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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo


    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Nero_ 25th July 2015, 11:54 pm

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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Nero_ 26th July 2015, 8:20 am

    i'm man but so much more
    shadow assasin
    these shadows, they guide me
    Hargeon and Summer did a good duo. For some. The beach of Hargeon was literally swarmed with people, who had went to the town to bathe in its infinite, crystalline blue seas, obstructing the beach. Seriously, there were too many people. At least for Elizabeth's liking.

    Sitting on a bench, near the entrance to the beach, Elizabeth crossed her legs, placing one leg over the other one, waiting impatiently for her teammate to arrive. She was not fond on the idea of having a teammate: at all, to be honest. She disliked letting people near her, mainly due to the fact that she feared hurting whoever dared to approach her. She was unstable, she was pure evil on the inside, an monster hidden inside the body of a not so innocent girl, awaiting its hour to make its appearance and cause the massive destruction Elizabeth could see in her dreams. She did not want that scenario to happen in real life. She wanted to avoid it at all cost.

    But then again, she had accepted to go on a request alongside another Rune Knights for reasons unknown to her, and she could not just refuse to take the Rune Knight that had accepted to go on the request with her all out of the blue and go on a rampage, doing the request alone. In terms of capability: she could. She could easily go to the Slaver's place, swing her blades a bit, and watch heads fall off. Because that was essentially what she did: swing her twin blades, Illusion and Delusion, while summoning a few clones, and chopping heads off without stopping. That was essentially what she did, and what she'd always do. She was the Shadow Assassin, after all. But, morally, it was a proof of incorrect behavior to promise something, to accept to do something, and then to not complete the promise made. It was simply a repulsive thing to do.

    However, there was one thing that was for sure: If whoever her teammate was did not appear in a few seconds, she'd cut his head. For sure. To put it in a rather simple way: Elizabeth was wearing an armor made of black metal, and was sitting right beneath the scorching sun. She was getting fried inside the armor. Fried. Oh, how lucky she was for not having anything beneath the armor, at least, except her underwear. If not, she would have died from the heat long ago. Letting her back hit the back of the bench she was sitting on, Elizabeth sighed, cursing whoever the sun god was supposed to be for making this day too hot. There were people who enjoyed going out in armors, not showing their identity, so their decision had to be respected, and the weather be adapted for their liking too, right?

    ... Right? Or was Elizabeth just a weird woman? Regardless if she was weird or the weather was weird, she'd dedicate only a few more seconds of her life to waiting for someone who, not only did she not know, but also someone she wanted away from her. Not for her own good, but for his.

    @bravo || 529 words || 1/30


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Bravo 26th July 2015, 9:47 am

    It was quite an interesting afternoon in Hargeon. The sky hardly covered by clouds, with the sun shining more gloriously than ever before. Every now and then, a soothing breeze would also pass by, which led to the hotter parts of the town. Meanwhile, Bravo was inside, writing away on his journal, clarifying what today would bring him. In just about an hour or so, Bravo was going to meet another Rune Knight by the name of Elizabeth- or so her profile said. Why did Bravo join the Rune Knights, anyway? Perhaps he would find out later.

    Upon completion of his journey entry, the man approached the shower in his residence. He undressed himself, and took a step inside. The water was set on a warm temperature, which Bravo often enjoyed. Quickly, the swordsman washed himself down before exiting the little cleansing factory. He dried himself, walked into his room, and dressed himself in an outfit identical to the one he had taken off for that shower.

    "To rescue slaves..." Bravo spoke to himself before his bedroom mirror, "So justice was my reason, correct?" Bravo sighed. It seemed he was a legal wizard, after all, doing a task that would help give many freedom. This seemed to be just an average task for the legal side of the world. Bravo proceeded to eat some waffles before brushing his teeth, and heading out the front door, locking it behind him. He was officially outside now, prepared to find the woman he volunteered to assist in this new adventure.

    Bravo usually discarded his social life to study or educate his magical life further- hopefully to the point of mastery. However, the male could not be selfish enough to see certain slaves off to hell just because he felt like becoming a little more intelligent. In summary, Bravo could wait. On the other hand, what could not wait was this lady he was supposed to meet, though from the looks of things, it did not take long before the two encountered each other.

