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    Darkness Fall Upon the land


    Lineage : Strength Of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75

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    First Skill: Dark Ecriture
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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 10th November 2014, 2:17 pm

    Tenno would be standing high at six foot tall and two inches, weighing in at one hundred and fifty four pounds, his hair was as Black as the night sky, in a pattern all his own, his bangs six inches away from his forhead and it would be Neck length and reached for his shoulders all over the rest of his head, his eyes were blue with black specs all over inside the blue, his pale skin showing and even enhanced by His build of his muscles was defined, as if he did do some working out, but not to the point he was buff, he was more built for speed, he liked to wear a dark blue tee shirt with a black coat that was long sleeved, but only covered the top half of his chest, and then a over coat that buckled around his neck and ran all the way to the floor in length, it was short sleeved, with Sapphire blue fire on the bottom of the short sleeves, black belts went across his stomach section,black pants on this legs with sapphire blue flames running up to the knees, and a pair of black shoes with blue lacers in them, his aura he gave off was one of someone who followed rules layed down, someone who could take orders as well as give them, the look in his eyes were determined.

    Tenno walked right into the guild looking around, and he smirked and said out loud, enough for any and all to hear him "HELLO EVERYBODY" Takeing the spotlight as he liked to do " MY NAME IS TENNO KURAYAMI, I AM THE DARKNESS INCARNATE, AND I WISH TO GRACE YOU ALL WITH MY PRESENCE" Tenno would look around and laugh suddenly at his own words and specially if anyone took him serious, he would wait to see if anyone in this guild would give him a proper greeting, he would note this guild had the skull symbol with what looked like flames trailing after it, to his memory of guilds this was savage skull, he was hoping they would take him in

    Venom Demon

    Venom Demon

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Son of Creation
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 2050

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 10th November 2014, 7:30 pm

    Daiko sat. Maybe standing he was 5'8''. But right now he was sitting. On the ground. He had a bowl in his hand, smoking anything he could find. The smoke slowly drifted up to where the ceiling could be, and out into the dark sky. But of course Daiko looked ordinary. Grey sweatshirt, black jeans, and headphones around his neck.

    Floating up in the air, still in his sitting position, Daiko flies himself over toward this "Tenno" fellow, before touching the ground with his feet. Blowing a ring of smoke in the newcomer's face, Daiko waved. "Hi. I'm Daiko."


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

    D-Rank - 6 || C-Rank - 2 || B-Rank - 1 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 2050 / 7500 EXP ]

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Daiko_by_ravenart5-d8edi8u
    Other Signitures:

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    Lineage : Strength Of Hercules
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    Posts : 52
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Experience : 75

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 10th November 2014, 7:37 pm

    Tenno waved the smoke out of his face and he smiled at the man, offering his hand as he said to him "well nice to meet you Daiko, This is Savage Skull right? I belive I remember the insignia properly" Tenno kept his smile and if Daiko shook his hand he would show Daiko he had a decent grip on him, if not after awhile Tenno would shrug and slides his hands into his pockets and he would ask "So how do I get to join this guild? I am rather interested in it, and where is the Guild master?" Tenno looked around looking for who would seem the strongest and wisest out of the group and would assume them to be the leader


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_n5otr9ui9S1tawnlro1_400_zpskzhm2zup

    Venom Demon

    Venom Demon

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Son of Creation
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 2050

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 10th November 2014, 7:41 pm

    Daiko shakes the man's hand, then raising an eyebrow. "Pretty sure I'm the only one here" Daiko grabs two stools, and slides one to Tenno, keeping one for himself. "We usually just stick with our teams, and only a few people come here... The rest are up there." he points to the large staircase, that seems to lead up into the sky. "But glad to see someone positive around here. What magic do you use, anyway? I use smoke, obviously..." He shrugs to himself, waiting for a response.


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

    D-Rank - 6 || C-Rank - 2 || B-Rank - 1 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 2050 / 7500 EXP ]

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Daiko_by_ravenart5-d8edi8u
    Other Signitures:

    Dai Fans Only:

    Lineage : Strength Of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Ecriture
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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 10th November 2014, 7:47 pm

    Tenno raised an eyebrow to the man, thinking to himself 'Sounds legit' then he looked around once more before taking a seat that the man named Daiko pulled over and he would raise an eyebrow once more "Well you were nice enough to tell me yours, I suppose I could tell you mine, I make the rules, Litterally I use Ecriture magic, and not the most favored kind either, but I think i would be welcomed here" Tenno would lean back only slightly as he talked to Daiko


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_n5otr9ui9S1tawnlro1_400_zpskzhm2zup

    Venom Demon

    Venom Demon

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Son of Creation
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    Posts : 610
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 2050

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 10th November 2014, 7:51 pm

    Daiko is surprised when he hears that this person uses Ecriture magic. "Damn, man. I love that kind of magic. I have never seen it for myself, mind showing me what it does?" He stands up, and backs up a bit. "Maybe a small spar will be sufficient?"


