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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]


    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Cursed Seal
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    Mentor : Izunagi Blackwing(Dead)
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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by Nightken 25th February 2015, 4:25 pm

    Nightken told Conrad to arrive at the Raging Volcano for his next exam. Once Conrad arrived to the to the base of the volcano he started to explain what he'll be having to do. "This exam is pretty straight forward all you have to do is stop this small volcano from exploding." He said pointing to the volcano behind him. The volcano was bellowing a large cloud of smoke and was beginning to rumble a bit as vents of smoke and steam were coming out of the sides. "From here you're on your own so be careful." Nightken said before letting Conrad go to his exam.

    OOC: word count of 300+, no post limit, I'll be covering the monsters you encounter.


    Last edited by Nightken on 9th March 2015, 5:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 5Wr4WuE

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    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 2nd March 2015, 8:05 pm

    The Volcano :

    Conrad looked up from the base of the volcano, which stood around three thousand meters high . Smoke slowly leaked from the peak, confirming that it was indeed active. The volcano leaked small streams of lava from vents throughout it.

    Conrad looked at Nightken and sighed " So how am i supposed to do this. "

    " Now that's up to you, good luck. " Nightken said then ascended into the air.

    " i'll be watching from up here. " Nightken yelled from above him.

    Conrad removed his backpack and set it on the ground. He looked through it to determine if there was anything that might help him. He took somethings from his pack and tied it to his belt and filled his belt pouches. He grabbed his vest and strapped it on, his skin changed to metal as he finished.

    " This is good time to try out my new vest. " Conrad thought.

    He slid his sword into his back sheath and attached some modulus to his vest. A couple of vest pouches, a knife, and a hook for carrying rope. Grabbing his equipment, he left his backpack at the base but he kept any useful items with him.

    "Better take a closer look. " He thought looking up at the volcano's peak.

    Conrad walked closer to the volcano, surveying the area he found a small patch that lead upward.

    " This looks like a way up. " Conrad thought.

    His metal skin made it easy to climb rough surfaces. The trail reached around the entire mountain, gradually going up as he walked. He had a long way to go before he reached the top. He walked slow to conserve his energy, small puffs of smoke leaked from the volcano.

    " I hope this thing doesn't blow by the time i get up there. " He thought as he continued to walk.
    OOC: 301 words.
    Item Passives: Metal Skin, Metal Regeneration.


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 8th April 2015, 5:01 am

    Conrad gripped another rock, climbing higher up the volcano. Gas pockets burst from the volcano's sides, releasing high pressured vents of super heated gas. A vent burst from beneath Conrad blasting him down the mountain side. He stood up and servery'd his surroundings, only to realize to be back at the beginning. Conrad looked up at the daunting challenge before him. Nightken shouted words of encouragement from above. Conrad sprang back to his feet, ready to start again. Putting one foot in front of the other, he began climbing once again. The volcano spewed a devastating cloud of smoke, covering the sky. The smoke blanketed the sky, covering them in darkness. Conrad cracked his neck as he climbed back up. Gas vents and streams of lava blocked him from climbing further. Shifting shadows plagued him, darting outside his field of vision. Taking more extreme routes he started his climb toward the top. His metal skin assisted him with pockets of gas and lava. His boots melted from his feet, his clothes burned to rags.

    " I didn't think it would be this hard." Conrad thought to himself.

    Conrad reached the spot he was at before, only about one quarter up. Dodging more gas vents and lava flows, he continued to climb. The volcano was hard enough of a challenge without all the hazards. The heat was unbearable, even for Conrad and his ability to withstand hot areas.

    " Even the most hardened solider wouldn't be caught dead in this situation." Conrad thought dodging another vent.

    " Screw you volcano, i will be your down fall. " Screamed Conrad as another vent burned off the remains off his hair.

    Conrad kept climbing even after everything he went through. The path widened underneath a overhang of rock, giving him a small window. Resting was his only concern.
    OOC: 301 words.
    Item Passives: Metal Skin, Metal Regeneration.


