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    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
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    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Shakil 14th November 2014, 4:39 pm

    Allen yawned. It was a rather sunny afternoon this particular day, he wasn't sure why. It had been cloudy all week now that he thinks about it. He folded his arms behind his head and rested his head on that until his walk came to a sudden stop. A rather.. desirable smell came from somewhere in the area. He gazed in front of him, trying to figure out where it was coming from. After a small eternity of staring, Allen unfolded his arms down to his sides and glanced around in awe. It smelled tasty, like blood of a divine individual. The aroma was quite faint, so he tried to get his mind off it. He shook his head, wincing, before strolling off again. Allen really had no idea where he was going. He knew this area of the city not very well, despite roaming the streets about one thousand times. He had no jewels, so he couldn't actually afford his own place. And thus, he had been living on the streets ever since he escaped the lab. He didn't have anything against the idea, he found it comfortable actually. He could barely recall as time he had slept on a bed, but then again, Allen doesn't sleep much.

    Although life on the streets sounds bad, he didn't care. He never actually had a home, even when he was sheltered. Allen sighed, he couldn't smell the aroma anymore and the thought of searching for the source crept into his mind and starting controlling him. He groaned, "I have a headache.." He said as he frowned in disgust.

    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
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    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Alistair 14th November 2014, 6:39 pm

    Fūjin walked along the roads running through and all over Magnolia Town contacting all of this city of a town together with his exceed Miya in her child form hoping from cobble stone to cobble stone as if playing hopscotch as she walked along trying to keep up with Fūjin. He sighed in sync with a a man with red hair and black clothing he passed who happened to be yawning, It was a rather sunny afternoon which annoyed him a little bit due to the fact it had been cloudy all eek so far giving it more of a chance for a storm to happen but he do anything about it, it's not like he was a god who could control the weather. Fūjin had a brief flash back of his father who may not have been able to control the weather he could make it look like he could and even fooled Fūjin into think he could when he was younger.
    A few seconds after he had past since his flashback happened and he found himself sniffing the air as a familiar scent filled his nose grabbing his attention until Miya tugged on his shirt while staring at a crepe stand this caused him to smile softly at the exceed trapped in the body of a kitsune "You know you are a helpless glutton you know that?" he said chuckling softly kneeling down to be at her eye level "Baka! You eat just as much as me you dummy~!" Miya barked at him with the fur on her tail spiking up as she did until Fūjin began to pet her on the head right behind the ear causing her to giggle playfully "Yea well at least I can restrain myself, but it is getting close to lunch ah why the hell not we can get crepe. You know what you want?"
    "Wild berries and ice cream please~"
    "Alright, alright I hear you now common let's get in line."


    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) NIcSzU5
    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) 8bcBk2DCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) ABgHET9Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) WoUKdoo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
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    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Shakil 14th November 2014, 8:00 pm

    Allen unintentionally took a big whiff of the air. Before he could realize it, the familiar aroma was so strong and close, it was as if he was standing next to the source. He widened his eyes in a bit of shock and turned his head to he left, only to find a man and child. He raised a brow and tapped the man's shoulder,"Hey. Who are you and what sort of.. er, abilities do you have?" Allen wasn't trying to be creepy or blunt, but he needed the details in order to clarify this aroma. It wasn't some scent he'd crave to satisfy his hunger, but something he's bound to. After what seemed like a small eternity, he glanced down at the child, who was rather cute. "You're rather.. peculiar, as far as your scent goes. You smell nothing like a human, it's weird. Both of you."

    Allen wasn't actually sure how to approach them, let alone people. He was timid, paranoid, and quick to say something. But it's as if there was nothing wrong with those two, for him, it was deja vu. He rubed the back of his neck and came to the conclusion that he should've introduced himself first,
    "Um, I'm Allen, the Iron Dragon Slayer.. I figured I should've exposed myself to you before I requested the same. Maybe I'm being too pushy..?"

    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Alistair 15th November 2014, 12:31 pm

