a smile drawing on her lips. She was smiling a bit too much tonight, possibly. But I did not matter, at all. Thank you.

    He made her a sign in order to get her to follow him, saying that it would be best for them to get out of the city for whatever he wanted to show her, and Elizabeth couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious for a second. What exactly would he want to show her, that required them to get out of the city, away from civilization for a few? She did not know what to think. One side of her considered that she should be alert, and prepare for an attack at any moment. But... Had he not helped her? Why would he even try to fix her problems, if he would attack her later on. There was no logic in that, it was simply stupid. She did not comprehend it, and possibly wouldn't, until they got out of the city, which, as weird as it sounded, happened soon enough.

    As soon as the two were out of the Rose Garden limits, Deniel turned around to face Elizabeth, his lips curved into the smirk she had seen a few times that night, explaining their purpose on coming here. He wanted to show her that everything could be controlled. A relieved sigh escaped the scarlet haired woman's mouth, barely audible for anyone. Curiosity visible in her electric blue eyes, as well as impatience, Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest, her expression becoming slightly more serious, as she waited to see what exactly Deniel had in mind to show her. Alright, then. I'm listening closely... Or watching, same thing.

    - - i think i love you better now


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

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    The Nephilim

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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 9th August 2015, 11:38 pm

    Words: 1304
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Yes...perhaps this will do. Deniel stated to himself as he noticed their surroundings. Rose Garden was practically on the edge of Fiore, and Deniel brought the two of them to the southern exit of the city, where the rich, lush, grassy planes of Fiore lay behind them. They had not covered much distance away from the actual city, however there was still plenty of room for him. Deniel could have very easily simply shown this to her within the city, but on a much smaller scale. If he wanted for it to have the biggest impact on her reaction as he possibly could, doing it outside of Rose Garden was a necessity. "Stay right there, then, Elizabeth. And whatever you may think...just know that I'm not going to hurt you." He left his remark there for her to be more curious towards, as it is her curiosity that had sparked this perhaps soon-to-be friendship, so that he may unveil his secret when perhaps she cannot take it any longer. Hopefully with her doing as she said, he quickly took his hands out of his pockets and sprinted over several meters away from where Elizabeth had been left standing. He stopped himself suddenly, and took one last look at his surroundings. It was perfect. Turning his body to face Elizabeth, he began to at long last convey what he had meant back at the bar.

    There was silence in the air, but suddenly the wind had begun to pick itself up, coming from a single source within the grassy plain: Deniel. An immense amount of Magic Power could then be sensed radiating from his body, but nothing was visible. This Magic Power, however, was enough to make the grass around him tremble and shake, the distance trees to shudder their branches, and could have threatened to wake the citizens of Rose Garden, but not cause any damage towards the city. Strangely enough these wings had never gone further out than the several meters away Deniel had put between Elizabeth and himself, so they would not threaten to harm her either. And as the Magic Power and wind built up, there was suddenly a burst of red light. Coming straight from where Deniel had stood, initially starting out as a circle beneath his feet, was an eruption of both dark and bright red glowing aura energy. The energy shot straight up into the sky, piercing and parting one of the clouds that it had passed through. The light so strong that it emitted its glow for several hundred meters, but only for brief moments. Obviously if he had used this in Rose Garden, it would cause too much attention. However, out here, he was free to do it as he wished. As the red energy spiraled up into the sky, like an active volcano, it soon came to a halt.

    Disappearing as fast as it actually did appear, the red energy and the wind immediately died down, but what was left standing was not entirely Deniel. A tall, quite bulky, black beast now stood meters away from Elizabeth. Black scales covered its body from head to toe, however its face appeared to be made of normal skin with a grey color. Sharp claws extended themselves from his fingertips, and he wore armor on his shoulder and around his chest, as well as black boots to cover all the way up to his knees. Atop his head was a helmet, but he preferred the term "crown" as it had a red jewel in the center where his forehead was. The beast opened up its red eyes, showing nothing but glowing hatred and rage. It clenched its teeth as it opened its mouth to reveal the fangs that lay inside, and began to walk straight towards Elizabeth. It appeared highly hostile and dangerous, but it made no sudden move. This was merely a test to see if Elizabeth had actually trusted and believed Deniel.