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Izunagi Blackwing(Dead)
    Experience : 13,894

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by Nightken 9th April 2015, 5:17 pm



    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 5Wr4WuE

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by NPC 9th April 2015, 5:17 pm

    The member 'Nightken' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] NormalMonster Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] WeakMonster

    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 21st April 2015, 6:23 pm

    Conrad rested, catching his breath. The overhang protected him from the volcano's vicious assault. He looked down at the scattered remains of his clothes. The only thing still intact was his vest and the shredded remnants of his pants. Conrad exhaled a sigh and readied himself. Conrad's moment of peace was rapidly interrupted by strange sounds. Small lizards scaled down the walls as men made of magma cut off his exits. A single magman for each exit and surrounded by five small lizards. Conrad scoffed at the lizards as he kicked one into the wall. The lizard splattered against the surface, letting out a large yell he scattered the remaining reptiles. The two magmen began to their approach toward him. As they walked closer the area began to heat up causing Conrad great discomfort.

    "It was hot enough with out you guys." Conrad said as he pulled his sword from his back.

    He sprang from his position toward the one blocking his path upward. Swinging Dyrnwyn down Conrad split his enemy mostly in twain. The construct seemed unfazed by his attack and kept walking toward him. He quickly unleashed another strike, taking out one of its legs and leapt over it as it fell to the ground. Conrad turned back to observe as they continued to advance toward him. Lifting his off hand Conrad unleashed his Cone of Cold upon them, super cooling their bodies. Conrad observed from the crippled one a small ruby like sphere in its chest where he split it in half. Conrad walked over to the incapacitated foe and smashed it's weakened crystal with the pommel of his sword. The ruby colored crystal shattered and so did its body. He repeated the process to the other magman after slicing bits off until he found it. It's core was found in its arm instead of the chest like its comrades.

    "So looks like i have to destroy its core to kill it." Conrad thought to himself.
    OOC: 329 words.
    Spell Used: Cone of Cold
    MP Used: 10%
    MP Remaining: 90%
    CoC Cooldown: 1/6
    HP Loss: 10%
    HP Remaining: 130%


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 22nd April 2015, 5:58 pm

    Conrad sheathed Dyrnwyn and continued his journey. The sun illuminated the sky at it's highest point. Conrad shielded his eyes as he stepped higher along the path. Conrad's steps waned in the blistering heat, he needed to find some protection from the sun. Conrad found himself staring at a cave entrance, the trail lead inside. With no other alternative he decided to continue.

    " At least there's shade. " Conrad thought as began his spelunking.

    He soon realized the mistake of walking into the belly of the beast. Magma flowed underneath him, giving off a terrible heat. Conrad turned around to leave, when suddenly the earth shook collapsing the entrance. Conrad rubbed his eyes in frustration. His skin tarnished from the heat and ash. He became increasingly more annoyed with his surroundings. His new path was treacherous but he had no other choice. Conrad unsheathed Dyrnwyn once again in case of a ambush. The volcano was more dangerous then he realized when began Nightken's exam. The magma flow covered the walkways at certain moments, making it hard to stand in one place for to long. Conrad maintained his resolve from the blistering heat, his metal skin cracked and warped from it. Conrad grabbed his waterskin from his tattered belt, opening it up unleashed a torrent of steam.

    " Looks like it evaporated from the heat. " Conrad thought emptying the remaining contents over himself.