    Fūjin felt a tap on his shoulder grabbing his attention causing him to turn around to see a man with golden eyes and wild red hair, wearing mostly wears black clothes with some fur on his left side on his upper body while his lower body was dressed in what appeared to be some type of semi robe with a brown belt latched onto it. The red haired man began to speak "Hey. Who are you and what sort of.. er, abilities do you have?" Fūjin didn't know if this guy was trying to be trying to be creepy or blunt, but he was sure as hell coming across this way. When the man looked down at Miya she yelped and hid behind Fūjin peeking out slightly behind his legs tugging on the back of his trousers as the red haired man continued to speak "You're rather.. peculiar, as far as your scent goes. You smell nothing like a human, it's weird. Both of you." Fūjin began to relax as he saw the man began to rub the back of his neck and guessed the guy wasn't good with dealing with people either as he introduced himself "Um, I'm Allen, the Iron Dragon Slayer.. I figured I should've exposed myself to you before I requested the same. Maybe I'm being too pushy..?" Fūjin sighed and rubbed the back of his own neck "No of coarse not coming up to someone and began shooting off questions without there consent with out introducing your self isn't pushy or rude in the slightest." Fūjin replied in his usual sarcastic manor while he could unsure if Allen was going to speak again before sighing again "But I ain't one to talk, I probably would have done the same or at least something similar if I was trying to get information from someone." Fūjin then held out a hand "The name is Fūjin Stratas," He then gestured to the area behind him here Miya was "and the one you accidently scared is called Miya." He then knelt down to Miya and handed her money he was going to buy the crepes with and even a little extra "I'm going to talk to Allen here you go ahead and buy them I'll wait here for you." Miya only nodded before running away to move along further in the line for crepes as Fūjin stood back up to look at Allen "Care to explain as not normal as far as our scents go, if you could tell us what we smell similar to then maybe I can answer a few of your questions."


    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) NIcSzU5
    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) 8bcBk2DCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) ABgHET9Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) WoUKdoo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Shakil 15th November 2014, 9:11 pm

    Allen watched the little girl scurry off towards the line with his golden eyes before staring back towards Fujin. He took his hand off his neck and rubbed his chin instead, trying explain things with few words. "Well, er, how do I put this? Lemme think.." After rubbing his chin, his hand stopped, and tapped his head. Furrowing his brows, trying to think of what he smells like. He smelled like something so familiar but he couldn't remember what. It was deja vu for him. Allen groaned in a frustrating tone, "Rep.. A reptile.. er, Lizard? No no.. not a lizard. A uh.. dragon? Yeah! A dragon. You smell like one of Khalan's kind." Allen smirked joyfully. He crossed his arms and nodded with a grin before unfolding them to his sides. He walked over to Fujin and sniffed his neck, arms, and hair. "I could just barely pick up your scent though. Maybe it's because I got your scent mixed up with that peculiar girl back over there." He pointed his thumb towards the little girl.

    Shrugging, he took a small whiff of his hair again before backing away, frowning in unsatisfactory. "As for that little girl.. I don't know. I don't I've smelled anything like her before." His senses were keen, especially his sense of smell. His natural desire was to drink blood, he could smell it from a mile away. And with being a dragon slayer, it only magnifies his sense of smell.

    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Alistair 17th November 2014, 4:37 pm

    "Well, er, how do I put this? Lemme think.." Allen said as he took his hand off his neck and rubbed his chin instead, his hand then stopped, and tapped his head furrowing his brows, trying to think of what Fūjin smelt like according to him. Groaning in a frustrating tone, he began to speak "Rep.. A reptile.. er, Lizard? No no.. not a lizard. A uh.. dragon? Yeah! A dragon. You smell like one of Khalan's kind." Allen explained smirked joyfully, crossing his arms while nodding with a grin before unfolding them to his sides."That would make since, my dad was a dragon after all." Fūjin explained to Allen as he walked over to him and began to sniffed at his neck, arms, and hair Fujin began trying to push Allen back gently as he was sniffing him "Dude, personal space."
    "I could just barely pick up your scent though. Maybe it's because I got your scent mixed up with that peculiar girl back over there." Allen hypothesized pointing his thumb towards Miya before shrugging and taking one final a small whiff of his hair again before backing away before frowning in unsatisfactory. "As for that little girl.. I don't know. I don't I've smelled anything like her before." Fūjin nodded as he understood what Allen was saying "Umhm that makes since, Miya is a probably a special case when it comes to exceed. She was two we're attacked by a rouge mage poacher that used take over magic, but she casted the spell wrong and ended up swapping bodies with Miya. So now she is an Kitsune exceed who travels around with the son of a dragon looking for his father. It's definitely not a story you hear everyday any way."


