Fairy Tail RP

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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 10th September 2014, 2:14 pm

    Chloe Rhodes look up towards the sky and rub the back of her sheepishly as she saw ominous  gray clouds up ahead, it look like today Chloe Rhodes was going to spend most of her time indoors. "Uh, I should have worn an armored rain jacket today or brought an umbrella. Cha! I better find a place to chill at until the storm blows over. Oh wait. I should have said that" And just as Chloe Rhodes finished her statement, it begin to rain, and no it wasn't a light rain shower, it was pouring.  The wind start to pick up speed as Chloe's armored skirt even blew in the howling winds. For several seconds, Chloe stand there, looking up towards the sky, ignoring the growing storm around her. Chloe had an amused look on her face, as she randomly bust out laughing about her neck, not even caring that she getting soak no less. Yet after a couple of minutes, Chloe begin to feel cold, so she began walking through the raging storm. Chloe's tummy began to growl loudly as Chloe's search for a place to eat at.

    Soon, Chloe wander in front of that famous Fairy Tail Place, that she mistook for a sandwich shop! The rain made it hard to see. "Wait! This isn't a sandwich shop! Oh no! My quest for food! I have fail! Sorry tummy." Chloe shouted as she kick open the doors and step inside the warm building. Several people would look at the scantily dressed armored woman weirdly as Chloe ramble on about sandwich. "At least I can chill hear until the storm ends" Chloe pouted as she found a table in the center of the building. Instead of sitting down in chair like a normal person, Chloe hop up on the table and lay down on it. Laying down on her stomach, Chloe would begin to read a swimsuit magazine that was left on the table. Once again she didn't noticed the people looking at her strangely.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 408
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 10th September 2014, 2:39 pm

    Chloe had been volunteering at the guild for awhile now and had been loving every minute of it. She had been selected because she was one of the finest cooks in Fiore, but it still felt special to her. Despite that, the day was kinda dragging as she stood at the bar, washing it with a towel. She had to stand on a stool to reach the bar, which was embarrassing, but it was to be expected at her size. Chloe had been wearing a maid's outfit she made that was slightly revealing. Of course it would be much more if Chloe bent over or her straps fell down, but that was something else. Eventually she saw an armored girl enter the guild. She was very short, but Chloe herself could not judge. She decided that the woman instantly needed to warm up. She took a few minutes and made a warm meat sandwhich with the same love all of her food gets. She eventually walked from behind the bar and to the table near this girl. She walked to the side of the table the girl was laying on and handed her the sandwhich with a girlish smile, showing her busty and curvy figure. "Hello! Nice Outfit." Chloe said liking the way this girl looks completely.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 10th September 2014, 3:00 pm

    Chloe R. was enjoying reading the swimsuit magazine even if reading wasn't her thing. She wasn't really reading it, she was just looking at the pictures of attractive women and men that was spread out through the magazine. Once again her tummy start growling again, which cause Chloe R. to sighed, she didn't have much jewels on her at the moment. Chloe R. closed her eyes and begin to pray to the gods that a sandwich would appeared in front of her, crossing her fingers. Chloe R., open her eyes as she heard a voice. Chloe R. couldn't hardly contain her excitement, the gods sent down a gorgeous sandwich serving angel it was almost to good to believe but Chloe R. knew she wasn't dreaming and she wasn't dead. Chloe R. would look over the busty sandwich angel. The maid outfit was a major turn on. Chloe R. didn't even noticed the sandwich until her tummy roar. "Thank you, I love your outfit. I bet you have all the....men? Coming after you." Chloe R. would grinned as she took bite of meaty sandwich. Chloe R. soon had a dream like expression on her face, this was one of the best sandwiches she ever had. Chloe R. knew that she had to make the sandwich maiden her woman or die trying. "So gorgeous. What is name?" Chloe R. Ask as eyes continued to glance up and down the lovely woman.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 408
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 10th September 2014, 3:06 pm

