Fairy Tail RP

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    Moo 'Viper' Se

    Moo Se
    Moo Se

    Lineage : Seductor's Touch
    Position : None
    Posts : 12
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Moo 'Viper' Se Empty Moo 'Viper' Se

    Post by Moo Se 25th July 2014, 9:50 pm

    Name: Moo 'Viper' Se
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Birthday: 08/02
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Scar from his lower-back to his perineum.

    Personality: Nutcase. Cake. Basket. Stranger. Enigmatic. Weird. Unusual. Abnormal. Shadow. Evil. Mean. Destroying. Toxic. All of which accurately describe Moose. Many types of people would call him out of the ordinary. Because many people are not like him. People who are, however, would call him normal. Because the principles of normal are set upon the eye of the beholder. Moo believes that the people who believe otherwise are inadequate of their intelligence. Moo has a superiority complex- meaning that it is difficult to intimidate him with faked intelligence. Strategical intelligence that shows potential or are already at a high level is the only type of intelligence he can accept. He finds any different type of intelligence, lacking, ergo 'street-smart', 'academic-knowledge'. Most of which he finds bogus. Moose is blessed by his own intelligence, or thus he likes to believe. He has a superiority complex and believes that everyone other than him is simply inadequate, lacking and plain sub-par compared to himself. He believes in the greater good. The greater good being- maintaining a peaceful empire whilst being on 'good' terms with most people he knows. Good, of course being a relative term. His perspective of 'good', is a weird- twisted one.  He has a non-caring attitude. It generally is a bad- or relative dangerous combination because of his recklessness and his spontaneous behavior because it might mean that he will struck his blade at anyone at any given moment. Which makes his behavior unpredictable and too- strange to be analyzed. Which is why people call him those names, for they do not or rather fail to understand his bipolar and schizophrenic behavior ticks.  

    Se is what he calls his alternative ego. The friendly one. One where he whistles a family-friendly song and skips along the way. Picks up a flower and rests it in his hair. Because of this side of his personality he is called bipolar and schizophrenic. This ego is somewhat rare and he doesn't show it often. This personality can be found upon the author of this character writes with the name Se instead of Moo. It indicates that he will not go on a random hostile spree that he otherwise would. Se is a family-man who likes and enjoys long walks on the beach. Your typical classic 'nice' guy. Moose doesn't seem to know when he's in either moods. He rather just acts of whatever he feels like doing in the moment. Making him a dangerous person. Alas such is the reason why he is in a guild that is considered, 'dark'. His perspective on things is much different then other people have. He believe that 'good' is 'dark', and that the magic council are evil. Because he is a foreigner in most of the regions he goes through he is somewhat shy. He doesn't speak his mind often- nor does he ever during battle. Aside from dropping bad ass one liners that is. Because such is what he enjoys most from combat. Demoralizing the enemy to a point of complete desperation. So much desperation that they might end up reading this personality, but fails into understanding it properly.  


  • Desperation: He likes to see people in their natural- desperate habits. One would call Moose a troll because of this/
  • Strategy: He likes to think-out situations properly and use his strategic mind to think this out.
  • Pessimism: This is his humour, certainly strange. He finds it funny when people think very negatively.

  • Optimism: He growls mildly at people who try to positively view the situation which should be viewed neutral or negative, in his own terms.
  • Nincompoops: People who annoy him at a great rate, which he calls nincompoops.
  • Incompetence: Some people who just have a low capacity of learning, being incompetent basically.


  • Reigning: Reigning as leader is one of his motivations, therefor he strives to become a leader.
  • Power: Sheer power combined with a militaristic mind is a powerful thing, which Moose is fully aware of.
  • Elitism: Turning his zero dollar suit into a billion jewel suit is a task he wants to achieve.


  • Losing: He absolutely detests losing in battle no matter the circumstance.
  • Teaspoons: Because of a freak accident when he was drinking a cup of tea when he was younger and the loop of the teaspoon got in his eye he started to fear them.
  • Ventilators: The male once stuck his hand into a ventilator and got a scar from it, albeit he fears them.

    General Appearance

    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 170lbs
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Green
    Skin Tone: White Crayon- colored pale
    Appearance: He usually wears white- colored robes. With black colored belts, straps and whatnot included. The male is physically well toned, he appears to be strong enough to karate-chop through a rock that is a meter in diameter. He stands tall at a six foot two inches figure. His tall figure is supported by his weight which would be sixty seven kilograms. Because of his low fat percentage he doesn't weigh more even though his muscles indicate that he does.


    Guild: Nox Animus
    Tattoo: Lime- green, right forearm
    Rank: D - Rank
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    Moo 'Viper' Se Empty Re: Moo 'Viper' Se

    Post by Guest 25th July 2014, 11:11 pm

    Approved. Have fun RPing on the site =]

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