    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) NIcSzU5
    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) 8bcBk2DCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) ABgHET9Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) WoUKdoo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Shakil 17th November 2014, 6:51 pm

    Allen took a small glance over at what Fujin had addressed as Miya. "So I guess I was sniffing a cat.. figures." He chuckled with a straight, expressionless face as he then looked back over towards Fujin. "About the personal space thing, my apologies, it's more of a.. instinctive habit." He frowned with a chuckle as he looked back towards Miya and Fujin again, "Looking for your father, eh? I guess you could say that our goals are similar. I am also searching for my mother, but that goal just comes and goes. I feel as if she'd want me to enjoy life instead of looking for her, i bet she could handle herself. And I bet your dad is just fine. I mean, they're dragons. Nothing can topple over them!" Allen smirked arrogantly. He had obviously been told more then a few things about dragons from Khalan, and then twisting and turning those words into something exaggerated. Laughing with a devious smirk on his face, he walked over towards Fujin and wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him in close to the point Allen could whisper in his ear. "Tell ya' what. If you let me hang out with you two, you and Miya, I'll help you find your father. Sounds fair?" Allen was more interested of Miya. He never seen an exceed before. He could barely remember what they were. And she smelled peculiar, but nice. Something he'd be interested in indeed.

    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Alistair 18th November 2014, 5:18 pm

    "So I guess I was sniffing a cat.. figures." Allen chuckled looking at Miya with a straight, expressionless face as he then looked back over him. "About the personal space thing, my apologies, it's more of a.. instinctive habit." Fūjin saw as Allen frowned while chuckling as he looked back towards Miya and then himself again "Nah it's fine man I used to be the same, I was raised by wolves after my dad vanished. It's thanks to Miya I have stopped...most of the time...", "Looking for your father, eh? I guess you could say that our goals are similar. I am also searching for my mother, but that goal just comes and goes. I feel as if she'd want me to enjoy life instead of looking for her, i bet she could handle herself. And I bet your dad is just fine. I mean, they're dragons. Nothing can topple over them!" Allen smirked arrogantly before, laughing with a devious smirk on his face, he walked over towards Fūjin and wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him in close to the point Allen could whisper in his ear. "Tell ya' what. If you let me hang out with you two, you and Miya, I'll help you find your father. Sounds fair?" Fūjin nodded as he heard Allen's plan "Yea, sure no prob I'm fine with that...but could yea get off me?"
    As Fūjin said this Miya ran back to the two of them carrying three crepes, but she looked 10 years older (17 years old) and handed two crepes to Fūjin who in turn handed one to Allen "Welcome to the group buddy."


    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) NIcSzU5
    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) 8bcBk2DCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) ABgHET9Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) WoUKdoo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Shakil 19th November 2014, 10:37 am

    Unwrapping his arm around Fujin's neck, he leaned over to grab the crepe. After glancing down at he treat, he bent over toward Miya and ruffled her hair with a grin on his face, in clear satisfaction. "You didn't have to get this for me, really. Let me repay the favor sometime, I insist." With those words,  Alle  stood back up, and decided to act polite, respectful, and gentleman-like until he decided to stop. It always seemed to make everyone comfortable with him. He wasn't exactly sure on how, why, or when her appearance changed but it really didn't matter.

    Allen then unwrapped the sealed treat and sunk his dangs into the crepe. Allen paused, he had never had crepes like these before. Allen then grinned, "Never actually had something this good given to me.. thanks." He said as his toothy grin faded into a joyous smile. All in all, he was happy. Finishing the treat in few bites, he stuffed the wrapper into one of the small, few pockets he had, planning to trash it later on. Allen then turned toward Fujin with a raised brow and curious smirk. "Where to next? When you came to this town, did you have any plans?"

    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Alistair 19th November 2014, 5:08 pm

    Fūjin straightened out his back as Allen unwrapped his arm around his neck, leaning over to grab the crepe clearly still thinking that Miya was in her seven year old form "Oy Metal-head my eyes are up here." she told Allen who after glancing down at the crepe, he bent over toward Miya and ruffled her hair with a clear grin on his face, in clear sign of satisfaction, Miya pouted blushing a little bit usually only letting Fūjin pet her. "You didn't have to get this for me, really. Let me repay the favour sometime, I insist." Allen spoke standing back up, acting polite, respectful, and like a gentleman before unwrapping the crepe. Fūjin smirked as he began eating his own while on the other hand began to wolf hers down, Fūjin then noticed that Allen had paused, looking at it as if he had never had a crepe before while grinning "Never actually had something this good given to me.. thanks." He said as his toothy grin faded into a joyous smile Miya smirked "Don't get used to it bub and compared to other foods this stuff is nothing." Fūjin sighed and leaded over to Allen and whispered "Sorry about Miya, her personality changes when her age changes. She doesn't have control over it yet." Miya's ears twitched as Fūjin spoke her face turning red in embarrassment not noticing the crumbs or the small bit of whipped cream on that were her face and nose "B-baka! I-I can still hear you!"
    "Hey Miya you got something on your face."
    "Yea right here." Fūjin said before wiping the cream on her face and napkin with the side of his hand before he licked it off his own hand. Miya now both red from embarrassment and anger with her fur and hair standing up chomped down on Fūjin's crepe eating half of it in one half "AHH! MY CREPE!"
    "That what you get ye baka." she mumbled pouting before she went back to eating her own. It was then Fujin turned to Allen who had a raised brow and curious smirk to answer his question "Where to next? When you came to this town, did you have any plans?"
    "Actually we are just passing through on our way to the Neutral Grounds, there we are meeting some others and picking something up."


