Fairy Tail RP

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    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Kaligos 29th January 2014, 11:27 pm

    The Mission:

    "Kill... Me."

    Kaligos's voice was rather weak, hardly carrying in the small room that was the carriage. The two mages were en route to the spooky forest, and Kaligos looked like he was barely alive. His eyes had devolved into spirals, if he had seemed dirty usually then Kaligos had probably never looked worse then in the small confines of the moving carriage. His head was pounding, and his skin was covered in sweat. He looked nauseated, if not completely destroyed by all that he had gone through, and they hadn't even reached their destination yet.

    Kaligos had agreed to go on the mission, but hadn't realized that they would have had to use transportation that wasn't walking. With his feet not on solid ground he felt vulnerable, and what was worse was that he could feel every bump and curve in the room. His usual layer of thick skin, was gone, he felt limp, unable to move and struggling to breath as every time the wheels of the carriage made the slightest bump he could feel his body want to retch, and he did his best to struggle to keep what few things he had eaten before the trip down in his stomach.

    "Wouldn't... be hard... just let me die."

    His voice was lower still as he felt his head throb. He and Mari were supposed to be off on some grand adventure, to stop the creatures that was tormenting the town outside of a supposedly old and spooky forest. But Kaligos could only lay in pain at the thought of it all. He knew it would fade in a few moments after the carriage had stopped moving and he had his bare feet back on the ground, but for the most part he was at a loss for words.

    As much as he wanted to be some sort of show off, and impress his fellow dragon slayer Kaligos could hardly even move while motion sick. This was his first chance to really get to know Mari, the first time they had met she had been asleep the entire time, and yet she was the same as him, almost family in a way. After all they were both raised by dragons.

    Kaligos looked rough, his vest was drenched in his sweat, and his track pants though water proof, were certainly not in fassion at all. In all with his long tangled hair, and violet eyes, his brown skin clammy and hot to the touch. Kaligos looked like he was dying of the plague rather then having something as simple as motion sickness. The windows of the carriage were opened to allow for fresher air to move in, but Kaligos couldn't smell or even breath through his nose with how congested it was. And of course he had lost all mobility and strength. He was crippled as long as the carriage was in motion.


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 34r

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Kali%27s+siggy

    Missons completed::

    theme songs:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Sukiro 25th February 2014, 5:53 pm

    Crinkling his face in annoyance from his continuing cries of pain, the small cat like being sat just across from the brown skinned cry baby. He watched as the boy crawled on the ground begging for someone to end his life the very moment. It seemed that he was also effected by the motion sickness that most Dragon Slayers have been effected by this one sickness and is much greater then just a normal motion sickness. It seemed that it would put even the strongest Dragon Slayer into submission.

    "Oi! Silence yourself so we may head on our way in peace! Can't you become more like my master!?"

    He begun to shout at the young boy angered by his childish ways, hoping that he'd be able to go the rest of the ride. Then he mentioned his master who he adored and followed to his own death as if she was better then his was, when that wasn't the case before his threw his arm in her direction.


    Mari shouted with half of her body sticking out of the window of the cart, flailing her arms in the open air as saliva would droop from her bottom lip trying to hold back her stomachs urges in turn. The camera returned to max with his face kind of regretting what he had just said and coughed what she just away. Suddenly the wagon stopped without notice as the driver and his steed rode away without a second thought leaving a large dust cloud in their wake as they charged away.

    "Why did we stop?"

    Max asked as he walked toward the front of the inside cart and looked through a small slit that allowed him to view the front of the carriage. His eyes widened from what he saw. A large group of Vulcans slowly but surely walked from the entrance of spooky forest and right toward position.

    "Oi oi! Get up you two. Looks like their bringing the fight to us!"

    He said before the entire carriage was lifted in the air by two of the much larger vulcan's and without a second thought they were thrown up and over into the forest itself, being caught in on of the trees. Some branches were sticking through the windows while others forced themselves through the walls of the carriage. Being placed in vulcan territory, the sound of jumping and climbing could be heard from the south of their position as the vulcans were charging right for them.


