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    Saeko Shinozaki's History


    The Cursed Soul

    The Cursed Soul

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Shadows of Anarchy
    Position : None
    Posts : 59
    Guild : βαƨιℓιƨκ Ғαиɢ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Ɖɛƨ∂ɛмσиια
    Experience : 50

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    Saeko Shinozaki's History Empty Saeko Shinozaki's History

    Post by Nathaniel 29th August 2014, 12:37 pm

    Saeko Shinozaki's History HOTD-highschool-of-the-dead-34902576-500-275


    Alone... Abandoned... Without any memory of her past life... That's what Saeko's first memory is like. Laying in middle of one of the dark streets of Midi, alone, with a bloody katana next to her, with dry blood all over her body. Her long, purple hair down, wet by the heavy rain that was falling in Midi that same day. Confused, not knowing what to do or where to go, Saeko got up slowly, wondering where was she, what was she doing there... or who was she, how old is she, and when is her birthday. Where are her parents. Scared. Trying to remember her past, Saeko failed, as the only thing she could see when she tried to remember her past is a big, blank spot. Not a single memory of her parents. Not a single memory of her possible siblings. Her childhood. All those small and big occurances that are supposed to remain stored safe into her mind, were lost for her. She was clueless about what she should do. People in Midi were nice, but none of them would ever accept to take care of a child covered in blood that had a bloody katana with her. Nobody. It was simply a question of what people would say: everyone was worried that the neighbours might begin talking on how they toook in a possible murderer in their home. No matter it is a child.

    She stood there, in the same place, in the same position for days. If not a week. Ocassionally, a small kitten would bring the girl some food and water, food and water that Saeko had no idea where it got from. She was too succumbed into self pity and confusion to ask herself. A few weeks after that, Saeko finally got back to herself. Washing herself in a nearby pool, stealing new clothes, the girl came back to her feet, no longer confused. Now she was rather empty. So much time alone and abandoned, Saeko had developed hatred towards the Midi residents... and the humanity. They had abandoned her, and nobody even cared to help her. People disgusted her. She wanted to watch the world burn, people die in acid pits.

    Deciding to find a better place for herself, Saeko escaped Midi, nobody even noticing. She was no longer the girl that was lost in self pity or confusion. She had developed such a severe hatred towards humanity in its whole, that she stopped all contact with humans. She avoided talking to people, she would rather remain alone and travel in peace, succumbed into dark thoughts filled with hatred and evil. She herself had became numb to the pain, to emotions, and to everything that made her human. She had learned to live without memories of her past, without a family, without anyone. She had learned to survive all alone. From that moment on, Saeko had always seen herself as perfectly capable of surviving all alone, as someone who doesn't need others' help to make it, as someone who is perfectly capable of making it through alone.

    RP Sample:

    Face Claim: Saeko Busujima- High School of the Dead

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      Current date/time is 13th June 2024, 8:58 am