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    Asgeirr Frostwardt


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Light of Luna
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Force of the North
    Second Skill: N/a
    Third Skill:

    Asgeirr Frostwardt Empty Asgeirr Frostwardt

    Post by NorthSentinel 20th June 2015, 5:25 am

    Name: Asgeirr Frostwardt
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Birthday: Sept. 19th
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics:
    He possess several Nordic-style tattoos covering his back, shoulders, forearms and half his face. The tattoo on his back resembles a complex magic circles inscribed with ancient Nordic runes. On his right forearm resides the picture of a snake wrapping around a great Warhammer (Mjolnir) and on his left one can see a great mass of swords all wrapped by a chain that wraps around his arm. The two tattoos on his shoulders are the sigils of his house: A dragon’s skull on the right and an intricately carved shield on the left. The tattoo on his face covers his entire left side, though it possesses no static form. Instead it is rows of Nordic runes that change – letter for letter – every half-second.

    The unforgiving cold of the north have a tendency to leave a permanent impression on all who enter. Even more so to those who live in the barren white wasteland of storms. The nation was small – a city state in fact – but was ruled with pride by its King, Arin Frostwardt, and his son the prince, Asgeirr. Most people misjudge Asgeirr’s personality when they hear the story of his origin – most at first believe he is a young snobbish boy of noble birth….yet they could not be further from the truth. Though he may look the part the prince behaves as all his countrymen – an equal. The titles of “king” and “prince” were political formalities and thus he were never treated as such nor was he raise to believe in those labels. All men of the north are equal, some have simply earned more respect than others. And that is exactly the way Asgeirr thinks. His name carries great honor and he is proud to be a Northman, to be art of a people that have endured many wars and never lost. A people that held strong until they met their ends and turned the wastelands of white into the source of their political, economic and military power. And it is this pride that binds Asgeirr’s mannerisms to those of his tradition.
    He is a Northman and he behaves as such. Northman are known to be fearsome, intimidating, yet respectful and bound by honor. The north has shaped him into a man that shows no weakness or self-doubt; a man that walked with such pride in his chest that one could feel it miles away. He is the very definition of confidence in all that he does and says, inspiring his allies and striking fear into his enemies. Asgeirr is relentless in his endeavors and will show no mercy to those who incur his wrath – a deed not very hard to accomplish as all Northman have a VERY short temper and a love for battles and brawls. But to this harsh, cold exterior resembling his homeland there is a soft, comforting side to him. His honor binds him to always keep his word and to never tell lies unless it is of utmost importance. Though he does not make promises he believes he cannot keep. But that is not what most find comfort in with him. It is his kindness – though limited to those he respects – that makes him so likable. Admitted his deep and thundering voice makes every word seem threatening, but Asgeirr is truly the friendliest person you could meet. Yes he is stern, hardy, merciless and ruthless at times, but that is what makes him who he is. This mixture of a gentle and generous soul and that of hardened survivalist is what defines him even amongst his own people. However, the most remarkable thing about him is his unwavering loyalty. Though it is difficult to earn his full trust and unwavering respect, once you do his loyalty is forever yours (unless you stab him in the back of course…).
    The only greater issue one might have with Asgeirr (or any Northman in fact) is that by ancient tradition his people still practice slavery – owning a slave is as common as owning a dog. Of course there are rule regarding slave, the most important of which is that no innocent/civilians may be enslaved. Thus slaves are usually soldiers of other nations, criminals, war prisoners or simply those who crossed a Northman in some way.

    When battling he is quite straightforward. Northman charge into battle head first with determination and will matched by few. It is exceedingly difficult to keep him down and the longer the battle progresses the harder it becomes. Pain is a Northman’s ally. It lights the flame of battle within him and keeps it burning ever brighter. But do not mistake his first charge as his style of combat. It is true that Asgeirr charges first into battle like any Northman, but he fights with the cunning of a fox. Every blow, every swing and every step is executed with both extreme caution and unrelenting ferocity. His naturally high stamina allows him to fight on for days on-end and to chain one attack after another, forcing his foes to stagger back. But this never ending assault plays only a secondary role in combat. The true reason why the North has never been taken is the following: the Shield of Midgard. It is a law of combat (literally) set in stone by his people. It dictates to protect your comrades above all else. Before on even thinks of advancing one must secure that which one cherishes. And so Asgeirr will rush to the aid of anyone in need and even use himself as a shield if needed – self-sacrifice is as common a word as “the” or “a” in a Northman’s vocabulary. The final rule of combat of the Northman is to never fight an unarmed man. They believe a man should die fighting with honor…but if you grovel for your life then you have lost all respect and your death will be neither quick nor merciful.
    Although born into a “leadership position” Asgeirr is more than willing to follow as well. In the North experience trumps all and those fit to lead are usually the ones with the most scars on their bodies. Thusly if anyone is evidently more experienced than him Asgeirr will gladly concede all command to the aforementioned person. If there is however no discernable gap in experience Asgeirr will take the position of a leader and command as though he was a commanding officer in the Northern army.


    • Cold: The cold is what defines both the north and its people. In fact, without regularly being exposed to cold temperatures Northman tend to either become agitated or severely depressed…just hope it is the latter.

