Fairy Tail RP

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    † Sicherheitskleidung †


    Quality Badge Level 3 Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 36
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    † Sicherheitskleidung † Empty † Sicherheitskleidung †

    Post by Verosia 18th September 2018, 12:21 am

    † Sicherheitskleidung † IbI8hdW

    Name †  Sicherheitskleidung
    Rank †  Legendary +
    Type †  Armor, Military Uniform
    Proof †  shop purchase
    Description † Well pressed and always in immaculate condition this uniform is complete with shirts, jackets, boots, decorative medals and a hat. This military uniform protects her from many things, both physically and mentally while wearing this uniform no matter how short she is people move out the way.
    Strengths †  This armor focuses on protecting Verosia and her allies, also has a plot ability
    Weaknesses †  While the user is protected while wearing it the armor is not the discreet.
    B Rank Ability †  This ability passively gives all allies within B rank burst range a 50% buff to defensive abilites due to the moral boost given by the military uniform.
    A Rank Ability †  This ability sheds all dirt from the uniform and auto repairs the visual damage, although it does not regenerate any health it instead provides a shield which can take up to 3x A Rank damage before breaking, this ability ends when the shield breaks or seven turns is up.
    Plot Ability †  She may request things of NPC's depending on the npc and  their personality they may see the uniform and either align themselves with her and comply, or they will be overcome with fear and act accordingly.



    † Sicherheitskleidung † Empty Re: † Sicherheitskleidung †

    Post by Guest 20th September 2018, 12:40 am


    † Sicherheitskleidung † RxCMB8Q

      Current date/time is 13th June 2024, 6:57 am