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    Ailee's Character Creation


    Lineage : Dragon's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 6
    Guild : Tartarus
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Mentor : Hyorin
    Experience : 0

    Ailee's Character Creation Empty Ailee's Character Creation

    Post by Ailee 5th August 2013, 8:20 am

    Name: Ailee
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Birthday: August 26
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Has a tattoo of a halo above her belly button.

    Personality: Quiet, Cute and Reserved. Three words that are often used to describe Ailee. Often found alone at night, Ailee's favorite hobby is observing the night sky whilst counting the stars. It has been her only form of solace that shields her from the chaos of the world. She doesn't remember much of her past nor her parents due to the account that during an early stage of her life, her memory was erased. Perhaps she had gotten into some trouble with a dark guild and they had erased her memory, or perhaps she had just developed post-traumatic amnesia. As much as Ailee would like to continue to dig into her past to find the truth, she also knows that in order for her to be successful in the world, she needs to look forward and do her best in everything that she does, in hopes of her possibly dead parents.

    Her passion is to strive to perfect her magic, protect her friends, and rid the world of evil. She would spend at least 12 hours per day in order to practice already known magic and also to attempt new magic that she has never tried before. There is a natural desire for perfection within Ailee. When it comes to protecting her friends, Ailee will give no quarter to any enemy that threatens to hurt and injure her friends. Her ferocity and passion for protecting her friends is partially due to the result that she doesn't want to lose anyone that is important to her in life. She feels that if she loses friends, then she would once again be alone and lonely in the world. She had experienced that feeling and she knows what pain and anguish one would go through when that happens to them. As a result, she would not wish that upon anyone and would strive to erase any individual that would threaten anyone else without a just cause. She believes that she is one of the few remaining acting forces of justice upon the world, and would strive and do anything to make sure that justice and balance is upheld in Earthland.

    In the midst of battle, Ailee is definitely a force to be reckoned with. She believes that even if the opponent chooses to repent for their behavior and actions, it would not mend or atone for their sins. Thus, she doesn't believe in the concept of mercy. She considers herself a swift hammer that brings about justice but eliminating the threats herself. Within the actual combat itself, she considers herself a tactical genius and prefers to lead her teammates to victory under her judgement and orders. When analyzing the battle strategies, she takes everything into account, for example: environment, magic of the opponent and her teammate's skill level. She doesn't like to follow the orders of her superiors to the book, but would do so anyways since she is obliged to do so as a member of the team.

    • The Night Sky: It has a certain calmness about it that Ailee likes. The silence is peaceful and it helps avert Ailee's attention from the busy world.

    • The Stars: She likes counting the different star formations that make up the sky. It is a hobby of hers.

    • Family: She never had one, however she enjoys any form of company so that she would feel less lonely.


    • Fatty Foods: Ailee believes that her image must be kept and thus despises fatty foods.

    • Bugs: Ailee has hated critters since she was a child. She has never liked the way the looked and has though of them as utterly disgusting.


    • Lazy People: She believes that if you waste your time, you won't progress in life.


    • Her Friends: They provide her with a purpose to live and continue to fight for the righteous.

    • Magic: She believes that she can further progress in the world by studying magic meticulously.

    • Belonging: She feels that eventually, she would find a place where she would belong. Where nobody would judge her on her past but rather on her current personality.


    • Losing her life: She doesn't want to lose her life. Once her life is lost, progress stops.

    • Rat:She believes that they are disgusting creatures that should not exist in the world.

    • Losing her hair: She feels that if she loses her hair, she would not look as pretty as she currently does

    General Appearance

    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 120 lbs
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Hazel
    Skin Tone: Light
    Appearance: She is often seen wearing a blue colored bow on her head. She also wears a white dress that is embroidered with elegant designs. She also wears a sapphire pendant that she carries around her neck everywhere she goes.


    Guild: Divine Torment
    Tattoo: The tattoo color is pink and is located to the right of her belly button.
    Rank: D

    Last edited by Ailee on 5th August 2013, 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total


    Ailee's Character Creation C60irp10

    Ailee's Character Creation Empty Re: Ailee's Character Creation

    Post by Guest 5th August 2013, 8:23 am


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