    So the girl was a red-head, from what Bravo could assume. She had hair long enough to reach her waist without a problem, with a fit figure for a female. Bravo never guessed there would be a female in the Rune Knight group, though he was glad to be wrong. The Rune Knights needed equality, after all; gender, race, age, background- everything. A good group accepted anyone within reasonable limits, honestly, and with no discrimination. It seemed the Rune Knights possessed this quality. "Bravo Kaizuka." He greeted, "Ready for this task?" His tone when revealing his name invited the woman to share her own, though that was up to her. On the contrary, the question had a rather curious tone to it. Bravo wondered if the lady had ever participated in something like this before. Albeit, he would help, if needed. The two had not only been assigned to complete this job, but also as a team to work for as long as they could. In other words, this would possibly be the first day of many for the two to learn about each other.

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Nero_ 26th July 2015, 11:19 am

    i'm man but so much more
    shadow assasin
    these shadows, they guide me
    Slaves. The very word was horrid. Why should a concept like this one exist? Why were humans supposed to be enslaved, work for others without receiving a decent pay for the work done, in inhumane conditions? Elizabeth was, after all, a daughter of a Slave. Her mother had had luck in meeting her father, who freed her from her slavery and took her to Pergrande, away from the horrid life she had had in Desierto. Through the stories her mother told her before bed, Elizabeth had understood what her life as a slave had been, and how horrid it was. It was, perhaps, one of the only times in which she, and her brother, Nathaniel, had agreed upon something: they had agreed upon the fact that slavery was horrid.

    And here she was, facing the concept of slavery once again, not as a slave, thankfully, but as a savior. It was funny. Elizabeth's father had freed a slave, and now she would try her best to free the slaves. The habit of freeing slaves seemed to run in the Silvershield blood. It was, to say at least, a good thing. Elizabeth could not complain. Soon, thankfully, the figure of a male approached her, making Elizabeth suspect that it was, indeed, her teammate, a theory which was proved when the man introduced himself to her and asked her if she was ready to deal with the job. Getting up from her sitting position, Elizabeth put forth her hand, willing to see if the dark haired male before her, who introduced himself as Bravo, would shake her hand, or ignore her completely. Elizabeth Silvershield. Elizabeth's tone was rather cold, formal, her electric blue eyes shamelessly focused on the man before her. Her red hair was slightly messy from the wind that occasionally went by, but that did not matter. She'd be putting on her mask in no time anyways. In fact, as soon as he shook, or did not shake her hand, regardless of his actions, she took her helmet with both hands, slipping it onto her head and hiding her beautiful features behind the cold, dark metal. Of course I am ready. It is not the first time that I have to go on a Request.

    The dark thoughts invaded her mind yet again, thoughts of murdering the slavers all by herself to prove her strength, her blades tainted with the blood of the sinners, of those who had dared enslaving poor people. Sighing, the Shadow Assassin tried to banish those thoughts away, appear normal. She did not want Bravo to know what of a monster she was. What a monster hid in the Rune Knight ranks. A beast ready to appear once the last bit of sanity slipped out of Elizabeth.

    How do you suggest we approach the slavers' base? Do we infiltrate in their base by using stealth, or do we just bash in. Because I am capable of both options, and would not mind either.

    @bravo || 498 words || 3/30


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Bravo 26th July 2015, 12:38 pm

    Elizabeth Silvershield. The name sounded noble, yet Bravo dared not to judge. It was her name, after all. This woman was new in Bravo's eyes, meaning his communication with the female would most likely be limited. Of course, in desperate times, there would be an exception throughout the mission. While obviously questioning his own personality, the lady seemed to offer her hand; a formal gesture which Bravo accepted politely in a gentle motion. Would the girl be ready to face the dangers that came with taking slaves from their masters? Who knew if these enemies possessed magic, though based on the quantity of them that the two were forced to challenge, the odds seemed rather low. Bravo recalled rumours about the last group who attempted to free captured civilians, and boy did the situation not go well.

