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    A Walk in the Past


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    A Walk in the Past Empty A Walk in the Past

    Post by Yuiisai 16th September 2018, 12:53 pm

    First Part of the job:


    A Walk in the Past 59882_s

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    A Walk in the Past Empty Re: A Walk in the Past

    Post by Yuiisai 16th September 2018, 1:25 pm

    Her blood ruby eyes went around the location that she was sitting in her head tilting, as she was trying to figure out what the hell was going on. This didn't seem right, she knew this place inside and out but still it felt like she had been there before "Okay, Trase is it just me or does this feel weird..." she asked looking around for the member of her family that she had been sent to do this job with. She knew the other hated his designation, hell they all did but she liked it as a name and so refused to call him by what he preferred. This was their first time actually inside Era outside their training simulations but she would swear to anyone that asked her that she had done this before, she was starting to think she was losing her mind; then again they had been trained harder than normal for this task as it was a high profile job. In honesty she didn't get why they didn't just send 'Archer' and 'Ves' for this task as it could be done easily from distance and with speed but nope they had been teamed together after having just spent three months straight beating on each other and dealing with the assassination simulation going over ever eventuality.

    "You realise if this goes south I'm blaming you right Trase."she said honestly crossing her arms looking at how she was dressed and made a face "What the hell where they thinking putting me in a baby pink and white frilly dress and bonnet? I wanna kill them not this stupid council member." she huffed as they had seriously annoyed her by dressing her all cutsie, she guessed that was the fad for girls her age in the city but she wasn't one for fads or from they city. She knew blending in was one of the things they had to do but being dressed like this made her want to commit genocide and that wasn't a good thing as they had been told to get in and out without causing a spectral or bringing attention to themselves. She really didn't see the point of those orders as who would really believe that two kids would be able to take out a member of the magic council, after all they where suppose to me the strongest mages out there. "They really did give us a difficult task, I'm starting to think they're a few bats short of a bell-free." she said calmly as if they where caught it would be unlikely they'd ever be freed and thus would rot in a magical cell for the rest of their extended lives. For now however she would wait to see what the other thought would be the best way to go as for right now they had no idea where this thorn in their guild's side was or if they would even be alone. She huffed standing dusting the stupid, ugly dress looking around for the other "Hay, what is our cover story by the way if we get in the door without killing anyone." she asked knowing that was the less likely option as the other wasn't exactly the best for keeping his emotions in check, she wasn't much better at times but she could at least compartmentalise when it was needed. Then it hit her "Don't tell me they sent me to babysit you on this, if I find out that's the case I'm gonna kick your ass all around this city, all the way back home, all through the canyon making sure you hit every trap along the way and all the way to the training room for making me dress like this!" the mere thought of that made her furious beyond words but for now she kept her cool.

    Word Count: 641
    Total Word Count: 3,856


    A Walk in the Past 59882_s

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    A Walk in the Past Empty Re: A Walk in the Past

    Post by Cirven 18th September 2018, 7:16 pm

    "You talk too much, hamster..." The young Cirven spoke out as his partner continued to speak out more and more about their situation. He even went as far as to call her by the nickname he gave her due to her eye color. He was dressed in a fancy clothes to accompany the look that his partner had. It was a black blazer with black dress pants, shiny shoes and a white collared dress shirt underneath the blazer. He hated it but knew he needed to act the part or they would possibly be seen through as just some regular children. He ignored the girl's talking about blaming him for things or the unnecessary things she said until she finally asked about what their cover was. He pulled the girl out of sight of others and hide themselves in an alley way. He moved his right hand so that his wrist was facing upward and he used his left hand to press down on the vein just below his right hand on the wrist. A dim light appeared from out of his wrist along with writing and pictures like some sort of ghostly computer screen. He looked it over quickly and spoke about their assignment. "We are to act as if we are children of one of the higher ranking members of the Council. We had run away during a party happening right now. The party is for one of the children of the Council members so it makes it easier for us to get in. The children are not around much here so using that as a disguise will work based on the intel we were given here. We are to get in, kill our target and from there we get out. We are to stay as discreet as possible. We are almost there now. Stop complaining and lets do our job here." He sternly spoke to her towards the end of his explanation of what they were to do and made the assignment disappear back into his wrist.

    The girl continued to talk about the situation and her beating him up for if she was there to watch after him. He did not want to listen to her but could not avoid it this time. He moved closer to her, leaving only a few feet between them. "I am here to show them that I have worth. I am not here to be watched or be some sort of burden. If you keep complaining like this all you will become is a burden and will cause both of us to fail in our assignment. You know what happens to failures, right?" He gave her no time to respond and turned away from her. "Lets go. I don't like any of this situation but we have to do it for them." He walked away from her and out of the alley way as he made his way to the party that was happening. His anger was getting to him but he was not willing to let it ruin this assignment. He had to work with her to get through it; he knew that but he was annoyed more and more by the fact that he was made to work with her. He knew he had to control himself and show Cor Torva that he was useful; that he was worth keeping around and was not a failure. This was why his approach to things changed and he had a calmer way of going about things. His training to control himself was paying off it seemed.