    And then he ceased his movements. Only inches away from the curvaceous young woman did the demon finally speak, "Are you afraid, Elizabeth?" The demon stated to her, in a voice quite deeper--but also softer--than Deniel's, which also held the threat of raising itself to a ferocious roar at almost any second. "I am still the man you know, yet I am not. I still think and speak the same way I used to...yet I do not. I consider you a friend...yet...thoughts are entering my head. Thoughts of ripping that pretty little head off of your body. Thoughts of raping that beautiful figure you have. Thoughts of tearing you limb from limb as I hear your cries of agony." As he said the last few parts, he raised his hand as if he were about to do it...but took no action. "Yet I cannot, and I will not. I could never intentionally hurt a friend. Despite all of the thoughts I am having, I chose not to do them. Why? Because I have control. I control those thoughts, and you have the ability to control them just as effectively. Just look at me." Following that he let out a very low and deep bellow within his throat that sounded like it could erupt into a roar any moment, but did not. Clawed hands clenched themselves, as he lowered it away from him. Out of his nostrils flared two small streams of smoke, as if just to show how inhuman he had become. Lowering himself down slightly, he brought his monstrous face closer to Elizabeth's, but despite how it looked...his breath and words smelled of fresh strawberries just as his normal breath would. "If I can become and control such a beast....I have no doubt that you can control whatever despair lies in your heart. Plus it's not all that bad..."

    The last part seemed to lighten up his own mood, and hopefully Elizabeth's as well. He turned himself away from her, and on his back there were four large beetle-like wings. There were small strips of black scales that ran themselves down from the wings, and they suddenly raised themselves up at a forty five degree angle from his shoulders. The wings on his back began to rattle like a beetle, swiftly picking up speed. As the speed did pick up, it went from the vile sound of a beetle to a harsh hum and vibrations, more pleasant in some ways. "Hop on! And hold on tight! This will be the ride of your life!" Awaiting Elizabeth to get on his scaled back and secure her grip, Deniel stared forward and looked up at the sky. And once she felt that she had done so...he took off.

    The force from his wings, and a slight push from his legs, ascended him and Elizabeth right off of the ground and straight into the sky with an initial an increasing velocity. He flew the two of them hundreds of feet into the sky, before ascending to almost hundreds of meters. He flew them straight into the clouds, ceasing their movements right in front of the moon. Perhaps not literally right in front, but the light of the moon could never feel so strong for them, and the shadow of the Black Devil with Elizabeth on his back loomed over the ground below. He let her have a brief look at the spectacular sight before taking off once again, into a slight dive. Below they passed swiftly the grassy planes of Fiore, as well as all of its spectacular sights in the distance. The mountain ranges, the clouds, the forests...all of it around them with several hundreds of meters distancing themselves.

    He brought Elizabeth all around Fiore in a matter of minutes, through and past mountain ranges, above rivers, around water falls, and through the clouds.
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 10th August 2015, 1:49 pm

    WORDS: 1330
    TAG: @Decayuss
    ... He would not hurt her? What did he mean with that? What would he do, that made him promise to her, tell her that he would not hurt her? The curiosity had become immense, Elizabeth's impatience and nervousness growing with each second. He said that he wanted to show her that everything could be controlled. Did... Did that mean that he had a beast to control inside him, and planned to unleash it before her? Oh, boy. Deniel took his hands out of his pockets, sprinting a few meters away from Elizabeth, away from the city. She wondered why was this needed, was it a safety measure, of sorts? Did he need space? What did he need space for?