    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) NIcSzU5
    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) 8bcBk2DCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) ABgHET9Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) WoUKdoo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Shakil 20th November 2014, 7:23 am

    Allen chuckled at the sight of Miya and Fujin arguing. "Fiesty one, you're lucky to have her, Fujin." With those words Allen shook part of his wild red hair out of his eyes and line of vision. But as he put more thought into Miya and Fujin, he started to think about Viola. He wondered where she was lurking all of this time. Maybe she was still mad at him? Surely she wouldn't keep a grudge over what he did to her. But it's not like Allen understood a woman's heart, so he wouldn't know. But he forgotten all about that situation ages ago. He had a lot more things on his mind now. But that doesn't mean she had to avoid him.

    Allen was probably overthinking things before setting the thougt aside and focusing on Fujin and Miya alone. "Others? It looked to me like you were on a date with Miya for a second, or do you have a special other that is waiting for you over at neutral grounds?" Allen teased as he wiggled his eyebrows in a playful manner. He then nudged Fujin on his shoulder, "Who exactly are you meeting? Is it your girlfriend? Is it a date? Can I meet them?" Allen knew it probably wasn't a date, but he curious anyway on who he was meeting.

    Looking back at Miya, hewas late realizing what she had just called him, "M-Metal head?"

    OOC: I am at school typing this on my tablet again.. hehe. I'll edit this later.

    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Alistair 22nd November 2014, 5:04 am

    "Fiesty one, you're lucky to have her, Fujin." Allen said as he shook part of his wild red hair out of his eyes and line of vision, Fūjin looked "Huh? What do you by that? But regardless I am lucky to have her." he replied chuckling while smirking while on the other hand Miya was blushing getting flustered "B-B-Baka! Why are you agreed g with him on this kinda stuff ye moron!"
    "Huh? What kinda stuff?" Fūjin asked in response with a bonk expression causing Miya to pout looking away from the two of them, Fūjin shrugged and went back to eating his crepe when Allen spoke up again. "Others? It looked to me like you were on a date with Miya for a second, or do you have a special other that is waiting for you over at neutral grounds?" Allen said wriggling his eyebrows and nudging Fūjin on the shoulder as he teased the two of them though didn't notice the teasing though Miya was getting flustered once more getting red all over her face. "Who exactly are you meeting? Is it your girlfriend? Is it a date? Can I meet them?"
    "D-D-Date?!?!?" Miya exclaimed with all her fur and hair sticking up on end began to charge at Allen swing king her arms in circles aiming to hit Allen and would have to if Fūjin holding her back from running which he did by placing her hand on her head stopping her in her tracks "Yea stupid metal head baka! Whatcha doin' going around saying stuff like that? We ain't on a date and he ain't going to be meeting anybody and he ain't got a girlfriend and it ain't a date and neither is this yea know and and-" she suddenly stopped her rant attack and fell to her knees with her tail wagging, smiling with a look of pleasure in her eyes as Fūjin began to stroke her head in a certain manor that allowed him to also scratch behind her fox ears on her head. "Calm down Miya we are only going to meet up with Amara and Selia."
    "Fūjin-kun~.....Selia-oneesan~....Amara-chan~...." Miya said in a cutesy voice sounding as if she was in a trance at same time when he head Allen realise what Miya called him "M-Metal head?" Fūjin turn back to him though still petting Miya on the with one hand "Sorry about what she said she gets really mad for no reason sometimes when she is in this form. But to answer your question I am meeting up with some people who also asked to travel with me because we are all looking for something so why not look together. One of the people I am meeting is my sister anyway."

    OOC: I got a nice study break this weekend if you post I might be able to reply


    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) NIcSzU5
    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) 8bcBk2DCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) ABgHET9Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) WoUKdoo

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 346
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Curse Of Oni
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Shakil 26th November 2014, 10:51 am

    Allen sighed with a smirk, "Seriously, stop apologizing. I know a couple people more intimidating then her ya'know." He said with the following-up of a nonchalant shrug. With that, he frowned in a lazy, concerned way, followed up by a sarcastic chuckle. "Besides, if Miya keeps acting like that, she'll never find a significant other to call her own, ya'know." Allen joked with a playful nudge onto Miya's shoulder.

