Fairy Tail RP

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    Levi Katateros


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Oblivion's Might
    Position : None
    Posts : 4
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Completed Levi Katateros

    Post by ajdeathman 8th June 2015, 7:40 pm

    Name: Levi Katateros
    Gender: Male
    Age: 15
    Birthday: 07/14
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: N/A

    Personality: Levi like's to wake up early and greet everyone. Levi is very ambitious and competitive he wants to be the best and is ready to fight to do so. Levi is smart and thinks outside the box in rough situations. Levi is out going and loves to explore new places and find new things. Levi enjoys fights because he learns from his mistakes. Levi also enjoys fighting because not only does he learn but the person he is fighting learns as well. Levi likes to stay calm in the midst of battle because he tends to go berserker when provoked. At the guild hall Levi is as calm as ever. When Levi has free time he is usually walking around doing nothing or at the park talking with friends. When Levi is at home he is either being lazy or doing something productive like cleaning or working on something to make it better. Levi's life is tough because his parents passed away when he was 5. Levi has always had to work a little harder because he has no parents. Levi likes going on jobs because it's always a new adventure waiting to happen. Levi is always in the mood to make new friends. When he makes a new friend he is happy and enjoys spending time with him. Levi will always protect his friends no matter what happens. Levi hopes to be one of the most known wizards in all of the world. Levi will work and train hard to obtain this goal of his.

    During a battle Levi is on his feet. Levi is always thinking about his friends. When he is fighting he puts their needs before his to protect them. Levi is always thinking strategically when he is fighting. He is always one step ahead of his enemy. Levi is always thinking of ways he can win a fight without getting him or his friends hurt. Levi is always pushing himself as hard as he can. He never gives up no matter the opponent. He never stops fighting even when he knows he has lost. If Levi or his friends were wounded he might panic. Levi would try to save them as fast as i could but i would also worry about them. If Levi or his friends were put in a position in which we were gonna die he would accept his fate but would also try to live as long as he could or get his friends to safety. Levi would be a great leader, he would protect and make sure nobody got hurt under his protection. If he was leading people would feel safe around him and not worry as much as they usually would if they weren't around a leader. Levi would make sure to obey and listen to all commands that were given to him. He would defy a direct order to protect his friends. If he disagreed with his leader he would tell him about it. If the leader still acted the way he would treat him with little respect at all.

    Likes: •Levi likes fighting because he can learn things and get stronger.

    •Levi likes going on adventures because he can do new things and meet new people.

    •Levi likes being around his friends because they always help him.

    Dislikes:  •Levi dislikes rude people because they put people down

    •Levi dislikes spiders because they have eight eyes

    •Levi dislikes cleaning because he's lazy

    Motivations:   •Levi's friends motivate him because they push him to be better

    •Levi is motivated by high level wizards because he looks up to them and wants to be like them one day

    •Levi is self motivated to become a strong wizzard

    Fears:  •Levi fears his friends getting harmed because he doesn't want to see them get hurt

    •Levi fears being alone because there has always been someone there for him

    •Levi fears growing old because he will get weak and not be able to do anything

    General Appearance

    Height: 5 feet 7 inches
    Weight: 134 lbs
    Hair: Blonde,shaggy
    Eyes: blue
    Skin Tone: apricot
    Appearance: Levi wears black pants with a green shirt under a white jacket with white addidas''


    Guild: guildless
    Tattoo: Black on the right forearm
    Rank: D rank

    Last edited by ajdeathman on 12th June 2015, 1:06 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Completed Re: Levi Katateros

    Post by Guest 9th June 2015, 5:51 pm

    Levi Katateros CBsTu5w

    Completed Re: Levi Katateros

    Post by Guest 9th June 2015, 7:24 pm

    Unlocked for edits.

    Completed Re: Levi Katateros

    Post by Guest 12th June 2015, 2:30 pm

    Levi Katateros CBsTu5w

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 4:11 pm