    Silence filled the air for a few seconds, leaving Elizabeth with the traitorous feeling that she was safe. Was she, really? Or was she going to get out hurt from this all. There were so many possible outcomes, so many possible ways for this all to end. Suddenly, the wind began picking up, causing Elizabeth's attention to return to Deniel immediately, the feeling of immense magic power nearby invading her, making her shiver. How... How powerful was he, exactly? Even the gras trembled from the immense power radiated from the black-haired male, causing Elizabeth's grip on her purse to tighten, her eyes switching from her usual electric blue, to blood red. It was no mechanism she used to adapt her eyes to the darkness or anything similar; it was like a defense mechanism. She, without even realising it, had caused the shadows around her to stir slightly, a nervous reaction, a defensive one, causing, obviously, her electric blue eyes to switch to their cursed, scarlet red, the color they adopted when she was using her powers. The branches of the trees behind her shuddered from the immense wave of magic power, causing Elizabeth to look at them for a second, amazed. So much magic power... Deniel was not someone new in the fields of magic. He was strong. Very strong.

    A sudden burst of red light caused the redhead to drop her purse and gather shadows in her small hand, summoning forth a single shuriken made out of shadows, ready to throw it at Deniel at any moment if he dared to do anything. He had promised not to harm her. He would not harm her. Not in her territory. The shadows were her territory, one couldn't simply attack her while she was surrounded by shadows and expect a positive outcome for the battle, no. The only possible outcome in such situation was uneviatble death. Nobody that was sane enough would fight her in the shadows, and even think that he, or she, could even find her. This was her territory. The red light initially was a circle beneath Deniel, which, soon upon its apparition, turned into a eruption of both red and dark energy, surrounding the dark haired male. The light was strong, almost blinding, its glow clearly visible from the city, surely. The incredibly energy spiraled into the sky in an atonishing, mesmerizing way, before, as suddenly as it had appeared, it dissapeared.

    Everything died down as suddenly as it had begun, leaving Elizabeth in the same place, dumbfounded, the shuriken still in her hand. Before the red haired mage no longer stood Deniel, she noticed, although needed quite some time to process that thought. Before her stood a tall, bulky beast, with sharp claws and greyish skin, that, the Shadow Assassin, even with her perfet vision in shadowy environments, would never be capable to see as what it was actually; scales. Soon, a pair of red eyes would meet her own, the two pairs of scarlet orbs glowing in the night. Clenching her teeth, Elizabeth's grip on the shuriken tightened, as inside her head she kept repeating the same words over and over again, trying to make herself remember that the... thing... before her, was Deniel. To some degree. This is my territory, nobody can hurt me here.... This is my territory...

    I am not afraid. I have seen much worse. She stated, her voice loud and clear, not a single shake, not a single sign to show that she was hesitant, she did not know if she should run, or what. She had become the queen of deception, hiding her emotions when she wanted to was her forte. His voice was soft, deep, but much softer than Deniel's, yet... The words that left the beast's mouth, they atonished Elizabeth, making her eyes widen in surprise. Those words... Those thoughts... They were the thoughts that went through her head every time she made use of her magic, perhaps not exactly the same ones; but similar. She felt like killing people, running someone through with Illusion and Delusion, cutting someone's head off.. Were she and Deniel that similar? It was disturbing. Very disturbing. Y-you consider me a friend? She asked, confused. They had been together for merely a few hours, perhaps even less, and yet, he considered her a friend of his. Not a lot of people like him were left on Earthland. Controling the shadows that corrupt my mind seems like child's play, in comparison to this... Elizabeth muttered, dropping the shuriken she had held previously, the weapon desintegrating, becoming formless shadows once more.

    When Deniel, or the creature that he had turned into, turned around, barely then did Elizabeth notice the massive beetle-like wings on his back, which suddenly began to pick up speed, the sound emmited from them similar to that of a beetle, until, as it finally reached the desired speed, apparently, the sound turned into more of a vibration, much more pleasant to the ears. Slowly processing what was happening, Elizabeth only realized what Deniel had in mind when he spoke. He was going to take her on a flight. Memories of her past, the one she fought to forget and move on from invaded Elizabeth's mind, the sight of a small, fragile-looking red-haired child telling her parents, and her brother, on the very day of her birthday, that her biggest dream was to fly. The typical child dream.