    Last edited by Sukiro on 25th February 2014, 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957MagicStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by NPC 25th February 2014, 5:53 pm

    The member 'Sukiro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) StrongMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) StrongMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) StrongMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) WeakMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) WeakMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) WeakMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) NormalMonster Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) StrongMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Kaligos 25th February 2014, 6:48 pm

    Kaligos blinked as they stopped. His gut getting a moments repreeve from the world of pain and agony. For a moment he started to lurch towards the back of the wagon, ready to get off. Using his chin to start to pull himself off the kart, when suddenly everything started to move again. The cat let out a scream, something about the fight going to them, but all Kaligos seemed to care about was the fact that the Kart was shaking again.

    His body was already weak enough that he wasn't ready for this, when suddenly the entirety of the kart was thrown into the air. Kaligos let out a scream as they were thrown through the air not sure what was happening. Kart's didn't fly, not in any world, and yet here he was in mid flight trying to contain what ever was left of the food that remained in his body. When the world was suddenly collapsed. The kart was smashed against a tree, and held in the air. Kaligos's body wasn't recovering from the motion sickness, mostly because while the wheels of the Kart was no longer turning, but the tree was slowly swaying back and forth.

    Kaligos couldn't even move enough to flex let alone harden his body or turn himself to stone. Slowly but surely however he was able to start moving. His arms twitched, as he started to pull himself up. His body felt like rubber, and he could hardily balance, but the Kart wasn't really moving.It was the tree, and the tree wasn't a vehical, and if he focused on that fact then he could move... just not at all quickly.

    Kaligos's breathing was harsh and rugged. He was holding back the contents of his stomach. Trying his hardest to not let it out. His eyes were many deep shades of green, as he breathed heavily.

    "Got... to get... out." They were all at a clear disadvantage if they stayed inside the Kart. which was in the tree, however as Kaligos took a step. There was a low snapping sound. and then another... followed by the distinct groan of snapping wood. "oh... shi-"

    Kaligos's final step caused the final snap, where the branches that were holding the Kart up in the tree, snapped, breaking apart. and so began the really quick, and harsh fall towards the ground.

    monster count:


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 34r

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Kali%27s+siggy

    Missons completed::

    theme songs:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Sukiro 26th February 2014, 12:54 pm

    As the carriage was lifted into the air, Mari was thrown back into the carriage as it was thrown into the air itself and toward the spooky forest. Max dug his claws into the wood of the carriage, trying to hold his position and not flail about inside. Through the window he could see the open endless sky before the sudden crushing sensation through the rustling trees beneath them before they fell into a complete stop. Mari was left on the ground regaining her thoughts as she placed her hand on her head.

    The carriage would crack and creek from the increased weight Kaligos was putting not from just standing up but from his own power giving him increased weight causing the carriage to put more weight. Breaking the branches that held the carriage up, the whole thing begun to fall.


    Max shouted with Mari's eyes widened throwing herself back and putting her arm around Kaligo's waist, she'd engulf her fist in fire before thrusting it forward.

    "Fire Dragon's Jaw Thrust!"

    She shouted the fire from her hand would burst forward, bashing through the front of the carriage attaching itself to a thick and strong branch, though as it attached it would instantly start to burn. Holding onto the branch both Mari and Kaligos would hang in midair as the carriage fell with Max floating beside them, it would crashing onto the ground.

    "That was close..."

    She said to herself as she brought them both to the ground, with her spell deactivating and disappearing into thin air. Using her heightened senses she could hear and smell the increasing charge of the vulcan's toward their position.


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957MagicStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Kaligos 26th February 2014, 7:40 pm

    Kaligos was still in recovery. Feeling Mari's hand wrap around his waist he was pulled from the cart. The way he was being held made his arms and legs dangle useless for a moment as he was being carried by Mari. His head was pounding and when they finally reached land, he wasn't really at full power even then. Still he stood up as best as he could, the world still spinning as he got to his feet. The feeling of the cold earth under his bare feet was enough to reconnect most of his senses. For some reason he just always felt better when standing on the ground. Part of it was the training with his father, and that probably extended to why he hated wearing socks or shoes. He was just better off bare foot.

    "I'm impressed... how do you recover so quickly." As he spoke his stomach turned on last time in his body giving him a distended look to his face as he delt with the gas that had built up in his system. His eyes still spinning.

    However they had a bigger problem then the dragon slayer motion sickness. One he could hear coming right for them. Swallowing and standing up a little more firm. He stretched for a moment his breathing becoming more normal after all that pain, and motion the fresh forest air was definitely helping him relax.

