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    A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha]


    A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha] Empty A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha]

    Post by Guest 31st July 2015, 5:18 pm

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    The two very real voices within her head were oddly silent but Kuro did not mind much. The petite girl was more or less enthralled with the sights and sounds of Rose Garden. The crowds made her a little wary as she didn't like lots of people but for the most part hardly anyone batted an eye at her. "At least I'm away from the guild..."She thought with a sigh, the young demonness didn't feel particularly accepted there, and the atmosphere was dark and dreary hardly home like in the slightest. That still didn't change the fact that Kuro could not leave even if she wanted to.... "Shiro and Kiro would kill me if I tried...." The two demons that resided in her body, or rather their shared body.

    Shifting her thought away from the depressing side and more on the bright side, Kuro did her best to try and enjoy her day off. Slipping through the crowd and into a quiet little antique shop she mulled about in there looking at various items, and more importantly to get out of the sun. Being a demon the sun was rather irksome to her, it didn't burn her well except for a bad sun burn, but it certainly felt draining especially on hot days. However, she didn't remain in the store for long. Her clumsy quiet nature had lead her to accidentally knocking an item or two over, and more importantly had her quite literally flying right out of the door.

    Landing on the cobblestone street with a thud, Kuro winced in pain, her single grey eye closing while the other remained hidden behind a simple white eyepatch. "Owww." She muttered hand rubbing at the back of inky black locks where she had received a harsh smack.

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha] Empty Re: A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha]

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 31st July 2015, 7:56 pm

    Sasha tended to enjoy having some fun and enjoying herself no matter where it was she would end up going without a doubt. Someone who lived just to live could really do nothing but try and make every day fun or enjoyable no matter what it was the best part of it all. Being that she had never once been to the Rose Garden, her main assumption when it was ever brought up was just some giant overgrown garden filled with.. well roses. Maybe some in different colors and some more budded out than others. The whole overall idea had made her curious and mostly imagining the appearance of it, had she of been right in her assumptions. HOWEVER, there was in no way a problem with the way it had come to turn out differently. All the lights and sounds had her distracted, but not enough to avoid running into people. She did her best to try and avoid them so she could let her attention be taken in by the sights, but being called about left and right to try and play some games seemed to be the more overall enjoyable part of the trip out there. It was mostly personal reasons to come here, but calling it more security type deal didn't strike them off for letting Sasha go out. Not like they would have stopped her either way, so it was so much that big of a hassle trying to come down, but coming back was another problem entirely.

    Among other things going on and as usual for the white haired girl, she seemed to attract the attention of several people every so often she would take her stroll around. Not so much as much as normal because of the other types of people dressed up and all, but more so because of the rarity of seeing someone dressed like her here. A full on bunny girl outfit fit with the leggings, heels, and a sleeveless mix of a coat and vest in a more burgundy color over top of it. At the end of her rear, the coat begins to form a split down and widens out until it ends at the bottom of the top roughly around her knees and covering up the puffball of a tail the outfit she wore had on it. On the other hand, the headband of bunny ears still poked up from her head as most of it was hidden under her white locks. Her hair in itself was tied up towards her left into a ponytail and left back behind her as it had reached just to her waist otherwise. Brushing bangs from her face, she continued to slip around people as her attention slipped a little away from the surroundings to focus more so on where she was going. Then again when you've never been somewhere... it's hard to decide on WHERE to go to begin with. And not really having anything in mind to begin with never really helped her to begin with.

    From the looks of things as she passed by, it seemed to look like Sasha had wandered into the market district of the town... or something similarly one. As she came to some of them, she began to window shop for some of the items in the windows and gauge what they sold without it. It was more so a mental game for herself to be a bit more fun, but doing it aloud would make her seem... well crazy. Continuing to walk along, the Rune Knight had been taken by surprise as she was smacked in the head by some hard object, knocking her onto her rear end and rubbing her head to try and ease the pain of whatever it was that hit her. Looking towards th shop, it seemed that the only thing that she had come in contact with was some odd looking black ball and a black haired girl laying on the floor in a bit of pain. Forgetting her own pain momentarily, Sasha reached over and placed her hand on the girls shoulder gently as a gentle smile formed on her face. "Hey there. Are you ok miss? You aren't hurt too badly, are you?" her tone was soft and gentle for now. Choosing her times wisely really. More time for teasing once she was ok... and chatting.. deeeefinitely some chatting to do too.



    A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha] Empty Re: A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha]

    Post by Guest 2nd August 2015, 10:03 pm

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    Her head was lolling about, her mind and eyes still spinning dizzily as she recovered. Luckily, being a partial demon Kuro was known for surprisingly quick recoveries. Slowly, but surely her vision began to focus and Kuro realized that someone was touching her as well as speaking to her. Her single grey blinked once and then twice, and finally her gaze focused on the silver haired girl in front of her....