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

    D-Rank - 6 || C-Rank - 2 || B-Rank - 1 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 2050 / 7500 EXP ]

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Daiko_by_ravenart5-d8edi8u
    Other Signitures:

    Dai Fans Only:

    Lineage : Strength Of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Dark Ecriture
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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 10th November 2014, 7:56 pm

    Tenno shook his head "No thank you, Not one for a spar at this moment but I can show you a little something I do know" Tenno would then weave the runes in the air with his hand and they would sink into Tenno, then suddenly a pair of wings sprouted off of Tenno's back, these wings made of black runes with purple light shinning off of them, Tenno looked to the man named Daiko and smiled at him "This is just a small bit of my power" he would allow the Wings to disappear and he would smile once more


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_n5otr9ui9S1tawnlro1_400_zpskzhm2zup

    Venom Demon

    Venom Demon

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Son of Creation
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 2050

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 10th November 2014, 7:58 pm

    Daiko smiles, looking at the wings. "Flying is pretty sweet, not going to lie." Daiko lifts himself off of the ground, also demonstrating that his smoke allows him to fly. He takes a smoke from his pipe, blowing it toward the ground. "I'm pretty much made of smoke, so I can do some pretty crazy shit with my body." Daiko nods, cracking his knuckles. "You got a jar?"


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

    D-Rank - 6 || C-Rank - 2 || B-Rank - 1 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 2050 / 7500 EXP ]

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Daiko_by_ravenart5-d8edi8u
    Other Signitures:

    Dai Fans Only:

    Lineage : Strength Of Hercules
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    Posts : 52
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Experience : 75

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    First Skill: Dark Ecriture
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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 10th November 2014, 8:02 pm

    Tenno shakes his head, but then pull a empty Mug off the table closest and hands it to Daiko and tilts his head at the man "Will this suffice instead of a jar, I know no lid, but it is a small container, it should suffice for that part" Tenno smiled at the man and continued" Plus if there was a lid, and your going to do what I think, would you fear being locked in the jar without escape?" Tenno tried to show some wisdom as to guessing the mans trick as well as the flaw in his plan of showing off


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_n5otr9ui9S1tawnlro1_400_zpskzhm2zup

    Venom Demon

    Venom Demon

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Son of Creation
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 2050

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 10th November 2014, 8:05 pm

    Daiko raises an eyebrow at Tenno, then flips the mug in his hands. "I could always return to my normal size inside of the jug... It would just hurt a bit." Daiko chuckled, and stuck his entire arm into the small mug, the smoke condensed into a small cloud. "Magic~" He laughs as he pulls out his arm, sliding the mug aside. "You seem pretty cool. I only came here to pick up jobs, but since we're both here, why don't we do one together?"


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

    D-Rank - 6 || C-Rank - 2 || B-Rank - 1 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 2050 / 7500 EXP ]

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Daiko_by_ravenart5-d8edi8u
    Other Signitures:

    Dai Fans Only:

    Lineage : Strength Of Hercules
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    Posts : 52
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 75

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    First Skill: Dark Ecriture
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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 10th November 2014, 8:17 pm

    Tenno would give it thought and tilted his head at daiko, "But what about joining Savage Skull and getting my tattoo?" Tenno did not know if he could do a Job before he recived his tattoo, but he had it planned out where it was going to be, he just needed the acceptance into the guild and the tattoo on his neck like he wanted it to be, he would nod though and say "But if I can before hand, why the hell not, lets get this done shall we?"


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_n5otr9ui9S1tawnlro1_400_zpskzhm2zup

    Venom Demon

    Venom Demon

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Son of Creation
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 2050

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 10th November 2014, 10:11 pm

    Daiko shrugs, looking at Tenno. "But... where do we go..." Daiko had recently been grinding missions constantly, building his way to the top ranks of his guild. If he overworked himself he could get hurt, but at the same time he wanted to be the best...