    He found himself walking closer and closer to the large isolated area surrounded by metal walls where the party was being held. The sounds of music and voices could be heard from outside of the area. Guards were posted at every possible entrance and around the wall itself. Cirven started to run towards the guards while laughing and holding a elated smile on his face. "Hey mister guard!" He gave his voice more of a childish sound to it as he called out and spoke to the guard. "Mister! Mister! Have you seen my sister? We ran out here from the party in there playing tag earlier but I got away from her! She is a red eyed girl wearing a pretty dress. Have you seen her?!" He called out to the guard. The guard raised an eyebrow to Cirven and shook his head before sighing. "No. I haven't seen anyone like that. Who are you with, little boy?" Cirven kept on a smile and bounced around excitedly. "Woo! That means I win! I am here with my daddy, Salun." He spoke out. The guard let out a chuckle to seeing the child bounce around with so much energy. "You have a lot of energy, huh? We should get you and your sister back into this party though. Where did you last see her?" Cirven turned to the side and pointed back to where he came. "She was that way!" He still bounced as he pointed.



    A Walk in the Past LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    A Walk in the Past Empty Re: A Walk in the Past

    Post by Yuiisai 20th September 2018, 2:41 pm

    Hearing him calling her his 'pet name' for her she wanted to blow out her cheeks a kick him into a nearby puddle but then it would make things that more difficult while proving his point, this was something that she wouldn't... couldn't allow; especially when it came to him. "I'm not a hamster you pineapple re..." she stopped in her tracks realising what she was about to call him, sure they where constantly struggling over who was the stronger but at the same time to be called a reject... a failure, she couldn't help but shudder. "Sorry Trase, I shouldn't even have thought like that." her voice hadn't changed any to those who wouldn't have known her, Cirven however having been brought up and trained in a similar manner would be able to pick up in the very subtle apologetic tone her voice held in the undertone. Her arms went wide as he grabbed her hand pulling into a nearby alleyway out of the sight and hearing of others "You could have just asked me to follow you idiot or just tapped your head so I could hear your thoughts... you do remember I can do that or have I hit it one to many times and you got amnesia?" she crossed her arms after pulling her arm free.

    She went quiet as he spoke giving her information she already knew about the preferred method of entry. She personally felt like it was an idiotic move, as all it would take was one single person who knew the what the children looked or sounded like and their cover would be blown. "Got it, still don't like this though... to many things could go wrong in honesty." she said looking to the bright blue sky, she had no idea but brightness affected her eyes something awful, but she dared not complain about it as she had no idea what would happen if she did. "Oh, we've do stay discrete?" she said with a sarcastic tone "Here was me thinking we were to make the biggest scene possible by I don't know blowing up the guy's mansion after killing everyone in the most gruesome way possible." she continued rolling her eyes, they both knew if that was the kind of thing Cor Torva wanted they would have sent a less specialised team to deal with this 'issue'. She brought out her own assignment log reading any updates that had been uploaded since they left home "Leave no witnesses if you're true identities are discovered and it seems we need to get some information that's kept in a glowing golden lacrima on his person..." she continued reading rubbing her temple "Apparently it has both damning information and records for some off the books and secret projects that the council and rune knights are doing." she finished informing him the assignment going back into her own wrist as she moved out after him.

    As they continued walking she watched him get a little closer and listened to each word carefully "I am not the one they believe is a burden or a failure Trase, I have yet to fail a task or go below their expectations." she said stopping for a moment to take his arm "You aren't a failure either, regardless of what they say... their expectations of each of us are stupidly high and they keep rising." It was a weight they lived under constantly, one they all felt the crushing pressure of and couldn't avoid no matter how much they tried. Hearing the comment about knowing what happened to those deemed as failures she shook a little as she turned her head away hugging herself "I've shared your pain Trase, one of the downsides of my telepathy it seems... when any of us is punished I feel it and I don't know why I'm the only one like this." she said quietly her eyes meeting his "I haven't told them because who knows what that would happened if they knew; hell if they knew I had telepathy..." she knew she'd be poked, prodded, experimented on and be forced to use it for the good of their home and as much as they disliked it for most of them this is all they knew and so obeyed.

    She remained still as he fully left the alley allowing him to run ahead counting to twenty in her head before chasing after him. She faked panting perfectly and pouted almost seeming like she was ready to cry "Nelu you bully! You left me I was so scared." she called out tears falling her voice quivering a little "You went out of bounds and left me somewhere I didn't recognise." she continued grabbing him in a hug crying into his shoulder "I was so scared, I'm telling daddy on you." she threatened like the little girl she was pretending to be. They had done days of pretending to be these two children, studying their behaviours, likes, dislikes, who they knew, their relationships with those people to the point they could play their parts flawlessly. Her eyes went to the guard for a moment almost as if she now realised there was another person there before she hid behind Cirven almost as if she was scared of the guard. He was an unknown person and she relied on the other for protection when around people she didn't know. "C.. Can we go now? D.. daddy will be looking for us." she stuttered her eyes not leaving the guard as she peeked over Cirven's shoulder.