    He grinned a little some of his strength had returned to him, noting that he was going to need it, the first wave was basically upon them. The Vulcans busted out of the foliage of the forest, all of them were chanting and Ooking like giant dumb monkies.  

    "I wanna Pretty lady."

    "I'm gonna eat cat tonight!"

    "Smash them all!"

    Kaligos was startled for a moment taken aback by just how many vulcans there were. He had heard stories of colonies of these creatures, but never had he seen so many in his life. Even as they busted out of the wood work and charged on them Kaligos was stunned for a moment. It took two  of the younger Vulcan's charging towards him for Kaligos to remember that this was a fight. The skin around his hands glowed with a soft brown light for a moment, "Okay it's time to rock, claws of the earth dragon!"

    In a moment Kaligos's hands were replaced with claws made from crystal, and as the monkies threw their punch he guarded as best as he could. Punching Kaligos was often like punching a rock, it hardly ever ended well for anyone, however today was not his day. As he was overwhelmed by the strength of these creatures and pushed backwards several feet. His heels digging into the dirt and dragging him till his back finally hit a tree.

    Kaligos was pinned for a moment his arms holding back the brunt of the creatures fists, but it was like he was holding back two small cars from going down hill, and slowly but surely his spine, and the tree were starting to give, Kaligos just had to wonder which would be the first to snap. Slowly he brought up his feet, leaving the ground so that he could plant them against the tree. Using the leverage of his body weight and the tree against them he pushed the vulcan's arms upwards and away from him before bringing down his stone fists and pushing off the tree. Performing a close line against the two vulcans throats.Throwing them onto the ground thanks to their poor footing.

    "These guys hit hard." He said blowing out a soft breath. All in all not a bad first round for combat, and he had knocked two of them flat on their backs. He smiled savoring a momentary victory.

    Damage report::

    Last edited by Kaligos on 26th February 2014, 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 34r

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Kali%27s+siggy

    Missons completed::

    theme songs:


    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
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    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by NPC 26th February 2014, 7:40 pm

    The member 'Kaligos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) FailedBlock


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Miss


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) FailedBlock


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Miss


    #6 'Block Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Block

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Sukiro 7th March 2014, 5:09 pm

    Mari dropped to the ground releasing Kaligos from her hold and held her stomach for a bit longer as he might have assumed that she'd be healed, from his astonished face. Max landed beside them both, wiping away the dust and leaves from his clothing as Kaligos spoke.

    "I'm impressed... how do you recover so quickly."

    He asked in an surprised tone, Mari getting her footing back as she shook her hand pushing away the pain from her stomach. She gave him a light smile toward Kaligos before she shook her head once more.

    "I didn't really much recover but pushed myself to save us both was all...I think I tasted some in my mouth."

    She begun to speak before talking in a more disgusted tone. When suddenly voices that was clearly not theirs spoke throughout the trees some of which couldn't be pinpointed exactly as a echo would boom throughout the forest.

    "I wanna Pretty lady. I'm gonna eat cat tonight! Smash them all!"

    Suddenly two smaller vulcans would charge out from the bushes toward their position, with Kaligos getting ready and charging at them at the same time. Mari looked toward Max who felt a little annoyed that he'd just run off like that and yet calm and collected, looked toward Mari with a straight face before he suddenly vanished. Mari stepped back from surprise throwing her head about she caught eye of a vulcan holding Max in one of their large palms, jumping into the trees he disappeared.

    "Kekekeke....Chewy catnip."

    The vulcan stopped at an enlarged tree base where two other larger vulcans awaited with a roaring fire ready before them. They jumped and clapped at the sight of the third holding Max in his hand. Landing before the fire they started to make a split out of vines and branches.

    "Excuse me, I wouldn't do this."

    Max spoke in his usual calm tone, though the vulcans laughed at his dumbfound mind.

    "We know you got know powers kitty...but you do taste yummy..."

    They looked at each other and nodded to each other in happiness as they jumped with glee.

    "But of course I can't...but she can."