    When Bravo and Elizabeth spoke to each other for the first time, Elizabeth's voice seemed to lack enthusiasm, but Bravo did not mind, as he frequently sounded the same to others. The way their eyes functioned seem to match, as well. "Infiltration is best in this situation." Bravo commented, "We knockout the guards, then slowly make our way to eliminating the front and back lines, simultaneously." It was nice to hear that this was not the first job in which Elizabeth participated. With some expertise, the two were bound to complete this task, and be rewarded, in that matter.

    Bravo multitasked while the two still interacted, and organized a quick way to make it to the slaves' destination. The reason he wanted to be stealthy was to avoid reinforcements. If the opposing group felt there was no strong threat held against them, their numbers would most likely remain unchanged. If proven wrong, however, instead, the numbers would surely increase. There was also the chance that the masters would kill their slaves if they felt they were in too much danger of losing their profits from these people, which Bravo could not afford. Again, his thoughts were focused on justice. This concentration unintentionally led to the lack of realization that Elizabeth had just masked herself, which Bravo would have found strange had he seen it, himself.

    Bravo eventually gestured Elizabeth to follow him to the cargo factories. If she decided to follow him, Bravo would stop at a group of buildings he had caught from their first location. These buildings would keep them out of the guards' field of vision, and allow the two to begin their attack. Bravo planned to have the west and east group of guards eliminated to most likely make the center group curious. In his mind, Bravo imagined that this would momentarily avert the leftover guards' eyes from the buildings, in which case one of the two teammates could try and sneak inside the factories, while the other would silently beat down the remaining foes. The numbers inside were assumed to be exponentially greater than the guards Bravo would be able to see from the buildings nearby the cargo, though he was still ready.

    If Elizabeth was not interested in this approach, Bravo assumed the two would just keep discussing their ideas in their starting location until the two could come to an agreement. Unfortunately, time was of the essence, and considering where the slaves currently stood, the two were in no position to figure out when the cargo ships would take off. If those ships took off, the slaves' rescue would become much more difficult. If the slaves managed to be taken to another city or town, however, the job would be a bust, and the two would most likely be fired from the person who had assigned this job to them. There was so much to think about during the time, yet Bravo trusted that Elizabeth knew what she was doing.

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Nero_ 8th August 2015, 2:17 pm

    WORDS: 0517
    TAG: @bravo
    Infiltration and Stealth. Oh, but Elizabeth exceeded in those. Whoever thought otherwise, should just try to find her among the shadows. She was like a chamaleon, blending with the shadows to perfection, to the point where every single part of her body could not be seen among the shadows. The technique she used? It was much more simple than changing the color of her entire body, and was related with who she was: the Master of Shadows. This title was not a pretty name for the crowd, that was to inflict fear or respect; no. It was a name that was used to express who she truly was, what she was. A Master of Shadows, the first one in many years. And possibly the last for a few centuries. Her absolute control over shadows allowed her to do rather curious moves, and even wrap herself in them in order to hide her location and move around the shadowy areas unnoticed. This is why, she exceeded in stealth and infiltration.

    Hands crossed over her chest, the redhead followed Bravo as he proceeded to move over to a few buildings that would serve to hide them from sight before their attack begun. After all, they needed a small hideout to plan things, if there was still anything left to plan, before they could officially move on and simply attack already, infiltrate in the base, eliminate the guards, whatever it took. It was all the same, as long as they got to their main target; the slavers. Alright. So stealth, it is. I say we quickly discuss our strategy before going in; although we should not lose much time, as if the cargo ships with the slaves leave, we're done for sure, I bet you realise that. Elizabeth said, hands placed on the wall of the building as she peeked in order to make sure that there was nobody around the corner listening to their conversation. I could potentially get rid of the guards. I can move around the shadows freely, and the guards will never even notice me, due to the fact that my magic allows me to exceed in stealth. Elizabeth clarified, her voice not louder than a whisper, yet always perfectly audible for Bravo.