    And, strange as it sounded, it had remained her dream until this very day. Wisely hidden, kept away from anyone like a shameful secret, Elizabeth still wanted to fly, one day... And now she could. Her eyes illuminated with happiness, all seriousness and sadness left behind in order to make place for the excitement and happiness, the joy of being able to finally fulfill her dream. You're taking me on a flight? Oh my, oh my.... Thank you very much. Without hesitating, the scarlet haired woman quickly climbed on Deniel's back, holding him tight, the joy clearly audible in her voice, and visible in her eyes. She was more than happy.

    A sudden push, accompanied with the force of the scaled wings allowed the duo to take off from the ground and begin ascending above, towards the clouds that covered the usually clear, dark blue night sky, and above them. Elizabeth was mesmerized as she watched the ground beneath her, the city beneath her becoming progressively smaller and smaller, until the buildings, dots by then, were covered by the clouds. Looking up, Elizabeth's once again electric blue eyes met with the moon, her jaw falling. Not literally, thankfully. But, the sight, it was atonishing. Such beauty, the moon was marvelous. And it looked so near. It was so mesmerizing, so perfect. She did not want this to end.

    A few instances later, Deniel proceeded to perform a slight dive, causing Elizabeth to look away from the moon, and to the sights beneath her. Mountains, lakes, seas, cities, everything was so small, so beautiful from above. The waterfalls, the lights of the more active cities, it was all so gorgeous, so atonishing, amazing. This... This is simply amazing... I can't really express how thankful I am to you for all of this, Deniel...

    - - i think i love you better now


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 10th August 2015, 4:29 pm

    Words: 433
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    He flew Elizabeth far, far away from Rose Garden so she could see Fiore in a new perspective. Although he would had enjoyed it much more to show her all of it, perhaps even the rest of the world, his speed was not able to go up to such levels. Instead he took her out of Rose Garden's vicinity, and to places such as River Village to the west, the Mysterious Canyon to the east, ceasing their journey just outside of the Forgotten Desert. "Hahahah! It's a lot more fun when you've got someone on your back!" He said aloud as he forced the two of them to go straight up once more. A smile was very unnatural for him, especially on the face of the Black Devil, so instead he smirked once more. He smirked as his face pierced through the clouds into the open sky once more in the light of the moon, with the land of Fiore below him and Elizabeth once more. He gave her even more time to enjoy the sight, but also time for himself to ponder it. Fiore was such a vast, and beautiful place, with many sights to see as well as dangers. Previously Deniel had only looked towards the danger, but now he could enjoy the wondrous nature in Fiore perhaps when he had begun to travel alone. He gazed down into the grassy planes, the deserts in the distance, the mountains, all of it once more.

    Then he had turned himself around to look up at the night sky once more. Beside the brightness of the moon was the light of a thousand stars, mysterious things that people had always turned to. He remembered he once upon a time wished he could look up at the starry skies once more. The days where he could not see the light of dawn of the brightness of the night. The miserable days where all he could see was the walls of his cell, the inside of a prison, and the blood on the arena. Now those days were long gone...and here he had been taking advantage of them. He disregarded the nature he had been so disconnected to in his childhood years, but now he could enjoy them as an adult.

    Snapping himself away from such thoughts, he realized Elizabeth had still been on his back, and perhaps he had been holding her up. He dove himself back down beneath the clouds, guiding the two of them back into the city of Rose Garden, "I think my work here is done. Where do you live?"
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 10th August 2015, 7:25 pm

    WORDS: 0549
    TAG: @Decayuss
    Elizabeth could easily get addicted to flying. Pretty easily. The magnificent sights, the incredible fealing of soaring though the skies, free as a bird, it was just too good, too good to be true. She did not want it to end, she want the feeling to continue forever. It was a shame she couldn't keep Deniel with her and ask him to take her out on a flight every once in a while, to show her the magnificent Fiore from above... But he had already done enough for her, and she was thankful. Really thankful. She couldn't ask him for more, much less something like this. He had already done enough. She should thank him for the favor he had done her somehow, repay him for all the trouble she had caused him, for all she had made him go through, starting from the talk in the bar; until their little flight.