    He spoke as he was held above the fire. The vulcans looked as each other as an enlarged dragon aura would look down onto them from behind, burning red even harder then the fire them made themselves. The vulcans turned around slowly with their faces facing toward the strong aura with a multitude of sweat drops falling from their faces, with the vulcan loosened his grip, dropping Max onto the ground. Wiping his clothes he walked over toward Mari's side. The vulcan's coward before the black silhouette consumed in burning fire as she lifted her hand.

    "Fire Dragon's....Eruption."

    Summoning an enlarged magic crest beneath all of the vulcans before her, along with the tree itself became engulfed in a roaring fire, consuming them in its wake as it burst upward from the ground, enlightening the area in a blinding light.

    "Lets head back to Kaligos."


    Max replied as they turned around and started to head back where they last left Kaligos, with multiple eyes from the shadows watched as they walked.

    Last edited by Sukiro on 7th March 2014, 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957MagicStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by NPC 7th March 2014, 5:09 pm

    The member 'Sukiro' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Damage Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Attack

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Kaligos 7th March 2014, 11:21 pm

    Kaligos hadn't even realized he had some how managed to get seperated from the group. He breathed rather heavily for a moment not really seeing anything past the two guys he had ended up fighting. Breathing heavily he had his hands on his knees, and small drops of sweat feell from his brow. Young or not these guys were still a lot more then he was used too fighting, and he had ended up taking on two of them. It was a good thing then that they were not at all that bright.

    Kaligos looked at the two he had knocked over, raising his nose to sniff the air. He was starting too feel less congested now, and he could pick up on more of the smells around him, as his senses became more and more alive after the harsh journey they took to get here. Kaligos let out a long breath as he felt the grass under his bare feet, and listened for the sound of Mari's voice. Turning to walk the way he came he paused for a moment, realizing that the two Vulcan's were still behind him, and they were dazed but slowly getting up.

    Kaligos shook his head slightly. "Work just never ends with you creatures." Kaligos said as the two Vulcans got to their feet. They were at or near the heart of these creatures nest. So of course they were gonna defend it, Thankfully for Kaligos these creatures were neither smart, nor were they very stealthy and so he had no problems figguring out when their attack was coming in.

    attack summery:

    The first Vulcan to get up jumped towards Kaligos, his fists raised like it was bringing down a hammer, with such force that Kaligos's only option was to jump backwards. The forest floor cracked and gave away sending up an explosion of dirt and rubble, as Kaligos was thrown harmlessely up into the air for a moment.

    While he was in the air he twisted and brought down his crystaline claw trying to punch the large ape like creature for all he was worth and knock him down for good this time, however it's sibling stepped in, it's arm blocking Kaligos's strike that otherwise would have hit down on it's brothers head with crushing force. "Shi-"

    With Kaligos cosmically adrift in the air thanks to his arial attack the monkey was free to bring down his own fist, and since Kaligos only had his stone fists to block he raised his gaurd. He could catch the brunt of it's force but there was still plenty of power behind the hit, and with no footing or grounding Kaligos was sent flying back towards Mari.

    Kaligos hit the ground his claws digging in catching himself as he fell backwards rolling out of the brambles and twigs with dirt on his face, and sticks and leaves caught to his hair. His claws smoked lightly from the hit, and then faded away going back to Kaligos's normal skin, as he waved his arm, the start of a large bruise already forming on his skin. "Ow ow ow."

    Kaligos dusted himself up standing next to Mari. "Not my best entrance ever I have to say."

    damage summery:

    Last edited by Kaligos on 7th March 2014, 11:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 34r

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Kali%27s+siggy

    Missons completed::

    theme songs:


    Posts : 23944
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by NPC 7th March 2014, 11:21 pm

    The member 'Kaligos' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Miss


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Block


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Attack


    #6 'Block Dice' :
    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Block

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Sukiro 17th March 2014, 4:34 pm

    Mari ran through the trees bursting and breaking through staggering leaves and branches that hung in her way. She could listen to the dozens of footstep, lunges and swings from all around her as she tried to get back to Kaligo's. Max would try his best to keep up as he ran beside her, his ears flikering hearing the sounds around them as well before jumping over a stump.

    "Master, it seems they are grouping for an all out assault. We should hurry back."

    Mari nods back without turning her head around to look at Max, serious about returning to Kaligo's aid. She knew that he was new and that just from sensing his power level, that he was much weaker then she was and these vulcan's if working together could easily take him down. But then again she's never really seen him fight.