    So, I thought that maybe I could go ahead and eliminate those pesky guards, and, when I'm done, I'll send you a signal by sending a shadow clone of myself to get you, here. And then, perhaps, I could throw my clone right inside the headquarters, and attack those bastards from the inside. Sounds good? Elizabeth only awaited approval from her companion, green light for her to blend in with the shadows and proceed to begin the massacre... It was not like she wouldn't do what she had on her mind anyways, for she didn't need anyone's approval to do what she had on her mind, but, well, she could not be on a team with someone and simply do what she wanted without at least saying it to her companion. It was stupid. If yes, we should act. And fast.
    - - i think i love you better now


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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Bravo 10th August 2015, 3:04 pm

    It was a relief to see that Elizabeth was interested in the approach, after- or so it seemed, for now. Again, the two needed to complete this infiltration in a short period of time, or else the masters would undeniably take the slaves out of this town's sight. Bravo still believed in his plan: the elimination of the border guards, then a swift maneuver into the central base to eliminate the front and back lines of this little army ahead. Of course, just before Bravo was ready to make a move with Elizabeth alongside himself, he forgot she may also have some ideas in mind. "My magic is not long-ranged, while charging at those border guards is simple suicide." Bravo remarked, "If you could please support me here, I would appreciate it if you could swiftly take those guards out with minimal detection. If possible, we can both go in and surpass the main threats in the central base." This task seemed rather easy, now that Bravo thought about it. Albeit, this was a test regarding team chemistry. If the two could get along nicely, their actions would reflect on this job positively. If not, then trouble was bound to come.

    Bravo took a second look at those border guards since Elizabeth had joined him behind these buildings. These four guards were formatted as if they were ready for an attack. It would be impossible to take out at least two, at most, without alerting the others. Additionally, if the guards were to be taken out, no noises could be heard, or else the main threats would surely hear what would be going down outside. Bravo recalled what could happen to the slaves at this time if the guards became too hesitant; possible death of slaves. The task reward was based on the survival of each and every single slave. If one died in the midst of this upcoming battle, this job would certainly be a bust. Luckily, Elizabeth had a plan just in case Bravo's did not work, and so he listened in on it.

    "Unfortunately, those guards are too well-organized with each other." Bravo commented, "If you can reposition yourself to defeat two guards quickly and quietly, I can do so with the others. After that, we can go on with the second half of your plan, and attack the rest inside. Alas, this is infiltration, remember, so be stealthy and keep your assaults clean and precise. Any misfire, and who knows what might happen to those slaves." To conclude, Bravo had just given a half-yes to Elizabeth, though in the process, had just established a perfect plan. If Elizabeth felt confident enough after what Bravo had said to finally make the pursuit of rescuing these slaves, Bravo would move around the base, and position himself to attack the guards in the back. "Oh, and do not worry; your shadows will come in handy, regardless." Bravo added. Hopefully it would be time now to maneuver towards the threats. The criminals were bound to start moving any minute, anyway, which almost forced Elizabeth and Bravo to take action, no matter what the case. "Improvise if neither plan works." Bravo thought to himself.

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Nero_ 20th August 2015, 1:46 am

    Elizabeth was rather bothered by his remark on how she should be precise, and stealthy. For god's sake, she had just mentioned that she could blend in with the shadows, and thus could not be seen by the human eye, yet he still dared to remind her that she should be careful. Elizabeth did not receive the title of the Shadow Assassin for nothing. A grimace of irritation on her face behind the mask, Elizabeth was thankful that Bravo could not see her face at the moment, for if he did, he would have figured exactly how pissed he was. He could, though, see the flame in her electric blue eyes easily, though. Without saying a word, without making a sound, Elizabeth turned away from Bravo, waving both of her hands slightly near her body. Although it seemed like a senseless move, it was actualyl a very important one: for it summoned forth Illusion and Delusion, her beloved twin blades, which helped her in any situation, and were her essential instrument for dealing massive damage to her enemies. Without making a sound, Elizabeth stepped inside the shadows that surrounded the building, feeling as they quickly surrounded her body, hiding it from view. In the matter of no more than a second, Bravo could no longer see his partner, who proceeded to move towards her target swiftly, not making a single sound. Although she could not be seen; any sound she produced coult be heard.

