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    Meaning of Family (Job)

    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Player 
    Lineage : Angel of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1155
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 36
    Mentor : Conquest/Decayuss
    Experience : 56875

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crimson God Slayer
    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
    Third Skill:

    Meaning of Family (Job) Empty Meaning of Family (Job)

    Post by Felicity Vrago 3rd March 2015, 12:36 am


    Katherine had recently picked up a bounty calling for the capture of a Jonathan Grim. He was a petty thief and charged with assault. Katherine sipped tea as she read the details. Why would Katherine consider this job? Well because it was simple, the man had no magic. So it would not take so much effort to beat him up and haul him in jail. That was only if he resisted arrest though, but the issue would be to find him. Katherine sighed as she placed the papers down and looked at the streets filled with people. This was Era, the capital of Fiore that still suffered through the Acnologia attack. It was heartening to see that people managed to lice on through the horrors of the event and found hope in their country.

    Katherine stood up and paid the bill, it was late in the evening and there was several places that she wanted to go. First she would have to connect the dots about the history of this man. According to the paper given to her, he used to be a warehouse worker until Acnologia attacked. Having to survive with whatever he could steal from the streets to feed his wife and daughter. That would explain the petty theft.  So why would he have an assault charge on him and why was it for a life sentence? Katherine read through paper and received his answer. A nobility of Fiore was hitting on his wife, so he responded as any jealous husband would... By socking him in the face. Normally this would have been treated as a barfight and slapped a fine. But the boy had a rich father and swayed the courts to make his life a living hell.

    Katherine shook her head in sadness before walking to the obvious location of the man. She went through the old address and snuck up on Jonathan Grim. Katherine was not proud of this moment as she grabbed the man who struggled. The man did not resist, but instead looked at the Angel before saying, "I know why you are here and I will not fight you. I just have one final request..." Katherine watched as the man pointed to his old house, a woman and her daughter leaving as if they were packing for a trip. It looked like a permanent one at that. Katherine understood, this would be the last time he would see her. The man explained, "My wife is leaving me and going to raise my daughter away from this cursed city. I was not even told where it would be." Katherine looked at the man with sad eyes as she watched the 2 enter the vehicle, it was for his daughter that he did this. Katherine asked, "You could make an attempt to find where they are, send letters to her." Jonathan shook his head, "No the best thing that I can do for my daughter is stay away from her life. She does not deserve such trash to be his father. All I can hope is that my wife finds a better man and raise my daughter right. I just wished that I could say goodbye..."

    Katherine watched as the people that the man loved rode away in a never to be seen by the husband. Katherine said, "I understand, there is nothing I wouldn't do for my family if it meant for them to have a better life. Even go against my very nature as a person. However I am sorry Mr. Grim, but I have to take you in." The man did not resist but that was because he had nothing to live for anymore. All that he ever was... gone. So Katherine felt no joy bringing the man in, but there was at least peace and closure for him. Something he did not have before. Katherine handed him over to the Rune Knights without a single fuss before turning away and walking off at the night. Each step felt like a heavy burden was given to her.

    Katherine sighed, she knew that there was much to do. The man was a reminder that she could still make things better for Alyia, there was time that she now. Maybe she could talk to the girl and give the advice she needed to grow up. It was time for Katherine to act like the adult that she was. It was time to act like family...

    It was time to act like a member of Eclipse Soul.


    Meaning of Family (Job) P5l7Dxp

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 1:11 pm