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    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo)


    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Guild : Guidless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Empty Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo)

    Post by Raiden 4th May 2015, 5:15 pm

    The night was still young in the town of Magnolia as the crescent moon sat high in the sky. The evening air was refreshing and the scenery dimly lighting the main streets and byways of the town. There were still people roaming the streets, conversing, making there way to there destinations or simply taking a stroll on such a night. Nevertheless one a stranger roaming there midst and none were the wiser nor cared for his intentions or his presence for that matter. The rather handsome man waked down a small street leading towards his destination. The tails of his long coat trailing as his lightly and neatly comb'd back his white hair with only a few strands being uncooperative.

    With a rather impassive expression and casual walk the white hair gentleman continued his advance down the rather quiet street, glancing at each number until he found the one that he wanted. Once in front of the home he made his way up the few stair to the porch and proceeded to knock on the door. Taking a single step down the stairs the white haired gentlemen waited a moment, being sure to fix any slight flaws in his appearance while doing. As the door opened his impassive expression swiftly changed to a more...approachable demeanor.

    At the door he was met by a man to which he greeted."How do you do sir, I'am Raiden Strihart of the Black Rose." Extending his hand as he spoke. The man in the doorway would smile excitedly and allow Raiden to enter as he spoke"I'm Greg the husband and my wife-" the man words would quickly be dismissed by the sound of his wife's voice as she made her way out of the living room."Katy, a pleasure." He eyes seem to scan Raiden quickly from toe to head as she smiled while also shaking his hand.


    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Ece1f888-d4bb-4ace-acd8-db29b8e0a30c_zpse77922b1

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Guild : Guidless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Empty Re: Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo)

    Post by Raiden 4th May 2015, 5:30 pm

    The husband would pay no mind to his wife's rather...friend disposition at the moment and begins to lead Raiden into the living room. Walking threw Raiden spotted a little boy in front of the fire place entertaining himself with a few toys. The child had to be no older the 4 but from the description in the noticed that was given they said the child was dangerous, inhumane even. Such a thing could be because of bad parenting..or maybe the child was simply acting this way to put Raiden in a false sense of security. It was rather funny.

    Before Raiden knew however the two parent had gathered there things and began to make there way towards the door. The husband would spout somethings as they made there way towards the door." We already fed little Donovan so all you have to do is surv-...I mean watch him until he is ready for bed." The wife would simply blow her son a kiss before following her husband out the door."Good luck" Raiden would simply watch them walk out, go to the door and lock it and return to the living room.

    Once he made his way in the living room he would find the the child had..disappeared. This was Raiden first mission and already it was off to a bad start.


    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Ece1f888-d4bb-4ace-acd8-db29b8e0a30c_zpse77922b1

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Guild : Guidless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
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    Third Skill:

    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Empty Re: Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo)

    Post by Raiden 4th May 2015, 6:41 pm

    Raiden eyes began to shift from one place to the other, gauging where the child could have gone. This could be a game or hide and seek or this could be a game of Raiden walking into a trap set by the so called demon child. Raiden began to walk slowly threw the dinning room, listening, waiting for someone or something to happen. This was a little funny for Raiden because he was taking a defensive stance due to a child.

    Slowly Raiden began to make his way towards the kitchen doorway, being sure to be on his guard as he did. Looking towards the cabinets Raiden could see nothing out of order but then a small creek came from his far left side. He swiftly turned his head to see the little boy standing on the kitchen island with a large kitchen knife cocked back in his right hand. Raiden looked at the boy to whom had a smirk on his face while looking back at Raiden. "Young one...I would suggest you put the knife down...before someone gets hurt."

    The boys smirk turned into a full face grin due to Raiden words"You wont hurt me snowball head,or else you gets no monies is what my mommy said."Raiden raised an eyebrow to the little guys response, he was smart for a brat but not that smart for he has tested the wrong babysitter. Raiden face went from cautious to full on impassive as his voice became very calm and his demeanor sure."There are lots of ways to hurt you without anyone knowing kid, believe me."


    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Ece1f888-d4bb-4ace-acd8-db29b8e0a30c_zpse77922b1

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Guild : Guidless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Empty Re: Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo)

    Post by Raiden 4th May 2015, 6:57 pm

    Little Donovan's face was one of sheer delight as Raiden spoke his words. It was strange, the kid was not in the least afraid but that was fine by Raiden. Children usually had no concept of fear until something overwhelming or traumatizing hit them for the first time and to Raiden this child was surely in need of something like that. However he was not the boy's part and nor was he being paid enough to play psychologist to him either. Right now the only thing that is needed was to get the knife from him.

    The body quick brought up his left hand to about chest level and slowly began to bring the knife from its cocked back position. He was up to something and Raiden did not feel like waiting for now it would take too much time for the kid to throw the knife at him. Using his enhanced speed and lightning reflex that out weighed the boys he dashed towards him. Donovan had little to no time to react before Raiden was upon him, grasping the wrist of the right hand that held the knife with left hand.

    Grabbing the Donovan by the neck with his right hand, being sure to not bruise him Raiden pried the knife from out of the tiny hand that help it. Once the boy realized what had just happened he began to squirm, reaching for Raiden hand that was around his neck."What till my mommy and daddy get home-" Raiden turned the boy around so that he could see the back of his neck."Your gonna be-."That was the last words from the boys as Raiden used one of boys pressure points to knock him unconscious.


    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Ece1f888-d4bb-4ace-acd8-db29b8e0a30c_zpse77922b1

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 105
    Guild : Guidless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lightning Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Empty Re: Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo)

    Post by Raiden 4th May 2015, 7:15 pm

    Once Raiden applied pressure to Donovan's pressure point in between the shoulder blade and neck he suddenly went limp and unconscious. Raiden then picked the boy up gentle with both hands, cradling him in his arms. He gave the boy a once over, being sure there were no bruises from him or cuts from the knife. Being sure of himself Raiden began to make his way towards the stairs leading to the upper level of the home and proceeded up them to look for the boys room.

    He checked two rooms before finding the little runts room. He took off the boys shoes and shirt before placing him in bed and tucking him in. Now that he was sleep Raiden could see the boy for what he really was, a child...who needed a good whooping but nevertheless a child all the same. With everything settle he made his way out of the room, giving once last glance in the sleeping child's direction before completely closing the door and making his way down the stairs.

    Making his way back into the living room Raiden took a set by the fire with a view of the staircase. The kid should be knock out till the morning but Raiden rather not take any chance of the angry boys revenge. After contemplating and wait for a few hours he heard the front door unlock and with it came the ever loving parents of the demonic child. They quietly slipped off there things and made there way towards the living room."If your wondering he is sleeping soundly so I wouldn't wake him."

    Raidens impassive expression changed back to his more approachable demeanor once the parts came into very. They're faces were rather surprised that Raiden was not running out the door but more so that they're child was sleeping."Are you sure he is sleeping, not dead right?" Katy's tone was a bit nervous but Raiden assured her that everything was well in hand." We had play time to which seemed to tire the boy out."

    Raiden began to make his way towards the door with the husband tossing him his payment at the same time. "Be sure to show him as much love as his heart can take...farewell." With that Raiden would take his leave out the door. His words has more then one meaning, that child may become a great evil in the world unless his parent do something. But then again that also was not Raidens problem.


    Take Care Of My Baby(Mission/Solo) Ece1f888-d4bb-4ace-acd8-db29b8e0a30c_zpse77922b1

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 2:06 am