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    Too Earthland...and Beyond! [Solo/Job]


    Wicked Witch of the West

    Moderator- Ten Wizard Saint Member- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
    Posts : 1274
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Ilyria the Fallen One
    Experience : 45400

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Geass Magic
    Second Skill: Nox Aeterna
    Third Skill:

    Too Earthland...and Beyond! [Solo/Job] Empty Too Earthland...and Beyond! [Solo/Job]

    Post by Alleria 22nd March 2015, 10:58 pm

    News of the foreign policy that allowed people to travel to distant lands which were normally strict in letting people in reached far and wide. As a result hordes of people wanting to take this chance to find work abroad started flowing into the designated areas, one of which was the Rose Garden. The regular tourist destination was now swamped by regular folk and wizards all wanting to avail of this one time offer. The line was long and people still keep piling up and no matter how vast the garden was, it was still being cramped packed with people. Thankfully there were five tellers assisting the mass of people so the wait wasn't really a problem. If you have have the knack for waiting, unfortunately for Alleria this was one of her weak points, so a non violent mission might might end up in a big pile of mess.

    "I hate waiting in line, lines are for sissies." mumbled Alleria. "Nyah! Master you know you cant stir trouble, it will get you in trouble nyah!" replied the furry cat that resembled a fortune cat. "Tsk, I know. There are other mages here and in my current state I may not be able to fend them off if they see trough my disguise." puffed out the annoyed dark mage. "Cough up some canned soda, I'm getting thirsty." The cat-like creature began to heave and cough until finally it was able to throw up two cans of soda. She stared at the can drenched in cat saliva and said "That'll do cat, that'll do. But wipe it off first before you hand it to me." The cat complied and said "Do you need something more? Maybe a straw?" She scowled at the cat and said "No, feel free to climb up a tree ot chase mice or whatever it is you normally do. " Ecstatic the nekoshiki wagged its tail and began frolicking around the rose buses where faint squeaks of dying mice can be heard. "At least he is having fun."

    The line moved at a regular pace. It was quite fast actually and people were getting served as quickly as they come. But to Alleria it was still slow and she was getting quite bored. "Time to work my charm." She reached out her arm to the man before her and said "Hey mister the guy behind me said your fat and smelly." then the moved closer so she can whisper into his ears "You should hit him in the face." The man felt woozy and dazed then got mad and started talking in a harsh tone to the man behind Alleria. "What did you call me?" The man who knew nothing was surprised by the man's aggressiveness  and said "I didn't say anything." Alleria talked to the man behind her in a hushed voice and said "That man is accusing you of something you didn't do, are you just gonna stand for that?" The man got outraged "Hell no!" and immediately swung his fist towards the other man. A brawl broke out and one by one Alleria whispered into the ears of the people on the line. Soon almost all of them are locked in fist fight, the rune knights everywhere were busy maintaining the peace. Meanwhile the sly villainess snaked her way closer and closer to the front of the line...until it was her turn. "My could you believe those guys? Fighting when they could just have  silently waited, what has society turned into." she spoke acting like she had nothing to do with it. The teller just nodded while processing her papers. "I know, what a sad world we live in...there you go maam, hope you have a nice day." With a mischievous smile she said "Thanks and indeed it was a nice day."


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