    But when his rather devious smirk faded into a warm smile, he walked up and looked Fuji in the eye, "But, all-in-all, you're lucky to have a family, Fujin. That's something I would like to have one day. To be honest, I only make it by in life by trusting the ones who say I'm worth a fight. Cherish those friends, Fujin, some people wish they were lucky as you." He grinned joyfully. But brushing the topic away, he backed up and sat down, legs crossed onto the hard ground. "But, anyway, when are we going? I've never left Magnolia before, it sounds fun." Or at least he couldn't recall any times he had left the town.

    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 131
    Guild : Surīpingu Mori
    Cosmic Coins : 2
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Mentor : Gamaken/Sage of Wisdom
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Vibration Magic
    Second Skill: ---
    Third Skill:

    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Alistair 28th November 2014, 3:04 pm

    Fūjin and Miya watched Allen as he sighed with a smirk, "Seriously, stop apologizing. I know a couple people more intimidating then her ya'know." He told them with a nonchalant shrug and a lazy, concerned frown with a sarcastic chuckle. "Besides, if Miya keeps acting like that, she'll never find a significant other to call her own, ya'know." he said whilst playfully nudging into Miya's shoulder, she glared at him in reply with her checks puffed "Just what'cha implying ye metal head?" Fūjin sighed shaking his head turning to Allen "Looks like your stuck with that nickname, don't worry she isn't like this all the time. Plus at least you ain't stuck with the nickname Airhead." Miya hearing this looked away pouting looking annoyed as Fūjin turned his attention to Allen who had a warm smile on his face as he walked up and looked Fūjin in the eye, "But, all-in-all, you're lucky to have a family, Fūjin. That's something I would like to have one day. To be honest, I only make it by in life by trusting the ones who say I'm worth a fight. Cherish those friends, Fūjin, some people wish they were lucky as you." He told him grinning joyfully as he backed up and sat down, legs crossed on the ground. "But, anyway, when are we going? I've never left Magnolia before, it sounds fun." Fūjin looked at Allen blankly not hearing the last question still thinking about family "If you want a family why not be apart of ours?" Fūjin said smiling warmly "After all I never had a human brother before...." his facial expression saddened as he began to remember his pack, before being whacked in the face gently by Miya using her tail as she leaned against him continuing to eat her crepe.


    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) NIcSzU5
    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) 8bcBk2DCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) ABgHET9Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) WoUKdoo

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    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Shakil 3rd December 2014, 6:26 pm

    Allen grinned with a toothy expression, "Oh, what, really? That'd be awesome! I never had a human brother either.." Allen recalled Kihia. He called him Nii-san because he seemed like a older brother to him but they weren't related in any way. Allen smiled gently and warmly at the thought of having a family. He never thought he'd ever have anyone other then Khalan, his mother who found him in the forests and raised him underground. Allen grinned even more as he tackled Fujin, "Allow me to say that it was so nice meeting you.. brother!" He said joyfully as he started to sniff his neck again. He really couldn't get enough of his scent, it was hard to resist. He hoped Fujin didn't realize he was sniffing him again, and Allen wasn't paying attention either.

    He then smirked at Miya with some playful greed while clinging to Fujin. He didn't say anything but it was clear that the "If you want him, come get him. I dare you. In fact, I double dare you." message was given. His golden yellow eyes closed as he paused, sticking hishis tongue out at Miya playfully. Allen extremely protective, possessive of people he cared for. But at this point he was just teasing Miya.


    The Flaming Storm

    The Flaming Storm

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    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) Empty Re: Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen)

    Post by Alistair 4th December 2014, 5:08 pm

    Fūjin looked at Allen grinning with a toothy expression causing him to smirk showing off his carnivore like canine teeth "Oh, what, really? That'd be awesome! I never had a human brother either.." Fūjin watched him grin even more as he tackled Fujin, "Allow me to say that it was so nice meeting you.. brother!" He said joyfully as he started to sniff his neck again, Fujin noticed tgis but he began to playfully push Allen away "Cut it out Onii-san."
    Though he didn't notice it when Allen smirked at Miya while clinging to Fujin and then closing his golden yellow eyes pausing before sticking his tongue out at her playfully.
    Miya's hair stood up straight as her face turned beat red, while her tail stood straight up as she clenched her fists before stamping her foot on the ground before running over and kicking Fujin in the arm knocking him to the ground and out of Allen's grip "GET OFF OF HIM YOU METALHEAD YOAI BAKA!"


    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) NIcSzU5
    Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) 8bcBk2DCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) ABgHET9Ceasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) JpghjKoCeasing The Isolation (Private; Storm/Allen) WoUKdoo

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