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

    D-Rank - 6 || C-Rank - 2 || B-Rank - 1 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 2050 / 7500 EXP ]

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Daiko_by_ravenart5-d8edi8u
    Other Signitures:

    Dai Fans Only:

    Lineage : Strength Of Hercules
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    Posts : 52
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 10th November 2014, 11:42 pm

    Tenno would shrug as he leaned back a bit once more and then rocked foreward, boredom began to sink in and he knew that was never a good thing for himself, but he could not help it, other then Daiko seemed that no one was really here or they did not really bother with new members to the guild, Tenno would shrug as he launched himself off of the Stool and pulled out his rapier, and began to go through the basic steps of sword play, doing both defensive and offensive things with his sword, until he spun and accidentally hit a empty mug near by and the thin blade slid between two of the pieces of wood and got stuck between them, after some shaking and it would not come off, Tenno would hold the sword under his armpit and removed the mug from the tip of it, something was always getting stuck to the end of this damn thing, maybe it was about time tenno learned more about sword play, but he would shrug it off and resheathe his sword, then he would walk back over to Daiko and sigh softly "So is it always this boring in here?" Tenno ask the man in a bored tone like anything even chasing a lost puppy through some dark woods would be better then this would be the thoughts running through tenno's mind


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_n5otr9ui9S1tawnlro1_400_zpskzhm2zup

    Venom Demon

    Venom Demon

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Son of Creation
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 2050

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 10th November 2014, 11:46 pm

    Daiko nods. "Yes, it's rather boring in here. I usually go to Clover Town. It's very close to here, and the bar is a short walk away from my house." Daiko nods, looking over at Tenno. "We can go there if you want, either my house or the bar. The girls at the bar are pretty hot, but I'm pretty sure I'd have to clean my apartment first." Daiko slumps a bit in the stool, bored. "So what do you say? Should we head over there, or do you want to hang out here for a little longer?"


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

    D-Rank - 6 || C-Rank - 2 || B-Rank - 1 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 2050 / 7500 EXP ]

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Daiko_by_ravenart5-d8edi8u
    Other Signitures:

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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
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    Experience : 493.75

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Psychosis 12th November 2014, 12:20 am

    A fly. An interesting creature, capable of very little, but oh so much. The movement of the fly is legendary in that it has such speed as to dodge an object hundreds of times its size with ease. The monumental speed of the fly is lost to most people, as they are tiny, and annoying. Of course, a fly flew in the guild, which would usually signal someone to get a flyswatter. In this case however, the fly was unhindered as it flew through the air. The fly idly noticed how the guild was nearly empty. Odd, but he rarely even came to the guild. Indeed, this fly, was Psychosis, also known as Kurokon Shikyo. The Excussum user, for those who understand the esoteric branch of electricity magic. Through further thought on the situation, Kuro had to wonder whether or not there was some kind of part somewhere else, keeping people from being here.

    Kuro paused in his flight, noting there were two humans a bit away from him. Far too much for him to worry about them trying to swat him out of the air, but not enough so that he couldnt reach them in his human form. In an instant, a loud snapping sound echoed, and Kuro shifted to his human form. The sound came from the compression of air, pushing outward at incredible speeds, though being otherwise un-noteworthy. Kuro stood at his full height and glanced at the two. "Two new recruits?" Kuro himself was slightly new, but considering his penchant for not being near the guild, it was possible these two were actually old members who simply hadnt been around when he was. 

    Unlike the other two, however, Kuro towered at a staggering six foot six, weighing around two hundred and ten pounds. In this case, he was covered, head to toe, in some kind of armor with broken and tattered bits of a robe hanging out of the joints, giving him a truly ominous appearance. The hood and shoulders of the robe were the most intact, easily covering his scalp and shoulders without looking trashy. A mask, ornate and decorative in style, covered his face. In fact, the only parts of him that were visible were his glowing blue eyes. This was his 'Psychosis' costume, which he used when on missions and whenever the hell he wanted. It made getting around the rune knights so easy and let him move about freely, when not in costume. Of course it also garnered a slight reputation from his brutality on missions. Truth be told, he looked quite fearsome to some, while those monsters known as S class mages would probably be more amused at his appearance than unnerved. Even so, he was a monster in many ways, and some of them were terrifying to behold... "Well I guess I'd best introduce myself, eh? I am Psychosis, welcome to the guild." Few knew his true name, though usually simply for lack of trying. Lazy people though his birth name was actually Psychosis...