    Chloe had definitely planned on talking this woman up. It was someone of her size, and she was gorgeous to boot, but she had never envisioned this. She blushed beat red with embarrassment.  She had given the girl the sandwhich and was met with compliments. She had never received compliments like that. Normally she got a "Thanks Kid" or "You forgot the pepper." It was great getting this fresh air from a definitely attractive woman. "I prefer girls... but boys are fine." Chloe decided since she probably wouldn't land this girl, that she immortalize her beauty. She took out a pencil and sketchbook from the bar and walked back towards her. "Mind if I draw you? I can give you another sandwhich if you agree?" Chloe said desperately hoping she would say yes.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 10th September 2014, 3:22 pm

    Chloe R. didn't answered the other women immediately as she decided to take a few more bites of the mouth watering sandwich she was given. Chloe R. still didn't knew what she did to earn this kind of treatment but she wouldn't question her good fortunate. When Chloe R. ask for her name, she didn't expected the woman to ask to draw her, Chloe R. felt her heat skipped a beat, this woman was becoming more perfect in her eyes. An attractive drawer with a talent for sandwiches, Chloe R. was smitten with the shockingly shorter female. Chloe R. rarely met other people smaller than her but she didn't mind or care about other people height. "More sandwiches! How can I refuse such an offer. Please draw me it would be a honor. I can even take off my armor if you want. I look good out of the armor as well. Just in case you was wondering." Chloe R. would winked at the sandwich angel. She just want to see her reaction, she had to make sure the other woman was at least somewhat interested in the same sex. So far Chloe R. assumed she was but it never hurt to double check.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 408
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 10th September 2014, 3:30 pm

    Chloe smiled and nodded when the other woman said she wanted to be drawn. She was in a position where she barely expected this woman to pose for her. She took out her stuff and was about to start drawing when she made the comment about posing naked. "Well we just met... May as well head back to my place though. Chloe said as she went outside and stood in the rain for a few minutes. She then her hand out above her and used her water dragon powers to part all the water around her causing all the rain to stop upon hitting it, like an invisible box. She stood outside, waiting for the other woman to come. "My name is Chloe by the way" she said as she prepared for the woman to join her. SHe made the wall intentionally small, so they would have to be close each other.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 10th September 2014, 3:50 pm

    Chloe R. was surprised she was mostly teasing about taking her armor off. Was the other person talking her offer seriously? Chloe. R wondered as she finished the rest of her sandwich, she put herself in corner, oh well she made the offer and she wouldn't back down if the woman decided to draw her without armor.  Next time Chloe R. would think these things out, well probably not. Chloe R. would sit up and hop off the table she was lying on and follow the other woman who shared her name. "Cute Name, My name is Chloe Rhodes. Its a pleasure to meet you." The box was small, which work in her favor. Chloe R. was mostly dried and warn from staying inside the building but still it didn't meat she couldn't get warmer. "Chloe, You don't mind if I lean on you a bit? I'm still kind of cold from walking out in the rain from earlier. And you look so warn and toasty. I promise I won't bite."  Chloe R. shyly smiled at the other Chloe, she even manage to force herself to blush a bit. As she look at Chloe with hopefully expression. Now of course her shy act was an act to increase her chances of Chloe saying yes.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 408
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 10th September 2014, 4:05 pm

    Chloe smiled and gestured for the other Chloe to take a spot under her other arm. She prepared to let the other Chloe under her arm and hold her close using it. Hoping that she would take the offer and not be weirded out by her. She prepared to warm the girl up no matter how awkward it was. She was attracted to this girl, no matter what. Eventually they reached Chloe's small cot, which was renovated to accomdate her miniscule height. "So do you have a place to stay this evening. Its really late and I have a spare room in my place, or another half of my bed." Chloe said no expecting her to accept.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 10th September 2014, 4:25 pm

    Chole R. nodded her head as she the spot under Chloe's arm. "Thank you." Chloe R. said quietly as they walk to the other Chloe's place, Chloe R. remained extremely close to the other Chloe during the trip, snuggling up agasaint her every once in while, Chloe R. enjoy the warmth and comfort she got form Chloe, hopefully didn't wouldn't be her last time doing this. As the reach the cozy cot, Chloe R. look up and smile. She didn't move from her spot on Chloe's arm yet/ "Uh. nope I don't have a place to stay at. I don't even know why I ended up here. Anyway I wouldn't mind sleeping in the same bed as you. It can be like a sleepover." Chloe R. then laugh as her tummy growled once more. Her tummy really wanted that sandwich."Uh. So how about that other sandwich you said you would give me? Or would you like to draw me first? Gorgeous." Chloe R. was glad that the cot was made to benefit, the vertically challenge like her.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Posts : 408
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 10th September 2014, 4:31 pm

