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    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
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    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 17th June 2015, 4:13 pm

    Job Sheet:



    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 17th June 2015, 4:20 pm

    Yugi sat in a breakfast diner across from Lysander, ordering everything on the menu as he waited with the Crawford wizard around his age. This Job seemed beneath him, but it came from a couple sources. He'd found out that a wizard had been a triple agent.

    This wizard was a member of both Savage Skull, and Tartarus. Now--this same wizard: Loki. Was trying too sell the locations and secrets of Savage Skull and Tartarus both---not to mention with plots against both Harrigan and Reich in the process.

    If he was able to sell his information off to his friends in Sabertooth he would be able too cause more than a small headache for their Guilds.

    "Tsk, so we followed this guy all the way here. I can't believe he was really a member of Sabertooth the entire time...." Yugi said, eyes closed over the coffee steaming in front of him. "You Savage Skull guys are gonna have to be more careful..." Yugi said taking a dignified sip as if Tartarus hadn't allowed he same thing to happen to them, and mainly just to annoy the hell out of Lysander.


    "I think I may have been followed...I'm not too sure. If I was it's the perfect chance for us to take out some Dark Wizards, wouldn't you agree?"

    A unanimous nod went off as Loki, a guy around Yugi and Lysander's age stood in a large group of Sabertooth wizards. Peace Village was gigantic, easily three miles in every direction. So they were off in between some houses a ways away from the two.

    "We might have to bait them out. But I know it'll work. If we were followed they're not going to let us waltz out of town and just return to Sabertooth with this information. We'll need a distraction to get out of town." Loki was visibly worried, if Savage Skull AND Tartarus had followed him here...well, he might not make it out of town in one piece. Which worried him.



    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Guest 17th June 2015, 11:34 pm


    To say that Lysander was getting impatient was an understatement. Since the moment he'd woken up this morning he'd received nothing but bad news; first he hears news of a triple agent within Savage Skull, then he hears that said traitor is planning to take down his Uncle Harrigan - and, in effect, Savage Skull along with him - and now he was sat in this place with the one person whom he had absolutely no interest in working with; Yugi Sparrow, a man who sat as an opposite to Lysander in almost every sense. Both were the eldest male child in their respective families, both against the Magic Council and, unfortunately, both dragged into this issue to deal with it and forced to work together despite the fact they simply couldn't stand one another. Whoever came up with this idea was some kind of a sadist.

    "I never knew the man, so I can't say it was any kind of a shock. Besides, his true loyalties are irrelevant now. We need simply to erase him." The Crawford man replied coolly as he sipped his tea. Considering how the two of these men clashed, things seemed to be going quite well.

    Oops...spoke too soon. Yugi had to open his mouth didn't he? Lysander lowered the cup from his lips, his eyes closed as if refusing to look at his counterpart. "I will not deny my Uncle has a...peculiar choice when it comes to company. However, it is not as if you in Tartarus have been unscathed by this revelation."

    With that he returned the cup to his lips. He expected he would have a long wait before Yugi would finally be ready to get to work.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 18th June 2015, 12:02 am

    Yugi listened as Lysander pretty much decided not to look at him; rather just enjoy his tea. Which aggravated Yugi for a split second as he'd failed to annoy him properly. Oh well. Yugi took another drink of his steaming mug of coffee and nodded at Lysander's last statement.

    "Maybe he's just more accepting of people than we are." Yugi's voice sharp as usual stated in almost a friendly manner almost. He wondered how tough this Sabertooth Wizard was going to be---he'd managed to keep illusion enchantments and trick spells running thus far on two Guilds---Yugi just hoped he didn't try it on him. His Satan Soul magick had a way of snapping and taking control over him whenever someone tried to psychically mind control or fuck with him.

    'I really hope that doesn't happen.....Peace Village won't be very peaceful if it does.'

    With a shrug and a head shake as if he'd just been thinking of something, Yugi took another drink before he would look around--hearing some kind of commotion. As he looked outside of the window, something was definitely up. He wondered though who or what it was.