    "Max hold on!"

    Max looked at her nervous and confused before she grabbed him by the collar and tossing him onto her shoulder. Max never being in this position before made him feel awkward as he held tightly before she threw herself into a crouching position. Bursting from beneath her feet she'd release a burst of fire that would propel her forward in a upward diagonal direction. Sending them through the tree tops and out into the skies above, but they weren't the only ones. As they did, Vulcans would appear around them in the air as if time froze as both Mari and Max watch themselves be surrounded by the apes. Looking below she'd watch Kaligo's get struck and sent flying backwards. Landing in front of him, Mari would crash into the ground with Max jumping off and standing beside her.

    "Don't worry Kali."

    She spoke as a multitude of Vulcans landed all around them as well as the smaller vulcans walking toward the group. One after another they'd land and  stand beside one another, striking odd poses as they showed their muscles, smoke shot from their noses and their teeth popped from out of their lips as they smirked.

    "We got your back."

    She finished speaking as she tossed her gauntlets into the air she thrust her fists into both grabbing the strip with her mouth tightening the straps before placing her hands by her sides.

    "Flaming Torment - Arms of Ash!"

    She shouted as she punched her knuckles together instantly erupting her arms in flames as many times before.


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957MagicStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Kaligos 20th March 2014, 10:24 am

    Kaligos breathed heavily feeling the stress of the last few blows he had traded with these vulcans. He was glad that right now he wasn't alone, and the fact that Mari was around to give him aid, was comforting. His arms had gone back to their normal state, rather then having his claws he was now down one of his stronger spells. Getting to his feet he dusted himself off looking around them as the vulcans all seemed to surround the two dragon slayers.

    "Okay these have to be the worst odds ever... of all time." His initial bad feelings about this mission had just become far worse then he wanted to admit, and if it wasn't for Mari standing next to him than he was pretty sure he wasn't going to stand a chance when it came to this fight. That said he had back up, and it didn't matter how many of these creatures there were around them, Kaligos wasn't about to give up.

    Stretching for a moment he felt his back pop in several places as his joints started getting used to the feeling of movement again. "Then again at least I get to face them down with you at my side... So it's not all bad."

    Kaligos surrounded himself with a bright green glow, as he activated the scales of his perspective element. His flesh turning to stone as he got ready for the battle that was about to ensue. He may be weaker then Mari, but he was going to fight along side her if it killed him. He wasn't going to abandon one of his guild mates anytime soon, even if her cat was a royal jerk to most people.

    Determination returned to Kaligos, feeling strength from being around one of the guilds strongest, and her pet. But mostly it was because this fight was about to get awesome. The enemy was gathering and soon to be at full strength, while their numbers had them pretty much surrounded. Kaligos couldn't think of a more fitting fight, maybe it was the destructive childish part of him, or the part of him which always seemed to ignore apparent danger, but either way Kaligos was starting to get a little bloodthirsty. The anticipation was starting to kill him, but at the same time the numbers were such that if he left Mari's side at this point he would be overwhelmed and crushed.


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 34r

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Kali%27s+siggy

    Missons completed::

    theme songs:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Sukiro 20th March 2014, 8:00 pm

    "Okay these have to be the worst odds ever... of all time."

    Kaligos spoke at the increase of vulcans that arrived at the scene before them, as they slowly rose to the occasion as more and more dropped onto the ground in front of them. Kaligos slowly rose onto his feet, with the sound of cracking and snapping from his body as he rose and fixed himself. Mari however was ready for anything, she looked forward as the vulcans closed in on them, and from appearances she can tell how many were left. The two child vulcans were wounded and limped when they walked from their struggle with Kaligos, while another eleven normal sized while in the very back were much larger vulcans, about five or six feet high.

    "Tsk, looks like we're going to need to up the power!"

    Mari spoke as she raised one arm upward. Opening her hand it'd burst in even more fire into her Palm. She threw herself into a quick turn thrusting her palm into Kaligos chest.

    "Fire Dragon's After Burn"

    Forcing a concentrated heat blast within Kaligos's body he'd feel his muscles relaxing even in such a intensive situation. He can feel the flow of magic within his body increasing in the flow throughout his body summoning less time to use his own spells. His own body resonated a bright red before returning back to normal. She'd turn back around toward the vulcans before propelling herself forward blasting fire from beneath her feet.