    • Combat/Brawls: Like all Northman Asgeirr is quite hot blooded. Battle is in their blood and a day without even a minor brawl is a day wasted.

    • Ale and Roast: Nothing spells “man” like a night of drinking Northern ale and wolfing down a nice hot roast or two. Ale is a subject Asgeirrr takes very seriously and serving him bad ale is almost like insulting his heritage.

    • Smithing: Born and raised in the nation famous for its steel, Asgeirr was taught the ways of the forge since he was six. As time passed the young man came to love the act instead of loathing it as a chore. If you ever need something made, simply approach and ask – if you haven’t pissed him off he will probably be right on it.

    • The North: As said before, Northman are proud of their nation and people…often they don’t stop bragging about either…seriously…if he starts talking about the North RUN. If yu stay you could be in for a six hour lecture about the Norths history.


    • Hot Weather: For someone who grew up in a land that barely sees sunlight every four years, temperatures even slightly above 5 degrees centigrade make him feel extremely uncomfortable…and an uncomfortable Northman isn’t a pleasant Northman.

    • Dishonor/Disrespect: Asgeirr is probably one of the most prideful and honorable people there are, even amongst the Northman. As such he deeply despises those who lack honor…and would probably end up breaking every bone in their body before using their skulls as cups.

    • Fire Mage/Magic: Ice and fire are natural enemies. Not to mention that one of the North’s greatest enemies is a city state founded on fire magic…Asgeirr does not take kindly to such people.


    • Exploration of Magic: For most of the time the Northmen never used magic. They use to simply be warriors equipped with high grade steel weaponry. It was only four centuries ago that they started exploring the depths of magic. As a result many Northman have become quite fascinated with it, including Asgeirr. This infatuation with the subject also lead to the north’s rapid development in that field. However the thing that drives Asgeirr most to explore the depths of foreign magic is that North magic operates on fundamentally different principles (for example North magic does not utilize magic circles to cast a spell). So to expand his knowledge the prince decided to go to the focal point of all magic development.

    • Expanding Alliances: All that Asgeirr does is for his people…and he knows that no matter how long a nation stands undefeated there will eventually be foe stronger than themselves. And for when that time comes he seeks to form bonds with other nations through a common interest: magic. As a small nation they have little political power and so to demonstrate their true strength he has decided to enter the realm of mages and show them the power of the north. A task that may take years, even decades, but none the less he is determined to succeed. And an alliance with a nation hailed for being most advanced in it magic development is greatly beneficial. But first he will win over the Fiore’s mages before taking a political approach – after all, what is a country without its people?

    • The Great Hunt: One of the many northern traditions is known as the Great Hunt; an event that lasts a lifetime. Northman strive to find bigger, stronger and more fearsome prey as they themselves become stronger. It is not a matter of honor, but rather as a way to test their own strength. The pray can be either a feral beast or even another person…what’s important is to come out victorious and to hold a trophy as proof of ones own accomplishment.


    • The Fall of his Nation: As Patriotic as Northman are, fearing their home’s destruction is only natural. Most never even leave the city except to work in the mines and so having it destroyed is like crushing their entire world. And Asgeirr fears what might happen to his people if this eventuality would come to be.

    • Loss of Magic: Asgeirr has devoted most of his life to studying magic. His love for it knows no bounds. And thus if he were to lose all his magic abilities he would lose a part of himself…and his greatest strength. A horror to all Northman.

    • Forging lesser equipment: One of the greatest prides of Asgeirr is his ability in the forge. Never has he produced low-quality weapons, armors trinkets or even cutlery. Everything is up to northern standards. Creating lesser equipment would bring great shame to both himself and his people. Though he is confident in his abilities as a smith, there is always that lingering fear that something might be amiss.

    • Public Restrooms: There isn’t a real story behind it. It just makes him very uncomfortable to do his business in a place where people converge to relieve themselves. Ironically he has no problem going in the wild.

    General Appearance

    Height: 1.96 m
    Weight: 96 kg
    Hair: Black, shoulder length, messy
    Eyes: left eye deep sky blue and right eye a scarlet red
    Skin Tone: pale
    Asgeirr is not simply tall, but also possesses a quite intimidating build. Broad shoulders and heavily muscular – the ideological picture of a man. His hands are so massive that they could encompass an adult’s skull. When he walks into a room one can feel the sheer force of his presence. Severe scars line his body from harsh training in the north, ranging from claw marks to stab wounds. He also has a stubble…a rather sad attempt at a beard that simply will not grow.
    Normally – when not on a mission - Asgeirr wears a mask that covers the lower part of his face as well as a hooded robe, both in the colors of his nations flag (white and sky blue) and lined with norther runic letters. His alternate form of attire is a Norse-Steel armor, decorated with part of clothe the same color as his robes with his family crests forged into the steel. He leaves the helmet however as he finds it uncomfortable.


    Guild: Rune Knights, Combat Corps
    Tattoo: White, on his right palm
    Rank: D

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
    Position : None
    Posts : 2984
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Toxic Scourge
    Second Skill:
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    Asgeirr Frostwardt Empty Re: Asgeirr Frostwardt

    Post by Felicity 20th June 2015, 6:13 am

    Great work on this app, sire.

    Asgeirr Frostwardt WlO0tqa


    Asgeirr Frostwardt ObrztW

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