    The water was still hot but cooler then his surroundings. Steam rushed off him as the water evaporated off his metal skin. Each step forward brought more challenges. Conrad spent his time dodging magma, until he reached a large platform. Nothing seemed to be unordinary about it. The rushing of magma made it hard to listen for enemies. A malicious feeling befell him as he reached the center. Conrad took up a defensive stance and readied himself for combat.
    OOC: 309 words.
    Spell Used: -
    MP Used: -
    MP Remaining: 90%
    CoC Cooldown: 2/6
    HP Loss: -
    HP Remaining: 130%


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Izunagi Blackwing(Dead)
    Experience : 13,894

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by Nightken 22nd April 2015, 6:51 pm



    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 5Wr4WuE

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by NPC 22nd April 2015, 6:51 pm

    The member 'Nightken' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] StrongMonster Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] NormalMonster Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] StrongMonster

    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 17th May 2015, 12:39 pm

    Conrad gripped his hilt tight, magma bubbled around him. From beneath the magma erupted a pair of magmen riding tigers made of magma. Conrad was ready to counterattack any enemy that charged at him. The two pounced in tandem toward him. He quickly dodged swinging his sword and severing the head of the magma tiger as well as one of the magmen's arm. The tiger landed with no problem, it's neck shriveled and turn black. Even without it's head it continued moving. Before they could react Conrad unleashed a flurry of strikes, gashing the wounded tiger to death.

    " i'll just keep cutting until there's nothing left. " Conrad shouted.

    The magman fell from his mount, but before Conrad could unleash another flurry the other tiger pounced striking him across the back. Conrad staggered almost falling off the ledge, as the tiger readied for another attack. The beast rushed toward him with ferocity. Conrad spun in place only to be tackled, plummeting them both off the edge. Conrad quickly grabbed the ledge as the tiger continued to fall. Pulling himself up, Conrad realized a searing pain in his leg. Looking back he only to notice a magman trying to pull him back down. Conrad struggled to pull himself up with the extra weight, swinging his sword he severed the magman's arm. The magman fell but so did Conrad as the stone from the ledge collapsed under the weight. Thinking fast swung his arm and formed a stone wall horizontally beneath him. He braced his legs from the impact, he didn't fall far so the impact wasn't the great. Conrad sighed in relief as he peered over at the large drop beneath him.

    " That was close. " Conrad thought to himself.

    He readied himself and began scaling the wall back up to the platform.
    OOC: 300 words.
    Spell Used: Wall of Stone
    MP Used: 5%
    MP Regen: 10%
    MP Remaining: 95%
    WoS Duration: 1/2
    CoC Cooldown: 3/6
    HP Loss: 30%
    HP Remaining: 100%

    Last edited by GraveDragon on 6th June 2015, 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 30th May 2015, 6:18 pm

    Conrad looked around as he reached the platform. He unsheathed his blade once more, facing down the remnants of his foes. A single magman stood in his path. Conrad jumped with blinding speed, striking the creature with relentless strikes. He finished his opponent fast, quickly carving out it's core. Conrad sheathed Dyrnwyn and calmly continued walking. The platform lead to a old volcanic tube leading further up. It was a easy journey inside the tube, a fresh breeze filled his lungs. Conrad took this time to have a small reprieve from the heat. Beaten down and tired, Conrad spent hours climbing this volcano with little rest. He rested for an hour before smoke had filled the tube. Conrad quickly ran to the end of the tube, blinded by smoke he almost fell off the side of the ledge. Looking down he found himself much higher then he thought. With only a tenth of the mountain left to scale. The smoke continued to billow out, stinging his eyes. Conrad continued on his way, a small path laid ahead of him. His feet barley fit on the ridge, his heart raced as he shimmied across. He continued to shimmy until he found a wider path leading higher.

    " Finally some good luck. " Conrad thought.

    As he ascended up the path, he could hear a rumbling sound as a rock slide began behind. Conrad ran up the slope as the land slide followed behind. He reached the end of the path which lead to the summit of the volcano. Conrad took a quick look down into the crater. Vents riddled the crater releasing smoke into the air. The landslide shook the ground once again sending Conrad falling into the crater. He tumbled into the middle of the crater.