    Chloe smiled when the other Chloe agreed to stay with her and share a bed as well. She wondered how long they would stay together, but Chloe wished it was forever. She didn't want to let go of the girl and waited till they were exactly inside before doing that. "Well if you don't mind, i wanna get my pajamas on, and I will cook while you pose yourself." Chloe said as she went upstairs and came back with a large blue tee-shirt and pink panties, the T-shirt intentionally covered her lack of pants, which was good for her. She smiled and went to the sandwhich and came back awhile later. This time the sandwhich had even more love because of how she felt about this girl.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 10th September 2014, 5:03 pm

    "Okay" Chloe R. pouted a bit, as she let go of the other Chloe, if she wanted her sandwich she had to let the other girl go. It was a difficult decision but her hungry for food won out in the end. Now that she was left alone, Chloe R. had to think of a pose, this was the first time she every pose for anyone and was for someone she like too, the poses Chloe knew where fighting poses she didn't knew anything seductive or sexy, since she haven't thought about stuff like that until now. Chloe R. shrugged as she went through several fighting and sword stance, she image herself in battle trying to decided on perfect pose. When Chloe came back into the room, Chloe R. had both of hands behind her head, with her chest pointed out and her legs slightly cross. Chloe R. didn't knew how she ended up in this position. "And I thought you maid outfit was eye-catching. Wow. That is even better." Chloe R. could smell the sandwich but she resist the urge to run over there and eat it, she would wait until Chloe draw her first.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 10th September 2014, 5:28 pm

    Chloe layed the sandwhich down on the table and started envisioning the picture. She eventually started drawing her picture and looked towards the other Chloe and stared in awe at her pose. "Looking... amazing!" Chloe said wanting to run and hug the other Chloe with all her heart. She smiled and drew before handing the other Chloe the sandwhich before taking it away saying, "You also need to strip up first. This feels awkward." she said as she redied for her.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 10th September 2014, 8:12 pm

    "Thank you, I thought I was looking like an idiot, Cha! If I didn't like weapons so much I should do this for a living " Chloe R. said jokingly as she manage to remained perfectly still through out the drawing, she was curious to see how she was drawn but she didn't ask about yet, her tummy want her to worry about eating first. "So tell me Chloe, were you an born artist or did you have to practice?" Said the hungry Chloe R. as she begin to devouring the angelic morsel, she could eat these sandwiches all day long. "After swallowing the food she had in her mouth, Chloe happily sighed. "Seriously this is one of the best sandwiches I ever had. What makes your sandwiches so tasty?" Chloe R. couldn't figure it out, and ate plenty of sandwiches in her young life. Chloe R. chuckle about the stripping, she had to open her mouth. "Alright! Don't worry we both women, so this isn't awkward." Chloe R. undid her armored skirt and let it dropped to ground where made a low thump sound. She was wearing black panties underneath. Then Chloe R. took off the rest of her armor casually. Luckily she did decided to wear second bra today. Now Chloe R. was just in her black bra and panties. "So same pose I had before?"  
    Amara Adrestia
    Amara Adrestia

    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Amara Adrestia 10th September 2014, 10:59 pm

    "Ah. Chloe-sama," Sakura had just entered the guild hall when she saw her teammate across the room, she made her way over to her awkwardly weaving in between the tables. When she arrived at the table she bowed to Chloe as a sign of politeness then turned around to see who her friend was with. Here eyes widened in surprise as she noticed a woman in her underwear stood next to her, she had apparently just taken her amour off. "..." Sakura stared for a second, not knowing what to do. Her exceed Ebony wasnt here to help her, so instead she positioned herself so that Chloe was in between herself and the undressed girl. "Is she a bully?" Sakura whispered to her teammate.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} QiRNXYQ
    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} CGma7yz
    Amara's Themes:
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 11th September 2014, 3:34 am