    She was taken aback with the girl's strange appearance, though the succubus within her suddenly roared to life, demanding an outfit like that. At the very least the strange girl seemed nice,and more or less concerned with her well-being. "A-Ah I'm sorry!" Kuro jolted out of her grasp, flustered, and quick to apologize. Her gaze constantly flickered between the ground and the stranger, "I-I-I'm fine!" She stammered out, "Are you? I'm sorry if I hurt you! I'll make it up to you!" More than a little flustered she did her best to try and explain as to what had happened in the shop and why she had been kicked out and right into the other girl. Her explanation came out as more of a jumbled mess than anything else but she had tried her best. "S-Sorry!" She apologized once more, a bad habit of hers.

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha] Empty Re: A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha]

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 3rd August 2015, 5:58 pm

    Many things went through Sasha's mind as she had waited for the girl to collect herself and hopefully if she was okay, she would come up with an answer that would make her happy to hear. She patiently waited for the girl, not wanting to rush her if she was shy or if she had something wrong mentally or physically that Sasha didn't know about. After a moment, the girl began to speak to her thankfully. Her stuttering voice made the cosplaying girl giggle before she placed her hand on the girls head and gave a light fun and straightening back out any hair she may have messed up. "Don't worry so much about me, cutie pie. As long as you're alright, that's enough for me." She gave a comforting smile as she had listened to the girl speaking and jumbling around words, albeit shaking of her nervousness made Sasha's cheeks puff like a pouting child.

    Just for a moment she thought of maybe poking the girl a little, more so in a place just to make her probably blush to see how she would react, but she was barely getting anything from her as it was right now. As she got the chance to look at the girl more closely now, she declared her cheeks and her head tilted to her right a little from curiosity and stood up and brushed off the dirt from her outfit and reached down and put her hands out for her to take. "No no, I'm perfectly alright ma'am. Lemme help you up and maybe I'll consider that favor of yours later on. First I wanna make sure you're as ok as you say and get you to tell me about that little eye patch." She sprung up a little as a thought popped into her mind and she got closer to her face, depending on whether she was standing at this point or not was up to her. "Are you like a pirate or something!? No wait.. Pirates aren't as shy as you are right now.. But that's alright! I think you're pretty adorable being nervous like that."

    She laughed a little as she finished up her rambling and scratched her nose with her index finger, a little embarrassed by having rambled on like an idiot. "Sorry about that. ANYWAY! Would you like to go somewhere a little more.. Comfortable? Then we could chat a little better. You uh.. You'll have to lead me there miss, I don't know this town at all yet." Shameful to admit it, she still at least had to let her know of what she did and didn't know of the town.



    A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha] Empty Re: A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha]

    Post by Guest 8th August 2015, 2:25 pm

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    She seemed a bit taken aback at being called a cutie pie. Not once in her life had Kuro been called cute, she was plain, meek, and unnoticeable for the most part. Her cheeks turned rosy in response, more than a flustered by the tiny comment that meant the world to her. "No!" She inwardly cried at a sudden realization, "What if it's an effect of hosting a succubus inside of me?" That would take away all meaning of the comment and it was certainly possible that the succubus inside of her could cause others to think she was cuter than she really was. Before Kuro could ponder anymore on how cute she may or may not be the white haired girl had gotten her attention once more.

    A hand was offered to her to pull her up which brought on another brief moment of panic, Kuro was inclined to panic. She couldn't possibly take the other girls hand unless she wanted to drain her of mana. Physical touch was incredibly dangerous when it came to Kuro so as politely as she could, she clambered up to her feet on her own. "E-Eh?" Her hand automatically flew up to cover the little white patch, leaning back as the girl leaned forward. "I-I'm not a pirate and it's just an e-eyepatch." She did her best to not be suspicious, she didn't want to outright lie about the patch but she didn't want to say why she had it on either. All that mattered was that the patch remained securely over her left eye. Her face was a rosey red by now, not used to so many compliments or such attention.

    "T-This is my first t-time here.....Sorry!"

    She muttered quietly but couldn't help but feel the need to apologize regardless of it being her fault or not. Her stomach growled reminding her of her hunger which had almost intensified probably because of all the mana around her. Still, Kuro tried not to each too much mana and instead did her best to eat human food, "How about some coffee or something?" She inquired awkwardly, grey eye glancing down towards the ground out of habit.