    Thankfully, her armor did not make any sound, nor did she when she walked. Through almost a year of training, Elizabeth had learned how to move without making a single sound. Except on heels; but thankfully she wasn't on heels at the moment. The two guards she was supposed to take down were located right before the entrance, where the slavers, and the slaves, were waiting for a ship to arrive so the slaves could be transported further away from Hargeon. Walking behind them, Elizabeth put her arms before her in a fighting position, a twisted smile drawing on her lips. You're mine now... She thought. Without hesitating, she gathered some of the shadows that surrounded her, not discovering herself even for a second, thus creating one of her famed shadow clones right behind the two guards. The duo of stupid meatheads didn't notice the sudden creation of a shadow doppleganger before them, and that was, without doubt, their fatal error. Concentrating, Elizabeth felt as the ground beneath her quickly dissapeared fro a second, before it reappeared, the two meatheads right in front of her yet, not noticing a thing.

    Silently, yet gracefully, Elizabeth took her hands up, slitting the throat of one of the guards, and, well, literally cutting his head off, as he had a pair of blades just run through his neck, and separate the head that was attached to it. The other guard, startled by the sudden death of his companion, turned around only to face Death. With a swift movement, Elizabeth moved her hands, with the dual blades always attached to them, towards the second guard, decapitating him as well, before he could produce a sound. The slavers inside had not noticed a thing, nor had the others, quickly closing her eyes and concentrating, Elizabeth proceeded to switch places with her shadow doppleganger once more, blending with the shadow so she could no longer be seen. Without wasting time, she focused, making the shadow doppleganger run towards Bravo, and, with a nod of its head, to inform him that Elizabeth's part was done.
    - - i think i love you better now


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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Bravo 21st August 2015, 1:24 pm

    Their plans seemed to work out well, in time. Elizabeth, Bravo's partner, was already on the move, though as she passed, Bravo indeed noticed something about her eyes. How ignorant of him. It seemed the Rune Knight was so focused on the task at hand, that he forgot what the woman was capable of. The flames in her eyes versus Bravo's own cold ones; cold eyes that portrayed a fearless figure to the enemy. While the two were a team, their current relationship was just acquaintance-to-acquaintance. If Bravo wanted to add more chemistry to this team, he and Elizabeth would need to pay more attention to each other. Elizabeth, on the other hand, seemed to charge in swiftly, though in due time, committed an action Bravo never thought he would see a Rune Knight commit.

    In a short period of time, the front guards lacked heads, and were ultimately put to death. Elizabeth should have recognized how the concept of death was highly frowned upon by both the Rune Knights and fellow Legal Mages. Perhaps she liked doing things her own way, and settled matters solely based on her own thoughts. The last thing Bravo wanted, however, was for his partner to become too absorbed into the fight, and cause enough chaos to unintentionally bring harm to the slaves, as well. In other words, Bravo did not want to see Elizabeth enter the battlefield too hot. Moments after this observation, the shadow clone Elizabeth had explained recently approached Bravo. It was now his turn to eliminate some guards, though unlike Elizabeth, Bravo would silence the guards, yet keep them alive.

    Bravo distanced himself more from the slavers and slaves as he ran towards the back, quietly approaching the guards from behind. While the front guards Elizabeth had defeated merely protected the front gates, these rear guards positioned themselves as if they were snipers; up high to observe both the front and back lines within this area of transportation. With the distance he had made, Bravo swiftly ran up the walls, yet made his footsteps as silent as possible. When on the stand, before the first rear-guard could turn around, Bravo had simply punched the guard across the face, leaning his head forward, only to pinch the weakened vein in his neck from the impact for the guard to lose consciousness. After that, Bravo threw the unconscious body inside the gated area, and proceeded as fast as possible to uppercut the remaining guard, and throw his unconscious body into the area, as well.

    All four guards were taken care of now, while the front and back lines were purposely alerted of the guards' defeats. This was a little addition Bravo was going to add to the strategy he and his partner had created. Bravo had just made him a distraction for the front and back lines to beware, while Elizabeth was still home-free, to an extent. In fact, if she wanted to, with those shadow skills Bravo had noticed earlier, Elizabeth could most likely sneak through the now-opened gates, and take out some slavers while their eyes focused on Bravo, for the time being. Bravo, on the other hand, could surely take care of all these slavers, if allowed, though he was sure Elizabeth would be quite upset if he took all the credit for the elimination of these so-called "threats."