    Chloe had been drawing the picture very well and handed the other Chloe the sandwhich. She had wanted to see the other Chloe like this since she met her, and it appeared now was the time. She looked at her current pose and said, "I dont know really, I just feel like I was made to draw, so I started practicing. If you are comfortable getting a sexier one..." Chloe said unsure how she could possibly be more sexy right now than she currently was. Chloe looked behind her for a moment and saw that her roommate Sakura entered the living room. "Hello Saki." Chloe said before gesturing the girl to the very short woman like herself, "This is Chloe Rhodes." she said before doing the same for Chloe R. to Sakura, "This is my best friend Saki" she said with a smile, desperately hoping her friend and love interest would get along.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 11th September 2014, 6:09 am

    "Sounds like drawing is a natural talent of yours." Doing a few stretches, to keep herself from getting stiff, Chloe R. finished the rest of her sandwich, her hungry was satisfied  at the moment. Now she could fully focus on the other Chloe. "Something sexier? Do you like what you see, Chloe?"  Chloe R. teased a bit before she rub the back of her head. Well, she matter well take a chance. "Do you want to go out on a date sometime, Chloe? You cook for me, you drew me and you got to see me undressed. So I figure, ask Chloe out." Chloe R. then turn her focus from Chloe to the other girl in the room who just stare at her. Chloe R. still didn't understand why woman has this sort of reaction when she is undressing in front o them. They were all women after all. Letting out a small sigh, Chloe R. would lie down on the floor, resting on her side. Resting her head in her left hand. "Hello Saki! I hope your okay with me asking Chloe out. Can you give me any tips on winning Chloe's heart?" Chloe R. look at Saki with a friendly grin. At first Chloe R. thought she had competition for Chloe but now that she knew Saki was Chloe's best friend it made Chloe R. relax.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Guild : Blue Pegasus
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 11th September 2014, 12:04 pm

    Chloe became extremely embarrassed when the other Chloe had said that to her. She blushed uncontrollably before going over to the other girl and hugging her as tight as she could. she wondered how exactly someone as beautiful as the other Chloe saw something in her. As she hugged her she looked on her with a shy face and said, "Well...I like...you alot... from what ive seen..." Chloe said not knowing how to say how she feeled about her first crush. "Its ok if you say no... i don't expect somene like you to like someone like me..." Chloe said not knowing what the other Chloe was meaning.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Amara Adrestia
    Amara Adrestia

    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Amara Adrestia 11th September 2014, 12:35 pm

    "Chloe is mine," Sakura snuggled Chloe, she didnt mean in a romantic way, the two of them were just really really good friends (best friends in fact). She wasnt sure how she thought of the new Chloe yet, however if Chloe-sama trusted her then so should Sakura. She watched silently as Chloe blushed at the other Chloes confession, Sakura had never been in a relationship herself so she didnt really know how to respond to the situation.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} QiRNXYQ
    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} CGma7yz
    Amara's Themes:
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 0

    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 11th September 2014, 12:54 pm

    "Well I guess that means you will go out with me. Cha! I can set something up later. Look I like you, I don't know why you can't understand that but darn it, I will prove it to Chloe. " Chloe R. didn't got the answers from the questions she ask but whatever it only meant she to make more of an effort to win over the other Chloe. Chloe R. hugged the other Chloe back, as she stare at Saki, she still was a bit weary for her. After the hugged ended. Chloe R. light glare at Sakura, as she said Chloe was her but Chloe R. told herself that she just friends with other Chloe and she was just looking out for her friend. "Chloe will be my girlfriend sooner or later. I just stay undressed, I'm staying here for the evening anyway. So Chloe and Saki. Tell me more about Fairy Tail. I was planning to join them but I got sidetrack with food!" Chloe R. figure she these two might know something about the guild.
    Amara Adrestia
    Amara Adrestia

    Lineage : Soldier of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 412
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Amara Adrestia 11th September 2014, 1:04 pm

