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    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members)

    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
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    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) Empty Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 27th October 2014, 4:21 pm

    The darkness that creeped around the corner was sometimes pleasant though if you lived in a place like this your more known to being insane. The darkness that lingers was no different then the darkness that rest in the hearts of those who was apart of the Guild known as Savage Skull. Step by step could be heard as the fog was extremely heavy at this time it wasn’t unnatural not one single bit but it sure didn’t make this frightening when you walked passed grave stones that was fully certain. Shizuma a dark mage who you honestly couldn’t judge her character because of how she acted in front of people,She wouldn’t come of as “Insane” or “Psychopath she was more calm than others or rather she just enjoyed letting others believe so.

    Shizuma is a slim woman , with long pink hair and red eyes.Her outfit consists of a white low-cut tank top that exposes both her midriff and cleavage, along with a pair of orange-and-black striped buckled shorts with long, thin suspenders. She also wears black high-heeled boots which reach up to her calves, with large laces coming from the openings, and a pair of hot pink and dark red stockings with a yellow sun-like motif on them The hat she wears is a green Furażerka with a light-green lining. She has an anti-eyebrow below her right eye, bright red lipstick on her lips, and is sometimes seen wearing a brown furred jacket.

    The heel of her boots pressing into the ground as she walked be was actually pacing herself for once. The whole reason she probably wasn’t in a hurry,was probably because Rekka might be mad for her being gone so long. It’s like that time you're trying to avoid going home because your wife will smell the other girl perfume off of you. This was like exactly how Shizuma felt at the moment it wasn’t something she normally cared for until she met Rekka.”Guess I better just go get what’s coming to me I suppose,what’s the worse that could happen?”she asked herself as she walked the sake bottle dangling on her side hooked to her shorts.

    Her sword Makengi was placed on her back as it was obviously the only weapon she carried with her that made even those higher ranks  shiver in fear. Well it was a demon sword after all so no shock really there. She would begin to sigh as she was really not the best when he came to walking especially in this graveyard like place,it was like the smell of rotten corpses and the like filled the air I mean damn couldn’t we get a air freshener in this place. She wrinkled her nose a bit since when you have superior sense of smell the smell is just ten times worse.”Maybe I could just,go straight to my room with no one...stopping me that will be perfect,especially not that Kyle”she thought.

    Her feet rose from the ground as the wind wrapped around her body and just lifted her up carrying her alone. She kinda forgot she could do this,so it was a win win situation nonetheless,her body floated in mid air for the time being as she came to the door of the guild before finally landing on her feet. Opening the door with a small gust of wind she would just step into the guild hopefully no one was here and she could just go find something to eat and drink some sake…..she defiantly didn’t want to run into Kyle,Rekka or the Head Master...that would be bad in all ways especially. Her high heel boot stepped on the floor as she placed the sack she was carrying on a nearby chair taking off her hat she placed it down also. Her red eyes touching the table she stood over as she sighs,remembering when she first entered this place.”Damn...I'm hungry


    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) 4HY9qZf

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    Kyle Vay
    Kyle Vay

    Lineage : Sand Demon
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    Mentor : Dewei Cike
    Experience : 75,000

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    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) Empty Re: Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members)

    Post by Kyle Vay 29th October 2014, 12:12 pm

    Suddenly sand blew into Shizuma's low cut shirt. Don't mind if I do, a voice sounded. She could hear a low laugh. You girls always coming around with the lowcut shirts, short skirts, and tight pants... The voice sounded. He chuckled again. He had gained more audacity lately, mainly because there was no one to really keep him on his leash at the moment.

    OOC: Sorry short post.


    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) Tumblr_mopfs8aWqp1s4tpb5o1_500
    Magic | Character

    Lineage : Wrath of an Ex Husband
    Position : None
    Posts : 439
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    Post by Cecile 29th October 2014, 1:56 pm

    Shizuma's statement of her being hungry was being answered by the one person she actually didn't wanted to run into. At first it was on the sound of footsteps, the loud noise of leather gentleman's shoes clacking against the stone pavement of the floor, only to be followed up by a conceited voice that slithered through the entire hall.

    'Miss Shizuma I assume?'

    Following the direction of the voice, Shizuma would see a man in his early forties. Stepping out of the shadows that was being casted by one of the sustaining pillars. And just as his voice, the man's appearance yelled nothing but smugness. This was Harrigan Crawford, guild master of Savage Skull. A man whose conceited pride was as infinite as his wrath.

    Yet his wrath didn't had to be quelled today, for he felt no anger towards the woman that had a sudden absence from the guild. In fact, he'd was rather intrigued by her. Because if she hadn't had left he would've never noticed her. At least not as a person, but now that she had returned he was actually curious to know why.