    One of the slavers, as expected, was prepared to kill a slave, as the entire group was in trouble. However, Bravo had anticipated their movements- this specific slaver, especially. With a single jump, Bravo established a one-man division between the slavers and slaves. It was definitely time for Elizabeth to join in now. Battle-cries echoed throughout this new battlefield, though Bravo surely was under no hesitation. For some reason, though, he felt more calm than usual. Perhaps this was due acknowledging a teammate's protection. This team chemistry Bravo thought of before, was certainly intact.

    "Ready to dance with my swords?" Bravo called out to the two large groups.

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Nero_ 28th August 2015, 5:48 am

    The sound of battle. Elizabeth adored it, without doubt. It was the scenario she was used to, the situation she knew best, and was used to. Considering her previous occupation, one could easily deduce that Elizabeth had spent the major part of her life on the battlefield, her life constantly on the line, depending on the correct execution of the jobs everyone had to do on the battlefield. Contrary to what most thought, being a Knight did not mean simply to charge in battle and begin chopping heads off, no. Being a Knight was a job that required intelligent people that could execute their task correctly and follow the indications given to them without failing. Because in a war, not everyone had to chop the other's head off. In Pergrande, to the very least, everyone had a role in the Army. There were the attackers, people with insane skill, that could lead combat and chop heads off, and had incredible swordsman skills and strategic thinking. Then there were the defenders, who defended the attackers and everyone who dealt more damage ot the enemy, while simultaneousely attacking; the archers, who were in charge to assasinate from a distance, and so forth. Elizabeth, in particular, had been a part of the attackers, due to her swordsman skills, and was used to putting her life on the line. She even enjoyed the thrill of putting her life on the line.

    The ruckus inside the port called her attention, causing her to snap out of her thoughts and look at the new battlefield, noticing as the war between Slavers and Bravo had begun. She should possibly go there and aid him; that's why she was in a team after all, correct? She was still pissed at him for doubting her, but she was supposed to help him. Considering how short on members the Rune Knights were, the loss of yet another Rune Knight was most certainly not a viable option. Noticing as the attention of the slavers was entirely on Bravo and nobody would notice her if she came out, Elizabeth quickly made her way out of the shadows,  heading towards a group of Slavers, that were threathening the slaves with death, because they suspected that some of the slavers had somehow contacted the Rune Knights and caused today's disaster. Heading towards the group, Elizabeth prepared to slay the slavers, a dark, eerie aura appearing around her, nobody seeing her face due to her armor. Although minutes ago, the sockets for her eyes in the helmet showed her normal, electric blue eyes, now her eyes had switched to scarlet red, no white seen in them, nothing, just plain red, glowing eyes occupying the craved sockets in the armor entirely. I am not letting you touch these Slaves, let's make that clear. Nor am I letting you escape with life.
    - - i think i love you better now


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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Bravo 29th August 2015, 1:36 pm

    The front and back lines were both furious after Bravo had called them out. While he had just challenged these two groups, however, Bravo had an epiphany. Usually, you see, Bravo never would have committed himself to something like this. He preferred pacifism over violence, let alone studying over expressing any sort of social life. His typical mood also consisted of limited conversation and interaction, yet here, in this single moment, Bravo had changed. In this situation- in this very second- Bravo had set himself on the table as a decoy for Elizabeth; an unconscious sign of caring. Though he hated the fact that Elizabeth killed to be victorious over scum like the ones who stood against Bravo, Bravo applauded Elizabeth at least for being a woman of independence. She seemed to make her own choices; one being separating herself from the law of keeping the opposition alive. Bravo had to admit that at some point in the future, he would have to make his own choices, as well; choices that the council would frown upon, just as the council always frowned upon killing- even from their own kind.

