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    Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield


    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
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    Posts : 59
    Guild : βαƨιℓιƨκ Ғαиɢ
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    Mentor : Ɖɛƨ∂ɛмσиια
    Experience : 50

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    Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield Empty Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield

    Post by Nathaniel 14th February 2015, 12:40 pm

    Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield 7z0KHw9

    I may be a sinner, an heretic, but I'm insanely handsome too. And that's all that matters.

    Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield
    21st of December
    Special Characteristics:

    ʊ Tattoos; Nathaniel's body is literally covered in tattoos. One can hardly find a place on his body. The bigger part of his body is covered with tattoos, each with a different shape, meaning, and origin.

    ʊ Piercings; Yet another trademark characteristic of Nathaniel's; some parts of his body, such as his ears, above his eyebrow, etc.

    ʊ Black Eyes; Perhaps the most prominent and rare characteristic of Nathaniel is, without doubt, his black eyes. Nathaniel sold his soul to the Devil a few years ago, which caused him to obtain his rare eyes. Instead of having white eyes like the normal people, he has completely black eyes, with red irises.

    The Devil spawn. The Cursed Soul. The Reaper.

    Nathaniel, most often called Nero, recieves many names due to his history, due to his actions. And all fit him. Despite his affiliation, Nero is in no way asocial or aloof. Quite otherwise; he is a very social person, who enjoys speaking to others, mostly to people that think the same way as him, or that have the same affiliation as his. He is quite a cheerful and goofy person, someone many people wouldn't suspect that is a Dark mage, although his way of speaking, and his peculiar eyes always end up revealing to the others who he is in reality. However; Nathaniel is a person who enjoys life, and likes to spend every minute, every second of it having fun. Standing still or not doing anything, is something Nathaniel is incapable of doing, for he simply adores to be constantly in action. Speaking to people, training, flirting with girls, those are just few of all the things Nathaniel does in order to remain always in action, doing something. He is a person who just cannot stand still, and dislikes the idea of it completely. In addition to that, Nathaniel is a mage who, considering his affiliation, is expected to be aloof, cold, unnaproachable, and deranged or twisted, but is the complete exact opposite of that description in most occassions, as he is a rather cheerful man, conserving the same cheerful and constantly happy attitude he had in Pergrande as a child. He sees everything as a joke, and likes messing with the people he likes. If he likes someone, and sees him/her as more than a puppet for himself, he will make that person know it, by constantly messing with him or her.

    In addition to that, Nathaniel is a person who, contrary to the popular belief, can fall in love, and seeks the woman for him. He doesn't fall easily for any woman on the street he sees; although he can easily find himself attracted by any attractive woman on the street, similar to how his twin sister, Elizabeth, reacts around handsome men. To make Nathaniel actually fall for a woman, it does not only require said girl to be insanely beautiful, but also, to understand Nathaniel. He would not fall for a woman that judges him for selling his sould to the devil only to achieve enough power to beat his sister. Nathaniel would fall for a woman that understands his reasoning, and accepts him just like he is; talkative, cheerful, slightly insane and, in many occassions, and, mostly in battle, bloodthirsty.

    As mentioned before, Nathaniel is very talkative. He enjoys spending time with people and asking them about their lifes, their problems, etc, even if it isn't his problem. Yet, when he is talking about his own life, he always, always acts arrogantly, blurting out the fact that he sold his soul to Desdemonia, his Mentor, in exchange of power, or that he holds a Grudge against his own twin sister, and his biggest wish is to kill her. Nathaniel himself talks about these things as if they are normal subjects of a conversation; like the wether or a Guild. The reason to that, is, that Nathaniel is actually proud of his actions, and considers them incredible, something worth praise. This, on its turn, makes him a very, very arrogant person, with an insanely high self-esteem. He sees himself as the king of the world, basically. And whoever tells him otherwise becomes Nathaniel's target for the eternity.

    In battle, Nathaniel proves to be born a leader. He is a good tactician, and always finds a place for each and every person in his team, depending on their magic, strength, and how much damage they can take before going down. He has the insane ability to be able to recognise all these people, and always place them in the accurate place, which proves how good of a tactician. He always goes in the front line, and charges in battle, making a small plan previous to that. However; Nathaniel's plans usually include him being the star, him killing most enemies, as he has a big problem, called blood-lust. He adores killing. It makes him happy, in a sense, it keeps him alive, to say it somehow. Nathaniel himself states most of the time that Killing is the only thing keeping him sane. Under the leadership of another person, Nathaniel leaves all tactics behind and just charges right into a battle, ignoring all orders from the leader. He cannot obey others, and only those who earn his respect can make him obey them, althought that is an equally hard task. Disobedient, and often a person who enjoys mocking his adversaries and allies when in a battle, Nathaniel's accesss to the Pegrandean Army was denied to him just due to his disobedient attitude when under the control of someone else, which, on its turn, made him who he is nowadays.

    The Reaper.