    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 215
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 2250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) Empty Re: Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members)

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 29th October 2014, 4:39 pm

    Shizuma a woman who really didn’t fit in the known dark places of the world due to how she was,she was more calm and collected able to control her outburst well somewhat. She had returned after being gone so long to the very place it all begun. Her bag was in the chair next to her as she looked around. This place was creepy as ever but it was her home,well probably the only place that would accept her at least. She had recently returned from a job which had her existence gone from this place. She reached over grabbing the bottle of sake on her side she was getting low she could feel it. She stood in the area for quite some time thinking on if Rekka was ok and didn’t get herself killed. Maybe she was just worrying to much,a soft sigh will leave her lips as she shook her head a bit to get those thoughts out of her head.

    As she was lost in thought it was right then and there a sudden almost mini sandstorm seem to blow through. It caught Shizuma off guard as she had used her arms to shield herself but something caught her attention a voice. A similar voice at that,her teeth will grind together as that voice if she wasn’t mistaken was Kyle that guy from when she first came her and was introduced. Her eyes slightly narrowed because of the sudden sand and to prevent it from going into her eyes,it was no doubt that guy if her memories was correct it was definitely him. Her arms remained crossed in front of her face as the sand would finally stop.

    She would open her eyes”So a new magic to fill your perverted desires I take it”she spoke though it would seem she was talking to herself because the person who she heard wasn’t their physically or if her hunch was right he was the sand. Her arms will return to her sides as she looked around a hand reaching up to push strand of pink hair behind her ear in the process.”Some people never change no matter the time you be apart from them”she murmur under her breath before a smile spread on her face,her firm pink lips forming into that smile as she look towards the floor…..….she was going to kill him.

    But before she continued her words or if she wanted to there was the sound of clanking shoes approaching the floorboards obviously gave that off. This made her go instantly silent and almost forget about Kyle for the time being. Her ears will pick up the voice as she would turn her head slightly to face the man who seem to be dressed to impress. Who was this man that stood in this guild hall? and how did he know her name? so many questions flooded her head at that time it was very difficult to think of a solution. Her right hand will rise as a attempt to grab the hilt of her sword as something was off it was like part of her knew him and part of her just registered him as a stranger or possibly a enemy.

    That’s my name…..but why do you know it,I never seen you before”she paused for a second before resuming.”But since you know my name...who are you?”she went straight to the point not sugar coating it,this was who Shizuma was. But it was also obvious she didn’t do much research on the guild in the first place to be speaking to the guild master as such. Her hand rested on the hilt as slowly dark wind will begin to coat the blade she held. This was her feeling threaten,it wasn’t her trying to be tough...it was her sense telling her just how dangerous this man before her was.


    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database
    Rekka Hecate
    Rekka Hecate

    Coming Storms- Player 
    Lineage : Queen of Darkness
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    Posts : 357
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 15
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    Experience : 5214

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    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) Empty Re: Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members)

    Post by Rekka Hecate 29th October 2014, 5:35 pm

    Rekka heard rumors someone she thought was long gone had returned to the guild as she smiled and could only wonder if she had really returned. Her lover and the one she wanted at her side, she wanted to use her until she was no longer any use but Shizuma knew this and accepted this fact. She made her way through the halls spotting someone she didn't quite know, the smell however she knew it it had to be her. Harrigan had already ran into her along with the pervert Kyle, she was used to this man however.

    "Well it has been some time since we last met me dear, I see you met Harrigan our guild master I do not think you ran into him last time you were here. I take it you know the pervert Kyle already, do not mind him he isn't a concern the better question is why return did you miss my touch that much my dear."

    She moved up behind her placing her arms around her chest looking over toward Kyle with a glare as like a animal marking her territory. This was the one person she didn't want anyone else in the guild to touch she could care less about the others.


    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) Rekka2_by_gramcrackers-da9cjq9_zpsii1hnevm

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Glory Of The Slayer
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    Posts : 297
    Guild : Basilisk Fang
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Sykle (Ice Demon from the Book of Zeref)
    Experience : 900

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Demon Slayer Magic
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    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) Empty Re: Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members)

    Post by Naziel 29th October 2014, 5:54 pm

    Naziel stepped out walking the halls of Savage Skull, it was not something he was yet used to as he came upon the main hall where Harrigan and several others appeared to be congregating. Was this a new member or a trespasser? He knew not but he did know that it was someone he didn't know. Well, he'd only been there a matter of a few days so how was he to know? He entered the hall and leaned against an adjacent pillar looking onward at the group; "You sure make a lot of noise... Is this someone we should remove master?" He spoke with a sense of intrigue in his voice to all except the last part directed at Harrigan.

    He found the master interesting but the girl wearing next to nothing was no flop, she had curves in all the right places and Naziel couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the other girl who seemed to be groping her with no boundaries. He decided to take his Master's flank as he headed over to stand approximately 4 feet to his left. If this was an intruder he would make sure to keep such people away from the one who offered him a home when he had none remaining. The air around him began to get a little colder, not to freezing point but enough to feel the nip in the air as he watched all who stood in the hall.


    Return Of The Sky God Slayer(SS Members) 53ylNPe
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