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Protector of Gaia
    Position : None
    Posts : 852
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,006,507

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Affinity of the Body
    Second Skill: Sticks & Stones
    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha] Empty Re: A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha]

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 9th August 2015, 9:12 am

    Sasha blinked with a bit of confusion splattered on her face. Surely she had met a number of people who had gotten flustered and distanced herself from the cosplaying Knight, but at the same time they never had done that until AFTER she had groped them a little, or made some kind of move toward them. That was purely for fun, but some people tended to take that a little more seriously, so either this girl was SUPER shy, or she heard things about Sasha already... And hopefully it was just the former, because the latter would just ruin her fun. Of course she could always find out whether she was right about that or not, but first thing was first, and that was making sure that she wasn't hurt and could get up onto her own two feet and stand without an issue. Head trauma was no easy thing to figure out after all!~

    Amber orbs watched the raven haired girl stand up on her own while her arm slowly slumped to her side. "I.. guess she's ok... I'm starting to feel more worried than offended at this point." She sighed lightly and shrugged at the girls reply and overlooked her body a little bit and giggled. "No offense kiddo, but 'chu don't really seem like the pirate type anyway. Maybe the lack of a leg leg or a hook hand, but meh." She moved a little closer to her and she turned herself around and nodded at her comment. It never helped when two people knew nothing of where they were, but in the same sense that only could make it more fun later on as well. "Okay then, wait here and I'll go get us some directions to a cafe to relax at, alright?" She skipped off quickly before the girl would be able to even answer her and skipped over to a small concession stand and began to chat with the man running it. He began to use hand motions to help her along in moving while Sasha nodded and watched, then waved to him after giving a thanks and headed back over to the eyepatch girl. "Alright then! Follow me, if you will~"

    Something made Sasha wanna take her hand and begin to lead her along, but on the other hand she had come to feel it wasn't something she was sure that the girl would be comfortable with, so she left that alone and just began to slowly walk ahead so that she could follow along. Firstly, they came to an alley that had been a little narrow and empty, but led to another street and was a very nice shortcut to the cafe. After coming through it, they would take a left and stop after the second shop in and stopped in front of it. "Alright then. So.. this place apparently needs a little more.. normal attire than what I have on, which is fine. But I'm a little indecisive, so I'll let you pick what I should change into clothing wise. A dressy or casual type attire. Don't worry about how I'll do it, but I'll treat you here if you pick for me!~" She giggled and winked, moving away from the window while the girl would pick. "Oh snap!" She gave a light facepalm and chuckled before she shook her head at hr own stupidity. "I COMPLETELY forgot, but I'm Sasha Martin and despite my leisurely care of attire, I'm apart of the Rune Knights. It's a pleasure to meet 'cha!" She gave a big smile and waited for the girl to reply, if she felt comfortable to do so.



    A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha] Empty Re: A Misunderstanding [Private/Sasha]

    Post by Guest 14th August 2015, 10:26 pm

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    Kuro made a small face at being called a kiddo. Despite her petite stature and young appearance Kuro was an adult but often mistook for a child. It didn't help that certain features of hers were rather small in comparison to the other much more curvaceous girl in front of her. By now though Kuro had learned to not correct others when they mistook her age, and instead she managed a small smile at the girl's rambles. They were amusing and she seemed so energetic compared to the low energy Kuro that it was an almost pleasant change of pace. "Ah that's not-" She'd rather not inconvenience others on her behalf. She had already caused the woman enough trouble as is....Yet with such a bright attitude Kuro found herself unable to say no and followed along after the nameless woman.

    Thankful that she avoided any physical touch the walk went by as a blur thought at times Kuro questioned if they truly knew where they were going. Soon enough the odd pair stood in front of a small cafe, the rich aroma of coffee permeated the air, the chatter from within the shop was a nice background noise, and Kuro seemed delighted. "What a lovely little place." She mused grey eye twinkling with the almost forgotten feeling of happiness. Brought out of her dream like trance Kuro seemed a bit confused at the sudden question, "C-Choose? H-How? W-What?" Panic once again, "I guess." Kuro glanced down at her own attire, a simple white turtleneck like dress that hugged her slim figure, falling to about the middle of her thighs, "C-Casual?" She squeaked out, not wanting to be out of place in comparison. Sasha's introduction was at first a relief, at long last Kuro had a name to refer to her as but the relief came with a feeling of dread.

    Rune Knight

    Kuro's already pale features lost whatever color they had managed to retain before. Sasha without a doubt posed a threat to Kuro. "She mustn't find out." It wasn't as if Kuro had done anything particularly bad, perhaps her demons did but not her, but she was certain that just being affiliated with Savage SKull would land her in jail. "My guildmark." She thought with a panic but thankfully the mark was on her lowerback. There was no way that was gonna somehow slip right? "All I have to do is pretend to be normal. As long as Kiro and Shiro stay asleep then we'll get out of this without the Rune Knight figuring us out...I need some sort of story..."Realizing that she had been awfully quiet Kuro with much more energy than needed finally spoke up, "N-Nice to meet you Sasha! A R-R-Rune Knight huh? N-Never would have guessed it!" She scratched at her neck nervously, "What do you say we go inside? It looks like they're getting awfully busy!"

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 7:55 pm