    " Its a good thing there's no lava up here yet. " Conrad said in relief.
    OOC: 308 words.
    MP Used: 0%
    MP Remaining: 95%
    WoS Duration: 2/2
    CoC Cooldown: 4/6
    HP Loss: 10%
    HP Remaining: 90%

    Last edited by GraveDragon on 6th June 2015, 4:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Cursed Seal
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Izunagi Blackwing(Dead)
    Experience : 13,894

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by Nightken 30th May 2015, 6:30 pm

    Once Conrad fell into the crater a large stone-like claw came out of the of the center near him as a large lava dragon pulled itself out of the volcano and let out a massive roar. Looking down the large beast saw who was trespassing in its territory, it quickly swatted at the tired mage before taking to the skies circling the mouth of the volcano preparing to unleash its next attack.

    OOC: Boss battle time


    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 5Wr4WuE

    Missions Complete-
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    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 10th June 2015, 10:44 pm

    Conrad dodged the lava dragon's initial attack with its claw. The dragon crawled from the giant hole. Conrad watched it carefully as it began circling him. Conrad concentrated and began accumulating solar energy into his body, filling his empty stomach and revitalizing his tired body. Conrad continued to observe his opponent as it stopped circling him. It flexed its legs and with a large thrust from its wings leapt toward Conrad. Gripping his sword tight, he rolled underneath striking it across the stomach. The dragon flipped around unfazed by Conrad's attack. Rearing up it began gathering energy into it's mouth. Conrad readied himself to dodge the attack. The dragon took to the sky and began raining down large balls of lava toward him. Conrad immediately sprinted from his position, dodging the volley of lava. Each ball crashed behind him leaving large puddles of lava where they landed. Conrad began to run out of space to retreat as the top of the volcano filled with lava. Conrad jumped to the nearest safe spot on top a jutting rock. The lava slowly drained through the hole the dragon made giving him more room to maneuver. Without warning the dragon dived down on top of Conrad pinning him to the ground. Conrad struggled against the beast, lashing out with his sword. The sword connected with the orb in the dragons chest making it stumble back in pain. Conrad jumped back to his feet and charged the wounded foe slashing it across it's orb again. The dragon screamed in pain trashing around before it flew into the sky again. Flapping it's wings the dragon created a powerful gust that super cooled the remaining lava underneath Conrad's feet leaving him stuck. The dragon once again swooped down toward Conrad who was hopelessly unable to remove his feet.
    OOC: 302
    Spell Used: Solar Energy Absorption
    MP Used: 0%
    MP Regen: 5%
    MP Remaining: 100%
    SEA Duration: 1/3
    WoS Cooldown: 1/4
    CoC Cooldown: 5/6
    HP Loss: 15%
    HP Remaining: 75%


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Omni-Elemental Manipulation
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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 10th June 2015, 11:35 pm

    Conrad struggled against the hardened lava as the dragon rushed from above. Conrad freed his left leg before the collided with him. Conrad raised his sword in time before impact reducing the force and bringing him to his knee. Conrad held with all his might against the dragon. The dragon slyly took a step back, wiping itself around swinging it's tail at Conrad. He braced himself against the mighty tail swipe, but to no avail. The tail impacted him sending him flying out of the hardened lava. Conrad quickly composed himself midair, landing on his feet. Blood leaked from Conrad's mouth from the massive hit.

    " Ugh, I think it cracked a couple ribs. " Conrad thought wincing in pain.

    Conrad concentrated on Dyrnwyn engulfing it in it's white flame. Conrad rushed the dragon, waiting for an opening. The flame enhanced the cutting strength of the blade as he cleaved off it's arm it tried to counter with. No pain could be seen from the dragon as the limb fell to the ground.

    " So it looks like the core in your chest is the only thing that hurts you." Conrad said calmly raising his blade.