    "Hey, Craw face. Check it out." Yugi said casually, leaning back in his booth and putting one arm up as if relaxing as he watched a scene unfold outside.

    About ten people who Yugi could sense were wizards were all gathered in one spot on the street talking to each other about something. As if they'd just come from some kind of meeting or something.

    "Yeah, the guy said he knows where Savage Skull AND Tartarus are...yeah RIGHT. Well, we'll find him and find out anyways.....what the."

    All ten of them stopped, and looked completely baffled as they looked upon a huge crowd of Villagers walking around as if they were mind controlled zombies. They barely had time to figure out what was going on, as the Rogue Wizards were charged by the Mind Controlled Civilians.

    "W-what the hell is going on out there...." Yugi wondered for a moment as he blinked through the glass of the restaurant. Eventually standing up he would nod to Lysander as the two would step outside, pushing the door open. "Should we even bother separating em or just let em kick the crap outta eachother..." Yugi didn't see any kids amongst the possessed civilians, so he really didn't care. "None of these guys belong to Sabertooth....." Yugi said as he looked everywhere for a Guild tattoo on any of these wizards. "Maybe we should fuck them up just cause right?"


    Hypnotized Villagers x20

    Rogue Wizards x10

    Last edited by Yugi-Sempai on 18th June 2015, 12:07 am; edited 2 times in total



    Posts : 23944
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    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by NPC 18th June 2015, 12:02 am

    The member 'Yugi-Sempai' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) NormalMonster Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) WeakMonster

    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Guest 18th June 2015, 12:34 am

    Lysander had little time to respond to Yugi's statement regarding Harrigan being more accepting. Before he could even remove the cup from his lips again there was a loud crash followed by further loud commotion outside. Then Yugi called him 'Craw face'. What an ass, disrespecting the family name. "It's CrawFORD." Lysander replied coldly before finishing his tea and following the Tartarus mage to the window. It wouldn't take long to work out exactly where he commotion was coming from; zombie-like folk and a handful of wizards walking about the village like they owned the place...until said zombie-folk attacked them at least.

    "If we intervene and play this to our advantage then it is plausible that the villagers may give us information on our traitorous friend. I say we step in. Kill the wizards, spare the villagers." the Savage Skull mage replied bluntly as he stepped out into the open, his right hand open beside him and generating a blood-red aura. "Try not to get left behind Sparrow."

    With that he raised his right hand up in front of him and then to his leftside, the blood red aura turning black as he began charging up Crescent Moon. He couldn't help but be curious as to the magic his Tartarus counterpart would use. Would it work in conjunction with his own magic? Hell, was it even anything useful to begin with? Hopefully Yugi's actions were better than his words. With that thought, Lysander swung his arm in an arc, releasing a wave of black magic that targetted the few mages closest to him.

    Spells Used:
    Crescent Moon:

    Crescent Moon - 4 posts

    HP: 100%
    MP: 95% (-5%)

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 18th June 2015, 1:08 am

    Yugi would listen to Lysander's response; surprisingly he was ready to get right down to business. As Yugi would loosen his tie at the proposition. 'Guess he's a man of action like me....heh, alright then.'

    As Lysander held his hand out next to him--it charged up with some kind of red energy that began to turn black in color. Telling him not to fall behind. Yugi gave him a sideways aggravated look as if to say "are you kidding me?" before grumbling under his breath some more.

    At the same moment, a few of the mages fired off some incredibly powerful blasts of their own magic. Their spells barely had a chance to form as a wave of misty red and black light seemed to clean them off of their feet as if clotheslined by some invisible force. Although a bunch of them seemed to just hop over the spell, about half of them were hit.

    'Hm.....it seems to have stuck to their Magic Power.' Yugi was curious as too what kind of effect Lysander's magic had--because it didn't look like it did too much; although the fact that it seemed to stick to whoever it hit made Yugi more curious.

    "My turn."


    Yugi's hands were shown smacking together as out of nowhere with a mixture of pressure and heat, the air around all ten of the wizards would would vibrate and sway with heat. Instantly a belt of scimitars made out of fire roared into existence howling together with a snap and forming a large belt of blades that seemed to begin to spin around the group of ten like a fan. Randomly they would all stop spinning and point down threateningly at the same time with a sound like blades locking into place as they locked onto the magic power of each target. A scream was heard. Fire Make: 1000 Blades~ would rip into them.

