Fairy Tail RP

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    Phantom Soldier

    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
    Position : None
    Posts : 252
    Guild : Pharoah's Call
    Cosmic Coins : 4
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Chaos Legions
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Phantom Soldier Empty Phantom Soldier

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 27th September 2014, 9:03 pm

    Job Title: Phantom Soldiers
    Rank: C(all Legions are considered C rank)
    Player Requirements: Minummem of 2 players but up to 4 players total. Only C ranks and below may do this job, 15 posts min per player, more are encouraged with word count of 300 words per post
    Job Requirements:Find at least 6 Survivors and defeat 5 groups of enemy's and the boss.
    Job Location: Mountain Village Area
    Job Description: In recent days reports of Strange people have been seen in the Mountain Village are as well as people disappearing. Today the Rune Knight lost contact with one of there outposts there. Due to the nature of how abrupt they went silent  they believe they were attacked. The Knights have hired guild mages to guard a investigator they are sending. It your job to keep him alive as he searches the area. upon arriving you find the outpost ravaged with dead everywhere, there were 76 Rune Knights at this outpost.
    Additional info: When rolling a monster dice you will also roll one normal dice to determine the event happening. If you roll a Event that is marked with (May only occur once) please use the one event marked with ***


    Panicked Rune Knight:(1-2) This Soldier has snapped, after seeing his unit die at the hands of something he is a danger to himself and others. He is holding a Heavy caliber revolver which deals B-rank damage and he might try to take one of you hostage. Try to talk him down you need the info he has.(Does not count towards Defeated enemy's)(May only occur Once)

    ***Lone Guilt Legionary:(3-4) This strange soldier is clearly on of the culprits but you find it hard to believe that only one of these did all this.

    Wounded Rune Knight:(5-6) you find this man leaning against a wall, he is severely wounded. He tries to wave you off, but can't seem to speak. If you help him you are ambushed by two Guilt Legions.


    ***Malice Legionary and Arrogance Legionary:(1-2) The two make a Dangerous couple and will most likely get the jump on you. Please note that The Arrogance Legionary is protecting the Malice one. If you take to long it will call for reinforcements.

    3 Survivors & 2 Guilt legions:(3-4) You come across a group of survivors fighting some of the enemy, they are clearly losing but have take more than a few out. Best save them they might help you.(survivors are armed with swords and a pistol)(May only Occur once)

    Traumatized Civilian:(5-6) You come across a civilian covered in blood, they are pretty unresponsive when talked to. but with enough prodding they will follow you.(May only happen once)


    Guilt Trio:(1-2) You knew it! there are more of these. These guys are highly skilled in martial combat and work as a team at all time often taking turns defending and attacking, covering each other.

    Sargent Major Vince Rikas & 6 Guilt Legions:(3-4)You come across Vince Rikas, a man well known for his fencing skills and Ice magic, and hes not alone. Rikas is fighting 6 guilt legions on his own, not quite winning but not losing either. He seems to be defending a small child. Best to help him No?(the Major is Armed with his sword.)(This may only occur once)

    Corpses and more corpses:(5-6) you find a whole lot of nothing but bodies, If the panicked soldiers is with you he may loose it again, be careful. 


    Flawed: This one looks different than the other, It hands are tipped with vicious looking claws. No! it here to kill the soldiers you saved stop it quickly.
    Arrogance: These little creatures are protecting the Flawed, meaning you have to take them out first before you can do any damage to Flawed.

    Legion description:

    Reward: 10k in jewel, a Legion crest Fragment. rewards 3xC rank exp and access to future Legion jobs.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Phantom Soldier Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD
    Kakuma Blackflower
    Kakuma Blackflower

    Wolf Spirit

    Wolf Spirit

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Goddess
    Position : None
    Posts : 1077
    Guild : Laughing Coffin?
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 0

    Phantom Soldier Empty Re: Phantom Soldier

    Post by Kakuma Blackflower 9th February 2015, 12:17 pm

    Eien Lamira wrote:Job Title: Black Rose Contract: Phantom Soldiers
    Rank: C(all Legions are considered C rank)
    Player Requirements: Minummem of 2 players but up to 4 players total. Only C ranks and below may do this job, 15 posts min per player, more are encouraged with word count of 300 words per post
    Job Requirements:Find at least 6 Survivors and defeat 5 groups of enemy's and the boss.
    Job Location: Mountain Village Area
    Job Description: 
    We have received a job from the Rune Knights. Here are the details.

    In recent days reports of Strange people have been seen in the Mountain Village are as well as people disappearing. Today the Rune Knight lost contact with one of there outposts there. Due to the nature of how abrupt they went silent  they believe they were attacked. The Knights have hired guild mages to guard a investigator they are sending. It your job to keep him alive as he searches the area. upon arriving you find the outpost ravaged with dead everywhere, there were 76 Rune Knights at this outpost.
                                                                                                          Lieutenant Towa Lamira

    Additional info: When rolling a monster dice you will also roll one normal dice to determine the event happening. If you roll a Event that is marked with (May only occur once) please use the one event marked with ***


    Panicked Rune Knight:(1-2) This Soldier has snapped, after seeing his unit die at the hands of something he is a danger to himself and others. He is holding a Heavy caliber revolver which deals B-rank damage and he might try to take one of you hostage. Try to talk him down you need the info he has.(Does not count towards Defeated enemy's)(May only occur Once)

    ***Lone Guilt Legionary:(3-4) This strange soldier is clearly on of the culprits but you find it hard to believe that only one of these did all this.

    Wounded Rune Knight:(5-6) you find this man leaning against a wall, he is severely wounded. He tries to wave you off, but can't seem to speak. If you help him you are ambushed by two Guilt Legions.


    ***Malice Legionary and Arrogance Legionary:(1-2) The two make a Dangerous couple and will most likely get the jump on you. Please note that The Arrogance Legionary is protecting the Malice one. If you take to long it will call for reinforcements.

    3 Survivors & 2 Guilt legions:(3-4) You come across a group of survivors fighting some of the enemy, they are clearly losing but have take more than a few out. Best save them they might help you.(survivors are armed with swords and a pistol)(May only Occur once)

    Traumatized Civilian:(5-6) You come across a civilian covered in blood, they are pretty unresponsive when talked to. but with enough prodding they will follow you.(May only happen once)


    Guilt Trio:(1-2) You knew it! there are more of these. These guys are highly skilled in martial combat and work as a team at all time often taking turns defending and attacking, covering each other.

    Sargent Major Vince Rikas & 6 Guilt Legions:(3-4)You come across Vince Rikas, a man well known for his fencing skills and Ice magic, and hes not alone. Rikas is fighting 6 guilt legions on his own, not quite winning but not losing either. He seems to be defending a small child. Best to help him No?(the Major is Armed with his sword.)(This may only occur once)

    Corpses and more corpses:(5-6) you find a whole lot of nothing but bodies, If the panicked soldiers is with you he may loose it again, be careful. 


    Flawed: This one looks different than the other, It hands are tipped with vicious looking claws. No! it here to kill the soldiers you saved stop it quickly.
    Arrogance: These little creatures are protecting the Flawed, meaning you have to take them out first before you can do any damage to Flawed.

    Legion description:

    Reward: 10k in jewel, a Legion crest Fragment. rewards 3xC rank exp and access to future Legion jobs.

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:33 pm