    Placing her head on Deniel's back, Elizabeth mantained her tight grip on him, hoping that it wouldn't slip somehow, and cause her to fall. With all the shadows around, giving her the ability to create a shadow clone anywhere and prevent herself from fatally faceplanting into the ground, Elizabeth would not die; but it would be a nasty experience, to remember her first flight, the completion of her childhood dream, with a nasty, nasty fall. Before she had even noticed, Deniel had headed back towards Rose Garden, willing to take her home. A few seconds were needed for the redhead to process his question and understand it, for her head was so swarmed in thoughts and ideas, that she could barely think straight. Oh? She asked, dumbfounded for a second. An instant after that, she realised what the question had been, and what she was supposed to answer. It's right in the center of the city, a light orange building. Elizabeth pointed out, looking over Deniel's wings, searching her own house. She honestly hoped she hadn't lost her keys, for Zero was out tonight to visit Zeus and ask him how all had been going. After all, once the shadows corrupted Elizabeth's mind, or began to, her access to the Thunder Realm, aside from becoming not recomendable, was forbidden. She was impure, she could not access a God's realm. Pretty legit, was it not.

    Whenever the two landed, right in front of her house, Elizabeth proceeded to get off of Deniel, her hands crossed over her chest as she took her keys out, thanking all Gods that they were still with her, and turned to open the door, glancing at her dark haired companion from the corner of her eye, a small smile drawing on her lips. She knew how to thank him for all the bothers, oh, she knew so well. Thank you for everything tonight, Deniel. Elizabeth said, her hand on the door handle as she gently pushed it down, opening the door and revealing the entrance to her dark, humble home. I should give you back your coat, but... Maybe I don't to yet. A small giggle escaped her lips as she leaned against the doorframe, hands crossed over her chest, a mocking smile drawing on her soft lips. Perhaps you should come in and... try to get it back. Don't you agree.

    - - i think i love you better now


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Decayuss 10th August 2015, 9:07 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Her description was quite simple, however it had worked fairly well. She pinpointed a very easy location for Deniel to follow, him entering the center part of the city in no time, and there weren't that many other bright orange houses. He descended himself and Elizabeth all the way down to her porch, landing on his two feet firmly once more with the rattling of his wings swiftly dying down. The two pieces of scales that came off of his shoulders lowered themselves, and his wings ceased their movements. Deniel had enjoyed the flight with Elizabeth perhaps as much as she enjoyed it, and that was surprising considering he could fly any time he wished, and had done so many times already. It was merely the thrill and feeling of having someone to enjoy it alongside you, as well as....something. He couldn't really put his finger on what exactly it was. As he landed and Elizabeth had gotten off of his back, his entire body began to glow the same dark red color that the beam of energy shot into the sky earlier had been...and then it all faded.

    It covered his body from head to toe, and then faded in a very brief gust of wind, leaving the same man that Elizabeth had met at the bar standing. His clothes were back to normal, the palish skin had returned, and the soft jet black hair moving briefly with the wind before returning to their initial position spread across his forehead, his ears, and spiked up behind him. "You're welcome, Elizabeth..." He said, almost quietly, but enough for her to hear. He wasn't used to helping people, all too much anyway, and being thanked for it. He was about to ask her for his coat so he may take his leave so she could ponder what she had said that night. However she was one step ahead of him, and perhaps had a better idea. Her request for him to come in did seem quite promising, but it was a certain way that she said it....she could have simply invited him in, instead she had giggled and given away something in her posture. He glanced down at her hands crossed over her chest, and suddenly she became much more appealing to him. He smirked right back at her, and narrowed his blood red eyes, approaching her at the door frame: "I'd be happy to."
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Deacy2
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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Empty Re: Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss

    Post by Nero_ 11th August 2015, 3:14 pm

    This, oh, this was going just perfectly, like she wanted it to go. A smile drawing on her lips, Elizabeth took a small step away in order to let Deniel in inside her humble, yet always perfect home. She had to thank all gods out there for taking the decision of cleaning up her house a bit, just in case. It had certainly been a wise idea, that had proved to be of use. Her smile turning to a grin, the redhead waited for Deniel to walk inside her house calmly, before closing the door behind her, leaving behind the chilly air of the cold night, the warmth of Elizabeth's house invading both of the mages. It was always warm at night in her house, and, surprisingly, not too hot in the morning and afternoon. A small luxe she had paid for, and of which she was very satisfied, honestly.

    Hands behind her back, the redhead would slowly head towards the hallway which led to three different rooms; the kitchen, its door usually closed shut, unless when either she or Zero had made their way inside to cook something, which was a rare ocassion, considering Elizabeth ate out ninty-nine percent of the time, and Zero... Zero didn't need to cook. He was a lightning beast after all. He didn't eat mortal food so to cook it; the second room the hallways led, was the living room, a comfy sofá placed right next to the door leading to the room, pretty much the entire room filled with shelves, all of them stuffed with books; and the last room, was, of course, the bedroom of the house, a king-sized bed placed against the wall that was opposing the one with the door, the moonlight that got through the window illuminating the bed perfectly, alongside the few other assets which Elizabeth kept in her bedroom.

    With a small smile, the redhead proceeded to take off the jacket which Deniel had given to her, letting it slip out of her soft, small hand and fall perfectly on a nearby armchair. Her heart beating quickly from the emotions inside her, the redhead, turned around to face Deniel, the smile which earlier on had adorned her lips turning into a playful grin as she rose her hand, placing it on his shoulder, tracing a soft line going from the male's shoulder to his abdomen, her small body progessively nearing his, the only sound heard so far in the room being the sound of her heels against the floor, which she had forgotten to take off. Hm, I was thinking... Before I could let you even try to have your jacket back, I should, hm, thank you for all you have done for me. Words don't seem to always suffice in order to express one's gratitude, correct? Actions are way better to do that. Elizabeth said, her voice quiet, some of the words pronounced with a small purr added to the place where the "R"s were. Oh no, there she was again, old, flirty Elizabeth.

    Her apparition could only cause a disaster. Don't you agree? She asked, yet not leaving him any time to respond as, as soon as those words left her mouth, her hand quickly traveling all the way back from his torso, where it had been tugging on Deniel's gray shirt for quite a while, back to his collar, suddenly wrapping around the collar of his shirt, bringing him near the scarlet haired girl. A mischievous smile on her lips, she didn't really waste any time in hesitation and considering if what she was doing was correct. No; she imply closed the already small gap between them, her lips crashing against his, unleashing all the passion she had locked up in her small body.

    A few seconds, that seemed like an eternity, later, the redhead separated from the dark haired male, for a mere second, her electric blue eyes focused on his scarlet ones, desire perfectly visible in her blue irises. I should prove to you that I do know how to have fun, anyways... Tiptoeing, the scarlet-haired mage whispered softly the words into Deniel's ear, her body pressed against his as her hands proceeded to travel all the way back down and continue tugging on his shirt, the same mischievous smile as before on her lips. Stretching out her foot only slightly, Elizabeth proceeded to push the door of the bedroom, closing it, in order to hide whatever that was going to happen between the two mages from any possible curious sight, that wanted to take a glimpse on what the two did for entertainment. Because one was sure;

    The following few hours, would be quite entertaining. At least for the two mages.

    Fade To Black.
    - - i think i love you better now


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    Twisted beyond recognition // Private // Decayuss Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

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