    The blades began to fly down and smack the ground at the speed of a machine gun, as new blades twisted and respawned in whirls of fire to throw themselves down at the group who were reaching out panicked engulfed in flames. The ground beneath them began to shake as blades just kept materializing out of fire from nowhere and pounding down. The screams heard from within the storm of appearing and falling blades of fire were truly chilling and not for children. As the spell finally ended...it seemed that a few of them were alive, crawling forward towards Yugi and Lysander---still on fire.


    Yugi would then smack one hand on the ground as the entire street for hundreds of feet in front of them went up in flames with a 'TWOOOSH!'. The bodies would melt away entirely, as the skeletons began to crumple upon one another and then turn to ash. Fire Make: Floor~ burning them out of physical existence.

    Wit a flick of his wrist, the entire spell would sway left to right once and disappear on the wind; carrying the ashes of the Rogue Wizards off in different directions on the wind as the flames danced away and disappeared. The hypnotized civilians seemed to have the spells on their mind broken by the heat, and visibly sweating they appeared to be coming too.

    One of the wizards however, had somehow survived. Badly burnt and scorched, and extremely pissed off. He began throwing lighting blasts at Yugi and Lysander randomly without really aiming. Windows and other things on the street began to explode and get hit by them as he just winged them in their general direction.

    Spells Used:

    HP: 100%
    MP: 85%

    Rogue Wizards x1

    Hypnotized Villagers x20



    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Guest 18th June 2015, 8:39 am

    Lysander couldn't help but be impressed at how quickly Yugi had dispatched the mages, and perhaps more impressed at how well he'd destroyed the bodies. The clean up work would be a cinch, that much was clear. However, it certainly wasn't as tasteful as wearing your opponent down. Nonetheless, Lysander knew when he was beat. "You win this round Sparrow. I assume you can deal with the last mage while I bring the villagers to their senses." He spoke coolly before turning his back on the Tartarus wizard and focusing his sights upon the zombie-folk who were slowly but surely shambling their way towards the pair. Lysander smiled as he approached them, his hands glowing with that familiar black and red glow before he simply punched the closest villager to the ground. Upon contact the villager was left with a mark which remained on their cheek for a moment before fading. Tagged.

    "Do not assist me here Sparrow. You have shown me your power. It is time I showed you mine." he spoke calmly, releasing a slight, almost inhuman laugh as he waded into the group of villagers, all of them looking to harm him with fists, knives and any other weapon they had upon them. All the while the Savage Skull mage remained unfazed. After a few moments he would raise his hand noticeably into the air, the black aura forming before it flew towards the target that Lysander had punched first. It quickly formed into the shape of a large scythe that began to spin rapidly in the air, slashing at each and every villager in the vicinity. "The Black Winds of the Reaper..." he spoke softly as he continued to wade through the villagers, each of them becoming caught in the range of the scythe as they shambled to keep up with him. Finally he came out the other side before bringing his hand out to the side. "And now...I feed my Insatiable Hunger."

    This time it was a purple aura that coated Lysander while a crimson one simultaneously formed on each of the villagers. Then the Crawford clamped his hand shut and each and every one of the villagers slumped to the ground in a heap, not yet dead, but certainly out for the count as the aura on them faded and Lysander turned to face Yugi without a scratch upon him, the purple aura healing his wounds as if they were never there.

    Spells Cast:
    Soul Tag (Signature):
    Black Winds of the Reaper:
    Insatiable Hunger:

    Crescent Moon - 3 posts
    Soul Tag - 1 post
    Black Winds of the Reaper - 5 posts (instantly dispelled once Soul Tag was placed on the mob)
    Insatiable Hunger - 4 posts

    HP: 100%
    MP: 75% (-20%)

    All villagers KO'd
    One mage remaining.