    ʊ Women; Nathaniel Loves women. Mostly the pretty ones. He can't stand down when there's a pretty woman around, and will go and flirt with her, regardless if her boyfriend is around or not. When a pretty woman is walking down the street, Nathaniel loses it and becomes an animal seeking his pray, or, in other words, the woman.
    ʊ Desdemonia; Desdemonia, his mentor, the devil to whom he sold his soul, and the only one to earn Nathaniel's respect. Beautiful, Dangerous, Majestic. The ideal for a woman for Nathaniel.
    ʊ Big Groups of People; Nathaniel loves being surrounded by many people or being in a big group of people. Why? Because there are more people he can talk to in a big group of people.
    ʊ Chatterboxes; Nathaniel, being a chatterbox, loves those like him. People with whom he can mantain a legit, two-sides conversation, are those that can easily become his best friends.
    ʊ Killing; Always saying that it's the only thing that keeps him sane, Nathaniel likes killing because he feels powerful when taking another person or creature's life. He feels the power run through his veins, and finds it a pleasant feeling.
    ʊ Tattoos; Obviously, Nathaniel likes tattoos. His body is covered with them. He considers every tattoo a work of art, a masterpiece, a picture that tells a story more successfully than a book, or a phrase that expresses feelings better than a song.

    ʊ Elizabeth; His sister. The beginning of all his problems. The cause of his rejection by the knights.
    ʊ Pergrande; The country where he was ashamed. Rejected. Nathaniel despises his native country due to his past, and always attempts to act as if he is a Demon, not a Pergrandean.
    ʊ Silent People; Being the chatterbox he is, Nathaniel despises people with whom he can't mantain a legit conversation, and, although he loves talking, he likes having someone talk to him too.
    ʊ Captivity; Just as stated in his fears, Nathaniel despises captivity, as, it not only activates his claustrophobia, but it is too boring. There's nobody he can talk to.
    ʊ Leaders; Nathaniel likes leadership, but despises leaders, that aren't him. He disliskes obeying to other people, and will always do the contrary to what a leader says when possible.

    ʊ Will to become a Leader; Nathaniel has always wanted to lead. Always. He likes leadership, and, when he attempted to join the knights, he did it hoping to become the leader one day.
    ʊ Will to posess everything, and everyone; Nathaniel is a man posessed by Avarice, a man who wants to posess every material thing on the world, and every human, every woman, man or child.
    ʊ Will to destroy Elizabeth; Although she is his sister, his twin sister, at that, Nathaniel has the undying will to get vengeance for what she did, for her entering the army and him failing.
    ʊ Will to destroy Pergrande; Upon the Army accident, Nathaniel developed a big hatred towards Pergrande, and wishes to destroy it, to make the country fall on its knees, completely destroyed.
    ʊ Will to become invincible; Nathaniel wishes to become invincible, to be at the top, to be the only mage in the worl nobody is able to defeat.

    ʊ Heights; Nathaniel despises heights. Just seeing the world so little under him terrifies him, and makes him unable to move, thinking tha if he moves he will fall down and die.
    ʊ Closed Spaces; A fear he shares with his sister, Nathaniel is absolutely terrified by closed spaces. He lacks air in them, and thinks he can die in any moment.
    ʊ Losing his sanity; Although many people consider Nathaniel insane, he is still pretty sane. His blood-thirsty attitude, his arrogancy, his entire attitude is a mask, of a real one. Nathaniel fears that, one day, when he loses it entirely, he may hurt the little people he cares for.
    ʊ Captivity; A fear connected with his claustrophobia, Nathaniel fears captivity, since once he's captured, he can get thrown into a little, badly illuminated cell, where his claustrophobia may come into scene.
    ʊ Failure; Perhaps Nathaniel's worst fear. Once, he failed in entering the Perhrandean National Army. That event scarred him forever, and made him look like a weakling in front of the other Pages, because his twin sister, a petite redhead that didn't seem to have any chance in the army, got accepted, and praised for her insane talent with Swords, but he did not.
    ʊ Defeat; Same as Failure, Nathaniel despises and fears defeat, since it would prove his worst fears; that he is a weakling.

    General Appearance

    Shoulder-length, Black, styled into an undercut
    Completely Black with Scarlet red irises
    Skin Tone:
    Nathaniel is a tall man, with soft, paleish skin, filled with tattoos and piercings, as mentioned above. His hair reaches down until his shoulders, even past, in ocassions, but that is only when he lets his hair down, which is rare, really rare.. Usually, Nathaniel wears his hair up, in a ponytail, styled in an undercut. Nathaniel's clothing is very simple; when out in the city, or in the Guildhall, he tends to wear a simple white sleeveless shirt, with an oversized black shirt over it, that pretty much reveals all his chest, and a pair of either skinny jeans, or baggy pants, depending on his mood. When on a Request, Nathaniel's attire is pretty much the same, although he has the weird habit of taking off his shirts, and fighting shirtless. Perhaps it is his way to show off his tattoos to enemies; nobody knows that.


    Basilisk Fang
    Lower Back, Scarlet Red


    Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield F0c946d04946a800f58ce8a1cbda5c4e-d63u6nv
    Indiana Jones
    Indiana Jones

    Void Tyrant

    Void Tyrant

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    Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield Empty Re: Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield

    Post by Indiana Jones 14th February 2015, 12:41 pm

    Nero the Hotty has been le~

    Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield 24l4tg2


    Nathaniel ''Nero'' Silvershield 18jWfhn

    Main Theme Battle Theme 1 Battle Theme 2

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 3:22 am