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    Mary Mahoney (WIP)

    Mary Mahoney
    Mary Mahoney

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Celestial Dark Queen
    Position : None
    Posts : 282
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1100

    Mary Mahoney (WIP) Empty Mary Mahoney (WIP)

    Post by Mary Mahoney 18th August 2014, 4:36 am

    Name: Mary Mahoney
    Gender: Female
    Age: 16
    Birthday: January 15
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Special Characteristics: Rectangle shaped pupils in her eyes.

    Personality: Mary is a free spirited and energetic individual one could meet. She uses that energy to good use, running, climbing and otherwise excel at physical activities. This makes her give the impression that she is hyper, but in actuality can calm down when needed. She knows how to separate silliness from actual serious business. This is so ingrained into her that she can calm down in a heartbeat which causes her to be focused on any task at hand and continue to do so with the same energy.

    Mary is inherently a good soul with a strict morale code that are the same doctrines as when she was a nun. She uses said code and discipline to act as a mental shield against the demons onslaught on her soul. She will pray upon waking, eating a meal, even before and after a fight (to pray for forgiveness for using her powers and for the enemies soul). While she does do this, it causes her to have a major headache as the demon within her attempts to stop it. It becomes a sharp pain that goes through her head and feels like a drill is going through her head.

    Mary also sometimes appears like her head is in the clouds, this is also untrue. Mary has to constantly fight for control over her own soul with a demon. This makes her distracted as she starts to mentally argue with the demon inside her and could potentially get herself in accidents like walking into a lamp post or into a doorway. This distractfulness also commonly stereotypes the girl as an airhead when she is far from it.

    Mary is still fairly naive as she was living in a convent most of her life and some things can go over her head. This stems from the teachings of the church that tells her to love all things equally regardless of gender, doctrines or origin (except demons). She will be friendly towards anyone who are good people, but will usually respond by punching people when they ask her to violate her religious doctrines. She will then with a huff leave the room or area.

    The Demon Ursulla however is a conniving, manipulative sadist that enjoys putting the ex-nun through the trials of having her leeching off her soul. She whispers sins that Mary should commit sins and attempts to constantly wrest control of Mary's body. She enjoys watching others suffer, especially if she was the cause for it. When in control Mary's pupils turn white and personality shifts into an other sociopath that looks to have some fun while having a foothold in Earthland. Woe comes the day when Ursulla takes complete control of Mary...

    In combat Mary focuses on attacking and assaulting the target with little regards to personal safety. The target need to be downed as fast as possible before he hurts anyone else. It is also that she wants to end the fight before Ursulla before the bloodlust completely takes over her mind, a state where all rational though is removed from her mind and focuses on letting the blood flow. As a leader she tends to use a blitzkrieg strategy of going full offensive before enemy can react appropriately. Even then though she is unfit to be said leader as the mind slowly becomes unreliable. Usually a quick jab with holy energy snaps her out of this state and back to a rationale mind.

    Regardless Mary is slowly turning into a demon and time will tell is she will keep her sanity or not...

    Likes: Doughnuts: They are her vice even before she became tainted with her magic. She will try to buy out every doughnut possible from a shop if possible.
    Prayer: Despite the condition she suffers from, she does enjoy the small amount of peace that it brings. She was a nun before the taint after all and was a servant to the Maker.
    Blood: It is a state that she recently received upon receiving her taint. The smell of blood puts her in an Euphoric state. She will even lick the blood off her claws because of this.
    Dislikes: Her magic: It turns her into  creature that goes everything against the maker.  Demons have no place in the Makers side.
    Ursulla: The name of the demon that has invaded her mind and soul, she hates the voice that sends her a chill down her spine.
    Vegetables: She hates the taste of them and tries to avoid eating any if possible
    Motivations: Redemption: She wants to remove the taint that is within her and reconnect herself with the Maker.
    Friends: She wants to help her allies get stronger so that they can be strong enough to deal with their demons and slay them.
    Help Others: While she could not practice being a nun anymore, the teachings of the maker are still strong. By doing good deeds for others she feels a smal sense of accomplishment.
    Fears: Losing Control: She fears that Ursulla will take over her body and wreak havok upon Fiore, forever damning her own soul forever.
    Sleep: She can only sleep fairly normally while sleeping near a source of holy energy whether it be a a person, place or item. Otherwise Ursulla can take control of her body and wreak havok to its sorrounding while using Mary's body like a flesh puppet.
    Demon Slayers: She has become a demon herself and thus could be easily killed by said people. They are also trained by demons which go against her churchs teachings...

    General Appearance

    Height: 5' 1"
    Weight: 95 pounds (but fluctuates on takeover magic)
    Hair: Purple
    Eyes: Green with rectangle black or white pupils
    Skin Tone: Caucasian
    Appearance: She always has her trademark hat, with a pink insignia in the middle, and ribbons on sides (right and left) coming out of it. Her upper body body attire is a white overshirt, which goes down under her chest, and a purple undershirt around the same size. Her lower body consists of a white skirt with, black and white stockings, and black shoes with the insignia mark.


    Guild: Sabertooth
    Tattoo: Back of left hand
    Rank: D

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mary Mahoney (WIP) Empty Re: Mary Mahoney (WIP)

    Post by Sumdumguy 18th August 2014, 9:37 am


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