    An unusual smirk appeared on Bravo's lips as from a distance, though surely out of the sight of any slaver currently interested in either the potential death of Bravo or slaves, well, two of them had just been witnessed in defeat by Elizabeth's maneuvers. Bravo was proud to have such a handy companion by his side, and hoped that, even while under the shadows, Elizabeth could see the facial expression currently displayed. This same smirk also made the slavers wonder just what was on Bravo's mind, though Bravo would not allow these fools to catch up on him any further. Screams of pain began to erupt as Bravo danced his way through the first group of slavers. The way he crossed his blades against the slavers' chests would certainly miss (with intent) any vital organs to keep the crooks alive, though the force Bravo also put behind these assaults would definitely knock any confronted enemy out cold. These fighters were pathetically weak, but alas, they were a danger when it came to stealth. Bravo had to assure that no slaver would sneak off to kill a slave. Again, if any slaves were killed, this job would be a bust.

    With his concentration now set on moving back towards the slaves, Bravo noticed that a slaver indeed was headed for the group of slaves Bravo had to momentarily distance himself from to both protect himself and rid of multiple enemies. He swiftly kicked a defeated slaver up and used him as a threatening human shield to block the front lines off for a moment. Additionally, with a powerful throw, Bravo would knock the ones who were closest to him back, then unleash a long back flip to land just in front of the slaves. Bravo motioned these slaves to head east in about ten seconds. This new location for the slaves would bring them behind Elizabeth, if Bravo's predictions of her whereabouts were correct. It was unfortunate that Bravo did not have eyes on the back of his head, or else this brawl would be put to an end twice as fast. Two sets of front-line attackers had already been eliminated, while Bravo assumed that many of the back-line enforcers had already been beaten, as well. That smirk that Bravo awakened a while ago- that was his first. He was glad this team had been assembled, after all. However, now was the not the time to be too proud, for there were still many opponents left to defeat, and a lot more trouble to go through, generally. Not only would the two have to rid of the enemies, you see, but also get these slaves out of here before any more threats would be called. This was when he noticed some alarms.

    "Pitiful jerks..." Bravo thought in his head.

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Nero_ 9th September 2015, 2:04 pm

    Four of the slavers instantly turned to look at Death incarnate, approaching them, two of them holding a pair of guns, one in each hand, and swords. All of them were tall, robust, muscular men, that looked nothing easy to defeat, and, if anyone was observing this battle from a distance would most likely bet on the Slavers, for Elizabeth, with her short, fragile build, with pretty much no visible muscle on it or sign of being strong, seemed like she'd be the losing sight in a battle, for nobody would chose an apparently fragile female, over four robust, strong men. What the audience tended to forget, and Elizabeth used in her advantage always, was the fact that everyone had an achilles heel, and not many stood up to their appearance; she herself was the living example of that; although appearing an ordinary, fragile aristocratic girl, which would break even if you hit her with a feather, Elizabeth could stand her own in battle, and tended to overcome most of her opponents, and beat them, in terms of strength and might. It was nice how people forgot about that; for the Shadow assasin liked seeing the faces of amazement and unbelief that the spectators had when the battle was over, and she was victorious.

    Naturally, the two sword wielders charged at her with full force, so that they could attack her, try to stab her, break her precious armor and body with their swords, while the gunners remained to the distance, pointing at Elizabeth with their guns. She hoped that their aim was horrid, but it was very unlikely for her wish to come true... was it? She hoped so, because she wouldn't be capable to cope with the two swordsmen, and their gunners shooting in the distance... right?... Yes, she would manage. She just needed one ability to end them; and it was not even a offensive one. All she did need was, to trick with people's minds a bit, confuse them a little bit, to make her advantage in this fight even greater. Gathering the shadows from the environment around her, Elizabeth created a 10m diameter dome around her, and the swordsmen, who tried to stab her, but failed, for instantly after she created the dome she blended with the shadows, rolling away from them. Grinning, she crouched, putting her foot forth, staring at their confused eyes, and instantly swiped it in an arc, throwing down the enemies, still hidden in the shadows, away from their view. Without hesitation, her weapons out, Elizabeth drew an arc with both of her blades through the swordsmen's stomaches, blood covering their shirts, the two falling defeated, unable to fight further. The Shadow Assasin didn't know if they were dead; nor did she care. Without wasting time, she got out of the shadows, although it didn't matter if she did, or if she stayed, as she had been revealed anyways, for the first offensive move she did in the shadows revealed her, and she had done three. The bullets sounded in her ears, a few passing by her by milimeters, causing her to gulp slightly, thankful that the aim wasn't too good, and she was fast enough to dodge... some. One bullet, a really nasty one, hit her right in the stomach, although thanks to the armor, it did absolutely nothing to her, making her sigh in relief. Pissed, she jumped up, above the two gunners, and rose her hands with the blades attached to them, dunking the two enemies and slicing their faces in two as she fell back on the ground, causing them to fall on the ground, definetly dead.