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 18th June 2015, 11:40 am

    Yugi would nod to Lysander as the two of them set into motion; walking side by side splitting off slightly as Lysander headed for the villagers.

    A close up of Yugi was shown as he and Lysander set off at a run--a blast of lightning soaring to the left of Yugi's head and up to the camera. Followed by another which he did a frontflip over, another in the air after him--as he turned mid-air causing it to go flying past his back.

    As he would land, the camera would show Lysander in the background walking through a crowd of villagers who were getting chopped and tossed around in a slow-mo by what looked like a gigantic scythe made of darkness flipping through the air on it's own and whirling around the young Crawford. The camera would zoom back to Yugi and spin forward as Yugi let out a "Soooya!" showing his fist making contact with the one last wizard---the guy flew upward as Yugi would simply perform a frontlflip and catch up with him mid-air.

    'Kablam!' an axe kick from above the man sent him flying as Yugi's heel hit the back of his head. With a whistling sound like a falling bomb, the man would plummet directly onto a rack of vases. Shattering them and the street stand selling them as Yugi would land across from the man at a kneel.

    At the same time Yugi landed, Lysander had clenched a single fist causing all the villagers to pass out as they seemed to sway with the red-black energies from before. While Lysander seemed to have a purple magic power-like mist surrounding him.

    Yugi stood up to his full height next to Lysander just as the last wizard stumbled out and fell to his knees out of the wreckage of the Vase Stand. Yugi and Lysander stood over him as he looked up--holding up his hands in his own defense, pleading without words. Randomly smirking, the wizards hands would sparkle with Lightning once before rocketing out two blasts which twisted and hit Yugi center chest. However----the dust kicked up would fade, as Yugi would've only slid back slightly. His arms crossed in front of him at an "X", looking above his crossed arms--Yugi would smirk back, causing the man to sweat bullets.

    "P-please that was a cheap shot! I know! Let me live I'll tell you where I was supposed to meet the wizard from Sabertooth!"

    Yugi would defer to Lysander as to what they should do with the last one as he would merely look to his side.

    "What do ya think Crawford?" Yugi would state coldly weighing the mans entire life in the balance. "What concerns me is what you were going to do if the Sabertooth guy had shared the information with you....make a move against Savage Skull or Tartarus?"

    The man shook his head furiously as this caught Yugi's attention. The man explained that he was actually planning on joining Savage Skull and betraying the Sabertooth Wizard after he knew the exact location of the Guild. Once more, Yugi looked to Lysander and then back the the last remaining wizards.

    The villagers that were knocked out seem to be waking up by the moment. They would know more than this wizard---but still. Yugi wasn't exactly a fan of killing fellow wizards for no reason.

    "It's up to this one." Yugi said pointing a thumb to his right at Lysander.


    HP: 100%
    MP: 85%

    Last edited by Yugi-Sempai on 18th June 2015, 7:09 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Guest 18th June 2015, 2:52 pm

    The opposition had been dispatched and before long the villagers were beginning to stir once more, although considerably more aware of themselves than they were a few moments before - and in considerably more pain too for that matter. Lysander paid no heed to their groans however and instead turned his attention to the man now cowering before Yugi like some kind of an animal. Given the situation he was in, he was basically a pig to the slaughter. What was worse, Sparrow had left the fate of this man in the hands of the Savage Skull mage.

    "Well you have two options my 'friend'. One; Tell us everything you know and take us directly to where you were to meet our mark. Or option number two; I will personally drag all the information out of you in the most painful means imaginable and my friend here will ensure that, once I'm done, there is no corpse left to return to your family." The Crawford replied bluntly, his arms crossing over his chest as he looked completely relaxed, yet authoritative. He looked completely in control and he liked every second of it. After a few seconds he tilted his head ever so slightly to the right. "Tick tock. If you don't make the decision quickly then I will, and I'm sure you won't like my choice."

    By now the villagers were almost fully functioning, albeit a little dizzy. To say there weren't pleased with the man now at the dark mages' wrath was an understatement; if Yugi or Lysander didn't deal with him soon then they would probably remove him from the village and leave him out in the wild. Even the Peace Village's outlands weren't friendly places.