    "Lets go Kali! Who ever takes down more wins!"

    She shouts in a uplifting tone with a large smile on her face. The vulcans watched her run toward them with her arms open and burning brightly, stunned at her inability to be fear by their enlarged group. Some of them astonished and backed away slightly lifting their hands up toward her.  A few of the lower leveled adult vulcans had gotten to confident as they charged at her. Jumping at them she grab their faces, gripping tightly she'd spin them in the air.

    "Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!"

    She shouted as she blasted their faces with a strong blunt burning strike of fire that shot both vulcans into the skies spinning wildly crashing through the trees and causing the leaves to fall slowly to the ground. Quickly dropping into a crouching stance she jump forward into a frontal flip lifting her legs into the air as they'd burst in flames.

    "Fire Dragon's Skewer!"

    She shouted as she spun in mid flight with her heels stuck out, striking another two vulcans in the face. With a blunt force scorching their faces as her quick feet sent them flying backward into the rough trunks behind them.


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957MagicStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Kaligos 21st March 2014, 11:24 am

    Kaligos stood in blank amazement for a long moment. He had nothing to say or anything he could add to the destructive magic that his fellow dragon slayer weilded. When it came down to the victor of such a bet, there was little doubt that Mari was going to take home the gold. There was simply no way for Kaligos to add up to the same kind of destructive power that she had.

    Then suddenly his body was set aflame, not in the way he was used too rather this felt like new strength was returning to him. An inner fire that made his blood rush through him. He could practically feel it restore energy to his arms, and in an instant he was able to re activate his claws of an earth dragon. Which along with the strength increase from his scales made for a rather nasty combo in their own right.

    Kaligos charged in to battle starting off rather slow thanks to the added weight of his scales, but like a bull he gathered more speed as he charged, throwing himself into combat against the vulcans who responded in kind. Two of them brought down their fists, which Kalgos was able to catch thanks to the strength running through him. The ground giving away slowly under him. Twisting around he grabbed the smallest vulcan he could crushing it with a heavy blow to the stomach and grabbing it by the arm he swung it into the other much larger vulcan throwing them both into the air.

    Taking a deep breath in, Kalos's body expanded for a moment his lungs taking in as much power and air as they could as a magic circle formed in front of him. "Roar of the earth dragon!" Kaligos practically screamed as he unleashed his roar at the two that he had just thrown into a tree, hitting them and wiping them out.

    "Yeah sorry Mari... but this is a no contest, we both know your gonna win." Kaligos was already breathless, this combo of spells may allow him to fight at a rank higher then his body was used too, but it was also extremely painful He was burning through his own power, and just used his three strongest spells, he could hold up, but after they were done, he wouldn't have anything left for a while.

    damage summery:


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 34r

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Kali%27s+siggy

    Missons completed::

    theme songs:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Sukiro 26th March 2014, 10:32 am

    One of the larger vulcans "High Leveled" roared in anger shaking the very ground beneath their feet and the trunks of the trees around them causing the leaves to drop from above, those that were caught in Mari's vicinity was instantly caught in flames and withered away into dust. She smiled as the vulcan begun to rush toward her eyes filled with hatred and fists so tightly closed blood would drip from the sides.

    "Lets see who's fist is stronger?"

    She spoke to herself under her own breath as she clenched her fist as it erupted in flames she'd charge at him as well lifting her hand up and back before trusting it forward with all her might as did the vulcan. Clashing together a strong recoil blasted outward pushing anything near them away as if paper as well as the vulcan himself rolling backwards onto his back. The other two "High leveled" banged on their chest in a taunting fashion as they looked at each other with a smeary look. They dashed and quickly grabbed Mari by her fire covered arms, scorching their hands and arms as they held tightly trying not to let her go.

    "This isn't good."

    She said to herself as they didn't seem to want to let go.


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957MagicStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

    Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Player 
    Lineage : Blessed by the Fourth Wall
    Position : None
    Posts : 183
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : The Earth Dragon Koralistrasz
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth Dragon Slayer.
    Second Skill: Poison Dragon Slayer Lacrima.
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Kaligos 28th March 2014, 11:19 am

    "I got you Mari!"