    Word Count: 929
    Total Word Count: 4,795


    A Walk in the Past 59882_s

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    A Walk in the Past Empty Re: A Walk in the Past

    Post by Cirven 22nd November 2018, 5:34 pm

    The blue haired child had ignored his partner as he moved away from her. He figured he could do the job by himself and not need her help at all. She seemed to be only trying to bring worry to their assignment and he did not have time to stress over failure because he knew that he would not let down his mother. One time was enough for him and he was labeled a failure by some already for failing in quickly dealing with a target who was a child that got away after they dispatched the child's parents. Something had stopped the naturally born assassin from killing the child which forced another to finish the job and caused Tr453 to be labeled a failure. He didn't even pay his female partner any mind when she spoke about him being a failure. It was not worth their time to get into at this point but that did not mean he would forget that she said it.

    "Nala! There you are!" Cirven yelled out like a child would with their high energy. He grabbed his sister's hand and smiled at her as best he could. He had to play the part of sibling well enough for the guard to believe them. "Found you!" He called out. "Now lets get back into this party and find daddy before he gets worried. You know how he gets when he gets worried about us. Last time he called on a mage guild to find us. I think it was the one based on a fairy dancing or something." He spoke as the guard let out a sigh. "Okay, I will let you both in but do not come back out again. I don't want to be on councilor Salun's bad side." Cirven smiled at the guard. "Thank you, guard guy! We will make sure to tell our daddy that you are a great worker!" Cirven said and walked passed the guard pretty much pulling Demi with him into the party area.

    The party area was inside of a large building and was a ballroom that was made into a party area for the kids with a of upstairs area for the adults to carry on with their business away from the children. The party had multiple kids around but the kids were outnumbered by the amount of adults around somehow, especially guards. Cirven let go of Demi's hand and looked around the room for their target. "Don't get in my way, Demiari." He spoke out and then made his way towards the other children in the party who were playing with different toys and magical objects made for kids. Their were different games set up for the kids to play using magic and the guards seemed to be barely watching the children as much as the surroundings. It was fairly perfect for a child to get by the sight of those around them. Cirven had thought he was free to move around when a guard grabbed his shoulder and stopped him. "Who are you kid? And who is that girl? You do not look like any of the kids that are supposed to be here." Cirven tried to run away and act as though he was just a scared child but the guard quickly pulled Cirven over and grabbed him on each of his shoulders, holding him in place. "I asked you a question, boy!? Don't just run away from me!" The guard spoke out angrily. Cirven started to tear up in fear in an attempt to cause the guard to let go of him but the guard did not cave. Cirven knew he only had one choice with how he was being held up. It was earlier than he would have liked but he would have to kill this guard quickly and silently without anyone else noticing. His magical power started to build up over his right hand but a sudden voice spoke out. "Excuse me! What are you doing to my son and my daughter?!" An older man's voice spoke out causing the guard to jerk his neck to the side quickly. He then released Cirven and quickly stood at attention and bowed to the man. "I-I'm sorry Councilman Salun! They did not look like the children on the list, sir! I'm terribly sorry!" The guard stayed bowed down to the well dressed councilman. "I should have you reprimanded right here and now guardsman but I will refrain from doing such due to the occasion. You are dismissed!" the guard nodded and then was quickly off and away from the scene.

    Cirven looked at the councilman and quickly recognized the man as one of the many men who his mother had conversed with multiple times during his training. Cirven only nodded to the man as he knew that he was their Daddy for this assignment. "Now we have a lot to do, don't we children?" Cirven gave another nod and walked next to the man who lead them to the area with the other children. Cirven grew annoyed as he wanted to prove himself without the recently revealed telepath that was his partner but he knew he had no choice but to work with her. Salun lead the duo to an area where some of the other kids were playing a game with a sort of illusionary tailless horse was in the air for blind folded kids to throw a semi-transparent tail at it aiming to get as close as possible to putting the tail in the right place.

    "Have fun kids. I will be up there with the other adults. Be sure to come get me if you need anything." He pointed up to where he would be and slyly pointed out the duo's target to them who was upstairs in a separate part of the large room. Cirven looked towards Demiari after finding their target. He did not know what she was thinking they should do next but for some reason felt that she should use her telepathic abilities to speak to him. He pointed to his head and then back and forth between his head and hers to try and signal her to use her abilities. "I want to do this alone but working together might be better to prove I am worthy. Any ideas on our next move?" He said in his own mind in an attempt to speak to her.



    A Walk in the Past LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

      Current date/time is 3rd June 2024, 6:50 am