    Crescent Moon - 2 posts
    Black Winds of the Reaper - 4 posts
    Insatiable Hunger - 3 posts

    HP: 100%
    MP: 75%

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 190
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 18th June 2015, 7:46 pm

    "All right....OK. Just follow me." the lightning wizard said as he stood up and inhaled, exhaling with relief. Yugi would follow with Lysander as the mob of angry villagers looked on suspicious as if they were about to send ravens to the Rune Knights themselves.

    Eventually they came to a restaurant that looked like it specialized in barbeque. The smell almost distracted Yugi.

    "He's supposed to meet me here there aren't many of us left thanks to you guys but there should be another group meeting him here. This guy isn't a pushover...he's an S-Class wizard from Sabertooth, and as you know he's good at working an Illusion or two."

    "Yeah...he is good." Yugi would peer oddly at the man as he seemed to flicker oddly as if he was part of a video. Yugi would then raise an eyebrow at the guy before extending a hand and attempting to set him on fire. As his clothes began to burn with the Ignite ability, he flickered out completely and vanished leaving Yugi and Lysander alone on the street as Yugi fumed and seethed a bit. "Tsk damn. None of them survived back there, that guy was an illusion from the start that's why he had horrible aim with that Lightning....no Lightning wizard would suck that bad at aiming."

    Realizing that the guy had created an illusion of a random Lightning wizard and sent the Illusion to act as if he'd just been beaten by them, Yugi realized this guy was clever after all. Having infiltrated two Guilds. But he was getting sloppy, and worried about escaping.


    "Damn....he must be as strong as I am or more to have seen through that Illusion..." Loki said only a few blocks away, having been able to see through his Illusion. "It seems we may need to evacuate ahead of time...I need to get back to Sabertooth."

    "Don't worry, Crocus isn't far from here. You'll be back at the Guild in no time. It didn't take us long to get here after all." flanking Loki was a huge crowd of guildless wizards and 5 Sabertooth Wizards who were desperate to keep him and the information in his mind safe.

    Nodding to his guildmates, Loki would turn around and smile.

    "You Guildless wizards will get the info you want if you help my Guild get me outta this city alive." he stated plainly as the rest of them expected this and merely nodded. The huge crowd of Guildless wizards didn't even wait. All of them were at least A-Class and began moving towards Yugi and Lysander by different means---some turned into water, others shadow melded, others teleported and began appearing around them.

    As this was happening, the 5 Sabertooth Wizards took their time and walked calmly with Loki, trying their best to make their way towards one of the two exits on either side of Peace Village. Due to it's size though, this would take at least twenty minutes. And if they flew out by Magic or other means they would be seen. Talking amonst one another as all in all 30 Guildless wizards appeared by different means surrounding the two.


    Looking around, Yugi didn't even move as they began appearing bit by bit, standing on rooftops some emerging from shadows. Until Lysander and Yugi were surrounded both from above and below.

    "I can sense the Magic Power...the same kind as that Illusion was made of...it's not here. But it's source, our target is close." Yugi said as a sideways shot of him and Lysander was shown. "These guys are probably just a distraction while he tries to slip out of town. These guys aren't all pushovers...this could get messy. Hope you're ready." some of these guys had magic powers that felt stronger than Lysander's, but Yugi felt like he could handle himself against any opponent. That much he would find out shortly. He just hoped that Lysander was ready to battle against wizards actually on his level or stronger. Outnumbered by the dozens.

    He had a feeling that if Lysander could hit them all at least once, he would be able to severely screw them over since his magic seemed to attach itself to people.


    HP: 100%
    MP: 95% (5 Posts Natural Regen)

    Guildless Wizards x30

    Sabertooth Wizards x5

    Last edited by Yugi-Sempai on 18th June 2015, 8:07 pm; edited 8 times in total



    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

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    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) Empty Re: Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi)

    Post by NPC 18th June 2015, 7:46 pm

    The member 'Yugi-Sempai' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) NormalMonster Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) StrongMonster Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) NormalMonster Stop the Traitor (Lysander and Yugi) NormalMonster

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:13 pm