    Sakura looked at Chloe.R curiously, she hoped she would understand that she didnt like to speak much if she didnt know the person she was speaking to very well. She smiled warmly at her trying to show her that she was attempting to be friendly. She bowed politely, her long hair brushing the ground, "Nice to meet you." Straightening up Sakura realized that Chloe.R was not planning on putting her clothes back on causing Sakuras cheeks to flame. Chloe.R asked about Fairy Tail casually, as if she was not standing in front of them half naked.
    "It is a fun guild. Everyone here is really kind," Sakura spoke quietly, wishing for Chloe.A to help her out.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} QiRNXYQ
    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} CGma7yz
    Amara's Themes:
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Posts : 408
    Guild : Blue Pegasus
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder God Slayer
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 11th September 2014, 1:24 pm

    Chloe was unsure of how to respond to this whole situation but looked up at the other Chloe when she talked about being her girlfriend and said, "Can I be your girlfriend now?" she said extremely hopeful, desperately wanting this girl to be her companion as she hugged her eventually she released from the hug when she was talking about Fairy tail. "Fairy Tail is my home and the greatest place I have seen to date." Chloe said smiling and meaning every word that she said.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

    Lineage : Gynophobic Grave
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 11th September 2014, 1:51 pm

    That was easier than expected Chloe R. thought to herself but then again who could resist her charm or her easy going attitude. Or her sexy body, if only she was a little bit taller. When Sakura bow to her, Chloe R. face palm herself and shook her head, not these people too, they don't know the cool way to greet someone but she would teach them the art of the fist bump later. "I will get you to talk to me more Saki. I will become your friend." Chloe R. nodded her sagely as she spook with burning determination as she hugged Chloe and happily sighed. "Of course you can be my girlfriend now." With a grin, Chloe R. would plant a quick kiss on the other Chloe's lips, if she allowed it of course. "If my girlfriend and soon to be friend thinks that Fairy Tail is cool, then consider me apart of it!" Then the half-dressed girl look down at her clothes and scratch her head. She noticed the look on Sakura's face when she stay she stay undressed. Maybe she could get dressed to make the other girl feel comfortable. Chloe R. shrugged, she can get used to it.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 11th September 2014, 1:59 pm

    Chloe smiled and kissed the girl back, filled with the same passion she had since she first met her, but definitely still quick. She smiled and looked towards Saki, "Its takes a bit to break her shell. Think of her like a turtle, she moves real slow and pokes herself out sometimes" she said smiling as she pat her best friend on the back as if to say, "go for it" before going back to the other Chloe and sat on the couch putting on the same blushing face that the other Chloe had before, "I am still cold from outside..." as if to say, "I warmed you, now its my turn" with an embarrassed face but she really was smiling inside.


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8
    Chloe Rhodes
    Chloe Rhodes

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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Rhodes 12th September 2014, 6:06 pm

    "Well my hammer of friendship and charisma should be able to break that outer shell of yours. Saki. Cha! Nothing to it." Chloe R. grin at her new girlfriend. It was interesting that she would be going out with someone with the same name as her. Chloe-sect? Chloe R, snickered mentally in back of her head. When it seem likes the table were turn, in the other Chloe flavor. "Oh you are, well as your new girlfriend I can't let that happen. Can I?" Even if she was half-dressed she could still heat her up. Too bad Saki was in the room...on...Chloe R. shook her head, no need to get to far ahead of herself. Chloe R. sat down next to her girlfriend and wrapped her arms around her. Leaning in close to her and whispered in her ear, playfully. "Are you still cold?" Chloe R. would have ask Saki was she could but Chloe R. didn't like sharing.
    Chloe Harken
    Chloe Harken

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Ariel's Descent
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    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} Empty Re: Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All}

    Post by Chloe Harken 12th September 2014, 6:13 pm

    Chloe smiled when the other Chloe had wrapped herself around her. She smiled and rubbed herself up against her girlfriend's half naked body. Chloe spoke like a child when she said, "Am I your little girl?" Chloe said playfully as she smiled at he girl friend and gave her a small peck on the cheek as she grabbed a blanket next to her and put it over the two. "Nice a toasty dont ya say?" she said smiling and looked at her with a loving stare. She eventually took the large T-shirt off revealing the bra underneath and showing her panties in their full glory, "May as well even the score?"


    Welcome to the Family, Chloe Rhodes! {Open To All} XgUWmH8

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