    As the two much larger Vulcans grabbed onto Mari, Kaligos moved to aid his partner, jumping in to the fray. He still had both his scales, and his claws, which meant for the moment he had strength past even his own rank. However the combination was also painful to use. And grabbing onto the larger apes arm, Kaligos made a hop as he brought down his elbow onto the elbow of the creature. throwing his entire increased strength and weight down upon the arm that was holding Mari before the monkey had a chance to throw him off.

    The result was one rather loud and resounding snap. As Kaligos broke the arm of the larger vulcan. To which he was immediately re-payed by having the other arm of the creature brought down upon Kaligos's gut throwing him back hard enough to snap the tree he hit, causing an explosion of splinters as he hit.  His attack however did manage to make one of the apes completely let go of Mari's body.

    Kaligos was however sadly out of tricks. His claws once again faded from his body, and this time so did his scales, turning to sand and falling off his body like dust. Kaligos held his stomach. He had never been hit so hard in his life. Then again he didn't think he had ever hit anyone as hard as he had just hit that vulcan's arm. He caughed trying to catch his breath as the two larger creatures one with it's shattered arm and both with their burned hands turned towards the now weakend Kaligos.

    "Guess... I kinda deserve that." Kaligos said with weezing breaths. the pain in his chest making it hard for him to actually breath. It didn't matter how thick his skin was after his chest received a hit like that. He was bound to have at least one broken rib.

    Damage summery:

    Kaligos: 60 health
    Mana: 60%


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 34r

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Kali%27s+siggy

    Missons completed::

    theme songs:


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 559
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Mentor : Igneel (Missing)
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Empty Re: Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos)

    Post by Sukiro 28th March 2014, 6:30 pm

    Both Vulcans that stood before Kaligos as he rested on the ground smerked at each other, both instantly knew what the other was thinking before clenching their fists before releasing a large roar as they'd thrust their fists forward before suddenly a spark of fire would erupt before them as Mari instantaneously as if a spark on a fire in front of both vulcan. Arms crossed under her chest she'd widen her eyes as she'd increase her magical input raising a large red aura that would rise into the air propelling both vulcan backward without notice.

    "Anyone taught you never to strike a man when their down!?"

    Mari spoke in anger as she slowly rose her voice, walking toward both vulcan with a menacing face. The more lesser Vulcans brought themselves forward as they tried to surround Mari's charge. Stomping her left foot forward, she'd raise her right engulfing it in flames.

    "Fire Dragon's Stream!"

    She'd shout as she'd whip around her leg followed by an enlongated stream of fire that would twirl around as she would and catch those that were close enough. Striking each vulcan with a strong blunt strike of fire and lifting them with the strike, taking them and twirling them as well lashing them outward releasing them backward through the air and striking anything in their way. Crashing them into tree trunks, branches, rough terrain and stones she'd leave trails of fire in her wake.

    "Fire Dragon's Ash Cloud!"

    Mari would clench her fist as a small magic crest would cover the top of her fist before it became enlightened. She'd wave her arm toward the rest of the vulcans that were still walking about, trying to rid them from being attacked any longer.

    "Oi oi Master, don't you think that was a little overboard?"

    Max spoke in a emotionless tone as he walked closer toward her with the forest on fire, charred leafs falling on top of them from above. Part of the forest destroyed and left in flames with Mari's intentions.

    "Oh your worrying to much..."

    She spoke calmly as a vulcan appeared behind her, throwing her fist backward she'd strike him in the face, leaving him dazed with a silly expression before falling backward. She walked toward Kaligos before lifting his arm over her shoulder.

    "Come on Max let get out of here. We have to get Kali some help and get our payment."

    Mari said with Max letting out a large sigh as he walked beside them both. Kaligos grunted from his wounds but took them like a man as they made their way back to the guild to let the guild know that the vulcans shouldn't be a problem for the moment.


    Strange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) Lyq0Q72

    Main Theme | Fairy Tail Theme | Basic Battle Theme

    CharacterStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957MagicStrange Vulcans (Suki, and Kaligos) 1075957Pet/Exceed

    Missions in Progress: 2 B rank | 2 A rank | 1 S rank
    EXP: 4313/337500

      Current date/time is 2nd June 2024, 8:37 pm