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_lud6w9ONLh1qj17kx_zpsn33e0cfh

    Lineage : Strength Of Hercules
    Position : None
    Posts : 52
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Experience : 75

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    First Skill: Dark Ecriture
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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 12th November 2014, 10:26 am

    Right when Tenno was about to answer the man named Daiko's question, here came another person, not knowing how long the man had been there, as Tenno knew was a sudden pop and poof the man was there, Tenno was a bit taken back at the appearance of the man, but when the man talked, he really seemed rather kind, Tenno would step forward to the man who introduced himself as Psychosis, and Tenno extended a hand out towards him and with a bit of a nervous yet friendly smile he said " Nice to meet you Psychosis, My name Is Tenno Kurayami, I am new yes, I was looking into how to offcially join this guild and get their tattoo on my neck right here" Tenno would point to a general area on his right side of his neck " this man here Seems to have been here for awhile" Gestures to Daiko "And has been trying to convince me to go somewhere other then the guild hall at this moment, Do you have any Suggjestions for my slight perdicament here?" Tenno would patiently wait for the Psychosis named male to answer and looked to Daiko in a sorry kind og face for not answer his question, but the more offical he became the better for him when he did missions or to even get missions


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_n5otr9ui9S1tawnlro1_400_zpskzhm2zup

    Venom Demon

    Venom Demon

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- Player 
    Lineage : Son of Creation
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    Age : 26
    Mentor : Himself
    Experience : 2050

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 12th November 2014, 2:34 pm

    Daiko blinks, just noticing a new person on the other end of the room... "Psychosis, is it?" He tilted his head a bit, wondering what kind of name that was... He hadn't met many people with names like his, and he was a bit curious as to what his true name was. But of course, these things had to wait... "I didn't think many people were around here, my bad for not noticing." He nods toward the masked figure, who was about a foot taller than him. "The name's Daiko, by the way. I use smoke magic." He produces a little bit of smoke from his fingertip, as a demonstration. "What magic do you practice?"


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

    D-Rank - 6 || C-Rank - 2 || B-Rank - 1 || A-Rank - 0 || S-Rank - 0 ]

    [ 2050 / 7500 EXP ]

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Daiko_by_ravenart5-d8edi8u
    Other Signitures:

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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 88
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    Experience : 493.75

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Psychosis 12th November 2014, 10:50 pm

    Kuro frowned behind his mask. No one else was there? How peculiar. Usually the guild was rather bustling, almost bursting at the seems. He had to admit, it was odd that no one was here, considering the average amount of people was somewhere between 3 and 6. In any case, Kuro needed to reply. "For the most part, I would advise either waiting here or coming back later. If you do leave, I would suggest at least staying nearby. If you have any sensory abilities at all, you should be capable of telling when the guild master comes in." The magic from an S class mage could be sensed really easily. Kuro did not have the ability to sense the depth of magic, only if someone had it, and if it was lightning natured. A pity, but frankly he did not care. What was the point of knowing if someone else had more power than him? That ruined the surprise. Granted, he was not all that powerful himself.

    "Nice to meet you guys as well. My magic is called Excussum, a manipulation of lightning on varied scales." He wondered how confused they would be since he had turned from a fly into a human, since that had almost nothing to do with lightning. Well, if he took some time, he could no doubt find a way, but still. He had simply been born with the ability, and never pursued to further it. Why would he, when it was dependent on the animals he saw? Perhaps he should display one of his newer abilities... Kuro raised his arm, pointing towards the window he came in through, and let loose a beam of concentrated lightning right through it. If the two were perceptive, they would have noticed a ball of blue electricity gather on Kuro's finger, right before the beam launched. "One of the less used abilities, but I like it either way." A pun, but they would not realize that.


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_lud6w9ONLh1qj17kx_zpsn33e0cfh
    Yuuki Mephistos
    Yuuki Mephistos

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
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    Posts : 50
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Experience : 150

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Yuuki Mephistos 13th November 2014, 7:33 am

    After being gone for a while it had seem like the logical choice to come back and check to see if there was anything for him to do in the guild. He rarely stepped into the large hall unless he was summoned or of course there were new jobs in which he would go in and without without saying much to anyone. Of course with this being said, Yukki strolled across the walkway of the area or rather floated across it before landing in front of the door and pushed it open with two of his fingers. The rather interesting member of Savage Skull walked in setting his hands into his pockets looking around for a bit," Been a while since i last stopped by...week at the most maybe," musing to himself, Yuuki continued to walk further in before stopping at the sight of three others.

    No name or face came up for either of the men in front of him or what he had perceived as me, which made him want to inquire about them. Slowly he would move forward towards them, his eyes lingering onto them before speaking," So who are you three? Haven't really seen you around," a curious tone escaped his lips as he stopped a few feet from them, the red eyes sliding from each one as he waited for a reply.