    Sighing in relief, she stared at the group of remaining slavers, noticing as a few slaves, probably directed by Bravo, ran right behind her, near the possible corpses of the two swordsmen she had defeated. Shaking her hands a bit, making her blades retreat to their socket, and come out, clean from the blood that was on them, Elizabeth smirked, crimson eyes focused on the remaining enemies. My ways may be cruel, wrong, even grotesque... But they are effective as hell.
    - - i think i love you better now




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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

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    Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo Empty Re: Liberation of Slaves // Private // Bravo

    Post by Bravo 16th September 2015, 1:29 pm

    The alarms Bravo witnessed had stared at him as if he was an ant, while they were giants; their signal would only bring misery to their victims, regardless of the person's personality. With the slaves covered at this point, and Bravo's teammate guarding them- whether she liked it or not- Bravo began to leap over the crowds of enemies, solely to approach and eliminate those alarms. He had a feeling the alarms would beat his pace, no matter how extraordinary, though the Rune Knight didn't want to be too pessimistic. His life was at stake, after all, so it was rather ridiculous to think dangerously atop his current, physical position. Members from the backlines attempted to launch themselves at Bravo from the rear, though Bravo had made preparations for that already. You see, when it came to the air, Bravo was a master. If one were to launch themselves in an air current, surely the air would push itself in the same direction as the person launching themselves. In other words, with the opponents launching themselves forward, the force of air ran twice as fast through Bravo, hinting that his behind was threatened.

    In a smooth spin, utilizing the head of another angry enemy for altitude, Bravo used his method of leaving a brutal slice through the chests of these enemies, yet leaving them conscious to survive. Again, the council preferred their targets alive. On the contrary, the male wondered if the council was okay with Elizabeth's state of mind. Were their views changed so this specific woman could kill who she wanted for the sake of justice. The young man assumed he should stop questioning the topic for now, and so he discarded it. Unfortunately, however, those distractions recently defeated killed some time Bravo initially had to get rid of the alarms- three of them. Luckily, he recalled Elizabeth's last statement before this whole strategy came into play. "Effective as hell, huh?" Bravo commented midway through his procedure, his voice loud so it could vividly reach his teammate's ears, "I trust you can get rid of these remaining alarms then?" The question was rhetorical, of course, seeing as Bravo was in no position in this experiment to point to the remaining two alarms- that is, until something truly surprising occurred.

    On the platform in which one alarm stood, with at least a few meters of space free of any enemies, the alarm still activated itself. The backlines stopped and laughed a bit, triggering the knight to look around. There were no systems that could set off these alarms from afar, which came to only one conclusion; these alarms had sensory capabilities. Once-hidden enemies emerged, increasing the original number of threats that stood before both Bravo and Elizabeth. "Halt!" Bravo announced to his teammate. It was possible that the two would have to go through their first plan again, assuring that the slaves were safe, and using both Bravo and Elizabeth as their strong defence. This was all too sudden- even for Bravo- especially a fourth alarm Bravo heard; this last alarm being in his head. This alarm had a voice, and told the young adult that everything would be okay. Bravo smiled. It was time to step it up a notch. Until now, Bravo had only used a good portion of his speed to reach alarms. Now, however, it was time to use an even greater amount of speed to eliminate this new population of problems ahead. "Again I say, prepare to dance with my swords." Bravo remarked.

    OOC: Apologies for the long wait. University can be fun, but extremely time-consuming too.

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