    The dragon took to the air once again. Conrad concentrated and yelled "Shiro hi Bakufū." before it got out of his reach, as a blast of white hot flames cleaved through the dragons wing. The dragon came tumbling back down before him. Conrad rushed the crippled dragon once more, slicing of it's other arm. Conrad's hand sparked with energy as he released his lighting bullets at the core. The dragon jumped back to it's feet from the pain, charging Conrad once more. It's mouth began collecting energy again as it charged toward him. Conrad slide underneath as it charged over him, only to be smacked by the tail once more.
    OOC: 303
    Spell Used: White Flame Embodiment. Shiro hi Bakufū. Lightning bullets.
    MP Used: 5%
    MP Regen: 5%
    MP Remaining: 100%
    WFE Duration: 1/3
    SHB Cooldown: 1/2
    LB Cooldown: 1/4
    SEA Duration: 3/3
    WoS Cooldown: 3/4
    HP Loss: 45%
    HP Remaining: 30%


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    The Elemental Armory

    The Elemental Armory

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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by GraveDragon 11th June 2015, 12:12 am

    Blood sprayed from Conrad's mouth as the impact sent him flying into the air. Conrad composed himself in midair as the dragon aimed at him. Conrad concentrated and blasted the dragon's head with his cone of cold. The head iced over restricting it's movements as Conrad fell down cleaving it's head off with a devastating slash. The energy from the head sputtered out but the body remained active.

    " So much punishment and you still wont go down, you're one tough creature." Conrad blurted in fatigue.

    The dragon flailed around unable to discern Conrad's location. Conrad rushed the crippled dragon once more, determined to finish it off.  Conrad swung for it's leg, cleaving it off and bringing it prone. The dragons movements became more dull as he positioned himself over the core, striking it until he cleaved it in two and the dragons movements stopped. Conrad sheathed his blade and leaned over to grab the two halves of the core. Once the core had been removed from it's chest the mountain began to shake. Conrad quickly tried to scale the inside of the volcano to no avail, the incline was to steep. The ground below him began to fall apart but before he could fall Conrad was saved by Nightken. Nightken bolted in with incredible speed and flew off the mountain with Conrad. The two looked upon the volcano as the top collapsed in on itself sealing it.

    " Thanks for the save that was a close one. " Conrad said.

    " You did good work. " Nightken praised as the volcano settled down.

    Conrad released his metal skin form and passed out from exhaustion. Conrad awoke back at the house he shared with Nightken. His wounds were bandaged and he was lying in bed. Nightken walked into his room to find the now awake Conrad who completed his exam.
    OOC: 305
    Spell Used: Cone of Cold.
    MP Used: 10%
    MP Remaining: 90%
    COC Cooldown: 1/6
    WFE Duration: 2/3
    SHB Cooldown: 2/2
    LB Cooldown: 2/4
    SEA Cooldown: 1/6
    WoS Cooldown: 4/4
    HP Loss: 0%
    HP Remaining: 30%

    LAST POST!!!!


    Fear me, for I have chopped down a tree with a herring!

    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 15n28na

    Themes :

    Current Rank:B
    EXP: 800
    Next Rank: 7500
    D Rank=4, C Rank=1, B Rank=1, A Rank=0, S Rank=0

    Electric Reaper

    Electric Reaper

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Guild Master- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 13,894

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    First Skill: Lightning
    Second Skill: Metal
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    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] Empty Re: Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam]

    Post by Nightken 11th June 2015, 3:06 am

    Walking into Conrad's room with the orb halves in hand he placed them on the dresser. "What you did was no small task. You actually killed a volcano by yourself be proud of yourself." Nightken said to the still injured Conrad as he was about to leave his room he turned to him. "You already know that you passed this exam, but next time your opponent won't be a volcano. Be prepared to fight against me for your next exam, till then rest up you've earned it "Volcano Slayer". He said before closing the door behind him letting Conrad rest up.

    Exam Passed


    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] For_nightken_of_ftrp_by_tehfrostyheart-d72m9kl
    Stop the Eruption[Conrad's C-B Exam] 5Wr4WuE

    Missions Complete-
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    B: 3
    C: 4
    D: 6


      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 6:29 am