    Darkness Fall Upon the land SWVY0Qy

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Thorn 13th November 2014, 1:03 pm

    Being on job after job with Sinali had kept Thorn from the Guild and thus from meeting the people that had joined before and after her. Finally coming back it felt like she was home or the closest thing she had for a home. Entering The Hall Thorn paused staring at all the people in the hall "Well this is a surprise, what's going on here then?" she asked tilting her head smirking softly her plants scattered discreetly around the hall already informing her of there names and if they were with the guild or not. Thorn smile softened "Ah, new people. What a pleasant time to come back!" she stated softly walking forward she looked at the new person "Tenno my friends inform me you say you're the darkness incarnate, but here you are barely a shadow!" Thorn stated taking a set within the hall.


    Darkness Fall Upon the land S6Eaz9K

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Kurayami 13th November 2014, 1:08 pm

    Tenno would Notice the new man after the lightning getting shot through the window, this was rather filling quick, Tenno would think to himself before he would nod to Psychosis stating "Rather interesting magic there Psychosis" Then Tenno would turn to the other man who just walked in and he would introduce himself "I am Tenno Kurayami, and may I ask who are you Sir?" Tenno walked a little towards the other man as he waited for the answer, he recived all the information he could from the other two and gave them all the answers he could, but he would wait at a table probobly about have way between everyone, then when the woman entered and she addressed him he would turn to her and smirk and told her "Does not every incarnate have to start from the bottom and work there way up to the spot they were once at before" Tenno kept his smirk at the woman as he awaited her response as well


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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Daiko 13th November 2014, 2:35 pm

    Daiko, suddenly confused by the group of people, sits down on a simple stool. He didn't enjoy meeting one person, so meeting more than four at a time was a bit.. much. Not wanting to seem weird, he would just simply reply to all of them at once, with information on who he was. "Hey. I'm Daiko" Feeling stupid the moment he had opened his lips, he blinks, not wanting to say more. 'Smooth...'


    "Oh, Guest... If only you knew..."

    Darkness Fall Upon the land Ilfuaw

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Psychosis 13th November 2014, 3:28 pm

    Kuro raised his brow, more amused than annoyed at the two who had entered directly after his display of power. A small display of his power, but one that worked rather well. They did ask what he could do after all, though that was an obvious power for a lightning mage. They did not know his full power, but neither did he know theirs. True, he trusted the guild and would protect it, but at heart he was still a paranoid man. Being used, abused, and generally a slave had caused that paranoia to become an instinct to him. "I already introduced myself. I have been here for a few months, though I have not been here for a few months." He wondered whether or not they would understand that contradictory but true statement. He did not doubt that two of them would, but the other two were a mystery. Thankfully, his gift for scanning people's "auras" let him instinctually know them, on some level. "I am Psychosis."


    Darkness Fall Upon the land Tumblr_lud6w9ONLh1qj17kx_zpsn33e0cfh
    Yuuki Mephistos
    Yuuki Mephistos

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Yuuki Mephistos 13th November 2014, 5:24 pm

    There was a moment in which Yuuki was going to open his mouth to speak to the current group of males in the area, but as soon as he was he would be stopped or rather abruptly interrupted by the strange woman walking in. His eyes slowly turned to her and through his mind a small cat call went through," My my...didn't know we had such beautiful women in our guild," a smile played on his face, but he wouldn't begin to flirt with her....no he wouldn't want to be eviscerated or the like before he even had a chance. Taking the chance to introduce himself he would undo the tie and open his shirt partially to show the Tattoo of Savage Skull," Name's Yuuki Mephistos and as you can see i'm a full member," closing the shirt he would return his gaze not only to the window but the one who did it.

    Strange how something like that could bust a window, but his ass sure wasn't going to be fixing that. With that being known he would inquire his own seat, floating seemingly in the air he would begin to speak to Thorn," So what's your name beautiful?," he didn't really care at the moment, although from a simple thing like this something could break out and odds were that Yuuki would most likely either shrug it off...or remove himself from the area. Unless of course he was forced to fight then it would come down to whom had the fastest movements.


    Darkness Fall Upon the land SWVY0Qy

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    Darkness Fall Upon the land Empty Re: Darkness Fall Upon the land

    Post by Thorn 14th November 2014, 7:01 am

    Thorn shock her head softly looking at the boys that where in the hall "I am Thorn I would say its good to meet you all but I don't know that yet!" she stated smiling softly her hand softly lent on a plant pot with a small new growth in the middle of the earth " Tenno, I could say I am the darkness in-carnet it means nothing in just words!" Thorn stated her fingers stroked the small delicate leaf of the growing plant.

    Thorn nodded to the remaining men "flattery earns you no points Yuuki!" she stated almost ignoring his comments, she was flattered by them but they where no different comments to every other man that had made a comment.


    Darkness Fall Upon the land S6Eaz9K

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